Author Topic: The Story of the Midnight Club Cover Car  (Read 1780 times)


The Story of the Midnight Club Cover Car
« on: August 10, 2018, 12:39:00 am »
So, for those who are fans of older racing games, you'll surely know the first Midnight Club game. [ if you don't know it for whatever reason]

Something that made the first game stand out from the rest of the series was the live-action cover and intro cinematic.

The folks at actually had a talk with the owner of the yellow sports car featured on the cover, which can be viewed here:

I have no clue if anyone else finds this interesting or not. :P I just find it fascinating hearing about the late 90's street racing scene. I do believe I played way too much NFSU and Create-A-Ride when I was young.

Re: The Story of the Midnight Club Cover Car
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2018, 10:13:06 am »
Wow, that was a really interesting video! I never played Midnight Club back in the day, but I was really into street racing (never participated in it however), tuner cars, Japanese coupes, and all that stuff. What peaked my interest the most and one thing I never knew was that the guy from Teckademics owned that car. As many times as I watched that Mischief 3000 documentary I never put two and two together and realized his car was the same car on the cover of the game. A lot of really good memories during this time of the whole street racing scene and a lot of the games that were released during this time as well. Thanks for sharing :)

Re: The Story of the Midnight Club Cover Car
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2018, 05:38:32 am »
Wow what amazing and obscure information.