Author Topic: Does The Games Maturity Rating Matter To You? ESRB or For Example?  (Read 2416 times)

Some games I would be embarrassed to play  them because some games can be built toward at a extremely young crowd or have an Adults Only Rating game that showcases some kind of porn or excessive gore and violence in fact I think that I prefer E for everyone, and T for teen, and M for 17 and older. or maybe unrated when possible.

I don't own or plan to own any AO or also known as the highest maturity rated games in the USA and Canada. Because they don't interest me.

So? one question I can ask that is not covered on here is. What is your opinion about AO rated video games or video games that contain obscure porn or sexual content? or video games aimed at an extremely young audience.

ESRB is only an example of a popular video game rating company. There are other rating companies in foreign countries like Japan and European

I can see why some people who have vary young children play some video games with their children.

this was a previous discussion similar that search didn't find me until after,8190.msg136496.html#msg136496

I am also a person who is embarrassed to watch or play most anything Halloween or horror related except maybe when I play the older doom games for me it depends on the game
« Last Edit: August 17, 2018, 08:22:51 pm by oldgamerz »
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Re: Does The Games Maturity Rating Matter To You? ESRB or For Example?
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2018, 08:53:50 pm »
I kinda fell they are pretty pointless.  The people who really care what their child is playing would look into deeper it than the rating and the people who don't will let their child play the game regardless.  It is well known that countries like Germany and Australia use their ratings systems to games the ability to be sold. 

Re: Does The Games Maturity Rating Matter To You? ESRB or For Example?
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2018, 10:16:24 pm »
not really?

Re: Does The Games Maturity Rating Matter To You? ESRB or For Example?
« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2018, 10:25:03 pm »
Don't matter to me at all- I'm plenty old enough to not care about my content's 'appropriateness'. If I'm playing with a kid, I'm going to base my choices on the content of the game as I've played it & the kid's gaming habits. Years ago I babysat a first grader- I let him play Zone of the Enders on PS2. It's rated M- so that means I'm terrible, right? But you see, the M-rated content (blood, violence, existential issues) is all in cutscenes. This kid never, ever watched cutscenes. Meaning as far as he knew, he was a robot beating up other robots.

I feel like the ESRB is less about actually informing people about game content, and more about placating politicians and absentee parents into believing they actually have agency in controlling what their kids play without putting in any real effort.


Re: Does The Games Maturity Rating Matter To You? ESRB or For Example?
« Reply #4 on: August 17, 2018, 10:31:38 pm »
No for the most part, but since the overwhelming majority of games nowadays have at least a 7+ (UK) rating games that are actually rated 3+ or universal (they're so rare I don't even know what it is nowadays) are usually games genuinely meant for tiny children so I figure they wouldn't interest me.

Past that I don't have any filters, if the game's good I'll like it. I was playing Mortal Kombat 3 and Grand Theft Auto at a very young age and I turned out fine, it just made me less sensitive to stuff like that which I think is a good thing. Age restrictions are dumb.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2018, 10:34:44 pm by pizzasafari »


Re: Does The Games Maturity Rating Matter To You? ESRB or For Example?
« Reply #5 on: August 18, 2018, 04:39:26 pm »
If a game is great fun, it doesn't matter whether it's rated PEGI 3 or PEGI 18.


Re: Does The Games Maturity Rating Matter To You? ESRB or For Example?
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2018, 05:51:24 pm »
What is your opinion about AO rated video games or video games that contain obscure porn or sexual content?


or video games aimed at an extremely young audience.

Depends if it's something aimed at toddlers, like a non-game or "how many caterpillars are juggling apples?" type game or whether its a kids' license but still a playable action game in its own right, certainly don't have a problem with the latter. I've been playing games for more than 30 years, I'm not ashamed of trying different ones, sometimes something simple is just what's needed to chill out.

I am also a person who is embarrassed to watch or play most anything Halloween or horror related except maybe when I play the older doom games for me it depends on the game

That's fair enough, personally I like horror games very much. Each to their own. The first computer I had, the ZX Spectrum, tended to have a lot of black backgrounds/skylines, so it always lent an eerie atmosphere to games anyway, with the genuinely dark ones like Frightmare it was great. When Alone in the Dark was out (the original game) it was used as a video test/advert for computers in our local electronics store, it had me hooked just looking at it. D/Generation, a game from my childhood, had strong horror overtones too. Then when I was 14 the first Resident Evil was released - dog jumping through window/chased in waist-height water by giant mutated shark = pants pooped. Fantastic stuff, between those three my fascination with survival horror was born. So yeah, totally get why someone might not like them, but I lurrrve me some horror.


Re: Does The Games Maturity Rating Matter To You? ESRB or For Example?
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2018, 07:30:17 pm »
It doesn't matter to me but if I had kids it would.

Re: Does The Games Maturity Rating Matter To You? ESRB or For Example?
« Reply #8 on: August 21, 2018, 04:15:06 pm »
I honestly keep saying the new age rating system should be based on difficulty of the game and the skills necessary to play it. I get calls from relatives all the time near holiday season asking about games easy enough for their younger children because many E games require high level reading or math skills, but don't always point that out. This is also something I'd care about with my own children more than the morality rating since I can't even tell the diff between E and T. And I oft think most M titles should be T. My S.O. agrees with this too. So, it just doesn't matter much to us. The ESRB rating feel broken.

As for AO games. I own a few Visual novels in this category and have played even more of them(porn, both Hentai and BL). I quite enjoy the experience. However these were only for porn. I can't say I know of any games rated AO for violence or gore. However, I do remember Animamundi was censored for sale in NA because of the gore so maybe that uncensored is AO? Kinda pitiful though. It's just a headless girl.

I have no issue with youth games either so long as it's a good game.


Re: Does The Games Maturity Rating Matter To You? ESRB or For Example?
« Reply #9 on: August 21, 2018, 05:30:40 pm »
Not really, I just play what I want.