Author Topic: Folks still playing Monster Hunter World?  (Read 1302 times)

Folks still playing Monster Hunter World?
« on: August 25, 2018, 02:45:50 am »
Not to make it seem like this section is just "Are people playing this game?"threads now, but I just wanted something for some casual Monster Hunter talk. 

I was actually getting a little excited for the upcoming Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate, even knowing that I'm essentially going backwards in terms of series improvement (Or returning to when the series had more to it).  Past few days though, I've really jumped back into playing World more as I've been casually playing over the past few months, mostly when the new events show up, and I kinda realized I still have a lot to do in terms of my getting things for my character.  I never really fought the Elder Dragons a ton, there's some weapons and gear I'd love to have, and I kinda need to beef up my character the best I can so I can maybe beat a proper Behemoth fight (I'm not even gonna try the Extreme one).  I have 200 hours in the game, but I just recently started doing multiplayer beyond something like Kulve Taroth and been liking it as I tend to play these games as singleplayer experiences.

Starting to think I might hold off on MHGU now and just dump a bunch more hours into fighting the Elder Dragons.  Try to get gear I've been wanting like the Val Hazaak gear, and I need a Deviljho weapon.  The monster grind does wear on me at times, I'm not the Monster Hunter hardcore who is gonna do the same monster a half dozen times or more in a row, but I think if I just spend some time jumping between the Elder Dragons, I'll have a lot more stuff that I want.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2018, 02:47:39 am by kamikazekeeg »


Re: Folks still playing Monster Hunter World?
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2018, 10:42:20 am »
I've been playing steadily since launch, they keep adding new content to keep me semi busy. I typically try out the new monsters/events with my hunting group and it's a good time. Mainly focusing on weapons for when G rank comes around.

That being said my playtime for World is going to dip when GU releases for sure. Played with the idea of importing a copy forever but I had a bad feeling about. Few days after I almost caved they announced the localization  :P

Re: Folks still playing Monster Hunter World?
« Reply #2 on: August 25, 2018, 10:44:34 am »
I dumped close to 200 hours in, but started burning out during the Summer Festival (as did my fiancé and his brother.) I opted to take a hiatus for a bit after the festival and focus on PAX prep. I'll probably pick it up after the convention and see what the whole Behemoth thing is all about.

My fiancé's brother has fought it a time or two... he told us he will not fight the behemoth with our usual fourth. She is... not a cautious player. Which apparently is a good way to piss off your playgroup with the Behemoth.

Re: Folks still playing Monster Hunter World?
« Reply #3 on: August 25, 2018, 04:30:25 pm »
I dumped close to 200 hours in, but started burning out during the Summer Festival (as did my fiancé and his brother.) I opted to take a hiatus for a bit after the festival and focus on PAX prep. I'll probably pick it up after the convention and see what the whole Behemoth thing is all about.

My fiancé's brother has fought it a time or two... he told us he will not fight the behemoth with our usual fourth. She is... not a cautious player. Which apparently is a good way to piss off your playgroup with the Behemoth.

I watched someone fight the Extreme one and it's pretty crazy.  I'm trying to get my Deviljho weapon which should be the best I could do Dragon Element wise and maybe a few more decorations before I attempt the normal one.  I at least want to be able to have the actual mission completed.


Re: Folks still playing Monster Hunter World?
« Reply #4 on: August 25, 2018, 04:48:55 pm »
I took a long break after putting about 100 or 200 hours into the game at launch, but picked it up again recently because of the MHW US Championships reigniting interest. Been playing off and on with some friends, but now a bunch of those folks have moved on to playing it on PC (which I don't currently have). Folks are still excited about MHGU, though, and I know my bf and some other friends will be picking it up at launch. It doesn't appeal to me quite as much though - I like playing it on the PS4 with the larger screen. Kinda hard for me personally to go back to the handheld graphics.
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)

Re: Folks still playing Monster Hunter World?
« Reply #5 on: August 25, 2018, 05:17:18 pm »
I took a long break after putting about 100 or 200 hours into the game at launch, but picked it up again recently because of the MHW US Championships reigniting interest. Been playing off and on with some friends, but now a bunch of those folks have moved on to playing it on PC (which I don't currently have). Folks are still excited about MHGU, though, and I know my bf and some other friends will be picking it up at launch. It doesn't appeal to me quite as much though - I like playing it on the PS4 with the larger screen. Kinda hard for me personally to go back to the handheld graphics.

Yeah I played the demo and it sucks not having all the UI improvements, the world being so flat and lame, and the graphics being so poor.  I think I will pick it up eventually, just decided that I can still get a lot of time out of World right now.  I am tempted to get it simply for the content as it has so much.