Author Topic: Google Says 18-35 Years Old Is The Average For Gamers Today, Your Thoughts?  (Read 4450 times)


Re: Google Says 18-35 Years Old Is The Average For Gamers Today, Your Thoughts?
« Reply #15 on: December 27, 2018, 03:16:59 pm »
It's gonna be weird when the norm is most old people have grew up with video games.


Re: Google Says 18-35 Years Old Is The Average For Gamers Today, Your Thoughts?
« Reply #16 on: December 27, 2018, 08:04:01 pm »
20 here, can confirm I'm a gamer.


Re: Google Says 18-35 Years Old Is The Average For Gamers Today, Your Thoughts?
« Reply #17 on: December 27, 2018, 08:47:20 pm »
I agree with you sentiment on age but I would say that Google is correct.  I haven't read through the posts here but I'm fairly sure I'm going to be hitting points everybody else did as well.  Those of us in our mid-thirties grew up with these things.  They were in effect marketed toward us when we were children.  Now we're the ones having children and involving those into our childhood hobby.  This average will expand as those of us who grew up with video games get older and our children start having children.

« Last Edit: December 27, 2018, 08:50:22 pm by ffxik »

Re: Google Says 18-35 Years Old Is The Average For Gamers Today, Your Thoughts?
« Reply #18 on: December 28, 2018, 12:37:52 am »
I’m a bit out of the demographic, but it seams like it includes the range that actually takes surveys.
I would think the age group starts much younger though.