You hit 2 of my favorites. I assume we might be in the same age group
I grew up on the Powerpuff girls, courage, grim adventures of billy and mandy, ed, edward and also eduardo, and dexter's labratory, scooby doo in my real young years.
On the nickelodeon spectrum, I binged Spongebob, Jimmy Nuetron and Timmy Turn Fairly Odd Parents.
My top 5 favorite cartoons growing upThis list will definitely differ from all time because as a teen I began to like Family Guy and South Park but i'm talking soley little kid era here
1. Spongebob Rectangular Prism Pants
Spongebob defined my childhood and taught me more than any teacher. It represented life struggles, life lessons, complex intricate dry humor along with a cast of characters that is rivaled by almost no other show. In it's prime (seasons 1-8) it may very well be the greatest cartoon ever made. It's simply god tier in a sense it can entertain any age group. As an adult I can still put on the spongebob seasons and I always find a new joke I always missed before. It's complex, it's unique and it has incredible stories.
2. The Simpsons
Like I said earlier, I hit my full Simpsons stride at around 10-12. And might not have fully become a fanatic as a young kid, But I was always a huge fan and always allowed to watch it. I had all the games and figures. No show was as consistent and balanced in it's innovations in the adult cartoon genre. And although it was a little risky for parents to allow young kids to watch, most adults can find pure blissful humor disguised as real life issues that are both relatable and amusing due to the hyperbole the show uses to convey the messages interlaced within the story telling. The writers for the Simpsons were truly on another level and paved the way.
3. Fairly Odd Parents
I just sat for a minute wondering who I could possibly put at the 3rd spot between Courage, Jimmy Nuetron ect... it's so hard

. But for some reason when I was a kid I loved this show most. Fairly Odd Parents was just awesome to me as a kid. It was good until the baby came along and it started getting played. The concept of a boy who can have any wish was also fun to watch. One major flaw was the "fairy rule book" which was silly because it stopped Timmy Turner from bringing pac back to life
Jimmy Neutron
Jimmy Nuetron was educational, funny and also had complex characters and plot telling. I rememeber liking it fondly although it's been so long since I've watched it
Grim Adventures of Robert and Melinda
I always loved the art style and creepy vibe of the villains, plot and characters of GAOBAM. I loved the character dynamic and it was definitely a unique show and stood out among all the amazing shows. Although if I thought more Powerpuff girls or Courage would probably win this spot

It's so hard to pick. So many amazing childhood classics.

As an Adult the list is.
1. Spongebob
2. Family Guy
3. Simpsons
4. South Park
5. Fairy Odd Parents