Author Topic: Are you satisfied with the modern direction of the Final Fantasy series?  (Read 9258 times)

Re: Are you satisfied with the modern direction of the Final Fantasy series?
« Reply #15 on: September 30, 2018, 06:16:14 am »
I wounder which Final Fantasy game will actually be The Final Fantasy game :P

I never actually played a Final Fantasy video game. But I am just not that interested in any of those often over priced ($40 used) turn based JRPG'S in my opinion. I'd rather play Pokemon. However I do have 2 or 3 Final Fantasy games in my collection and they didn't cost me barely anything. in fact that is the only reason why I have them

I am surprised nobody else is complaining about the PS1 Final Fantasy games and how much people are charging people to buy those games

I just never was that interested in any Final Fantasy game :-\

I just looked and FF7, 8, and 9 are all under 35 bucks on Ebay.  That's pretty dang cheap really.


Re: Are you satisfied with the modern direction of the Final Fantasy series?
« Reply #16 on: September 30, 2018, 07:36:29 am »
I am surprised nobody else is complaining about the PS1 Final Fantasy games and how much people are charging people to buy those games

The reason they're so pricey is because there's very high demand and not that much supply, since the people who have the games love them and don't want to sell them. So there's no real reason for us to get mad at people for charging that much, it's just how S&D works. I'd say it's worth every penny for people who like those kinds of games though, you get more than enough bang for your buck.


Re: Are you satisfied with the modern direction of the Final Fantasy series?
« Reply #17 on: September 30, 2018, 08:00:58 am »
I wounder which Final Fantasy game will actually be The Final Fantasy game :P

I never actually played a Final Fantasy video game. But I am just not that interested in any of those often over priced ($40 used) turn based JRPG'S in my opinion. I'd rather play Pokemon. However I do have 2 or 3 Final Fantasy games in my collection and they didn't cost me barely anything. in fact that is the only reason why I have them

I am surprised nobody else is complaining about the PS1 Final Fantasy games and how much people are charging people to buy those games

I just never was that interested in any Final Fantasy game :-\

I just looked and FF7, 8, and 9 are all under 35 bucks on Ebay.  That's pretty dang cheap really.
I am surprised nobody else is complaining about the PS1 Final Fantasy games and how much people are charging people to buy those games

The reason they're so pricey is because there's very high demand and not that much supply, since the people who have the games love them and don't want to sell them. So there's no real reason for us to get mad at people for charging that much, it's just how S&D works. I'd say it's worth every penny for people who like those kinds of games though, you get more than enough bang for your buck.

Your right I don't belong in this thread, I am just not much of an RPG fan period sorry if I upset either of you. I see the price has gone down under $35 is a good price after all
« Last Edit: September 30, 2018, 08:05:01 am by oldgamerz »
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Re: Are you satisfied with the modern direction of the Final Fantasy series?
« Reply #18 on: September 30, 2018, 08:36:58 am »
Your right I don't belong in this thread, I am just not much of an RPG fan period sorry if I upset either of you

Oh no no not at all, I didn't mean that, I just wanted to explain the reason the price is so high, that's all.


Re: Are you satisfied with the modern direction of the Final Fantasy series?
« Reply #19 on: September 30, 2018, 08:39:34 am »
Your right I don't belong in this thread, I am just not much of an RPG fan period sorry if I upset either of you

Oh no no not at all, I didn't mean that, I just wanted to explain the reason the price is so high, that's all.

I'm good :) yea everywhere I went or saw mostly a copy of FF7 or FF8 going for $40 or more. I just personally don't want the games bad enough
« Last Edit: September 30, 2018, 08:50:54 am by oldgamerz »
updated on 5-14-2024 5:30AM (EST)
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64k stream ACC format sound meaning

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Re: Are you satisfied with the modern direction of the Final Fantasy series?
« Reply #20 on: September 30, 2018, 10:15:37 am »
Final Fantasy 10- One of my favorites. Great cast, great story- one of the friends above dumped a major spoiler on me & kinda ruined the endgame, but at least I was close enough to the reveal to not be completely put off. Also, one of the weirdest final bosses ever- simultaneously annoying & creative.

What do I want from the series in the future? Beats me- I suppose a good story, and some form of novelty. I like it when games do something I haven't seen before. But like I said, the nice thing about Final Fantasy is they all get to be so different- it's always fun to see what they try next!

Great post hoshichiri, I too loved the cast of 10. I remember playing hours of Blitzball, then forcing myself, "Ok, enough of this, I have the rest of the game to play!"

And yeah, I do also like the aspect that every Final Fantasy is a different experience with a new cast of characters and environments. It's always fun to see what's next and eagerly await to see if it will be a game for me.

Ooo! I want to do what hoshichiri did! That looks fun! I'm just gonna indulge myself here, don't mind me. But I'm gonna do a twist and put them in the order I played them! Here's my self-indulgent Final Fantasy timeline!

( snip )


Nice long write-up and explanations pizza! was fun to read :)

TBH I really thought FF12 was gonna be a one of, and not something they were gonna use as a stepping stone for their future releases. But yeah, it is what it is, which is unfortunate.

And X-2... yeah I bought that game, was expecting something else. I didn't finish it, put the disc back in its case and i never opened it since 2003...
« Last Edit: October 01, 2018, 12:28:38 am by mark1982 »
  l    l 

Re: Are you satisfied with the modern direction of the Final Fantasy series?
« Reply #21 on: September 30, 2018, 10:19:23 am »
I used to be obsessed with Final Fantasy back in the early 2000s, but in recent years I've learned I'm not as big of a JRPG guy as I once thought. Still, I appreciate the classic FF games, and just this year replayed FF7 and FFX. FFX is still about as awesome as it was when it first came out, however FF7 was far less enjoyable than when I first played it in 2000 or so. It's definitely not a bad game, just one I don't enjoy as much. I imagine that I'll probably feel similar to the other older FFs I played back then.

Too be honest I have minimal interest in the newer Final Fantasy games, which seemed to start with XI. I was pretty put off by this being a numbered entry and a MMO, and when XII came out I remember not liking it very much, although I have wanted to retry it again. Regarding XIII it seems to have such a terrible rep at this point that I'm hesitant to try it, but probably will at some point; after all I own all of them. My GF played XV last winter and from what I watched of her playing it I wasn't too impressed.

So to answer your question, no, I'm not a fan of modern FF, and the newest game I even have a minimal amount of interest in is FF13 and possible its sequels.

Re: Are you satisfied with the modern direction of the Final Fantasy series?
« Reply #22 on: September 30, 2018, 11:59:13 am »
I have a huge problem in accepting Final Fantasy XV’s esthetics and premisse... in a time like this, when subjects such as gender equality and ethinic representativity have finally started to be addressed in video games, having a entrance in this series in which all the four main characters are white males driving an Audi in the wilderness seems to me as something outdated and out of place in the contemporary world.
I’m not saying that the game is bad though... I didn’t even try it... and the main reason why I didn’t play it is, because of what all that I’ve said above, it was unable to appeal to me...

Not trying to excuse it, but I think remembering the original form of 15 helps explain things a bit- it was supposed to be 13 Versus & release around the same time as that game as a counterpoint/complimentary story. Given 13's focus on its female leads, perhaps if things had happened as intended 15 might've come off a bit better. I really should give 15 a whirl...

12 - Hate it. Everything about it made me so sad when I first played it and now it makes me angry. This was the point when Square Enix gave everything that made FF amazing the finger. I've pretty much already said everything I have to say about 12 and post-10 FF as a whole above. Never finished it and I doubt I will. Least favourite!

TBH I really thought FF12 was gonna be a one of, and not something they were gonna use as a stepping stone for their future releases. But yeah, it is what it is, which is unfortunate.

Did they make plushies from 12? I feel like I should be in the corner, hugging a plush Basch and pouting. :P
(I'm not actually bothered, I realize I'm the outlier on 12's opinion scale.)


Re: Are you satisfied with the modern direction of the Final Fantasy series?
« Reply #23 on: October 01, 2018, 11:16:38 am »
I'm not happy with the way things are going with Final Fantasy. I'm not mad about it, though. I'm somewhere in the middle. I give Square props for trying new things with each entry. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't. I may do another post breaking down thoughts on each of the numbered entries I've played. It could be fun.


Re: Are you satisfied with the modern direction of the Final Fantasy series?
« Reply #24 on: October 03, 2018, 12:12:20 pm »
Something very interesting I just found. I don't know how old it is, but it's from a while ago.

Nobuo Uematsu on Sakaguchi leaving Square:

1up: The consumer reaction, how many people went to go see it (The Spirits Within), wasn't very much, and it became a big financial failure for Square, and despite how much Sakaguchi-san had done for Square, it was this project that kind of led to his eventually leaving the company. Looking back, do you think that was a sad moment, especially considering how much he had done for the company and where he had brought the company? Japanese companies in general seem to be quick to look for a scapegoat whenever something doesn't go right. How did you feel about what happened with Sakaguchi-san?

NU: [Long pause] No matter what happens in the future with the company of SquareEnix and with the individual Sakaguchi, one thing that's not going to change is that he is the father of Final Fantasy. He made the series. And it was a difficult time when he left Square -- at that time it was still Square. As an individual myself, as someone who creates content, not purely for business purposes or making money or gaining profit from something I create as a content creator, it's really hard to say this, but I really don't think Final Fantasy should have been made after Sakaguchi-san left the company. Square the company owns Final Fantasy the property, so it's really up to them what they decide to do. But me personally, that's what I thought when he left the company. And I think at the same time that they started to change the direction of the company. We weren't sure who was in charge of what. It meant a lot of things if we look back at that time when he left and maybe soon after he left. There were a lot of changes, and it was probably a turning point for the company. I don't know if there has been another turning point within SquareEnix the company, but that was definitely a moment that meant a lot of different things.

1UP: Companies like this, entertainment companies, are always in it to make some kind of money because without making money you can't continue to produce and create new entertainment, but would you say that when Sakaguchi left Square, would you equate that to something like when Walt Disney died? Because after Walt Disney died, it changed from Walt Disney Productions to the Walt Disney Company. It acquired more of a corporate mentality as opposed to this -- I don't want to say a family business necessarily -- but it turned it from something that seemed a lot had a humble human element in Walt Disney Productions; you know, there were real people behind it. It wasn't just a faceless corporation. When Walt Disney died, it became the Walt Disney Company and it acquired a corporate feel and maybe it lost something. It lost some of that innocence. And Disney as a corporation just started cranking out annual animated movies to capitalize on the public's thirst for cartoons and family entertainment, and it became much more of a business. Would you say that sort of transformation took place because before there were individual Final Fantasy games, and now they come like five at a time. Final Fantasy XIII times five.

NU: You know, the example of when Walt Disney died and became corporate, now that I've left the company, I can't really say, "Yeah, it's completely changed." It's probably better to ask someone who went through that change with Sakaguchi-san leaving, what they think of the company today, but in my opinion -- and I hope that Sakaguchi-san feels the same way -- is that we did treat each and every Final Fantasy as a birth of something, as a great product that we believed in. All we really wanted to do was to be able to express a very simple belief of friendship or family love or just love in general and if that becomes something that is going to be bought by money and can easily be a base for making a successful business, I just want that to be sold in that manner. Like, this was going to be a boxed package that was going to make money. That's not -- as one of the creators of the games that we worked on -- that wasn't necessarily our purpose. So that's the line that we always have between the business side and the creative side of the business. But all I hope for is that with the people who are still at SquareEnix, I hope that they still have that belief in them, and I wish that they would continue to execute their jobs and projects in the way that we were able to do back then. It's not a MasterCard slogan, but it's priceless. The work is priceless. And I hope that everyone continues to hold that belief. I don't know if this is going to be a good example, but if blood sells, that doesn't mean I think every single game is going to need blood because they think it'll make money. That's just easy to say in words, but it's not really why it should be in the game. There still has to be a very deep and important substance there to create that blood, and if it needs to be there, it needs to be there. But we're not going to make a game just based on blood and violence because it sells.

Edit: Also for anyone who wants to know, apparently the main culprit for Final Fantasy's downfall was former Square & Square Enix president Yoichi Wada (president from December 2001 - March 2013). Square had reach and Enix had money, and the two companies were in talks about merging for a while, but Square didn't really want to because financially they were doing fine. After The Spirits Within flopped (which discouraged Enix from merging) they were bailed out by Sony so despite what common belief seems to be they were doing fine, but Square made some major changes to its structure following this and Sakaguchi was essentially demoted. Around this time Wada used the position The Spirits Within had put them in to have Square make him their new director, and it was him that decided to go ahead with the merge with Enix and that together they would start releasing as many Final Fantasy games as they could and make it their main source of income. Like Uematsu is worrying about above, they decided to put profit before heart with the series and that's why we're seeing the Final Fantasy we're seeing today. Even if main series Final Fantasy games are still few and far between, you can't put heart into a game when that's your mentality.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2018, 12:53:35 pm by pizzasafari »


Re: Are you satisfied with the modern direction of the Final Fantasy series?
« Reply #25 on: October 10, 2018, 10:07:44 am »
I tend to differ from most traditional fans in a number of ways.

Firstly I consider X to be a classic title as opposed to a modern title which I suppose won't make sense to some as it was on the same platform as XII but at the same time, there was a big gap between them.

Secondly I have mixed feelings towards the more modern titles. I consider XII & XIII to be good games but they pale in comparison to the classic titles in the series. Whereas with XV, which I consider a superior title to both, because it's such an extreme departure from the old; I almost forget it's a Final Fantasy and simply judge it on its own merits. Although I suppose with that in mind, one might argue that I'm not being as harsh on XV as I'm not constantly comparing it to the likes of VI, VII etc.

So to answer your question..... I suppose I am happy with the direction, in that I think they're good games. However if you offered me the option of having the games revert to the open world, turn based RPGs of old, I would choose that option every time.


Re: Are you satisfied with the modern direction of the Final Fantasy series?
« Reply #26 on: October 24, 2018, 09:33:39 pm »
No.  It's all show and no substance.

I started my on Vi and I wrecked an SNES with that game.  I played it for 24 hours straight on 100+ degree summer day with no A/C.  When I finally went to bed and got back up I found the system wouldn't turn on.  Looking back I probably blew the fuse but I was young and didn't know that at the time.

I got back into the series with VII and have liked all of them up to X.  Including the spin off FF Tactics.  I also have a major soft spot for XI as my username would suggest.  At X-2 though I was so looking forward to that game and was so disappointed by it.  Going through XII and subsequent XIII releases I realized that the RPG stalwart was nothing more than a lifeless husk, a shell of it's former self.  A series where compelling narrative is stuffed in the trunk.  So that graphics and flashy visuals take the front and the backseat on this train wreck.

I'm just hoping for a "Final" Fantasy at this point.   :-\