Author Topic: VG Collect's 2nd Annual Video Game Awards 2018  (Read 5635 times)

VG Collect's 2nd Annual Video Game Awards 2018
« on: December 07, 2018, 04:25:47 pm »

Welcome Everyone to the least credited, least regulated and least respected award show since the oscars. The 2nd annual installment of the VG COLLECT Video Game awards.  The show where you decide the faith of so many hopeful victors tonight as the video games that defined a year of our hearts battle for your votes :).  And always remember, if you don't see your favorite up in the ballots, be sure to write them in as everyone has a chance here

Official Award Show Theme Song -

The special guests are arriving! Ready for their big night! :D

And for those who are wondering why the forks are plastic. We sunk all of our money into our special guest host.  So without further deliberation,  Here to present the 1st award of the night for Gamer of the Year...   Pop Icon....  Ariana Grande!!  We were only able to pay her for 5 mintues but that's longer than her last relationship :)  Jk ^-^

Ariana Grande - *Reading off a teleprompter*  "Before we get into the games, we must first aknowledge the icons that transform the landscape of gaming culture. These people much like most of the audience tonight are gaming purists who are the ones at the healms and although we are going to honor the iconic devlopers and games we must first go over the gamers themselves.  The ones behind the joysticks who not only shape the market but entertain millions redifining what gaming can be.  Gaming is more than just a hobby, it's a passion, a culture, and a career path for many inspiring hopeful fans.  Here are the people who take their gaming to the grand stage and have a unwavering passion for gaming entertainment."

2018 Gamer Of The Year

James Rolfe (The Angry Video Game Nerd)

The legend James Rolfe yet again came with another year of some of his most iconic AVGN episodes.  Including his Amiga CD32 episode.  Keeping retro games in the spotlight with millions of views. 


Pokimane has garnered popularity as not only one of the most popular streamers but also content creators. One of the more popular fortnite streamers, she is also known for her calabarations with famous DJ Marshmello and her many reaction videos. 


PewDiePie has had yet another huge year in gaming.  For better or worst.  Currently by himself holding off T- Series (An India based record company with dozens of artists) in subscribers keeping the legacy of homebrew youtubers alive against corperate entities.  He has also garnered many of memes and also some backlash for his use of the N Word. 

Gaming Historian

Gaming historian is very loved for his extremely education videos on retro gaming culture. He is one of the most thorough and entertaining forces in retro game culture.


Ninja is by far the most subscribed Twitch Streamer and someone who has gone to outrageous super stardom from his playing of the cult classic Fortnite and from Drake going on his stream. 

Metal Jesus Rocks


Talk about an illustrious lineup of icons. The controversial face of youtube, the very attractive twitch streamers of the modern generation and 2 legends in the retro space who have been captivating us for almost a decade. And metal jesus rocks.  ;D

The shigeru Miyamoto cutout couldn't make it today, we were too broke for expedited shipping. But we are still going strong ladies and gents.  Lovely evening thus far.  You are all looking incredible tonight. :).   

For our next award, we look at the bad before we get into the good of today's show. The universal category of throwing shade at the worst of the worst for giving us a bad or unfinished product until such time arrises that we get a seize and desist order from Sony :(. These following companies and devs while might be acclaimed and respected, this year spawned a lot of bad decisions, bad marketings and poor products from ideas that we long awaited and were extremely let down after the release.  Here are your nominees for biggest failure of 2018.

Biggest Failure of 2018

Playstation Classic Edition

100 dollars for 15 underwhelming Pal ports that are buggy in one of the less appealing UIs ever, and a pretty dissapointing list of games with much left out in just a desperate attempt to copy Nintendo's success without putting in the proper work.  In a year of Sony victories comes a big huge smudge.  A lot of fans were let down :(

Fallout 76

A game that released very buggy, broken and borderline unplayable. One of the biggest let downs and unfinished games released in 2018.  But I do hear they are patching it and it's good now.

Battlefield V

One of the most disliked video game trailers in history due to it's disrespectful historical inacuracies, EA's pay to win formula and various pandering moments although very controversial as many disagree with the backlash. I personally don't mind the inclusive nature of the game :)

1up Arcades

Cited as having very bad durability issues, clunky controls and poor ports.  These budget arcades are best left on the store shelves. 

Diablo Immortal

The memeness of this failure has entered holy regions of memedom.  The presentation was golden and gamers loathe Diablo Immortal.  A mobile disaster that nobody was expecting nor wanted.

Donald Trump just tweeted about the event guys!  We've officially made it to mainstream media outlets! :) TMZ is even picking it up. We might be able to keep the lights on until the end of the show  :D

With that I digress to our next two categories. Categories packed with amazing talent. The category for Male and Female Character of the year!

Male Character of the Year


Video Game Papi

Arthur Morgan


Spider Man (Peter Parker)

Joseph Seed

Praise Jeebus

Female Character of the Year

MJ (Spiderman)



Faith Seed

Witch Lady from God Of War

Evan Tildrum (Nino Kuni)

Lara Croft

What a tough choice to make with those 2 categories.  You got a freaking demi god and a super hero going up against a Red Neck but somehow Arthur Morgan is still cooler  ;D

Our next category is a chance to pull out your snapchat and take care of whatever social media you need to, no need to watch. It's time for the rough rugged, slamming and bamming,  ball throwing, bat smacking action we come to love from the sports games of the modern era. It's time we run the category for BEST SPORTS GAME.

Sports Game of The Year

Mario Tennis Aces

Madden 19

NBA 2K19

MLB The Show 19

Fifa 19

Ok everyone, sorry for the boring category as I know many of you don't like sports. Refreshments are being served. We went heavy on the booze so some of you may get drunk enough to think this show is good and not click off for hentai.

With that said, we will keep the ball rolling and move onto the next category but we do have to have a word from our sponsors.

Did you guys know that you could be saving thousands of dollars a year with Honey? Honey is a completely free and safe add on extention for chrome and other browsers.  Simply install Honey and click the honey icon at checkout and have peace of mind while Honey searches the web for dozens of free coupons applying them to your cart automatically saving you money.  It's hassle free and essential for any online shoppers.   

Now that we get that out of the way.  We can move on to our larger categories of the night.  Two categories that not only have the most competition but also some of the closest competition.   These are the categories for Open World/Adventure and Developer of the year awards :)   

Open World/Adventure Game of the Year

God of War

The iconic greek legend has returned with yet another masterpiece

Red Dead Redemption 2

Relive the dwindling years of the wild wild west as you live outlaw culture :)

Spyro Reignited Trilogy

A PS1 icon returns in glorious HD,  a childhood mascot reimagined and REIGNITED :D

Assassins Creed Odyssey

Assassin weed

Shadow of the Tomb Raider

The gaming queen Lara Croft back again for another tomb dwelling adventure. Her most massive adventure yet.

Shadow of the Collosus Remaster


Spiderman Spiderman, Does whatever a GOTY contender does. Including being an amazing open world game.

Kirby Star Allies

Developer/Studio of the year

Rockstar Games

"Rockstar has my vote" - Jesus

Sony Interactive Studios



Square Enix

The titans of the industry going toe to toe.  Gods, Horse riding gunslingers, purple dragons, marvel heroes.  It's all here.  And the devs behind them having their year to shine among the stars :)

Wait a minute.... Who's that charging the stage?

Sorry about that everyone :).  We paid Pat the Nes punk 4,000 dollars to guard that door so Kanye West couldn't theoretically get in. But he clearly didn't put much effort into it.  Kinda like his content.  >:(

Arthur Morgan has been crushed and is crying in the makeup room.  If anyone can go console him. Maybe Kratos. That'd be swell.  But with that said,  we move on to the category us collectors will revere.  The eye candy of the console world :).  As collectors we love to indulge on consoles that not only have limited print runs but also have the glorious paint schemes to shiny among other consoles on our shelves. :) The most beautiful Collectors edition consoles of this year.   The category for Collector's Edition console of the year.

Collectors Edition Console of the Year

Spiderman Edition PS4 Pro

500 Million Console Edition PS4 Pro

Taco Bell Platinum Edition Xbox One X

Evee and Pikachu edition Nintendo Switch

Smash Ultimate Edition Switch

Mario Maker 2ds

From the glorious milestone of Sony's 500th million console special to Xbox's Promotional platinum Giveaway.
 2018 brought many beautiful consoles for collectors (and resellers :( ) to desire and love :)

Character Limit has been reached as the attendance has sky rocketed due to our celebirty cameos :).  Award Show must continue in the comments!     

« Last Edit: December 07, 2018, 05:01:01 pm by marvelvscapcom2 »

Re: VG Collect's 2nd Annual Video Game Awards 2018
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2018, 04:26:09 pm »
Our next category!  The glorious genre of games you all know and love.  Some of the most revered games by the collectors on the VG collect forums and purist of gaming culture in general.  Games centered around deep engaging plots, pivotal dialogue decisions and a battle system unique to the genre.  The JRPG/RPG category :)

JRPG/RPG game of the Year

Octopath Traveler

Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom

Valkyrie Chronicles 4

Monster Hunter: World

Pokemon Let's go Pikachu/Eevee

Our next category has an entrant who just entered the discussion today, a game still an infancy but a cultural icon long awaited.  It has fierce competition against some of the best titles this year. From the arcade halls in which you used to dump your quarters into.  (Did you know quarters 1964 and older are silver and worth about 3-4 dollars?) to now being an adult with the same passion for the joystick slapping, combo multiplier garnering fast reflex action.  Which will you choose for the spot of FIGHTING GAME OF THE YEAR!!!

Fighting Game of the Year

Smash Bros. Ultimate

Dragon Ball Fighter Z

Street Fighter: 30th Anniversary Collection

I want to use this moment to say that videos games are an inspiration to all of us humans on earth.  It shows that no matter what walk of life, we can still love after our differences. And fights are only temporary. And as a society even through all this darkness and turmoil lately, we can still love even after warfare, fighting, losses or intensity.  This is displayed by the losing parties clapping for the winner in Smash.  Them being happy to have eachother regardless of what they feel, what they believe and how bad they have hurt eachother. How Mario still invites Bowser to go karting regardless if he is evil and Mario's enemy.  Right now as a society we are in a dark time where everyone is hurt, scared, confused. And it sounds easier around this time especially to push eachother further away.  But we can't bury hate with a divide.  You can never wipe the slate clean of the history.  You can never undo what has been done but you can change the future for the children who come after us.  I think the world knows no greater healing medicine than Video Games.  They bond everyone. And I love all of you so much.  And I hope we can all grow from the video games we play as they are inspiring and iconic masterpieces :D   

Next up we have a category that very much used to dominate the platform of video games but since has tooken a bit of a break with it's successes in the culture :).   That category is of the FIRST PERSON SHOOTERS OF THE YEAR

First Person Shooter of the year

Call of Duty Black Ops 4

Far Cry 5

One time brilliant thinker Dimitri Mandaleav said "How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood"  but he never stopped to ponder if it was a wood carl or a wood joseph.  Which brings us into a dhilema when you dig into the layers of what is a wood chuck.  A wood chuck chucking the wood in the nature of aggrivating a grizzly would cause the wood chuck to throw in a more expeditious manner but of course in just it's normal every day endeavors it might more lazily throw the wood.  might throw a few kilos of wood.  But that is neither here nor there when you dig deeper into the fact that JFK was an inside job perpetrated by Lyndon B. Johnson for a quest of greed and power.

Our next category is of the characters that live a life of similar evil, balancing the line between evil and plain out narcissistic deviance.  Twisted villains from a dark mind state set on world domination, evil and murder.   Time for the Most Memorable Villain!

Most Memorable Villain

Conor McGregor (God of War)

Li (Spiderman)

Joseph Seed

Italian Dude from Red Dead

Amaru (Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Racing Game of the Year

Forza Horizon 4

The Crew 2

That category is deader than Pat the Nes Punk's channel :(.   I know, 2 Pat the Nes punk jokes in one night.  It's getting stale.  Stop throwing things up here!   Who just threw Seether's investment portfolio up here?  Ok.. ok.   I need a diversion... 

It's the moment we all have been waiting for!  The final honors as the gaming characters old and new who defined our childhoods and continue to define childhoods walk with their hearts fluttering for gold, tears welling in their eyes as this is the proudest moment of their day.  All nominees are eagerly waiting for your votes.  It is time for the heavy hitters of modern day gaming to face off in proud honors for the selection of your VG Collect Game of the Year for 2018.  An honor as prestegious as it is beautiful 


Red Dead Redemption 2

God of War


Monster Hunter: World

Octopath Traveler

Smash Ultimate


Forza Horizon 4

Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Pokemon Let's go Eevee/Pikachu

God of War -  God of War hit shelves early this year and completely redifined not only what god of war could be, but what open world games could be forever.  The plot thickened as Kratos had to cater for a young child.  In the midst of all his god like activities, he now had a much more sentimental role as a father and the extention to the player with the plot as expertly conveyed.  One of the finer examples of 3rd person adventure games ever made :)

Red Dead 2 -   Red Dead is Rockstar showing how dominant it is over the sandbox genre, how effortless they can dominate the landscape of gaming.  They take a long time but when they do drop a game, they show a pedigree of gaming a lot of devs don't practice anymore.  The philocephy of rock solid gameplay and the story to match.  A game that truly imbeds you into outlaw western life

Fortnite -   Not many games in recent memory have been a cultural phenomenon like Fortnite.  Every human from 3 to 100 years old now the floss, the dances, the streamers and can't put this game down.  The most mesmorizing part is that it's free too :)

Spiderman-   An open world super hero game that may be unrivaled.  Any other year it would be a clear GOTY favorite but in a year with Red Dead and GOW.  It's truly a 3 way tie if we could pick all 3.  They are all so perfect.  Stan Lee passed this year.  And I can't word how important he was to my childhood and life.  And this game is a memorable spiderman moment in the history of spiderman.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider -  Lara Croft is one of the most Iconic legends in video games,  each and every decade she comes back and wows us with awesome puzzles, crypts and plots that have you in the darkest of ancient tombs fighting the undead and living of ancient tribes.   It's beautiful to see a icon remaining relevant all these years later.

Forza Horizon 4 -   One of the best open world racing games ever made.  Dynamic seasons keep you on your toes constant.  The car selection, the open world.  It's all perfection for a racing enthusiast.

Octopath traveler -  A JRPG masterpiece to add to the archives with the FF and Chrono games of the world.  Amazing art direction, sound tracks, boss battles and fun to be had for the purist JRPG lovers.

Pokemon Let's go -  Pokemon comes back every 1-2 years, and it's still a staple and most likely always will be.  This year they got innovative with their pokeball plus peripheral.  It made for an engaging and immersive Pokemon experience :)

Smash Ultimate -  The friendship destoryer, the icon, the golden one.   It's Smash bros.  It's name alone stands the test of time in gaming hyrogliphs :D.   It's the golden standard of tournamnet fighters and a nintendo heavy hitter for switch's lineup. 

And there we have it everyone :).   Another fine evening comes to it's close as the winner stands with confetti pouring as your final votes tally in proclaiming them as the all mighty winner with the golden VG collect crown being perched upon their head with all of you amazing people on the forums clammering about the decision and pouring love to the winner :D. As the curtain closes. 

I want to thank everyone who read this and I hope everyone has fun voting and discussing.  I hope all of you have an amazing holidays with fun, family, and ever burning kindle of love from the ones around you which sparks the flame of happiness in the pit of your soul irradiating your night and keeping your soul warm and happy throughout all of 2019 until the next holiday to rekindle your flame.  The special feeling you get when you are chest to chest with the 1 of 7.3 billion humans that happened to decide to choose you and vice versa to be an optimal person to spend eternity with.  As the glistening tingling feeling of bliss occurs you smile because yet another year has gone down in the archives, but you lose preception of time.   It's not 2018 or 2019.  It's earth.   It's now and it's forever.  :)

« Last Edit: December 07, 2018, 04:45:57 pm by marvelvscapcom2 »


Re: VG Collect's 2nd Annual Video Game Awards 2018
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2018, 08:42:35 pm »
How on earth did you miss DQXI in the RPG category? :o


Re: VG Collect's 2nd Annual Video Game Awards 2018
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2018, 09:36:31 pm »
Kratos lookin' fine af on that runway  :-*
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Re: VG Collect's 2nd Annual Video Game Awards 2018
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2018, 10:25:19 am »

Seriously, how long did that take you to write?


Re: VG Collect's 2nd Annual Video Game Awards 2018
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2018, 10:33:29 am »
I remember seeing him in "writing a post" for at least an hour  :o
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2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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Re: VG Collect's 2nd Annual Video Game Awards 2018
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2018, 06:46:10 pm »

Seriously, how long did that take you to write?

Yes, would someone get this member an award please!

Re: VG Collect's 2nd Annual Video Game Awards 2018
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2018, 07:49:50 pm »
I think we can just accept that Red Dead Redemption 2 was the best game of the year and all time and call it a day.


Re: VG Collect's 2nd Annual Video Game Awards 2018
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2018, 11:30:49 pm »
I have no patience to read through all of that. Regardless, alot of effort seems to have been put into this. Dude deserves a medal

Re: VG Collect's 2nd Annual Video Game Awards 2018
« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2018, 03:40:56 am »
I'm embarrassed to admit I haven't plaeyd may of this years contenders... I played God of War but the arrogance of it's ending put me off for good.

My favouritate games this year have probably been A Way out & Yakuza Kiwami 2... but Remakes don't count so I guess I'd put forward the 1st.

Also, after S-E's disastrous Final Fantasy XV 2nd anniversary 'Celebration', I don't think they can really be set for company of the year :P


Re: VG Collect's 2nd Annual Video Game Awards 2018
« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2018, 07:18:16 am »
I found the posts interesting, I did read them both from @marvelvscapcom2. I would highly recommend anybody retro and modern gamer reading through it when they have the time.  I found it vary interesting and easy to understand and read, there was even a mention about the quality of 1Up Cabinets, in which I never owned one, but given what heard on this forum they are no good.

@marvelvscapcom2 put his or her heart into just about everything he gives us to read. This topic in my opinion has two of  his best posts I seen him write so far,   I could defiantly tell this did take a ton or work to complete, especially finding and adding the photo links.  :o
« Last Edit: December 10, 2018, 07:19:49 am by oldgamerz »
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Re: VG Collect's 2nd Annual Video Game Awards 2018
« Reply #11 on: December 10, 2018, 09:36:55 am »

Doesn't Ninja drop the N-Word as well? also read somewhere that he doesn't stream with women, I think people were pretty up in arms about that too.. I dunno, don't really follow streamers, just read some articles.

Anyway, Bowsette clearly takes it all - with all that fanfic surrounding her, I won't say more..  ;) :P :-X
« Last Edit: December 10, 2018, 09:39:18 am by mark1982 »
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