Author Topic: How important are graphics to you?  (Read 5312 times)


Re: How important are graphics to you?
« Reply #15 on: December 20, 2018, 10:26:15 pm »
Doesn't matter overall. Unless the graphics are done in such a shitty way that it's an eyesore it doesn't matter. Mainly concerned about gameplay and how fun a game is.

Re: How important are graphics to you?
« Reply #16 on: January 02, 2019, 04:37:21 am »
I don't think Graphical polygons are what is important to me, what bothers me more is the way the games are displayed via the output. I can play a PS1/PS2 era titles and admire them still but the resolution is where I get VERY up tight. I cannot stand playing older games and seeing them washed out or with tons of interlaced jaggies - this is why HD Remasters/ports are very appealing to me.

The best example would be Shadow of the Colossus, it got a fancy PS4 Remaster last year which I played and adored but I am still very content with the PS3 Remaster of the original game - Which took the original textures and gaming experience just up-ressed them. Both variations are still valid and accessible to my standard, yet I would never consider playing the original release on PS2 again. I recently bought the Pound PS2 HDMI cable and after 10 minutes with it already decided it was pants - My component cable offered a better visual than it. So my poor PS2 games yet again remain boxed up in the dungeon that Is my storage cupboard.

Re: How important are graphics to you?
« Reply #17 on: January 02, 2019, 09:16:56 am »
Depending on the game, I'd say I am a mild graphics snob :)

With something that it supposed to have 'realistic' graphics, I struggle to go back even to last gen games tbh.

Equally, I am blown away when I see something next level. From last year, Detroit : Become Human springs to mind. The gameplay was shallow, the story was divisive, but the graphics really make the game stick in my mind as something special.

Having said that, art direction is WAY more important to me. Off the top of my head I'd take Darkest Dungeon, DQXI, Ni No Kuni or Dead Cells over something like The Order:1886 for example.


Re: How important are graphics to you?
« Reply #18 on: January 25, 2019, 12:32:30 pm »
Honestly, the obsession the gaming industry has with making games look as realistic as possible kinda frustrates me. It seems like the whole point of making bigger, more powerful systems these days is to get games that look shinier, at the cost of the buyer having to pay for the process of dealing with their ridiculous filesizes.

I dunno, maybe I'm cynical, but I guess I'm the opposite of a graphics snob; I just think the quest to get the best looking games possible is just a massive waste of time.


Re: How important are graphics to you?
« Reply #19 on: January 25, 2019, 03:09:00 pm »
While I do love eye candy, 4K ZOMG!!! graphics aren't that important. Aesthetics, style and artistic design are much more important. That's part of why I love Nintendo games so much. The style is top-notch and the 1080p graphics of the Switch are great. I'll take games with visual flair over the latest 4K AAA game going for lifelike graphics any day.

That being said, racing games I do put strong emphasis on having good graphics.
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Re: How important are graphics to you?
« Reply #20 on: January 25, 2019, 03:35:44 pm »
Right now I'm playing through Pokemon Crystal via virtual console on my 2DS, which was originally a Gameboy Color game.

Sooo ... not important.


Re: How important are graphics to you?
« Reply #21 on: January 25, 2019, 06:18:26 pm »
My answer will always be not important; however, I think the art direction that its chosen for the game is key for me caring or not caring for the graphics. Story, gameplay, and music is number one for me, but I also want the game to look aesthetically pleasing. Granted, it doesn't have to be 100% eye candy, but enough to mingle with the other three for a cohesive experience. Like with any other type of media, really - you want the experience to be worthwhile. And it kind of goes without saying, but I also think the generation the game is from has to be taken into account. Although, I'm pretty sure we all can agree that graphics don't equate to quality.

At this point I feel like I'm rambling, so hopefully the words I chose to articulate my thoughts make sense...

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Re: How important are graphics to you?
« Reply #22 on: January 25, 2019, 11:26:52 pm »
Depends, I don't like modern indie pixel art garbage but I would be fine with new games having 6th gen or early 7th gen graphics if it meant all games only got proper physical releases and no digital release which means no DLC, no micro transactions, and no patches or updates.

Re: How important are graphics to you?
« Reply #23 on: January 26, 2019, 01:35:10 am »
Generally I don't care about graphics. I was playing some Sniper Elite 2 on 360 and someone commented on the graphics compared to COD on XBOX One X, and honestly I don't quite notice that much. However, I find it difficult to play some older 3D games from mid 90s and earlier.


Re: How important are graphics to you?
« Reply #24 on: January 26, 2019, 07:15:52 am »
Depends, I don't like modern indie pixel art garbage [...]


I know your every move behind this face; I have control over expendable slaves.
When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
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Re: How important are graphics to you?
« Reply #25 on: January 26, 2019, 09:27:12 pm »
im not a graphics snob but if i have multiple systems that play a game ill usually play it on the system with the best graphics for the game.