Author Topic: What is the best open world game ever made? (Red Dead Redemption 2 Discussion)  (Read 4208 times)

Open world games are one of my favorite genre of games tbh.
My favorite is by far Red Dead Redemption , even today it's still a stunning game and everything about the map is just mind blowing to me. This game is one of the only game where I can literally not find one bad thing to say about it.Red Dead Redemption 2 is also on the same level however i'm not yet finished with the game and haven't seen everything yet. The GTA games also have amazing maps but San Andreas and GTA V have the best ones imo. GTA V's city is probably one of the most realistic and well designed modern city I've ever seen.Watch Dogs 1 and 2 are 2 extremely underrated games imo and definitely one of my favorites open world games. Some other open world games that I really liked are the Assassin's Creed serie, Mafia 3, Sleeping Dogs, Bully, and Infamous Second Son.
For some reasons I tend not to consider games liek Dragon Age Inquisition, Mass Effect Andromeda or The Witcher 3 as open world games since they have multiple worlds that aren't linked together.

Thank you for sharing :).   I agree very much with your list of awesome open world games as of recent and i'd add spiderman to it.  Honestly I never thought GTA 5 would be passed as my favorite open world game but with red dead 2 it's getting extremely close.  I'm not sure if I can choose anything over it.   It's just blissful and bordering on sub human how incredible Rockstar is at redifining the open world genre.  Nobody even comes close to rockstar right now imo.  They just literally wait back laughing at their competition for about 5 years and then atom bomb everyone like it was easy and like nobody else even exists. With GTA and Red Dead.  It's a standard of pedigree that is insane.  And everyone 4-5 years from now will be revering whatever game is the golden standard until Rockstar drops GTA 6 and just submits everyone.   It's amazing:)


Thank you for sharing :).   I agree very much with your list of awesome open world games as of recent and i'd add spiderman to it.  Honestly I never thought GTA 5 would be passed as my favorite open world game but with red dead 2 it's getting extremely close.  I'm not sure if I can choose anything over it.   It's just blissful and bordering on sub human how incredible Rockstar is at redifining the open world genre.  Nobody even comes close to rockstar right now imo.  They just literally wait back laughing at their competition for about 5 years and then atom bomb everyone like it was easy and like nobody else even exists. With GTA and Red Dead.  It's a standard of pedigree that is insane.  And everyone 4-5 years from now will be revering whatever game is the golden standard until Rockstar drops GTA 6 and just submits everyone.   It's amazing:)

Totally agree! Rockstar might not put out a game every year but once they do you can be 100% sure it's gonna be a revolutionary game! The only other company I can think of who puts as much time and effort to make an amazing game is Naughty Dog. I can't wait to see what rockstar will do with GTA 6 tbh, I wish they'd do a sequel to Bully too!


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My favorite open world game is easily Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. The world is just gigantic, and the gameplay is seamless and smooth. It's just the most fun open world game I've played that I can just explore and do no objectives, and still have fun. I love the Fallouts and Elder Scrolls games, but if I'm not doing something towards an objective, I feel like I'm wasting time. I never wander off the beaten path and simply explore for the hell of it in those games. I know I really should but for whatever reason I don't. But in Breath of the Wild, just wasting time is part of the enjoyment for me. RDR 1 & 2 and the GTAs are good runner ups, as I occasionally like exploring the cities and wild west, but I guess I just enjoy the art style and lore of Zelda more.

This video about Red Dead 2 absolutely better explains my feelings on the game and why it didn't work for me like it has for others.  For all it's beauty, great characters, and great story moments, the open world can feel very shallow and is way more restrictive than it should be.  Really glad I came across it as it does a pretty great job explaining it while having some fun with things.

Yeah, as someone who does really like RDR2, there is a reason the GotY awards keep going to God of War.  It’s just a better, more fun game.


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For me it's Oblivion/Skyrim/Fallout3,4/Just Cause3,4 these are my favs.Haven't tried Red dead yet.

Skyrim or Assassins Creed Odyssey


While I have some open world games in my collection, I haven't played many. Probably the only two that come to mind that I quite sincerely enjoyed are GTA: San Andreas and Scarface: The World is Yours. I pretty much lost myself in them and just roamed and didn't do anything else, at all.

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When confrontation comes down to the wire, I'll use my cyclotrode to commence the fire.
You're never gonna get me!