I took 2 years of German in high school. I can't hold a conversation to save my life but if you want me to say yes, no, count to ten and the words for window and television, I'm your guy.
I taught myself how to read katakana back in the late 90's because I was obsessed with the import of the first Choro Q game which had all katakana menus. I can still read it here and there but I'm super rusty. Thanks to anime, I know a smattering of words/phrases but haven't actively watched anything in a few years so that's rusty too.
As for other languages. I know a smattering of French, Spanish and Russian. I don't mean to brag but I know Kung Fu...and like 10 other Chinese words.

Embarrassingly, I'm half-Korean but I don't know the language much at all or how to read hangul. Well...I know when I'm being cussed out. I'm DEFINITELY familiar with those words.