Author Topic: Toy Pickups  (Read 1937 times)

Toy Pickups
« on: December 15, 2018, 11:44:58 pm »
I'm sure there are a few folks who's collecting delves into figures/toys, and while I don't collect a lot of game stuff these days, I do like to pick up the occasional Dragonball figure, something videogame related, or Godzilla toy.

Today from a friend at a flea market sale he was doing, he just had this random baggie full of Megaman figures.  Three are clearly Mega Man X toys, the Axel one was super busted and required me super gluing the leg on, and then I broke his arm which free swings in the socket now.  Then the one on the left is a Megaman NT Warrior figure that is actually kinda neat.  The bottom half of the limbs can be removed, so you can mix and match armor parts.  I also got like parts for nearly 4 or 5 sets of other armor, but unfortunately this saw blade guy is the only complete one to wear.  Helmet is rubbery, so it just slips on over the head.  Really neat, would love to get like another random batch of this and put together more figures.  Don't anything about this version of Megaman, but I like the idea as a toy.

Also got from that friend the Reactor Glow Godzilla from NECA, though this is technically a bootleg of sorts from China, pretending to be official, but my friend said it was definitely not the real thing.  Not a big deal to me as otherwise the toy is indistinguishable from the real thing other than maybe the eye paint being a tad off.

And not long ago I managed to get a full set of these Dragon Ball Z Movie Collection figures.  I had the Krillin already, but not with the cooler full of onigiri.  I really want to get the first set of figures too that have Lord Slug, normal Cooler, SS Goku, and Piccolo.

Re: Toy Pickups
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2018, 11:16:29 am »
I'm surprised this thread wasn't created sooner. I'm not a huge toy collector, but I do pick stuff up from time to time. Great thread idea :)

Re: Toy Pickups
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2018, 04:07:36 pm »
I'm surprised this thread wasn't created sooner. I'm not a huge toy collector, but I do pick stuff up from time to time. Great thread idea :)

I think at one point we had something for this, but it's been so long, and I didn't find it, that I figured we could just start fresh.


Re: Toy Pickups
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2018, 08:38:00 pm »
A friend of mine sent me a Porygon plushie from Japan the other week :)
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