Author Topic: Losing interest for modern AAA games  (Read 2571 times)

Losing interest for modern AAA games
« on: January 04, 2019, 10:19:56 am »
Am i the only one who has lost a lot of interest for the modern kind of AAA games ? theres exception of course some are really great . but overall im more looking foward to add  medium budget game , remaster of old game, New game that pay homage to old game,  or indie game (physical version of course) to my modern console collection (ps4 in my case)than new big AAA title , a lot of them dont inspire me, they feel soulless to me i dont know..  (Nintendo is exception to the rule , all of their stuff is AAA and they rarely made bad , Souless game  :D )

I started this topic because i've bought a lot of ps4 game recently and i realised theres no big modern AAA at all.

Just to name a few..

Okami HD
yookay laylee
Slain back to hell
Owlboy (amazing game...)
duke nukem 3d 20 anniversary world tour
Monster Boy and the cursed kingdom
a lot of resident evil ps4 remaster
shenmue 1 & 2 hd

And a lot more...

Also i think i've lost interest Overall in Big endless AAA openworld game and enormous Rpg that are just too big and impossible to fit in a busy adult life Lol. I prefer my game between 6 to 40 hour Max ( with exception again)

Let me know what you think !
« Last Edit: January 04, 2019, 10:23:42 am by oniscape »
I'm really prood of my survival horror collection.

Re: Losing interest for modern AAA games
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2019, 10:39:51 am »
My take on modern AAA games is no different than it was back in the early 2000s or the 90s; some AAA games appeal to me, some don't. No one expects you to like every AAA games released just because it had a huge budget and a team of 400+ people worked on it. I'd say 1 in 4 AAA games appeal to me these day, which is about what it has always been. That's not to mention all the non-AAA games released that I think look cool and interesting.

Re: Losing interest for modern AAA games
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2019, 11:14:27 am »
My take on modern AAA games is no different than it was back in the early 2000s or the 90s; some AAA games appeal to me, some don't. No one expects you to like every AAA games released just because it had a huge budget and a team of 400+ people worked on it. I'd say 1 in 4 AAA games appeal to me these day, which is about what it has always been. That's not to mention all the non-AAA games released that I think look cool and interesting.

yeah like i said some of them still appeal to me for sure. but a lot of the time they are new title of old franchise (ex. wolfenstein , resident evil etc..)  :P .  This would be another topic but ,the DLC things is really not for me either , i miss the days when we could buy a game day one and not worry that there would be a ''complete edition'' a year later.. unfortunatly this touch all king of games , not just AAA. like i would really like to get resident evil 2 remake day one , but capcom will surely put a complete edition in one year with all the basic thing that 15 years ago i would have  just unlock by playing the game (ex. costume , extra mode ) anyways im getting off track here  ;D
I'm really prood of my survival horror collection.


Re: Losing interest for modern AAA games
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2019, 11:29:11 am »
Most of what I buy for current generation consoles consists of remakes, remasters and collections of previous generations.
To me, everything just seems so plastic and soulless nowadays. I prefer much more to investing on an older game that I know is going to be good than spending on a game that is going to be released broken and is going to demand me to buy DLCs after a couple of months.

I also feel kinda disappointed when I see so many people excited about games that, for me, just seem to be soooooo boring and generic like Anthem, Sekiro and Days Gone while so few people care about games from any genre other than Open World, FPS or Hack 'n' Slash like the might Ace Combat 7, for example...

Re: Losing interest for modern AAA games
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2019, 11:52:07 am »
My take on modern AAA games is no different than it was back in the early 2000s or the 90s; some AAA games appeal to me, some don't. No one expects you to like every AAA games released just because it had a huge budget and a team of 400+ people worked on it. I'd say 1 in 4 AAA games appeal to me these day, which is about what it has always been. That's not to mention all the non-AAA games released that I think look cool and interesting.

yeah like i said some of them still appeal to me for sure. but a lot of the time they are new title of old franchise (ex. wolfenstein , resident evil etc..)  :P .  This would be another topic but ,the DLC things is really not for me either , i miss the days when we could buy a game day one and not worry that there would be a ''complete edition'' a year later.. unfortunatly this touch all king of games , not just AAA. like i would really like to get resident evil 2 remake day one , but capcom will surely put a complete edition in one year with all the basic thing that 15 years ago i would have  just unlock by playing the game (ex. costume , extra mode ) anyways im getting off track here  ;D

Unfortunately this is a big deterrent for many people to buy modern games, including me. There are several publishers and franchises that I typically won' touch until the game has been out for at least a solid year. This is usually due to them releasing some sort of GotY edition and having all the DLC included. And even if that doesn't happen I am still very hesitant to buy a AAA game around launch since so many companies are now in the business of withholding essential content from those unwilling to pay X amount of money to access them later on. While the appeal of AAA games has stayed the same since I've been gaming, my feelings towards the industry have not, which is what you touched on a bit. Luckily solid games still get released even though some of them are DLC ridden money vacuums, but in the case of some games, there is still a great game to be had at MSRP.


Re: Losing interest for modern AAA games
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2019, 12:50:34 pm »
I feel the same as the OP and bikingjahuty. Modern AAA titles (I really, really hate that term) are increasingly hollow, multiplayer-centric, DLC-riddled money pits designed solely to squeeze every last dime out of you. Activision didnt even bother to pretend with BLOPS4. Not even a token single player campaign. Just mindlessly running around shooting, respawning, etc ad nauseam. Multiplayer can be a lot of fun. But not forever and certainly not at the expense of the story.

That's why I'm almost exclusively playing & buying Nintendo games. You buy the game and you get the complete experience. Sure, a handful of games get DLCs, but they are a good value and I cant say I've ever felt or thought that content had been cut from the game to sell it to me later.

You can put a game (Nintendo-made) on any Nintendo system, never connect to the internet and you have a smooth, fully playable experience. No "ship it & patch later" nonsense. There are very few other publishers I respect anymore. CD Projekt Red is one of the few. Big publishers scratch their heads wondering how Witcher 3 sold a bajillion copies and made huge money without season passes and other nonsense. It's pretty simple really. Make a huge, fleshed-out single player experience that works out of the box. Don't nickel & dime your customers with microtransactions. When you do release DLC, make it free or if you are going to charge, make it both interesting & worth the money!  The two expansions for Witcher 3 - Blood & Wine and Hearts of Stone were ENORMOUS and fairly priced. I had no problem with them.

For their money-grubbing ways, I've sworn off several publishers & their games. Capcom, EA, Activision, Bethesda (except ID Software titles), etc.
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us

Re: Losing interest for modern AAA games
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2019, 01:57:54 pm »
You pretty much all described perfectly what i think about DLC and modern AAA ;D.  It takes away a lot of the fun of buying game for this generation (and it have for the previous too ps3 ,360 )

I feel the same as the OP and bikingjahuty. Modern AAA titles (I really, really hate that term) are increasingly hollow, multiplayer-centric, DLC-riddled money pits designed solely to squeeze every last dime out of you. Activision didnt even bother to pretend with BLOPS4. Not even a token single player campaign. Just mindlessly running around shooting, respawning, etc ad nauseam. Multiplayer can be a lot of fun. But not forever and certainly not at the expense of the story.

That's why I'm almost exclusively playing & buying Nintendo games. You buy the game and you get the complete experience. Sure, a handful of games get DLCs, but they are a good value and I cant say I've ever felt or thought that content had been cut from the game to sell it to me later.

You can put a game (Nintendo-made) on any Nintendo system, never connect to the internet and you have a smooth, fully playable experience. No "ship it & patch later" nonsense. There are very few other publishers I respect anymore. CD Projekt Red is one of the few. Big publishers scratch their heads wondering how Witcher 3 sold a bajillion copies and made huge money without season passes and other nonsense. It's pretty simple really. Make a huge, fleshed-out single player experience that works out of the box. Don't nickel & dime your customers with microtransactions. When you do release DLC, make it free or if you are going to charge, make it both interesting & worth the money!  The two expansions for Witcher 3 - Blood & Wine and Hearts of Stone were ENORMOUS and fairly priced. I had no problem with them.

For their money-grubbing ways, I've sworn off several publishers & their games. Capcom, EA, Activision, Bethesda (except ID Software titles), etc.

Your right with nintendo being an example of product quality since their begining , snes ,Gamecube , wii etc.. are system i LOVE collecting for , so many gems from nintendo. they always deliver quality polished game still to this day.
I still don't have a switch as im always late to buy new generation console but... I already know i'll have to buy a lot of masterpiece for the system when i do  :D . But i was turned off a bit by them starting to do DLC for their main game to be honest (zelda, mario kart..) but hey.. at least they don't put out broken glitchy mess  8)
I'm really prood of my survival horror collection.


Re: Losing interest for modern AAA games
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2019, 02:01:50 pm »
I feel that the entire term "Triple Ayyyy" has been dragged hrough the mud thanks to the likes of EA, 2K, Ubisoft, Activision-Blizzard for reasons already covered in this topic. The western arm of Square-Enix is up there too, but at least their Japanese side still has some sense when it comes to developing video games.

Capcom has started to teeter on the edge, with what Street Fighter V has become and there being microtransactions in DMC5. Bethesda should stick to being a publisher of id Software games.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2019, 02:04:51 pm by Agozer »


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Re: Losing interest for modern AAA games
« Reply #8 on: January 04, 2019, 02:43:01 pm »
Some I like, some I don't. But I do seem to be buying less and less of them.

The biggest thing for me is the companies wanting to abandon single-player focus for multiplayer focus. I'm a single-player/campaign guy. I'm there to explore worlds and experience stories. And it's gotten so bad that they're starting to not have single-player campaigns in some games, at all.


Re: Losing interest for modern AAA games
« Reply #9 on: January 04, 2019, 03:01:27 pm »
I have a hard time with buying a Triple A Roadside Assistance game on day one due to reasons others have already explained. That, and I find myself being more in the mood to play games from yesteryear before all of the DLC and Gacha hoopla.


Re: Losing interest for modern AAA games
« Reply #10 on: January 04, 2019, 03:11:36 pm »
Some I like, some I don't. But I do seem to be buying less and less of them.

The biggest thing for me is the companies wanting to abandon single-player focus for multiplayer focus. I'm a single-player/campaign guy. I'm there to explore worlds and experience stories. And it's gotten so bad that they're starting to not have single-player campaigns in some games, at all.

I don't play modern video games, but I do believe this. It's is all about the money these days. I even think that some game companies, don't even hire a dedicated game tester to grind through all the bugs anymore. :(

some expect the people to complain? anyway I don't understand, do they still have people testing games for a living?
« Last Edit: January 04, 2019, 03:13:33 pm by oldgamerz »
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Re: Losing interest for modern AAA games
« Reply #11 on: January 04, 2019, 04:37:04 pm »
I still buy plenty of AAA games.  Some have their problems, but in general its about the same as it always was.  Gonna have the companies screwing up something while others make quality stuff.  I played more than a few quality AAA games from last year like God of War, Spider-Man, Monster Hunter World should count, and Red Dead 2, even if I wasn't overly fond of it.


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Re: Losing interest for modern AAA games
« Reply #12 on: January 06, 2019, 03:04:51 am »
I have a hard time with buying a Triple A Roadside Assistance game on day one due to reasons others have already explained. That, and I find myself being more in the mood to play games from yesteryear before all of the DLC and Gacha hoopla.

Same. Also “triple a road side assistance game” made me lol.

I’ve been playing a lot of Indie games lately.

Stuff with 1-5 hour completion times seems to really be doing the trick for me.

Just don’t have the time (or mental focus) for anything more these days.

I’m still buying AAA. I just don’t seem to be getting around to playing them. Or I start and get less than 1-5 hours in and realize it will be a massive time investment and set it back down.


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Re: Losing interest for modern AAA games
« Reply #13 on: January 06, 2019, 08:59:18 am »
I have a hard time with buying a Triple A Roadside Assistance game on day one due to reasons others have already explained. That, and I find myself being more in the mood to play games from yesteryear before all of the DLC and Gacha hoopla.

Same. Also “triple a road side assistance game” made me lol.

I’ve been playing a lot of Indie games lately.

Stuff with 1-5 hour completion times seems to really be doing the trick for me.

Just don’t have the time (or mental focus) for anything more these days.

I’m still buying AAA. I just don’t seem to be getting around to playing them. Or I start and get less than 1-5 hours in and realize it will be a massive time investment and set it back down.

This is me to tee! I still play the “Triple AAA roadside assistance” games, but it takes me months to do. I’m still playing RDR2 and I bought it on release day.
I play stuff in short bursts and I’m ok with that. I enjoy my games a little at a time. A good indie game scratches that itch just fine. A few years ago there were a slew of great “Retro” 2D Platformers. They’ve been rolling through steam sales and humble bundles. Now I get them stupid cheap.


Re: Losing interest for modern AAA games
« Reply #14 on: January 18, 2019, 09:32:36 am »
If I like it, I’ll get it; however, most modern “AAA” games these days rarely if ever appeal to me. They’re böring.

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