Since no-one has posted for a couple of days, I thought I'd summarize our collective votes :
9 VotesCyberpunk 2077
Breath of the Wild 2
8 VotesElden Ring
6 VotesFFVII Remake
Panzer Dragoon
5 VotesPokemon S+S
Ghostwire: Tokyo
Links Awakening
Luigis Mansion
4 VotesDoom Eternal
Tales of Arise
3 VotesWatch Dogs Legion
Hollow Knight Silksong
Trials of Mana
Final Fantasy VIII Remaster
Destroy All Humans Remaster
Psychonauts 2
Spongebob BFBB
2 VotesDaemon X Machina
Ni No Kuni Remaster
Collection of Mana
Astral Chain
Mario & Sonic Tokyo
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
1 VoteWolfenstein: Youngblood
Shenmue 3
Vampire Masquerade
Death Stranding
Star Wars: Fallen Order
Darksiders Genesis
Roller Champs
Dragon Quest XI S
Dragon Quest Builder 2
Fire Emblem Switch
Outer Worlds
Baldurs Gate 3
Romancing Saga
SaGa: Scarlet Grace Ambitions
Ghost Recon Breakpoint
Gods & Monsters
Way to The Woods
Interesting range of genres & interests!
Quite a good list of games to look forward to