I live in the 43rd most crime ridden city in the United States. I have seen armed robberies, ATF raids, heard 6 gun shots outside to find that a cab driver was shot at. And have lived next to a murderer. Just last year I was solicited for sex by a prostitute (didn't accept

) who went on to arm rob a victim who did. The heroin epidemic in my city is atrocious. USA Today ranked my city one of the worst cities to live in, in the entire united states. Because although we have tons of crime. It is also extremely expensive for property and rent. Not much room for growth and advancement and their are NO jobs.
I am one of the lucky ones who has an affordable apartment, a good job and luxuries. But most are over 1,000 easy for 1-2 bedroom apartments. Which is atrocious based on our economical situation. I do plan on moving. I love the city. It's my home. But at the same time Its pretty bad.
I really want to move to Colarado or some rocky mountain wilderness, but of course it's hard to start life a new when everything you have and all the people you know are already in one place.
Their is a suburb in my city, gated and guarded. But you have to poop diamonds and have a yacht to live there. We actually have a odd contrast here. Because their is emmense bad but also rich boat owners here that simply bathe in money. And with that comes a lot of corrupt politicans and money coming in and out. It's a mess.
My mayor got charged with gun charges, the mayor that replaced him after the recall got charged with felony tax evasion. My city is something out of a Law and Order SVU skit. But it's so eazy to adjust after all this time. It all seems normal.
Thanks for this awesome thread though, I love seeing a bit about where people grew up or live. It's interesting