Author Topic: Does it ever bother you how much space your collection takes?  (Read 3503 times)


Re: Does it ever bother you how much space your collection takes?
« Reply #15 on: January 21, 2019, 07:43:26 am »
I'm going to say this once and only once: if those of you consider someone an annoyance and bothersome, in this case what seether has been deemed of being, then just ignore. It's that simple.

But anyway, ignoring all that, sure, it bothers me sometimes that my room has nearly no space, but I'm good with organizing and arranging my stuff, so I make it my mission to not waste any space, as to give my room breathing ground. I haven't been buying games or collectibles for a good while, though, so I'm good for now. I've actually made it a goal not to buy any more figures/statues given those take up the most space.

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Re: Does it ever bother you how much space your collection takes?
« Reply #16 on: January 21, 2019, 09:30:12 am »
I don't have a lot of games, so they can all fit on one shelf. Most of my stuff is spread across my apartment and back at my parent's place so I have no idea how much space everything would take up if everything were put together.

I feel like the way this topic is phrased puts across the assumption that I *should* be bothered by it though. Still comes across as judgemental to me but meh :-X
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Re: Does it ever bother you how much space your collection takes?
« Reply #17 on: January 21, 2019, 12:57:43 pm »
When you're a teenager that lives in the UK in a throwaway culture, lives in a tenement house the size of a chernobyl apartment, and have parents that don't know what a videogame is and you have no job to buy any nor any appreciation for older games, you get seether.

Just give it up dude. We get it that you wish you could live in America and have a nice big American house where you can set up a spread, but maybe if you got off this forum and worked towards that goal you might be able to.

I'm mid 20s, my OP to this thread was all about intentional buying and not having a lot of stuff that goes unused taking space, I have a nice house mortgaged, my parents have bought me games my whole life growing up, I have a permanent full time job and I own several older games.

Stay mad though.

Re: Does it ever bother you how much space your collection takes?
« Reply #18 on: January 21, 2019, 04:57:49 pm »
I’ll be perfectly frank, as someone who generally doesn’t care for him either, this topic is fine.  Space is one of the biggest sticking points in my collection.  How to maximize usage, shelf styles, display styles, etc.  Even if he started it to troll that doesn’t mean a legitimate conversation can’t be had.

Damn skippy!

So, on the topic: Space is definitely a concern, as I have to keep my collection in my bedroom. I've spent a huge amount of my time re-organizing, re-shelving, and otherwise doing what I can to optimize my space while retaining good accessibility. Becuase let's face it, if it take 10 minutes to dig it out of the closet, you aren't gonna use it. Considering on the whole, I've made room for 40+ consoles and over 1000 physical games, I think I've done well.

And quite honestly? I LOVE that part of it! I love the organizing! I love the clutter! When it's all got a proper home to be in, at least. For me, it's like looking through old photo albums. There's memories tied to damn near all of those games- if not of the game itself, then of the time of my life that resulted in me owning it. It's a way to gain enjoyment from the games without playing them- becuase at this point, there's no way I'm playing them all enough to really warrant having them all- at least for myself. Letting other people enjoy the collection is part of it too.

Re: Does it ever bother you how much space your collection takes?
« Reply #19 on: January 21, 2019, 07:52:41 pm »
I had one condition with my wife when we bought a house. I get one bedroom + the garage and she could do whatever she wanted with the rest.
As I acquired a larger collection, the empty system display boxes went into storage or became double stacked. All my games are easily accessible and I can set up systems within a few minutes.
Honestly, no matter how much or how little space you’re going to fill it up.


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Re: Does it ever bother you how much space your collection takes?
« Reply #20 on: January 22, 2019, 01:35:29 pm »
Does it bother me how much space my collection takes up?  Yeah. Sometimes. There’s a lot of useless shit in my collection.  It takes up a ton of room.

My collection is housed in a 32x12 building. I’ve got arcade games, shelves, my podcast setup, and a shit-load of games in there. When you have to move your collection to another building, you may have a lot of shit.

I’m not really lamenting having a bunch of stuff. I love my collection. I’m really lucky to have a wife that pushed me to buy and helped me work on The B.O.B.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2019, 02:01:30 pm by turf »


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Re: Does it ever bother you how much space your collection takes?
« Reply #21 on: January 22, 2019, 01:49:48 pm »
I sometimes get overwhelmed with how much stuff I have accumulated.  I also share my living space with my partner, so I have to be mindful of not completely taking over our shared space.  Luckily she is very patient and understanding.  She doesn't love how much space it takes up but we have negotiated an understanding that once we have a larger place, it won't be the focal point of several rooms of the house. 


Re: Does it ever bother you how much space your collection takes?
« Reply #22 on: January 22, 2019, 02:32:47 pm »
Cmon guys give him a break, he's actually making a decent thread.

No, not really. A decent portion of my games are digital which saves space but I'm able to fit all my games and consoles on a couple of shelves in the corner of my room.

Re: Does it ever bother you how much space your collection takes?
« Reply #23 on: January 22, 2019, 04:47:05 pm »
It certainly doesn't bother me, only that I don't have more room. In just about every other aspect of my life I'd like to think I'm a minimalist. I buy clothes like, once every five years and donate more than I buy. I still use all of the furniture from college dorm. I buy a car once every ten years, well under budget (so I can pay it off in a couple years), and I live in a pretty small apartment. I just don't spend money on anything other than games... and retirement.

One of the major considerations for getting a house at this point in my life is so I can expand my collection and really dig in. I'm winding down my collection because I'm running out of space. My wife has a studio, so I'm glad for that, but the downside is that my collection is just filing up the living room.

And almost nothing in my collection is unused. I think that's part of why I have things set up the way they are, so I can get to them when I want to. Do some things go un-played for a year or more? Definitely. But there are also weekends when friends come over and we dump all the cartridges on the floor like we were ten again and spend a whole night swapping them in and out. "\ (0.o)/"


Re: Does it ever bother you how much space your collection takes?
« Reply #24 on: January 23, 2019, 10:07:32 am »
I think this is an interesting thread/discussion. *shrug*

It doesn't bother me. It's just something I'm mindful about. I like organizing in general, so adding new things and getting rearrange adds to the fun. We have a room in the house strictly for entertainment stuff - music, vinyls, boards games, and my game collection.

Now, the amount of space my shoe collection takes up is another story.

Re: Does it ever bother you how much space your collection takes?
« Reply #25 on: January 23, 2019, 10:32:09 am »
Funnily Enough I don't mind,

Me and my friend have this interesting debate regarding our PS4s. I for instance prefer to have Physical Games in a practical manner so I don't have to download up to 50GB's worth of Data to play a game. I'm happy having a shelf or two full of games (Which is admittedly over crowded!) that I know I can pick up and play within a reasonable amount of time. The problem I find is that when I have a downloaded game, I prefer for it to stay on my console, so when I want to access it it is readily available - I have many Free PS+ which are like this on my console. It the same with games I've bought Season Passes for, as that has an excessive amount of extra data, I don't want to have to re-download it so it remains on my console. Which I do find that I have been struggling for space on my 2TB HDD installed, the struggle for me is not space within my gaming area but space within my console!

Where as my friend in recent years has been selling off some of his PS4 games that he has for Digital versions that go on Sale on the PS Store. As he has been feeling that his games take up too much space on his shelf! It's a fair and compelling argument. I just always find are differences in approach to game storage interesting.