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Messages - funche

Pages: [1]
Whilst I do not have any experience with a therapist myself, my girlfriend does see a therapist and she says it's helped her a lot.
She didn't like her previous therapist however. She did recently get a new one and now it's one of her weekly highlights.

General / Re: Do you replay games? & What do you think about game length?
« on: January 13, 2020, 03:00:59 am »
When a game is over 30 hours long I tend not to re-play it for a long time.
If the game is rather short however, (~8 hours) like the Resident Evil 2 remake I'll be much more likely to do everything and re-play the game several times.

Off Topic / Re: Which one would you bring back?
« on: January 13, 2020, 02:52:25 am »
The Nintendo cereal system comes with nintendo power cards. I'm sold.

If I were to introduce video games to someone who hasn't played them before, I'd definitely pick a list of easy hand-holding games to get their feet wet.

1. Dark Souls
2. Super Ghouls 'n' Ghosts
3. Castlevania III
4. BattleToads
5. Ninja Gaiden
6. Super Mario Bros 2 (The lost levels)
7. Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link
8. Ikaruga
9. Contra
10. Super Meat Boy

On a more serious note though, i'd probably set them up with some of the classics such as Super Mario World.

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