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Messages - Oheao

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 15
General / Re: Strictly Limited Games is a %$@#ing JOKE!
« on: January 14, 2023, 07:57:34 pm »
Welp, looks like LRG is off my table as a go to for purchases. They apparently fired someone for following conservative outlets on Twitter and having a conservative worldview. They then went on Twitter saying they believe in tolerance for all. Sure... except those that don't fall in line with your worldview.

I won't get further into it, but I wrote them telling them they lost a customer and why. Sick of these self professed tolerant people being anything but.

Have you ever heard of the paradox of tolerance?

Video Game Database Discussion / Re: Spider-Man PS4 name
« on: September 14, 2018, 12:09:01 am »
The game itself is named Marvel's Spider-Man on the PS4 menu, so I personally went with that.

So, I tried making a listing of "Nuke-It" for PC a few months ago, but I think the quotation marks in the title messed things up because it seemed to have had no title once it was submitted, and the game page ended up being deleted. "Nuke-It" is an unofficial map pack for Duke Nukem 3D.

Another issue that I have is in trying to add D for PC to my collection - as the game name is only one letter long, I'm not sure how to search for it on this site.

Video Game Database Discussion / Where to put OS/2 games?
« on: January 14, 2018, 09:21:12 pm »
Hey, so I got 3 OS/2 games from my deceased grandfather. For those of you who are unfamiliar with it, it was an operating system by IBM that they used with their PS/2 computers as a competition to DOS/Windows. However, I am not sure if I should just count these as PC titles and put OS/2 in the title, or if there should be a separate platform for OS/2.

Classic Video Games / Re: Is the collecting bubble shifting?
« on: December 16, 2016, 12:53:16 am »
I'm not sure. I guess that since I get most of my games in the wild anyways instead of searching for prices on eBay, that I have basically been living in a bubble myself!

General / Re: What do you dread cataloging for your collection?
« on: December 02, 2016, 12:09:51 pm »
I only catalogue games, so I don't have to worry about the consoles, magazine, accessories, etc. I guess the only things that I would dread listing would be games that are pretty taboo, but I don't have any of those.

General / Re: Cheap Collectors Editions
« on: October 29, 2016, 09:14:28 pm »
While I can say Triple A game CE's are a good bet they will drop in price after a few weeks after release, (Halo, Gears of War, Uncharted, Doom, Assassin's Creed, etc) I waited on Overwatch and got it for $50. But not all of them do this. Look at the Last of Us CE.

With AAA games its a judgement call. Now I'm a sucker for CE's and I've reserved many AAA games and paid full price, If its a game I really want anyway I usually just buy just because I wanted it and if I see it cheaper a month later... Oh well. lol  :P

Do you generally prefer collecting modern games and their collector's editions, or do you prefer retro game collecting?

General / Re: Pre-Ordered/Waiting for...
« on: May 11, 2016, 04:38:42 pm »
Yeah, the rising prices for games here in Canada is the reason why I don't pre-order games very often.

If I get multiple games at once, in order to decide which order to play the games, I do Eeny, meeny, miny, moe: however, instead of the game being chosen being played first, it is played last. I continue until there is only one game left: that way it builds suspense not not which game is going to be the one until the very end.

Site Feedback / Re: Add another tab for games played/completed?
« on: September 05, 2015, 08:37:18 pm »
I already kind of do this. Collection is games that I currently own, wishlist is games that I previously owned, sell list is games that I have never owned but have played legally.

I guess that you'll have to list them yourself.

General / Re: Pre-Ordered/Waiting for...
« on: July 03, 2015, 03:45:37 pm »
Well, since they announced a physical copy for the PS4, I just pre-ordered (or backed) Shenmue III on Kickstarter!

General / Re: Pre-Ordered/Waiting for...
« on: June 20, 2015, 12:42:11 pm »
No necessarily a preorder, but I am backing the Shenmue III project at $500 right now.

Everyone, if you've ever played Shenmue and want to know how the story ends please support this game. Even if you haven't support anyways at any amount. This game is setting an excellent precedent in our community to make games that fans want and not games that big developers think we want.

Wasn't it revealed that Sony is helping to find the game?

Not much, according to Yu Suzuki the majority of the funds will come from individual backers. In fact, he says that around $10,000,000 is needed to create the game that he truly envisions. However, I am not funding it unless they have a physical PS4 copy. Until then, I am not spending a penny on it.

Modern Video Games / Re: Shenmue 3!!!
« on: June 18, 2015, 06:17:03 am »
Nice $3 mill. Wont buy it, but happy its doing well.

Why not?

Personally, unless they decide to offer a physical PS4 release (I have no idea why they still haven't done this yet), I am not backing it.

General / Re: Official E3 Announcement/Discussion thread
« on: June 17, 2015, 07:54:10 pm »
Sooooo I just pre-ordered 10 games on Amazon... I pre-ordered more than I would have, since they have their "30% off on 3 or more pre-orders" promotion  :) And since it's Amazon, if I decided I didn't want one of these games, I can just cancel it before release.

The discount is definitely worth it:

Which games?

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