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Messages - undertakerprime

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General / Re: Bad/Mediocre games with excellent soundtracks
« on: October 18, 2016, 01:00:53 pm »
Battle Arena Toshinden 1 and 2.
Not terrible games, merely mediocre, but the soundtracks were excellent. I'd put the game discs in my car CD player. Sho's music from BAT and Sofia's from BAT2 were probably my favorites.

I can't really remember the music, but I seem to recall Actraiser 2 had pretty good music.

Also, Tron 2.0 had great music that tied right in with Wendy Carlos' movie score.

General / Re: Your favorite Dragon Quest/Warrior games
« on: October 16, 2016, 03:34:11 pm »
I'm not sure I'm qualified to answer as I've only played 2 DW games, 1 and VIII, but VIII is one of my favorite RPGs ever.

I have no interest in VR nor do I plan on getting a 4K TV any time soon, but I'm still happy they're releasing an upgraded PS4 because that likely means a price drop on the vanilla PS4 and I might actually get one.

Classic Video Games / Re: questions about new Tomb Raider games & Lara Croft
« on: September 26, 2016, 01:29:51 pm »
As someone who played the hell out of the original PS1 series, I can say I LOVE the reboot. I haven't played the reboot sequel yet, but Tomb Raider 2013 (IMO) does an excellent job of making Lara a more "realistic" character, showing the events that change her from an innocent girl into an expert in archaeology, survival, and firearms. She's not quite the cocky badass from the original series, but that's fine with me as long as they don't turn her into the constantly angry, murdering b**** from the mid-2000s trilogy. It was really hard for me to sympathize with that Lara.

Of course Nude Raider was a huge rumor, but the one I remember best is the infamous GamePro April Fools joke which claimed you could play as Sheng Long in Super Street Fighter II Turbo. A lot of people, including myself, didn't realize it was a joke. I never tried to do the almost impossible trick, which IIRC involved double-perfecting every computer opponent including Akuma and something else I don't remember, but many other people attempted it.

Classic Video Games / Re: What is the oldest game you own?
« on: September 10, 2016, 07:31:45 pm »
I don't own any Atari 2600 stuff any more, so it's one of my Game & Watches. According to the release dates on Wikipedia, Donkey Kong is the oldest one I have.

General / Re: Who did you pick most in mario 2?
« on: September 01, 2016, 08:06:23 pm »
I had my own system:
Toad for 1-1
Mario for 1-2
Toad for 1-3
Luigi for desert levels, because his high jumps made it easier to stay out of the quicksand
Princess Toadstool for ice levels, so I could float over the ice
Mario or Toad (usually Mario) for world 7

Classic Video Games / Re: Most Nostalgic Time-Period of Gaming
« on: August 30, 2016, 04:42:39 pm »
Probably the period from '83 to the SNES.
I loved my Atari 2600 and my Game & Watches, and my dad would bring me to the local mall arcade on the weekends, where I became so good at Ms Pac Man and Q*Bert he only had to give me one or two quarters. Arcade games were everywhere; our local Mexican restaurant had Mr. Do in the waiting room, and we knew the waitress at our favorite family restaurant so well she would exchange a kiss for a quarter to play Ms Pac Man in their lobby.

Then I discovered the NES, Game Boy, Genesis, and SNES. My parents got me a SNES for Christmas 1991, but they didn't know I would take it out to play it before Christmas  ;D

General / Re: What is The Rarest Game You Own?
« on: August 29, 2016, 09:20:45 pm »
I don't know if this has anything to do with rarity, but I seem to be the only person on this site with the PC game Voyeur in my collection. Seriously, if you go to the game's entry page, it lists it in only 1 collection - mine. It doesn't seem to be worth much, though, so it can't be too rare. I guess there's just not many people who bought this crap game :p

General / Re: What is your favorite Squaresoft/SquareEnix game?
« on: August 27, 2016, 10:19:03 pm »
Final Fantasy VI, without question.
Also FFIV, FFVII, FFIX, FFX, Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, and Dragon Quest VIII.
Wait, wasn't Actraiser by Enix? If so, that too.
Never been a fan of Kingdom Hearts.

General / Re: What is the most Hours you ever put in a game?
« on: August 27, 2016, 10:11:37 pm »
120+ hrs into Skyrim
Also have 100+ hrs into Fallout 3.
No other game comes close, unless you count multiple playthroughs of RPGs like FF6 and Chrono Cross, with 40-50 hrs per playthrough.

General / Re: Favourite Sports Video Game
« on: August 26, 2016, 10:25:56 am »
I forgot one:
Super Baseball 2020 on SNES.
That game is FUN.

General / Re: Favourite Sports Video Game
« on: August 25, 2016, 03:49:30 pm »
NBA Hangtime.
Sure, NBA Jam came first, but Hangtime does everything better. I played the hell out of my N64 port.
And yes, the AI cheats, but that's part of the challenge. Whoever's losing gets stat boosts to make the game more competitive. I normally don't like it when the AI blatantly cheats in sports games (especially racing games where the AI cars magically stay close behind even when you should be way ahead), but I don't have a problem with Jam/Hangtime because human players also get the same boosts when they're losing.

General / Re: What is The Rarest Game You Own?
« on: August 24, 2016, 11:09:02 am »
As others have said, I mainly collect for the games and not for the rarity, so I don't really pursue rare stuff. However, I was able to get a few high-priced games before they went up in value, especially some of the SNES stuff which I bought online just before they really shot up.

NES - Mega Man 6, S.C.A.T., Shadow of the Ninja, Shatterhand
SNES - Castlevania Dracula X, Ninja Gaiden Trilogy, Captain Commando, Mega Man 7, Mega Man X 1-3
GB - Mega Man V
PS1 - Castlevania Chronicles, Arc the Lad Collection, Lunar Eternal Blue Complete
N64 - Clay Fighter 63 1/3: Sculptor's Cut
Gamecube - Twilight Princess
Dreamcast - Garou: Mark of the Wolves
Saturn - (all Japanese imports) X-Men vs SF, Marvel Super Heroes vs SF, Vampire Savior
I also have a handful of Nintendo Game & Watches, including Zelda

Here's a pic I took last year...

General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: August 20, 2016, 05:25:40 pm »
I just finished Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia. I hardly remembered anything about it because I hadn't played it in a few years, but I really enjoyed it. A lot of secrets, a pretty good plot, and very high production values. Its level structure is different from other CVs, but refreshing. When you get to Dracula's castle it's awesome to realize that now you'll get a standard Metroidvania experience even after the pretty good earlier linear levels. The bosses are huge and memorable.

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