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Messages - aliensstudios

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General / Re: Proudest Gaming Accomplishments.
« on: January 08, 2015, 12:54:22 pm »
•Beating Mega Man & Bass with both characters. I don't know why, but this was the hardest game I've ever beaten and I've played some hard games before. This game was difficult not because it's legitimately challenging, but simply because it has tons of cheap, do or die and trial and error moments. I can't tell you how many different times I felt like chucking my Game Boy Advance across the room, but when I finally beat it, I felt like a king! If you had an easy time with this game, I tip my hat to you.
•Beating the haunted house level in TimeSplitters for PS2 cooperatively on the hardest difficulty with my brother and our friend. It took all night, but when we finally beat it at around 4:30 in the morning we jumped for joy and yelled and celebrated, no doubt waking up the rest of the household. I remember we took a good scolding but it was totally worth it.

Some of these are nothing compared to what others have accomplished but these are just two moments that I reflect on when playing a challenging game.

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