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Messages - marvelvscapcom2

Pages: 1 ... 80 81 [82] 83 84
General / What is your favorite Simpson's game?
« on: April 25, 2016, 09:44:04 pm »
I like hit and run and Bart's Nightmare best.

General / What is your favorite Amiibo thus far?
« on: April 25, 2016, 09:42:03 am »
I love the Meta Knight and MewTwo designs.

Off Topic / Leafyishere anyone?
« on: April 25, 2016, 09:38:04 am »
Do we got any Reptilians on here? Hisssssss

Off Topic / Re: Prince killed by the Illuminati?
« on: April 24, 2016, 01:07:26 am »
Did you know Limes disease was created by the government. That one is actually proven. Did you know the government invented aids? also proven. did you know the U.S government invented "crack".

Off Topic / Re: Prince killed by the Illuminati?
« on: April 24, 2016, 01:05:53 am »
They aren't imaginary. Their is actually tons of evidence and documentation proving the illuminati did and still do exist. They are certainly not imaginary or made up. It just isn't proven and is "conspiracy" weather or not they run the world and do deep dark stuff and brainwash the masses with propaganda.  Most don't believe that. But they were definitely a real thing and are still on our money to this day.

Off Topic / Re: Prince killed by the Illuminati?
« on: April 24, 2016, 12:59:41 am »
So would you go as far as to say that you don't believe in the illuminati at all? Or just don't think they killed Prince?  Because Prince was exposing some major ish when the whole cap blew off. They silenced him like they do everyone else. They are reading this right now. I might be safe. My voice isn't big enough. They don't care about all the whispers if they can silence the screams.

The Illuminati is pure nonsense and always has been.  It's fear mongering from con artists and scumbags like Alex Jones and other conspiracy theorists.  The world is already a scary place that we don't need to inject non-existent boogeymen pulling strings in the background.  Prince wasn't doing anything noble or different than anyone else.  He was just repeating the same 'ole tired, unfounded, nonsense he read online that he could never back up with any proof.  He's no different than Tom Cruise with his Scientology or celebs that get into anti-vaccine things or homeopathic rubbish.

And no, the Illuminati isn't reading this right now.  They don't exist and you are doing yourself a disservice by entertaining such nonsense ideas if you are being actually serious with this.

Hey, I find it funny how their is footage of bush at a classroom, with the kids reading the words "Plane,Must,Hit,Steel" as the teacher says "get ready"  like 15 minutes before a plane hit 2 steel structured towers in N.Y. I find it weird how CNN reported the 2nd tower falling before it ever did. I find it funny how people weren't allowed to leave the second tower, I find it funny how Bush made billions off of 9/11.   I find it weird how Janis Joplin, Kurt Cobain, Jimmy Hendrix, Jim Morrison were all found dead at 27 with a white bic lighter in their pockets after making comments about society and the new world order. The lizard people are a whole another story.

General / Re: What are you playing?
« on: April 24, 2016, 12:43:48 am »
Persona 4

Welcome! Are you playing the original or golden version?

Thanks :) and I am playing the original version.

Off Topic / Re: Prince killed by the Illuminati?
« on: April 24, 2016, 12:36:59 am »
Wont know for a few weeks as they let everyone forget and not care anymore, then POOF  overdose. Simple easy cover up. Especially considering his body has already been cremated. Not allowing for a second opinion. I think it's all fishy and random.

It's not fishy and random.  Reading into it, it's possible he had a painkiller addiction after a surgery, which goes the other idea I brought up, and is far more likely than nonsense Illuminati shenanigans that have no support or evidence for.

So would you go as far as to say that you don't believe in the illuminati at all? Or just don't think they killed Prince?  Because Prince was exposing some major ish when the whole cap blew off. They silenced him like they do everyone else. They are reading this right now. I might be safe. My voice isn't big enough. They don't care about all the whispers if they can silence the screams.

Classic Video Games / Re: The top 5 games that defined your childhood
« on: April 24, 2016, 12:32:32 am »
1.Super Mario 64 tied with Super Mario World.
2. Kingdom Hearts
3. Mike Tyson's Punchout
4. Marvel Vs Capcom 2
5. EarthBound

Off Topic / Re: Prince killed by the Illuminati?
« on: April 24, 2016, 12:31:02 am »
Im not too familiar with Alex Jones, Why is he so hated? He doesn't seem to be a piece of scum. Some may disagree with his statements but he has some reasons why he feels that way

He's a well documented con artist and scumbag.  It's not even refutable and there is no reason to believe anything he says.  Chem trails don't exist, the Illuminati don't exist, and these celebs aren't being killed because they know too much or are a problem.  It's all absurd.

Prince-  dies 2 days after exposing the government for their use of chem trails, going against google and big business ect..

Prince talked about chemtrails YEARS ago.  Much like many mega pop stars, they don't always have their heads on right.  In a more humorous view of him, Kevin Smith detailed a rather wild experience he had in dealing with Prince that showed he was abit off.  His death has a far likelier chance of being related to his religious beliefs as Jehova Witness are against things like blood transfusions and I heard can take harsher stances on modern medical practices in general.  Being that he was sick before opens this up as a possibility.  Won't know for a few weeks though.

Wont know for a few weeks as they let everyone forget and not care anymore, then POOF  overdose. Simple easy cover up. Especially considering his body has already been cremated. Not allowing for a second opinion. I think it's all fishy and random.

General / Re: Who would you rather date if possible?
« on: April 24, 2016, 12:27:24 am »

I got one

Aaron Rodgers or Clay Matthews <3

Aaron Rodgers for sure.

General / Who would you rather date if possible?
« on: April 23, 2016, 10:58:20 pm »
Rosalina or Peach?

If you are a girl

Link or Mario

Off Topic / Re: Prince killed by the Illuminati?
« on: April 23, 2016, 08:24:56 pm »
I'm sorry, but you're gonna have to provide some sources on this stuff.  The 1 dollar bill ' illumanti eye' on the back is the Eye of Provdience which is known to be a symbol of the Christian Trinity and  was first used in Renassiance Europe.  Some of the other examples are more directly related and have evidence pointing to government.

I really don't think this is really worth discussing, even for off topic threads here.
Don't entertain a serious conversation about conspiracy theories. Marvel, and why isn't Alex Jones dead yet? Hasn't he been discussing the master plans of the Illuminati BS for the longest time now? I guess you don't take that into account since it wouldn't fit your narrative. Wouldn't it be convenient to stop someone like him with a big microphone? I mean, they apparently stopped all these celebrities from talking. Or is it that Alex Jones just doesn't have a high enough Celeb status. Maybe he isn't A+ status. Am I an Illuminati member possibly defusing the truth? Lol.

It would be too obvious if he was killed, it would be in the news "Conspiracy theorist dies after exposing illuminati"   they don't want that headline. They know better. They rather have "Crazy Pedophile Wacka Jacko dies at age 50 after overdosing on drugs"  or "Prince dead at 57 over possible overdose/suicide."   they don't want the people to connect the dots. It would be to easy for people to connect the dots if a illuminati conspiracy theorist randomly gets killed.  Celebrities could die from a number of things, and with these injectable cancers and chem trails, and poisons they have, they can kill them and make it look like an overdose or disease easily.
Riiiight, because no one looks at Alex Jones like he's a complete wacko. In fact, it's pretty much a universal consensus. Just check all the comments and Like/Dislike ratio with anything having to do with him. Of course, you'd have to sift through some of the middle aged nut jobs to find the gold, but it's there.

Im not too familiar with Alex Jones, Why is he so hated? He doesn't seem to be a piece of scum. Some may disagree with his statements but he has some reasons why he feels that way.

Off Topic / Re: Guess Those Lyrics
« on: April 23, 2016, 07:56:54 pm »
"I wont deny it, i'm a straight ridah, aint nobody f'ing with me, got the police busting at me. but they cant do nothing to a G"
Tupac. I used to listen to old school rap in the early 2000's.

Yup!!  Tupac it is lol. 

Off Topic / Re: Prince killed by the Illuminati?
« on: April 23, 2016, 07:54:11 pm »
I'm sorry, but you're gonna have to provide some sources on this stuff.  The 1 dollar bill ' illumanti eye' on the back is the Eye of Provdience which is known to be a symbol of the Christian Trinity and  was first used in Renassiance Europe.  Some of the other examples are more directly related and have evidence pointing to government.

I really don't think this is really worth discussing, even for off topic threads here.
Don't entertain a serious conversation about conspiracy theories. Marvel, and why isn't Alex Jones dead yet? Hasn't he been discussing the master plans of the Illuminati BS for the longest time now? I guess you don't take that into account since it wouldn't fit your narrative. Wouldn't it be convenient to stop someone like him with a big microphone? I mean, they apparently stopped all these celebrities from talking. Or is it that Alex Jones just doesn't have a high enough Celeb status. Maybe he isn't A+ status. Am I an Illuminati member possibly defusing the truth? Lol.

It would be too obvious if he was killed, it would be in the news "Conspiracy theorist dies after exposing illuminati"   they don't want that headline. They know better. They rather have "Crazy Pedophile Wacka Jacko dies at age 50 after overdosing on drugs"  or "Prince dead at 57 over possible overdose/suicide."   they don't want the people to connect the dots. It would be to easy for people to connect the dots if a illuminati conspiracy theorist randomly gets killed.  Celebrities could die from a number of things, and with these injectable cancers and chem trails, and poisons they have, they can kill them and make it look like an overdose or disease easily.

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