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Topics - foxhack

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 6

This is mine. The last time this sold on ebay it went for $1500 bucks... so yeah. If you're interested, and think you can afford one of the rarest pieces of game memorabilia, give it a bid or two. I need the cash for my roof.

Video Game Database Discussion / MOVED: Wishlist pie chart?
« on: August 29, 2015, 09:51:05 pm »

Marketplace / Many Steam keys from bundles FS (Amazon GC payment only)
« on: August 23, 2015, 03:54:33 pm »
I've got a bunch of BTA keys from recent Humble Bundles available at actual cost.

Amazon gift card codes preferred! (They have a 0.50 minimum though.)

Groupees Steampunk 4 Preorder gift code - $2.50 (preorder cost) -

BundleStars' Killer Bundle 4 split - 50 cents each
theHunter: Primal
Of Guards and Thieves
Hero of the Kingdom II

Humble PC & Android Bundle 13
Beatbuddy: Tale of the Guardians - 0.25

Humble Weekly Bundle: Games from Japan
Vanguard Princess + 2 character DLCs - 0.45
Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure - $1.50

Humble Jumbo Bundle 4
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II - $.75
Screencheat - $.75
Freedom Planet - $.50
Coin Crypt - $.50

Humble Weekly Kickstarter
Guns of Icarus Online + OST + Costumes - .33
AR-K - .33
Full Bore - .33

I also have other keys I don't really want or need, so... PM me if interested. Priority will be given to people who want lots of games. Thanks.

General / MOVED: Add Steam Machines?
« on: August 05, 2015, 09:59:56 pm »


TL;DR -- There's cryptolocker malware right now that's exploiting vulnerabilities in Flash and everyone can be hit by this crap. Turn off Flash right the hell now, or at least change it to "click to play" in your browser until it's patched. Instructions here:

Video Game Deals, Sales and Promotions / Humble Nintendo Bundle
« on: May 26, 2015, 02:11:12 pm »
Humble Nindie Bundle:
  • Guacamelee! Super Turbo Championship Edition (WiiU)
  • Woah Dave! (3DS)
  • Mighty Switch Force (3DS)
Beat the Average for:
  • The Fall (WiiU)
  • OlliOlli (WiiU, 3DS)
  • Moon Chronicles (3DS)
  • More games unlock on the second week
Pay $10 or more for:
  • Stealth Inc 2 (WiiU)
  • SteamWorld Dig (WiiU, 3DS)

Note: This bundle does not seem to be available in Europe. Thanks, Nintendo! Your shenanigans never fail to surprise me.

Site Feedback / Item listings seem to be having issues right now
« on: May 12, 2015, 08:24:33 pm »
Um, something tells me this isn't supposed to look like this.

The sidebar is missing. I haven't done a thing, this happens in Firefox and Chrome. o_O

A week ago, MobyGames owner Jeremiah Freyholtz announced that the site was in the process of removing watermarks from all their scans. On May 8, the site posted news that all watermarks from their cover artwork scans and screenshots had been removed, and their management has declared that images may now be used by anyone, in any way they wish.

So on that note, we will now accept watermark-less cover art scans from MobyGames. But I have a request...

Not many people here know that I worked at MobyGames for a few years, managing approvals for some platforms. I left several years ago to pursue other interests (and yet you see me here futzing around and helping out, go figure.) While both VGCollect and MobyGames share one specific feature - a way for people to track their game collection - VGC is more focused on that, while MobyGames' first and foremost objective is to document all video games ever created, via release info, screenshots, cover artwork, and credits.

So my request is, if you're going to use their images for your VGC submissions, give something back. Help them by submitting missing information such as credits, screenshots (if possible), product codes, game ratings, tech info, etcetera. You don't have to do this - but I'd like that. Come on, they're making your life easier by letting us use their artwork, the least we can do is help them out in return, ya know? Just be sure to follow their rules about things - we're pretty lax about info down here, but they're not. You don't have to do this. But if you can spare the time, help 'em out. Kay? Kay.

Oh and please use cover artwork that matches your item. Don't just grab a random box shot and use that as your art.

Site Feedback / Am I the only one that can't add publishers or devs?
« on: April 27, 2015, 11:58:50 pm »
Seriously, I'm approving other people's dev/pub submissions but every time I try to add something, the site ignores me. Everything works, except for those two. Has anyone else noticed that their dev/pub edits don't go through?

Edit: Okay, it worked in another game. But it didn't work on - so I don't know what the hell is going on.

Edit 2: I added a publisher to - but I couldn't add the developer. :|

Edit 3: ... Apparently if a developer or publisher isn't already on the site, it won't let me add one.

General / MOVED: Complete Me!
« on: April 15, 2015, 02:08:42 pm »

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