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Topics - realpoketendonl

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General / March 2018 - Recently Added to Collection/Recently Purchased
« on: March 01, 2018, 12:10:52 pm »
I haven't posted to one of these in a while, but I saw there wasn't a new one yet and I wanted to post so I figured "Why not? Let's make the next one!"

I usually don't post to these because whenever I get something it's a small thing or a single thing not worth posting about. But then I thought "Hey, why not post once a month with everything I got?" So here we are.

Here's my lot for February:

Not too much this month, but some neat stuff. Got a PDP Wired Controller so I can finally play PC games with a proper controller. Got a new WiiMote because one of my old ones died (and a blue one because blue is pretty and was a euro cheaper than white). Got a new DS game and two new Wii games which include a mediocre point-and-click adventure game on DS, Wii Chess (speaks for itself) and the worst Wii game ever. I'm not exaggerating. Whichever Wii game you think is the worst, trust me, it can't be worse than this. Absolute garbage! Maybe I'll write about it someday on here, but that's for another day. And also got the Nick Wilde and Judy Hopps figures for Disney Infinity 3.0. I don't even own Disney Infinity 3.0, but I'm a huge fan of Zootopia, so I'm glad just having the figures.

But of course the gem here is the Bayonetta + Bayonetta 2 Special Edition. Bayonetta and Bayonetta 2 are some of my favourite games of all time, so I'm more than thrilled to add this Special Edition to my collection. I've said it before and I'll say it again, if you have not played the series before, please do yourself a favour and play it. It's an absolute must-play for any fan of action games.

I just bought this Gioteck controller, which is both compatible with PC and PS3.

I'm definitely going to use it for PC, but because it works on both platforms, I'm not really sure how to put it in the database. Do I list it as a PC accessory? A PS3 accessory? Or does it not really matter?

General / Do you use ROM/Flash Carts?
« on: November 18, 2016, 09:10:02 pm »
I'm curious to know you guys' stance on those things!
I've personally always been against them. They almost always lead to piracy, which I'm strictly against. I will however admit that I just got an R4 a while ago, but not to pirate anything with. I currently own 35 DS games, and carrying multiple cartridges around can become quite tedious when traveling. This why I ultimately decided on getting an old R4 for my old DS Lite. While I'll always stick to playing RPGs and other big-scale games on real game cards, I figured the R4 could be handy to store a lot of smaller scale games, like Mario Kart or puzzle games. Yes, it would require me to carry around my DS Lite next to my 3DS instead of carrying around the 3DS and a game case, but I still feel like using the R4 will just be more convenient for me. But let me reïterate once again that I won't pirate any games with it. I am against piracy, and I'll always be. You should not download games you don't own. However, if you own a game, I don't see a reason you shouldn't be allowed to carry it around on an R4 if you want.

What's you guys' stance on this? Use a flashcart yourself?

Hardware and Tech / Problem with external HDD on Wii U?
« on: October 11, 2016, 09:53:49 am »
I know I'm a tad paranoid, but I just want to be as careful with this as possible. recently got a Wii U. It is an 8gb model, so I needed to connect an external HDD drive. I still had one laying around. Only a few months old, once put some files on it, never used it much or actively, 1Tb in size, no external power supply (though I got a USB-Y cable for it).
I decided to take the files off it, and format it on the Wii U. Before the HDD I had a standard 16Gb USB-stick connected to hold me over. I copied all the files from the stick to the HDD, disconnected the USB-stick (in the recommended way of course) and booted up the console again. Everything seemed to be fine. I then booted up Smash, went to the trophy gallery, left, and the system crashed. It gave me an error message saying that there was a problem with the HDD.
I rebooted the console and started Smash again. This time, I wanted to test whether I could trigger another error (that way I could be sure there was a problem). I went into 8-player Smash, loaded nothing but characters that were on the HDD (DLC and Miis), battled, won, nothing happened. Then I went to the eShop and decided to download the Starfox Guard demo, since I heard the eShop gives issues with broken HDDs as well. However, it's downloading just fine right now with no issues.
Naturally, I'm a little worried now. I don't want to continue using this HDD if it may end up giving problems. Has anyone ever had anything like this? Could the problem be with Smash? Or is this just a coincidence?

UPDATE: Never mind about Starfox, I just got an error message, the HDD apparently can't handle any new data. Please help!

ANOTHER UPDATE: Just tried to install a smaller demo (Word Puzzles by POWGI). That one installed fine. I'm completely lost as to what's going on here. Please help!

Looking for a good deal on Sonic games on Steam? You're in luck!
The newest Humble Bundle is here, and it's a good one if you're a fan of Sonic. To celebrate the 25th anniversary, the newest humble bundle features over €125 worth of Sonic games and DLC on Steam, which you can all get for €8,90. If you pay more than €31,17, you also get a limited edition Sonic Anniversary T-shirt.

I didn't get the T-shirt, but I did get the full bundle (seeing how I only owned a few Sonic games on Steam, but I'd like to get more into the series, and there's a lot of classics in this bundle). I'll be honest, after the trouble I had getting the SEGA Genesis & Mega Drive Classics program to work, and after simply giving up on getting Sonic Adventure 2 to run (seriously, if it works on your pc, please tell me how you did it), I was about done with SEGA on Steam, but they pulled me back in with this.

If you're a fan of Sonic, I suggest you check this out. If you pay the bare minimum for the complete game bundle (minus the t-shirt), then you can save up to 95% (if my calculations are correct).

(Wow, I know I sounded like a SEGA representative back there, but it's just a really good bundle, ok?)

Off Topic / Videonics Video Title Maker 2000
« on: June 14, 2016, 07:52:37 am »
Since I'm not sure (and in all honesty, don't think) that this is really gaming-related, I decided to put it here.
I was at a dump store today, and I saw this. I had no clue what it is, but it looked like a ZX Spectrum or something. I quickly took a picture of it (sorry for the blurry quality, I had to do it fast) to look it up before deciding on buying it.

From what I've gathered, it's some kind of video editing tool, but that's pretty much all I know. Maybe somebody here can tell me something about it? They;re selling it for €6,50, and I believe that's above the average price. If it's just a video editing tool, then I'm not interested in it anyway, but who knows. Has anyone ever seen this before?

General / Is it illegal to download games you already own?
« on: June 09, 2016, 08:01:24 pm »
Is it illegal to download games you already own? For example, I own Super Smash Bros Brawl. Now I want to try out Project M, but my Wii isn't modded, so I can't install it, nor can I make a copy of the game to use with Dolphin Emulator. Is it illegal to download an .iso of SSBB in this case to use with Dolphin? I get that it's automatically illegal to torrent it, seeing how that would automatically cause you to seed, and even the tiniest amount of seeding is technically uploading, and thus illegal. But what if I were to download an .iso of the game without any form of uploading on my part?

In my personal opinion it's okay to download a ROM of a game if you already own the game. I bought the game, I paid for it, so if I want to mod around with it or back my games up to an R4 for example, then I don't see the issue with downloading a ROM. I want to be clear, I'm absolutely against any form of piracy. I believe you should pay for music, movies, games, etcetera. People worked on those products, and they deserve to get the monetization from it. But downloading content you already own is a very fishy area, so I thought I'd ask your opinion.

To celebrate the 5 year anniversary of the eShop, Nintendo is bringing a HUGE amount of discounts to the eShop. These discounts'll start on the 9th of June and they'll last for two weeks (until June 23rd). The discounted titles are:

Wii U eShop

    Art Academy: SketchPad - £1.79 (was £3.59) / €1.99 (was €3.99)
    Child of Light - £5.99 (was £11.99) / €7.49 (was €14.99)
    Cube Life: Island Survival - £5.59 (was £7.99) / €6.99 (was €9.99)
    Donkey Kong 64 - £4.49 (was £8.99) / €4.99 (was €9.99)
    EarthBound - £3.49 (was £6.99) / €4.99 (was €9.99)
    FAST Racing NEO - £8.20 (was £10.99) / €11.20 (was €14.99)
    F-Zero - £2.69 (was £5.49) / €3.99 (was €7.99)
    Kirby's Adventure - £1.69 (was £3.49) / €2.49 (was €4.99)
    Little Inferno - £4.49 (was £8.99) / €4.99 (was €9.99)
    Metroid Prime Trilogy - £8.99 (was £17.99) / €9.99 (was €19.99)
    Nano Assault NEO - £6.70 (was £8.99) / €7.49 (was €9.99)
    NES Remix - £4.49 (was £8.99) / €4.99 (was €9.99)
    NES Remix 2 - £4.49 (was £8.99) / €4.99 (was €9.99)
    Super Mario Bros. 3 - £1.69 (was £3.49) / €2.49 (was €4.99)
    Super Mario Galaxy 2 - £8.99 (was £17.99) / €9.99 (was €19.99)
    Super Mario World - £2.69 (was £5.49) / €3.99 (was €7.99)
    Super Mario 64 - £4.49 (was £8.99) / €4.99 (was €9.99)
    Super Metroid - £2.69 (was £5.49) / €3.99 (was €7.99)
    The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past - £2.69 (was £5.49) / €3.99 (was €7.99)
    The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - £4.49 (was £8.99) / €4.99 (was €9.99)
    The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap - £3.09 (was £6.29) / €3.49 (was €6.99)
    Toki Tori - £0.89 (was £1.79) / €0.99 (was €1.99)
    Trine 2: Director's Cut - £6.99 (was £13.99) / €8.49 (was €16.99)

3DS eShop

    3D Classics: Kirby's Adventure - £2.69 (was £5.39) / €2.99 (was €5.99)
    Colors! 3D - £2.69 (was £5.39) / €2.99 (was €5.99)
    Dillon's Rolling Western - £4.49 (was £8.99) / €4.99 (was €9.99)
    Fun! Fun! Minigolf TOUCH! - £1.85 (was £2.50) / €2.24 (was €2.99)
    Gunman Clive - £0.99 (was £1.99) / €0.99 (was €1.99)
    Kirby's Dream Land - £1.79 (was £3.59) / €1.99 (was €3.99)
    Pokédex 3D Pro - £6.69 (was £13.49) / €7.49 (was €14.99)
    Pokémon Link: Battle! - £3.59 (was £7.19) / €3.99 (was €7.99)
    Pokémon Trading Card Game - £2.19 (was £4.49) / €2.49 (was €4.99)
    Pullblox - £2.69 (was £5.39) / €2.99 (was €5.99)
    Shin Megami Tensei IV - £8.99 (was £17.99) / €9.99 (was €19.99)
    SteamWorld Dig - £3.49 (was £7.99) / €4.49 (was €8.99)
    Super Mario Bros. - £2.19 (was £4.49) / €2.49 (was €4.99)
    Super Mario Bros. 2 - £2.19 (was £4.49) / €2.49 (was €4.99)
    Super Mario Bros. 3 - £1.69 (was £3.49) / €2.49 (was €4.99)
    Super Mario Land - £1.79 (was £3.59) / €1.99 (was €3.99)
    Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins - £1.79 (was £3.59) / €1.99 (was €3.99)
    The Legend of Zelda - £2.19 (was £4.49) / €2.49 (was €4.99)
    The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX - £2.69 (was £5.39) / €2.99 (was €5.99)
    The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages - £2.69 (was £5.39) / €2.99 (was €5.99)
    The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons - £2.69 (was £5.39) / €2.99 (was €5.99)
    Zen Pinball 3D - £1.79 (was £4.49) / €1.99 (was €4.99)

My personal thanks to Nintendo Life, I copied this list from them.

I'm definitely getting Gunman Clive, and then maybe Super Mario Land 2 or SteamWorld Dig.

I'm running a bit short on money, and there are some games coming out I really want to get, so I decided to sell my Graphite PAL Game Boy Advance SP.

EDIT: The GBA SP has been sold. Pokémon Pinball is still available though.

I'm also selling my PAL copy of Pokémon Pinball for the Game Boy Color.
EDIT: This one is sold as well. In other words, everything has been sold.

Hardware and Tech / DSi XL not responding to anything
« on: April 02, 2016, 08:20:44 pm »
My grandma has a DSi XL, the first version of it (the Wine Red one). She enjoys occasionaly playing Brain Training or Germ Buster on it, or at least, she enjoyed that.

A few days ago her DSi XL almost completely stopped responding to any interaction. It hadn't been used for quite a while at that point. It'd turn on just fine, and we'd see the main menu without any issue. Music played, photos appeared on the top screen, nothing out of the ordinary. However, we soon realised that the D-pad wasn't working. We couldn't move around the menu or select a different game or app. We tried the touch screen, but that didn't respond to anything either. Swiping, tapping, nothing worked. We turned it off, put in a game, and turned it back on, and we did see the icon of the game. However, the A button didn't work either! Both the A-button and the Touch Screen do work on the Safety Precautions screen, but after that they stop working. Eventually we found out the L and R buttons do work, but again only once. You can open the camera with the L and R buttons, and cancel out of it with the B button, but after that those buttons stop responding too.

The battery probably isn't the issue. It said it was fully charged and even if it wasn't then it wouldn't have booted up on the brightest screen settings without issue. It also can't be the game that's inserted into the system, because we were having these same issues without a game inserted into it.

So here are the problems we're having listed out:
- D-Pad doesn't work at all
- A-button and Touch Screen don't work past the Safety Precautions screen
- The L and R buttons (and presumably also the B-button) stop working after using them once.
- The main menu shows up fine without any issue, and it seems to be running flawlessly.

We've never used any illegal devices (like the R4 or mod chips) with it. It's a completely clean system in pretty good shape (since she doesn't play on it that often). During my life and my three DS systems (the DS Lite, the DSi and the 3DS) I have never seen something like this, so I'm completely clueless as to what could be the issue. I'll do some research online, and we'll probably also contact Nintendo soon, but maybe one of you has had these issues before? Does anyone have any idea on how to fix this?

We recently received a restored Blackwater 100 pinball machine. This machine was originally produced by Bally Midway.

The guy told us restoring it was difficult, particularly in the case of some paddles. The game features five paddles, the two main ones, two on a second floor, and one on a higher floor near the bottom of the machine. He told us those higher paddles were particularly difficult, because they use unique spindles that were made exclusively for the machine, and are thus no longer in production. I don't know he fixed it, but he did it...or so we thought.

After just a few rounds, the left paddle on the second floor and the elevated paddle near the bottom both broke down. When I press the button now, the regular left paddle works without issue, but those other two don't do anything. The guy who fixed it is a professional, and he'll come back to fix it soon, but I figured I could ask for help here. We already checked the fuses, but we couldn't find any burned out ones. Naturally we checked in the machine, but we didn't open it up or anything. We just opened the door and looked into it, and we couldn't see anything that way. We'd rather not open it up without knowing what we're doing, especially if he's coming to fix it anyway.

There's also another issue. After turning it off and on, it would sometimes get stuck on an error. I don't remember specifically what it was, but it was something with the number 8 (either error 8 or failing of test 8 or something like that). I did check the manual, but I couldn't find anything on this message. Turning the machine off and on didn't solve it at first, but eventually it just started working again. Do any of you know what it means and how to solve it if it happens again?

Besides him coming to fix it, I still wanted to ask you guys whether you know anything about this. Any tips on how to solve these issues? Sorry there aren't any photos, I didn't think of taking them when we were checking it, and I don't think everyone here would appreciate it if I just opened it for no reason.

VGCollect for Android / I can't even log in on the app...
« on: March 19, 2016, 01:11:55 pm »
I know the app is currently considered unsupported, and I know that it's filled with bugs, but this seems to be a pretty major one: I can't even log in! I'm 100% certain I filled in my password and username correctly, and I tried to log in multiple times. My internet connection is fine too. But it simply tells me my username and/or password are incorrect. Is this a familiar issue? How can I fix this?

I own a fat model PS3 - the kind without backwards compatibility. It was a gift from my cousin who never used it. Part of the reason for that is that the fan could get very loud, to the point of being louder than the tv. I quickly noticed this happening when the game that was being played got heavy to run. With games like SingStar it's fine most of the time, but during boss battles in Bayonetta or at any point when playing GTA V it could go crazy and make an insane amount of noise.

I've been wanting to get a can of compressed air and clean the system for a while now, but so far I haven't done that yet. However, some problems have started occuring a few days ago with the system. My brother was playing GTA V when the console just shut itself off. When rebooted it would give a message that save data may be damaged. It would scan for errors and fix them if they were found, which could take up to 2 or 3 hours according to the message. It was done in 5 minutes. In the last few days, this has happened multiple times, and when rebooted it would either give the save data message or it would say the system overheated.

I have never had this problem before. It started two days ago, and has been going on ever since. You can play for a little while, and then it stops. The only game tested so far is GTA V, but I'm planning on playing some Bayonetta tomorrow. I'll update this message if it crashes on that too.

I'm pretty sure the fan is broken due to all the noise it makes. I'm going to get myself some compressed air and attempt to clean the console with it as soon as possible (I'll blow into the fan from the outside, but I'm not sure I'm actually going to open it up as of now, since I have no experience with that and I don't want to wreck it). Has anyone ever had this problem before? Should I get the fan replaced? I'll update this message when I get more info.

Site Feedback / Other ways to sort your collection
« on: March 06, 2016, 03:32:53 pm »
Currently, whenever you access your collection, search for something, or do anything else, the games will always get sorted in alphabetical order. I think some other ways to sort results would be nice, like by release date, date of addition to either the database or your own collection (if this is kept track of), or console (yes, I know the advanced search feature exists, but it's just an idea). What do you guys think?

I mean, I do get why they aren't here in a way, since the Google Play store is overflowing with small games like it's a flash-game site, and a lot of them are free, but in my opinion they still count as a part of my collection. I only have 4 mobile games right now (Goat Evolution, Ping Pong Free, Plague inc. and Plants vs. Zombies 2), but they're still some of my games. Maybe that's just me, but in my opinion a mobile game feature would be nice.

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