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Topics - anruiukimi

Pages: [1]
General / Video Game Crafts
« on: March 09, 2014, 01:20:00 pm »
If there's been a general thread before, my apologies!

So crafts. What do people have? Not all of us make crafty stuff, but a lot of us have gotten crafts and other lovely things. I figured I would post a general thread for us to show off either our own work, or gifts :)


First off is two lovely video game crafts I've been given. I got Citan back in 2000? from one of my best friends, and the Drakee pillow in 2012 from the other. :D

Citan/Shitan is, of course, from Xenogears. She knew I really liked his character, so she surprised me with him for my birthday. :D Still has a place of honor in my room!

The other was made as a crafty gift suggestion, and it's really cute! It stays on my bed. :)


Now for the required bead crafts...I've made quite a few more of these, including multiple DQ ones that are in the other room, but I'll have to post pictures of them later. These are just the few that are in my room at the moment.

Now, these are are video game...related? They are all in video games! :D

I went on a bit of a pony spree for a bit, and now have multiple headless ponies. It's very sad. But here's my Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Agent Coulson, and Clint Barton ponies.

(Not a great shot of Coulson, sorry.)


I've got other stuff, but this is what I have at hand at the moment. What do you all do?

General / Tales of Symphonia: Chronicles Collectors Set Unboxing Video
« on: February 28, 2014, 12:29:18 am »
...and it goes on waayyy too long. My apologies.

This is me opening my Tales of Symphonia: Chronicles Collector's Edition set. Unfortunately, my lighting isn't great, and my webcam sits at an odd angle, but heck, it works.

Enjoy? xD

Marketplace / Wanting: Tales of Symphonia Collector Edition
« on: February 07, 2014, 10:36:18 pm »
Okay, I admit, I was out of the loop for awhile. But when I was at Gamestop back in December buying Fire Emblem and Lego Marvel, I preordered Bravely Default CE and asked if any other RPGs were up for preorder...and nothing. He just went "nothing, really." and I never heard about it. Sigh.

Edit: In brief, I asked back in December if there was any RPGs coming out in the next few months, and he told me that Bravely Default was it, and now I've missed the preorder for the fancy edition of Tales of Symphonia. ^^;


Anyone order an extra? Or have one you don't want now? I'll pay a tiny bit above retail, but not much. I can bribe you with nerd crafts or something? :P

Hardware and Tech / Busted NES cartridge?
« on: February 05, 2014, 09:04:59 pm »
I've seen some abysmal NES carts in hideous condition, and I've always been able to get them working.

However, I have a copy of Mario/Duck Hunt/Track that I got for a buck a few months back at a garage sale, and it looks great on the outside. However, I get nothing but a gray screen when I try to fire it up. I finally picked up one of those security screwdrivers, and took it apart...and the inside looks as good as the outside. I'm actually boggled. I've cleaned the contacts, and my NES Top Loader works fine, I was just playing  DWIII last night. Does anyone have any ideas?

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