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General and Gaming => Off Topic => Topic started by: oldgamerz on March 16, 2019, 06:41:36 am

Title: Did You? Or Do You Currently Smoke?
Post by: oldgamerz on March 16, 2019, 06:41:36 am
Well I don't know how exactly to start a discussion like this because

I never smoked anything before, and I don't even want to start smoking anything, But I heard from other smokers that smoking tobacco is supposed to help people calm down and enjoy life, but is extremely expensive usually and can make you vary sick and even die a hard death.

I made a promise to someone in my family that I would never even take one puff from a cigarette, anything nicotine  or drug related

Do you currently smoke? and I mean smoke I mostly mean tobacco? or have you ever tried quitting smoking. or have you move to e-cigarettes or vapor? or no?

I already know that some people on this forum do at least smoke tobacco, both may parents used to smoke but my mom quit cold turkey and my dad did vapor for a while

I am not judging anyone
Title: Re: Did You? Or Do You Currently Smoke?
Post by: doafan on March 16, 2019, 09:14:46 am
Tried to smoke one cigarette when I was younger and I say tried because didn't finished it, dunno if it was because of the taste or because I really didn't like it that never again gave it another try.
Title: Re: Did You? Or Do You Currently Smoke?
Post by: telly on March 16, 2019, 09:19:05 am
Never have, never will. It's nasty and smelly and bad for your health
Title: Re: Did You? Or Do You Currently Smoke?
Post by: PaleManInBlack on March 16, 2019, 09:22:52 am
Nope and I never will.

Not only is it bad for your health and can cause serious health risks later on in life. But can also make a person stink, yellow their teeth and nails as well as alter their voice.

Cigarettes also stink up the place which is why I hate going anywhere filled with smokers, not to mention the second hand smoke.
Title: Re: Did You? Or Do You Currently Smoke?
Post by: kashell on March 16, 2019, 09:40:02 am
Never have and never will. Yuck.
Title: Re: Did You? Or Do You Currently Smoke?
Post by: sworddude on March 16, 2019, 09:50:28 am
Never smoked personally never will. also pretty pricy aside from the health risks

However I'm pretty sure that most people who did smoke find it yuck in the beginning as well

Thing is cigarettes are a drugs it calms people down and people will eventually really like the taste. Most people who get addicted to smoking really want to get into it because of friends and try to like it turning them into smoke addicts since they will smoke quite a bit along the way plenty to make one addicted to cigarettes.

Trying to smoke one time will usually not turn people into smoke addicts might turn people of if they do not have friends who do it aswell it's not that strong of a drug. The people who do want to be in a group and just go through the yuck factor until they eventually can't live withouth it anymore that's how people turn into a smoking addicts losing money and suffering health risks in the proces.

2nd hand smoke is pretty terrible indeed but usually such sets are in pretty rough condition as well so I pretty much never have an issue as far as 2nd hand smoke smell goes since I would most likely not be interested in poor condition or lose sets.

Title: Re: Did You? Or Do You Currently Smoke?
Post by: azure on March 16, 2019, 12:13:31 pm
Nope and never will. It's a nasty habit and a waste of money.
Title: Re: Did You? Or Do You Currently Smoke?
Post by: bikingjahuty on March 16, 2019, 12:31:55 pm
I tried it once when I was 13 and didn't see the appeal and never had any desire to do it ever again.
Title: Re: Did You? Or Do You Currently Smoke?
Post by: kam1kaz3nl77 on March 16, 2019, 01:25:39 pm
Been a smoker for half my life. 42 at the moment
Title: Re: Did You? Or Do You Currently Smoke?
Post by: Nickkchilla on March 16, 2019, 04:26:06 pm
I can't even stand the smell of it five feet away. No way I'd ever be a smoker.
Title: Re: Did You? Or Do You Currently Smoke?
Post by: kamikazekeeg on March 16, 2019, 04:26:14 pm
Use to like cigars just a tad and then my buddy got a Hookah and those are great.  They remove the burn and stench of smoking, can taste good, and are very chill.  I never really got hooked to smoking since my dad was a pretty crystal clear example of how bad smoking can be for a person after they've done it for decades, though I wouldn't mind a hookah here and there, but it's been years since I had one.
Title: Re: Did You? Or Do You Currently Smoke?
Post by: weirdfeline on March 16, 2019, 06:22:57 pm
No smoking or drinking ever.
Title: Re: Did You? Or Do You Currently Smoke?
Post by: gonif on March 16, 2019, 07:45:54 pm
I started in college because my girlfriend did but I stopped when I became a dad at 25. There was a Hank Williams Jr. song that had a line "I used Lifesavers to help me give up cigarettes, but you know for your love I ain't found no Lifesaver yet." Instead of Lifesavers I ate a ton of salted, shelled sunflower seeds until the inside of my mouth felt pickled and shriveled and then I gave those up too.

I wish the child that I gave up smoking for hadn't taken up the habit now.
Title: Re: Did You? Or Do You Currently Smoke?
Post by: Cartagia on March 16, 2019, 09:17:54 pm
I might occasionally smoke one or two if I’m out drinking, but I never keep any around.
Title: Re: Did You? Or Do You Currently Smoke?
Post by: arceus on March 17, 2019, 12:06:42 am
never as im not old enough
Title: Re: Did You? Or Do You Currently Smoke?
Post by: astralorange on March 17, 2019, 12:49:00 am
A few of my friends smoked when I was younger, and I never had ta strong desire to, but I did try cigarettes, cigars and pots 2 or 3 times each and I hated the way they burned my throat and mouth and the smell that lingered around me. No thanks!
Title: Re: Did You? Or Do You Currently Smoke?
Post by: pzeke on March 17, 2019, 09:22:31 pm
I’m straight edge, so I don’t smoke, drink alcohol, do drugs, or anything else that’s detrimental to my mental and physical health. I leave that to video games, movies, and questionable websites.

In all honesty, though, and I know this might make me look like a bad person; I despise smoking and have a bit of disdain for people who do, including women. I remember back when I was a kid, I was at a convenience store near where I live that had some arcades, and while I was playing NBA Jam two idiots approached me asking for a quarter. One of them was smoking, and after I said no, blew smoke in my face. I finished my game, grabbed my stuff and went home never setting foot in that store ever again. As for women, they just look awful when they smoke. Seriously, women shouldn’t smoke.

I avoid smokers any chance I get, even going as far as holding my breath. People who smoke in closed-quarters are the worse.
Title: Re: Did You? Or Do You Currently Smoke?
Post by: kypherion on March 18, 2019, 11:17:24 am
Tried it and got caught when I was younger. I didn't mind it that much and it felt nice. Nicotine is a way to replace the warmth and love of another person  :), not a healthy one but it works.
Title: Re: Did You? Or Do You Currently Smoke?
Post by: vinchandsome on October 24, 2024, 04:58:34 pm
I used to smoke, especially when I was in college, cause everyone around me was doing it. I was easier to quit once my social circles changed to non-smokers.
Title: Re: Did You? Or Do You Currently Smoke?
Post by: astria on October 25, 2024, 08:54:53 am
I also used to smoke and quit a few years ago, but the biggest problem are the drunk cravings. What works for me now is instead of cigs, I buy disposable vapes when I go out partying.
Title: Re: Did You? Or Do You Currently Smoke?
Post by: bizzgeburt on October 28, 2024, 06:39:27 am
I smoke since I was 14yo.
Tobacco at work, weed at home  8) need it
Title: Re: Did You? Or Do You Currently Smoke?
Post by: bizzgeburt on October 31, 2024, 05:19:31 am
I'be been wanting to quit for a long time but it's very hard. The progress is also not linear, and I struggle with withdrawals.

Did you try out nicotine-gums or -patches? I heard they shall help ... some people switch over to vaping liquids to make quitting easier ...
Title: Re: Did You? Or Do You Currently Smoke?
Post by: astria on October 31, 2024, 01:10:35 pm
I’ve never smoked either, but I’ve seen how tough it can be for people trying to quit. It's wild how expensive and addictive tobacco can be, not to mention the health risks. If you're ever curious about it, just know there are lots of healthier ways to manage stress, like exercise or hobbies.
Title: Re: Did You? Or Do You Currently Smoke?
Post by: marvelvscapcom2 on November 02, 2024, 05:23:21 pm
Smokers say "tobacco helps you calm down and enjoy life" because they are chemically hooked on a substance to the point where that life quality decreases without it.  Not because it improves you from baseline normality. as every cigarette smoker I have met are typically ansy, self deprecating and jittering over every lifes occurances. 

That's the addiction talking. 

It actually pisses me off when smokers go out of their way to advocate it on non smokers. Like its some miracle cure for stress. Trust me. NOBODY has had a more relaxing life from having picked up the habit.  They only have the illusoon they do because they picked up a dopamine stimulator as a habit and cant be happy without it.  But truthfully. Who tf is happy with it?  Compare every convo you have had with chainsmokers and pot heads. 

Now im not advocating either. But marijuana uses do generally seem happier. THC has that effect on the brain. Surveys have shown nicotine abuse actually makes humans more stressed. Higher blood pressure and worse quality of life.

Plus smelling like skunk placenta is never fun.  Truly. Cigareettes are a true evil.
Title: Re: Did You? Or Do You Currently Smoke?
Post by: bizzgeburt on November 06, 2024, 03:32:50 am
It actually pisses me off when smokers go out of their way to advocate it on non smokers. Like its some miracle cure for stress. Trust me. Compare every convo you have had with chainsmokers and pot heads. 

Now im not advocating either. But marijuana uses do generally seem happier. THC has that effect on the brain. Surveys have shown nicotine abuse actually makes humans more stressed. Higher blood pressure and worse quality of life.
Plus smelling like skunk placenta is never fun.  Truly. Cigareettes are a true evil.

Being chainsmoker AND pothead for almost 2 decades now, I can totally agree with everything you wrote here. Smoking tobacco is definitely the worst part of my bad habits and yes, THC has a calming up to euphorizing/inspiring effect on me, which I value an important part of my way of living ... what I NEVER did - and there are millions of smokers feeling the same way - is to advocate for smoking to non-smokers. I never considered smoking as something cool or to be proud of, actually. If someone's listening, I always tell people not so start smoking, though everybody has a right to do to his body however he/she/it/them/they ( :P ) pleases ... to be a smoker or not is a choice everyone makes for himself. And this should always be respected the same way as smokers need to respect the right of non-smokers to breath clean, non-stinky air  ;D
It's all a matter of respect and behaviour I guess. ...
Title: Re: Did You? Or Do You Currently Smoke?
Post by: wolff242 on November 06, 2024, 06:42:38 am
I haven't heard of anyone advocating smoking to non smokers (Tobacco) since I was in HS, after that smokers were like, "Don't do this shit".

Pot, yeah, different story.

I don't like smoking anything, so I've never been a smoker. If I were to take THC it would be through a gummy or edible.

Title: Re: Did You? Or Do You Currently Smoke?
Post by: bizzgeburt on November 06, 2024, 09:31:20 am
Yea ya'll who ain't hooked on nicotine shall be glad of it.
It's a very hard addiction to get rid off. Do yourself a favour and skip trying it  8)

I love drinking coffee but my heart can't take it like when I was younger so I had to quit consuming coffee with caffeine in it ... but quit smoking cigs is Boss-Level difficulty!
Title: Re: Did You? Or Do You Currently Smoke?
Post by: womocratouzo on March 12, 2025, 09:27:22 am
I used to smoke cigarettes a lot. But now I have switched to electronic substitutes. But I can say that I smoke them much less, but I still haven't given up the habit yet.
Yeah, I started smoking less e-cigarettes when I switched to e-cigarettes too. And after a while, I gave up the habit altogether.