VGCollect Forum
VGCollect Site Stuff => Video Game Database Discussion => Topic started by: tripredacus on May 09, 2019, 12:26:00 pm
Creating a new topic for this. Original topic here:,6808.0.html
Information about Categories
There are parent and child categories. A visual reference to this can be seen on the Browse page:
Each child category has two names:
1. The full name
2. The abbreviated name (this is the name that appears on the item entry page itself)
Database Admins can create new (parent) categories and child/sub-categories. Only Red Admins can rename or delete them.
Release Types
- rename Accesories Type to Accessories (this word is misspelled on a user's about page if they have this type of item in collection)
Genres to be added
Ratings to be added
Rename/Move/Remove actions still required (Can only be done by Admin) :
Categories created from the previous thread:
NOTE: empty categories will show a Page Not Found error.
Added Wii [BR ]
Added Sega Advanced Pico Beena [JP]
Added APF MP1000
Added APF MP1000 Hardware
Added Nintendo Switch [KR]
Added Starlink
Added Arcade Hardware
Added Atari Lynx [EU]
Added Acorn Archimedes
Added Neo Geo Pocket Accessory
Rename/Move/Remove actions that have been completed :
deleted Atari 2800 sub-cat from Atari 2600 (VCS) cat
deleted Sega Naomi [NA] sub-cat from Arcade cat
deleted Sega Naomi [EU] sub-cat from Arcade cat
deleted Sega Naomi 2 [EU] sub-cat from Arcade cat
deleted Sega Naomi 2 [JP] sub-cat from Arcade cat
deleted Capcom Power System (CPS-1) [EU] sub-cat from Arcade cat
deleted Capcom Power System (CPS-1) [JP] sub-cat from Arcade cat
deleted Capcom Power System (CPS-1) [NA] sub-cat from Arcade cat
deleted Capcom Power System II (CPS-2) [EU] sub-cat from Arcade cat
deleted Capcom Power System II (CPS-2) [NA] sub-cat from Arcade cat
deleted Capcom Power System III (CPS-3) [EU] sub-cat from Arcade cat
deleted Capcom Power System III (CPS-3) [JP] sub-cat from Arcade cat
deleted Nintendo Playchoice 10 [EU] sub-cat from Arcade cat
deleted Nintendo Playchoice 10 [JP] sub-cat from Arcade cat
deleted Nintendo VS [NA] sub-cat from Arcade cat
deleted SNK Hyper NeoGeo 64 [EU] sub-cat from Arcade cat
deleted SNK Hyper NeoGeo 64 [JP] sub-cat from Arcade cat
deleted PC [Asia] sub-cat from PC cat
deleted Apple Macintosh Classic [NA] sub-cat from Mac cat
deleted Apple Mac Classic [EU] sub-cat from Mac cat
deleted Apple Mac OS X (Intel) [EU] sub-cat from Mac cat
deleted Apple Max OS X (Intel) [NA] sub-cat from Mac cat
deleted Apple Max OS X (PowerPC) [NA] sub-cat from Mac cat
deleted Mac OS X [JP] sub-cat from Mac cat
deleted Swag - Carrying Cases & Bags sub-cat from Swag cat
deleted Google Stadia sub-cat from Google cat
deleted Hardware [EU] sub-cat from Hardware cat
deleted Hardware [JP] sub-cat from Hardware cat
deleted Hardware [NA] sub-cat from Hardware cat
deleted Timex Sinclair 1000 Hardware sub-cat in Timex Sinclair 1000 cat
deleted Mac cat
deleted NEC PC-88 cat
deleted NEC PC-98 cat
deleted NEC PC-6001 cat
deleted Google cat
deleted Hardware cat
deleted Tiger LCD cat
deleted Dedicated Console cat
deleted Timex Sinclair 1000 cat
added Vtech cat
renamed Apple cat to Apple Computers
renamed FM Towns cat to Fujitsu
renamed BBC Micro cat to Acorn Computers
renamed Amstrad CPC cat to Amstrad Computers
renamed Amstrad Computers cat to Amstrad
renamed CD-i cat to Philips
renamed Funtech Super A'Can [CH] sub-cat to Funtech Super A'Can
renamed Xbox 360 [AS] sub-cat to Xbox 360 [CN]
renamed Pokemon Mini [EU] sub-cat to Pokémon Mini [EU]
renamed Pokemon Mini [JP] sub-cat to Pokémon Mini [JP]
renamed Pokemon Mini [NA] sub-cat to Pokémon Mini [NA]
renamed Sega Naomi [JP] sub-cat to Sega NAOMI cartridges
renamed Arcade (Dedicated) sub-cat to Arcade Cabinets
renamed Arcade Conversion sub-cat to Arcade Boards
renamed Sega Naomi 2 [NA] sub-cat to Sega NAOMI 2 cartridges
renamed Capcom Power System II (CPS-2) [JP] sub-cat to CP System II B Boards
renamed Capcom Power System III (CPS-3) [NA] sub-cat to CP System III Cartridges
renamed Nintendo Playchoice 10 [NA] sub-cat to Nintendo PlayChoice 10
renamed SNK Hyper NeoGeo 64 [NA] sub-cat to SNK Hyper Neo Geo 64
renamed CP System III Cartridges sub-cat to CP System III Carts and CDs
renamed Pinball sub-cat in Arcade cat to Pinball Machines
renamed Cougar Boy [SA] sub-cat in Mega Duck cat to Cougar Boy [BR]
renamed TI-99 [NA] sub-cat in Other cat to Texas Instruments TI-99
renamed Sega Game Gear [KR] sub-cat in Sega Game Gear cat to Samsung Handy GamBoy [KR]
renamed Sega Game Gear [TW] sub-cat in Sega Game Gear cat to Sega Game Gear [CN]
renamed Sega Master System [KR] sub-cat in Sega Master System cat to Samsung GamBoy / Aladdin Boy
renamed Sega SG-1000 [AU] sub-cat in Sega Computers cat to John Sands Sega
renamed NEC PC-88[JP] sub-cat in NEC PC-88 cat to NEC PC-88
renamed NEC PC-98[JP] sub-cat in NEC PC-98 cat to NEC PC-98
renamed FM Towns Marty [JP] sub-cat in FM Towns cat to FM Towns Marty
renamed Accessory sub-cat in Other cat to Other Accessories
renamed Hardware [Other] sub-cat in Other cat to Other Hardware
renamed Other sub-cat in Other cat to Other Games
renamed SC-3000 Hardware sub-cat to Sega Computer Hardware
renamed SG-1000 Hardware sub-cat to Sega Computer Accessories
renamed ZX Spectrum Hardware sub-cat to Sinclair Hardware
renamed APF MP1000 Hardware sub-cat in Other cat to APF Hardware
renamed Colecovision Accessory sub-cat in Coleco cat to Coleco Accessory
renamed Colecovision Hardware sub-cat in Coleco cat to Coleco Hardware
renamed sub-cat in Other cat to Playdate
renamed PV-1000 Hardware sub-cat in Casio cat to Casio Computers
renamed Tandy TRS-80 Hardware sub-cat in Tandy cat to Tandy Hardware
renamed Tangerine Oric sub-cat in Other cat to Oric
renamed Texas Instruments TI-99 sub-cat in Other cat to TI-99
renamed OFLC text in ratings dropdown to ACB
renamed Sega NAOMI cartridges Abbreviation from Naomi [JP] to NAOMI Carts
renamed Sega NAOMI 2 cartridges Abbreviation from Naomi 2 [NA] to NAOMI 2
renamed Commodore 64 Cartridges [AU] Abbreviation from Commodore 64 Cartridges [AU] to C64 Carts [AU]
renamed Konami LCD Abbreviation from konamilcd to Konami LCD
renamed Magazine Type from Games to Magazines
added Atari 2800 [JP] Abbreviation to Atari 2800 [JP] sub-cat in Atari 2600 (VCS) cat
moved Strategy Guide ( sub-cat from Other cat to Swag cat
moved Magazine ( sub-cat from Other cat to Swag cat
moved VTech MobiGo ( sub-cat from Other cat to VTech cat
moved VTech V.Smile ( sub-cat from Other cat to VTech cat
moved NEC PC-88 Hardware ( sub-cat from NEC PC-88 cat to NEC Computers cat
moved NEC PC-88 ( sub-cat from NEC PC-88 cat to NEC Computers cat
moved NEC PC-98 Hardware ( sub-cat from NEC PC-98 cat to NEC Computers cat
moved NEC PC-98 ( sub-cat from NEC PC-98 cat to NEC Computers cat
moved NEC PC-6001 ( sub-cat from NEC PC-6001 cat to NEC Computers cat
moved Fujitsu FM-7 ( sub-cat from Other cat to Fujitsu cat
moved Other Accessories ( sub-cat from Hardware cat to Other cat
moved Other Hardware ( sub-cat from Hardware to cat Other cat
moved Konami LCD ( sub-cat from Other cat to LCD Games cat
moved Tiger LCD ( sub-cat from Tiger LCD cat to LCD Games cat
moved Dedicated Consoles ( sub-cat from Dedicated Console cat to Other cat
moved Amstrad GX4000 Hardware ( sub-cat from Other cat to Amstrad cat
moved Amstrad GX4000 [EU] ( sub-cat from Other cat to Amstrad cat
moved APF MP1000 ( sub-cat from Other cat to APF Electronics cat
moved APF Hardware ( sub-cat from Other cat to APF Electronics cat
moved Blaze Evercade ( sub-cat from Other cat to Blaze cat
moved Commodore Max ( sub-cat from Other cat to Commodore Max cat
moved Dragon 32 ( sub-cat from Other cat to Dragon Data cat
moved Game Master ( sub-cat from Other cat to Hartung cat
moved Mattel Aquarius ( sub-cat from Other cat to Mattel cat
moved Mattel Handheld ( sub-cat from Other cat to Mattel cat
moved Oric ( sub-cat from Other cat to Tangerine cat
moved PC-50x ( sub-cat from Other cat to PC-50x cat
moved PC-50x Hardware ( sub-cat from Other cat to PC-50x cat
moved Philips in2it ( sub-cat from Other cat to Philips cat
moved Playdate ( sub-cat from Other cat to Panic cat
moved Super A'Can ( sub-cat from Other cat to Funtech cat
moved Super A'Can Hardware ( sub-cat from Other cat to Funtech cat
moved TI-99 ( sub-cat from Other cat to Texas Instruments cat
moved Tiger R-Zone ( sub-cat from Other cat to LCD Games cat
moved Tiger R-Zone Hardware ( sub-cat from Other cat to LCD Games cat
moved VC 4000 ( sub-cat from Other cat to 1292 Advanced Programmable cat
moved VC 4000 Hardware ( sub-cat from Other cat to 1292 Advanced Programmable cat
Added option Official Release (Upcoming) to Release Types
Added rating ACB M15+ (Australia)
Added rating ESRB - E-E10+ (US / Canada)
Added rating ESRB - E10+-T (US / Canada)
Renamed rating ACB M15+ (Australia) to ACB - M15+ (Australia)
Feel free to post any new Category/Platform requests here.
Be sure to check the old thread in case you made a request that was missed!
Could we get regions for amiibo figures and cards?
Amiibo Figures [NA]
Amiibo Figures [EU]
Amiibo Figures [JP]
Amiibo Cards [NA]
Amiibo Cards [EU]
Amiibo Cards [JP]
I promise if these are added, I'll go through the existing amiibo to make sure they are all categorized properly.
Plus one for that ^
Created Virtual Reality Category with
- Dedicated VR Hardware sub-category:
- Dedicated VR Accessories sub-category:
- Dedicated VR Games sub-category:
Could we get regions for amiibo figures and cards?
Amiibo Figures [NA]
Amiibo Figures [EU]
Amiibo Figures [JP]
Amiibo Cards [NA]
Amiibo Cards [EU]
Amiibo Cards [JP]
I promise if these are added, I'll go through the existing amiibo to make sure they are all categorized properly.
I didn't skip over this one per se... but I should have mentioned it.
Since we can't rename categories, and there already exists Amiibo Figures and Amiibo Cards, I think that this work should be done by a site admin. Either way, they would have to do something, as it would be like so:
Amiibo Figures
Amiibo Figures [EU]
Amiibo Figures [JP]
If that is fine with you, we can do that, and then just put in the list in the first post that the [NA] needs to be added to the first one.
Created Virtual Reality Category with
- Dedicated VR Hardware sub-category:
- Dedicated VR Accessories sub-category:
- Dedicated VR Games sub-category:
Could we get regions for amiibo figures and cards?
Amiibo Figures [NA]
Amiibo Figures [EU]
Amiibo Figures [JP]
Amiibo Cards [NA]
Amiibo Cards [EU]
Amiibo Cards [JP]
I promise if these are added, I'll go through the existing amiibo to make sure they are all categorized properly.
I didn't skip over this one per se... but I should have mentioned it.
Since we can't rename categories, and there already exists Amiibo Figures and Amiibo Cards, I think that this work should be done by a site admin. Either way, they would have to do something, as it would be like so:
Amiibo Figures
Amiibo Figures [EU]
Amiibo Figures [JP]
If that is fine with you, we can do that, and then just put in the list in the first post that the [NA] needs to be added to the first one.
That's fine by me!
Please make a new category under Interactive Figures named Starlink. It appears to be the only toys to life line under Hardware -> Accessory. We currently have Interactive Figures ->
- Amiibo Figures
- LEGO Dimensions Figures
- Skylanders Figures/Traps/Vehicles
- etc
It makes no sense to separate the Starlink toys to life from the other toys to life.
Thank you
EU and JP Amiibo Cards/Figures categories created.
n64ra, the Starlink category was created before this topic was made.
These category operations have been completed by site admin:
renamed cat Sega SG-1000 to Sega Computers
moved Sega SG-1000 [TW] from Sega Other to Sega Computers
moved Sega SC-3000 Hardware from Sega Other to Sega Computers
deleted SG-1000 II [JP] sub-cat
deleted SC-3000 [JP] sub-cat
deleted Sega Other cat
deleted Sega Mega Drive [AS] sub-cat
renamed PC - Digital Download [NA] to PC - Digital Download
renamed Magnavox Odyssey² [EU] to Philips Videopac
renamed Sega Master System [TW] to Aaronix Mark III
renamed Sega Master System [JP] to Sega Mark III / Master System [JP]
renamed Amiibo Cards to Amiibo Cards [NA]
renamed Amiibo Figures to Amiibo Figures [NA]
Is the Epoch Super Cassette Vision in the database? If not, here's the info... (
Is the Epoch Super Cassette Vision in the database? If not, here's the info... (
Which category should it go into?
Requesting a revamp of the Mac section. Currently we have:
Apple Macintosh Classic [NA]
Apple Mac Classic [EU]
Apple Mac OS X (Intel) [EU]
Apple Mac OS X (Intel) [NA]
Apple Mac OS X (PowerPC) [NA]
Mac OS X [JP]
I propose changing it to:
Mac Classic [EU]
Mac Classic [NA]
macOS [EU]
macOS [JP]
macOS [NA]
The reason for the Mac Classic change is just to unify the names between the NA and EU regions, and "Mac Classic" is what Apple called the old system in its last days.
The current system was renamed from "Mac OS X" to simply "macOS" a few years ago. At this point I think it would make the most sense to combine the Intel and PowerPC sections into one "macOS [NA]", since they're still technically the same base system.
Is there really a requirement to split Mac OS when X was released? Does it need to have a whole separate category, when PC does not have separate categories for DOS, Windows and NT derivitives?
Is there really a requirement to split Mac OS when X was released? Does it need to have a whole separate category, when PC does not have separate categories for DOS, Windows and NT derivitives?
It's true, if the PC category doesn't distinguish between DOS and Windows, combining the Mac Classic and OS X sections into one single Mac category makes sense.
On one hand, OS X was a completely new system from a coding standpoint, and not directly compatible with any software from OS 9 and below. On the other hand, they were never competing platforms, since OS X was the direct successor for "Mac version" software.
To make cataloguing simpler, I'll vote for combining them.
Mac [EU]
Mac [JP]
Mac [NA]
See first post for my thought process on it, pending actions. Might as well keep all the Apple stuff together. Once that cat gets renamed, I can make the new categories (or I can make them now and then rename the cat later) and then move the entries from the Mac section into the appropriate one. Then we can request removal of the Mac category.
See first post for my thought process on it, pending actions. Might as well keep all the Apple stuff together. Once that cat gets renamed, I can make the new categories (or I can make them now and then rename the cat later) and then move the entries from the Mac section into the appropriate one. Then we can request removal of the Mac category.
Moving the Mac sub-categories over into the Apple Computers category is a good move.
Minor grievance: Calling the new Mac sub-categories "Apple Macintosh" seems sort of antiquated, since Apple hasn't used the full "Macintosh" name in 20 years, shortening it to "Mac" even before OS X came out. But then, nobody ever called it "Apple Mac" either. It's kinda like how Game Boy was never called the "Nintendo Game Boy", or the Neo Geo was never the "SNK Neo Geo".
I'd be more in favor of just calling the Mac categories "Mac", since it has the implication of both Classic Mac OS and OS X platforms, whereas "Apple Macintosh" has a more distinct flavor of the 1984-1997 era of computers.
All of the existing sub-cats have Apple name first.
All of the existing sub-cats have Apple name first.
True, for the existing Apple sub-categories, those products actually had the word Apple in the name (except the Pippin). The Apple II computer, was actually called the "Apple II", and so on.
Having a "Mac" sub-category in the Apple Computers section makes the most sense to me, since that term essentially covers all eras of Macintosh releases. Still, "Apple Macintosh" is not technically wrong.
In the end, I appreciate your attention to the topic, so I'll defer to whatever you decide is best.
Create category for XBOX ONE Brazil exclusive games:
Create category for XBOX ONE Brazil exclusive games:
I see we've got Neo Geo AES games in the database, what about MVS games?
I see we've got Neo Geo AES games in the database, what about MVS games?
They have categories under Arcade in the Browse page:
I see we've got Neo Geo AES games in the database, what about MVS games?
They have categories under Arcade in the Browse page:
Ah, good to know.
Is there a platform for Epic Games Store under PC?
I'm not much of a PC player, however the Epic Games Store has been giving out free games on a weekly basis and I've racked up quite a decent amount. :P
I noticed under PC there is Steam and GOG but no Epic Games Store. If there is, my apologies and can please guide me there. Thanks!
Use PC Digital Downloads section. Put into description what site/launcher the game is available on.
Ah ok, noted, thanks!
Once I build up a bigger ( free :P ) collection I'll start compiling. Never payed for anything on EGS..
I got the season pass for BL3, so hopefully this will be my only purchase from there.
These category operations have been completed by site admin:
deleted Sega Mega Drive [AS] sub-cat
Please bring back Sega Mega Drive [AS] and remove Sega Mega Drive [CN] instead (or just rename).
As far as I know there was no Chinese (People Republic of China) Mega Drive and games that are now under Sega Mega Drive [CN] category are Asian (sold in Philippines, Malaysia, Taiwan etc...).
Asian region Mega Drive releases have golden MD logo (sole early releases use JP boxes and carts though, with English and Chinese manuals added in).
Some Asian games have NTSC stickers (from Taiwan) on the boxes and other ones sometimes have PAL stickers (rest of Asia) but as far as I managed to dig they are exactly the same releases (same boxes, bar codes, carts.. everything) so there is no point dividing Asian region into Taiwan and Asia or PAL-Asia and NTSC-Asia.
I can entertain the category being changed to Sega Mega Drive [SEA]
but there should not be any [AS] named categories.
That would be cool, certainly better than "CN" as China (PRC not Taiwan) has nothing to do with games in this category :)
That would be cool, certainly better than "CN" as China (PRC not Taiwan) has nothing to do with games in this category :)
If we are to follow the established TLD rules, there is no TLD for SEA (and I would really not want to make things worse) ... but there is .ASIA.
I am thinking about it again... It would take more work to fix TLD on categories... since we have other problems. Having some categories like [CN] to take care of all of non-categorised Asian countries is not bad. We still have some categories using wrong TLD, such as [AS] (American Samoa) and [NA] (Nambia)... Not to mention that South African releases often end up in EU categories.
I think that the correct way to handle this would be to re-work the way we track releases, rather than trying to kludge it even more than it is.
I can't decide this on my own. Rather please post into this thread:,8361.0.html
The question being: "rename all [AS] and [CN] categories into [SEA]"
Note: it is not actually Style Guide related, AND us regular db admins can't rename categories. So if the motion is adopted, it may take some time before the changes are actually made.
Hello, I have a wide MSX collection and I'd need MSX2 [EU] in order to submit some software I have... Is it possible?
Hello, I have a wide MSX collection and I'd need MSX2 [EU] in order to submit some software I have... Is it possible?
sub-cat created:
Note: link will return 404 if there are no entries in it.
Game announcements are starting to leak out for our fancy next gen consoles, can we get some categories for the Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5?
It is still at least a year until either of those consoles get released. Let's wait until we know what categories would need to be added.
We could get a head-start on the console categories if we can confirm existance (with pictures) of a dev-kit including a model number.
My last request was premature, but ZX Spectrum Nexts have started to be sent out to Kickstarter backers:
So would it be possible to create catgories for download games and physical releases on SD cards please?
I have some questions regarding VR.
We have Dedicated VR (Hardware/Accessories/Games) categories (With no entries ::)) Things like Oculus Go/Quest/Rift, HTC Vive, Valve Index I assume go in the Hardware and their respective accessories in the respective category... but how do games work? I'm only mildly familiar with Oculus with the Oculus Store, but if I'm not mistaken Vive and Index just use Steam.
With no entries for how long the categories have existed, it seems like it's something that a conversation about can still be had. I recently got an Oculus Go and own a single game for it, but don't know how or even if I want to log the stuff.
ZX Spectrum Next is just an updated Spectrum already, why wouldn't it go into the existing ZX Spectrum hardware category?
gf78 was supposed to fill out those VR categories. :P
Yes the hardware is for VR hardware only, not VR accessories for PC or console. The accessories for that hardware go into the accessory category.
From what I understand, all VR games are download only. So this category should not have any Steam games in it, but basically be like PC Digital Downloads but just for VR titles. The description should still have where the game is available from, just like PC Digital Downloads.
ZX Spectrum Next is just an updated Spectrum already, why wouldn't it go into the existing ZX Spectrum hardware category?
gf78 was supposed to fill out those VR categories. :P
Yes the hardware is for VR hardware only, not VR accessories for PC or console. The accessories for that hardware go into the accessory category.
From what I understand, all VR games are download only. So this category should not have any Steam games in it, but basically be like PC Digital Downloads but just for VR titles. The description should still have where the game is available from, just like PC Digital Downloads.
Yes, download only, but majority of Vive/Index titles are purchased through Steam I believe. Oculus Rift is compatible with Steam I think, but they also have the Oculus Store. Oculus Go and Quest I think are Oculus Store only.
It's software categories I'm asking for tripredacus - Spectrum games will play on the Next, but Next SD cards and downloads are for the Next only.
Let's wait until it actually exists. Looks like less than a month before physical releases will be shipped.
Physical games for the Next already exist and have done for months - when I first requested the Next to be added it was because I had 2 individual games and a pack of 3 to add to the database, that's when you said to wait until the Next is out, hence why I'm back now. I'm not trying to be 'first', it's just that there's games I want to add to my collection.
Edit: To clarify, if you go to , there's 5 Next games listed, each of which was released individually on SD card in PS Vita cases with inlays, SA also released a 3 pack of the first three games then a 5 pack of all of them, these were sold directly on Ebay UK, the listings seem to have timed out since i can't find them with searches any more. I own Bubblegum Bros., Dweebs Drop and the 3-pack (Montana Mike, Dungeonette and Delta Star: Earth Defence).
I had looked for a picture of one of these games last time I replied to this thread and didnt' find any. But with the titles you posted, I found one on Mercadolivre. So the ZX Spectrum Next is a European console? We can create a ZX Spectrum Next [EU] sub-category in the Sinclair category. Does that sound right?
If I'd realized it was whether or not they existed which was causing the problem, I'd have found a way to offer up a photo - I'm not going to mess you about by making up silly things like non-existent games, how often do you help me out with things here?
I think EU is probably safest, the 'official shop' uses £ currency. In these circumstances do you normally create a download category and a physical one or leave them both in the same cat?
If you don't mind me asking, could you create an entry for Software Amusements in both the developer and publisher boxes on the database please? I'll upload front and back scans of the boxes and details, not sure about the release dates, will try to get an SD card scan too, but my scanner isn't exactly fantastic (Canon printer/scanner).
Sorry about the confusion. It was the same reason why we do not create categories for PS5 or whatever the next Xbox is called because the items do not exist yet. When looking at the Spectrum Next site, it indicates that the first system has just shipped recently and that the "first" games will be shipped in a month. It makes no mention that there were games that had already shipped.
Category for physical created: (link will be 404 until it has an item)
As for the digital games, is there a specific platform that they are found on?
Software Amusements has been added to Pub and Dev
Thanks for your help as always tripredacus ;D seems to be the platform of choice for the downloads. I'll get these added!
OK so then the system doesn't have its own platform then? is just a place for PC games and just happens to have the Spectrum ones. I don't think we should add a category for that site specifically. We already don't have a category for download games for any of the old systems as it is. It isn't like this is the first time you could download a game for the Spectrum. World of Spectrum and SPA2 ( are old time Spectrum download sites. Not to mention we have no coverage of demoscene archives for Spectrum or any of the other micros.
Create Atari 2800 category:
An Atari 2800 [JP] category already exists, however it was malformed. Will have to move all the items from the old cat to the new one.
Created the following Mac categories from first post:
create Apple Macintosh [EU] sub-cat in Apple Computers cat *
create Apple Macintosh [JP] sub-cat in Apple Computers cat *
create Apple Macintosh [NA] sub-cat in Apple Computers cat *
I request there to be a platform added for the V.Smile console. Currently it is under Hardware [NA] and there are more than 30 games for the console that are simply put in the Other category.
I request there to be a platform added for the V.Smile console. Currently it is under Hardware [NA] and there are more than 30 games for the console that are simply put in the Other category.
Shall we name it Vtech V.Smile? Do you consider V-Motion to be V.Smile items and they can go into such a category?
I request there to be a platform added for the V.Smile console. Currently it is under Hardware [NA] and there are more than 30 games for the console that are simply put in the Other category.
Shall we name it Vtech V.Smile? Do you consider V-Motion to be V.Smile items and they can go into such a category?
Honestly, I don't think the V-Motion should be part of the same category, but whatever makes it easier for you. I doubt too many people will see that as an issue, and it is definitely better than what it is now. The name of the console is V.Smile, Vtech is the company, so take that as you will for how to name the category. I am a new user so I don't know the category naming conventions.
VTech V.Smile sub-category created:
sub-cat is set for games, but consoles can be moved into this section. V-Motion can go into it as well.
Since we're talking about VTech, I'm surprised that the
VTech MobiGo doesn't have it's own category. Can we add it? ;)
Small renaming request, but could the three Pokémon Mini categories be renamed to have the accent in the name?
I wonder if they should just be one category at this point haha
MobiGo category created:
Cat/sub renames can only be done by Admin, put into first post.
All pending category rename/delete actions have been completed by Admin.
Can we split the Strategy Guide section into at least an [NA] [EU] and [JP] section? I just made a listing for this guidebook and I feel like they should be separated by region
One thought about category requests that I've recently had after re-organising the Arcade section. Most of the time users who make a request for a category alteration, it seems to just be a throwaway request. Good hearted request for sure. The point I am getting at is, OK if we decide to split the category up, is the requestor going to be doing the work to move the items into the correct/new categories?
I ask this because that typically doesn't happen. There were a half dozen empty categories in the Arcade section we ended up deleting a couple weeks ago. The items in the old Mac section never got moved into the new Apple Mac consolidation categories that were requested. There are still C64 floppy disk games in the C64 Cassette [NA] category.
The answer from me is, yes we can make new categories to split Strategy Guide, but it will end up being in a messy state if no one is willing to do the work to move the items around. And we understand that reworking a general category is quite time consuming because you'll have to be researching almost all of the entries to make sure they are correct and/or if they need to be moved.
Not sure if this has been asked yet- can we get a new console category for the Evercade? Currently it's listed under Hardware[NA] with the games under Other. I submitted an edit to Hardware[EU] since, while available at North American Amazon, the unit is mainly distributed from England & has everything rated in Pegi.
I think an Evercade[EU] category is in order, so the games can be attached directly to it. With 10 cartridges available now & 4 more announced, I think it's got enough support to warrant it's own slot!
Other\Blaze Evercade
category created
Other\Blaze Evercade
category created
Looks good- out of curiosity though, is there a reason for the Evercade still being listed under 'other' as opposed to having its own unique category (like, for example, the Nintendo Switch or the Atari Lynx)? Just curious what the criteria is.
Small product line. Maybe in a few years when Blaze expands the line, we can think of putting it in its own section. There really isn't any presence for them in the db, most of their products are in Dedicated Consoles.
Request for a Vita [TW] category please :)
EDIT: Also Xbox One [KR] please
PlayStation Vita [TW]
Xbox One [KR]
Small product line. Maybe in a few years when Blaze expands the line, we can think of putting it in its own section. There really isn't any presence for them in the db, most of their products are in Dedicated Consoles.
Around what amount of items might warrant the separate category? Just because I'm kinda stoked over the thing & intend to follow it awhile, I wanna know when it's appropriate to bring up again.
No real goalpost for it. If I had to think about it, maybe 250 items, which puts a category at 10 pages.
Remember to not try to use the existing categories as a guide. Many catergories were created just because people have asked and no one did any work on them outside of items they owned. There are many categories that should not have been created without there being the promise of someone to actually work on them.
PlayStation Vita [TW]
Xbox One [KR]
Thanks, I'll be adding some games this weekend probably
Hey, I don't know if there is a reason for it not being on the site but is it possible that you could add Playstation Network PS4 for Hong Kong?
There's a cool remake of the Japanese cult classic PS1 game, Kowloon's Gate,that actually received an English translation there. Thanks ;D
Looks like we need a Wii U demos category. It exists for the Wii but not the U.
Here is one example of what is sitting in the retail [NA] category that doesn't really belong
Interactive Demo - December 2014
Hey, I don't know if there is a reason for it not being on the site but is it possible that you could add Playstation Network PS4 for Hong Kong?
There's a cool remake of the Japanese cult classic PS1 game, Kowloon's Gate,that actually received an English translation there. Thanks ;D
Not for just one game. You can make the entry in the Japan category and then put [HK] in the title.
Looks like we need a Wii U demos category. It exists for the Wii but not the U.
Here is one example of what is sitting in the retail [NA] category that doesn't really belong
Interactive Demo - December 2014
Again, not for just one game.
I didn't see any discussion in this thread about adding a PlayStation VR category listing to be added, so maybe this could put into consideration. There are a considerable number of titles that aren't just VR-compatible but require VR. I don't think that this ( is an exhaustive list since it shows only PAL releases, but it seems to show a healthy amount of titles that could be representative of all TLD releases.
I didn't see any discussion in this thread about adding a PlayStation VR category listing to be added, so maybe this could put into consideration. There are a considerable number of titles that aren't just VR-compatible but require VR. I don't think that this ( is an exhaustive list since it shows only PAL releases, but it seems to show a healthy amount of titles that could be representative of all TLD releases.
I could be wrong about this, but all these games are still PS4 games and require the PS4 to play them. Playstation VR is an accessory to the PS4, not a console itself.
I didn't see any discussion in this thread about adding a PlayStation VR category listing to be added, so maybe this could put into consideration. There are a considerable number of titles that aren't just VR-compatible but require VR. I don't think that this ( is an exhaustive list since it shows only PAL releases, but it seems to show a healthy amount of titles that could be representative of all TLD releases.
I could be wrong about this, but all these games are still PS4 games and require the PS4 to play them. Playstation VR is an accessory to the PS4, not a console itself.
While that is a good point, the database has individual category listings for the Sega CD, Turbografx-CD, etc. already. To me, PlayStation VR is on equal footing with listings like these.
I didn't see any discussion in this thread about adding a PlayStation VR category listing to be added, so maybe this could put into consideration. There are a considerable number of titles that aren't just VR-compatible but require VR. I don't think that this ( is an exhaustive list since it shows only PAL releases, but it seems to show a healthy amount of titles that could be representative of all TLD releases.
I could be wrong about this, but all these games are still PS4 games and require the PS4 to play them. Playstation VR is an accessory to the PS4, not a console itself.
While that is a good point, the database has individual category listings for the Sega CD, Turbografx-CD, etc. already. To me, PlayStation VR is on equal footing with listings like these.
Sure, but that's a change in the media type. An admin can correct me if I'm wrong, but categories in the DB are split by platform, then further differentiated by media type (disc, cartridge, digital, floppy disc, cassette, etc.) All PSVR games are either disc or digital, and all are played on the PS4 console, so another category isn't necessary. They would just go in PS4 disc or digital. It's about the format the data are on.
The only exception to that is the PS1/PS2 classics category, which I asked to have removed/addressed a long time ago (it's still in Jason's to do list to fix it iirc).
The only exception to that is the PS1/PS2 classics category, which I asked to have removed/addressed a long time ago (it's still in Jason's to do list to fix it iirc).
Agreed, those categories need to go.
Sure, but that's a change in the media type. An admin can correct me if I'm wrong, but categories in the DB are split by platform, then further differentiated by media type (disc, cartridge, digital, floppy disc, cassette, etc.) All PSVR games are either disc or digital, and all are played on the PS4 console, so another category isn't necessary. They would just go in PS4 disc or digital. It's about the format the data are on.
This isn't exactly the place to ask, but since my question is directly related — is then completing a PSVR item listing best done by adding in details to the Description field to provide others that PlayStation VR and its accessories are required or compatible to play?
It is.
Sure, but that's a change in the media type. An admin can correct me if I'm wrong, but categories in the DB are split by platform, then further differentiated by media type (disc, cartridge, digital, floppy disc, cassette, etc.) All PSVR games are either disc or digital, and all are played on the PS4 console, so another category isn't necessary. They would just go in PS4 disc or digital. It's about the format the data are on.
This isn't exactly the place to ask, but since my question is directly related — is then completing a PSVR item listing best done by adding in details to the Description field to provide others that PlayStation VR and its accessories are required or compatible to play?
Could we get "Compilation" added to the genre list when submitting a game?
Compilation is refering to data contents, rather genre is refering to the work itself. I don't think it is correct to put Compilation into that list.
Created Apple Macintosh [AU] ( sub-cat to Apple Computers cat.
Moved all the Mac games out of the old categories and into the new categories.
Merged dupes
Deleted iPhone games
Put the old categories into first post requesting deletion, afterwhich also to delete the Mac category.
Would it be possible to add a new categories and subcategories for Vtech and Leapfrog consoles and games? There's quite a few scattered around mostly in Hardware section, but some of the Vtechs have separate category. There's no games for things such as LeapTV, at least I don't find it, but I'll be going to find a few that I have. It requires doing a bit of research, but I find some threads about them here on forums and on other sites, but I can help if you need help naming the categories. :)
Where are the games located? Other? Need specifics.
Where are the games located? Other? Need specifics.
The games are indeed in – there are some LeapFrog Didj, Leapster and LeapTV releases, I don't know if thy are region restricted or not, I got two shrink-wrapped copies of LeapTV games and no console to try of, but I guess I can do some research.
The leapster consoles I put in long time ago but I didn't add my games yet. There are LeapFrog consoles in too
For Vtech consoles there's and for games and consoles – @jjfly seems to show some interest in the Vtech consoles so I guess why they have the categories, but it would be nice if they could get a new main category and potentially split into the games and console cateogry especially following the wonderful research done,10889.msg178451.html and,10907.msg178683.html :)
Requested categories for LeapFrog. We can create a sub-cat in other for LeapFrog to put all LeapFrog items into. As a for now, as I am still not sure how many releases some of these systems have, also whether or not there are international or variants that exist. Basically, I won't want to create a category for something that could only have 4 entries in it, such as V.Baby under VTech.
Regarding V.Tech, we can create a new cat for VTech and move the two sub-cats in other into it. With a look like so (but not complete, need specific requests)
- VTech MobiGo
- VTech V.Smile hardware
- VTech V.Smile [NA]
- VTech V.Smile [EU]
For now, the reason for not splitting out MobiGo is because there is less than 1 page in the existing MobiGo category.
Admin completed the following last night.
deleted PC [Asia] sub-cat from PC cat.
deleted Apple Macintosh Classic [NA] sub-cat from Mac cat.
deleted Apple Mac Classic [EU] sub-cat from Mac cat.
deleted Apple Mac OS X (Intel) [EU] sub-cat from Mac cat.
deleted Apple Max OS X (Intel) [NA] sub-cat from Mac cat.
deleted Apple Max OS X (PowerPC) [NA] sub-cat from Mac cat. .
deleted Mac OS X [JP] sub-cat from Mac cat.
deleted Mac cat
renamed CP System III Cartridges sub-cat to CP System III Carts and CDs
renamed Sega NAOMI cartridges Abbreviation from Naomi [JP] to NAOMI Carts
renamed Sega NAOMI 2 cartridges Abbreviation from Naomi 2 [NA] to NAOMI 2
moved Strategy Guide ( sub-cat from Other cat to Swag cat.
moved Magazine ( sub-cat from Other cat to Swag cat.
Still not a fan of "Swag" as a category. Since it includes Strats, Magazines, Comics, Toys, Trinkets and the like perhaps it could be renamed "Publications, Notions & Novelties" or is that too long? :P
I'm not fond of the term myself. It is kind of like "Artifacts" which in the toy collecting communities used to refer to all of the non-toy related products that existed like lunch boxes or coloring books or whatever. That term seems to have gone away for the most part, and "swag" is just the modern equivalent.
Merchandise would be more appropriate.
Even so, I do not think all of the sub-cats in Swag need to have the "Swag - " prefix. Magazine and Strategy Guide do not, but they were just moved into that section.
And also, a thought just occurred to me. Now that Magazines and Strategy Guides are present in there, should we split/rename the "Print Media" sub-cat? Such as change Print Media to "Books" and create a new sub-cat for comics?
Sorry if this has been requested before, but how about a category for the Epic Games store? I can't seem to find one, and considering there are categories for Steam and GOG it just seems appropriate if you ask me.
Sorry if this has been requested before, but how about a category for the Epic Games store? I can't seem to find one, and considering there are categories for Steam and GOG it just seems appropriate if you ask me.
Not going to happen. If anything, Steam and GOG should be merged into PC Digital Downloads.
Rather would have only 1 category for all digital PC games, and to be able to tag sources to each entry.
Admin renamed Pinball to Pinball Machines.
I see we have Xbox Series X categories. Can we get those renamed to Xbox Series given that that is the designation?
Microsoft has always been terrible at naming things.
Do we call it Xbox Series or Xbox Series X/S?
Microsoft has always been terrible at naming things.
Do we call it Xbox Series or Xbox Series X/S?
I would say Xbox Series, there is an implication there may be future models in the Series series. ::)
I think the official designation is "Xbox", but that obviously doesn't work.
Do we call it Xbox Series or Xbox Series X/S?
The Series S is a more consumer-friendly model with it not having a disc drive altogether yet plays all of the games intended for the Series X—so, in this sense, it's similar to the Xbox One/S/X, PlayStation 4/Pro/Slim, and the like. Since there won't be any Series S exclusives, I'm not so sure if a category named Series S to be named is all too appropriate.
I would say Xbox Series, there is an implication there may be future models in the Series series. ::)
I think the official designation is "Xbox", but that obviously doesn't work.
This may be the best solution. And yes, Microsoft is on record for saying that their upcoming console should aptly be named simply Xbox. They sure do make it easy for their audience.
OK so since the Xbox Series S does not have an optical drive, there would actually not be any physical releases for it, correct?
Now if you want to be renaming the digital categories to remove the X, I can see that, but not the physical categories besides hardware and accessories.
OK so since the Xbox Series S does not have an optical drive, there would actually not be any physical releases for it, correct?
Now if you want to be renaming the digital categories to remove the X, I can see that, but not the physical categories besides hardware and accessories.
Like I said though, the implication is that there will be other non-X Series models down the line. We can leave some of the categories as X for now, but we'll need to change them if that ever occurs.
Personally, I think it makes sense to set them all as "Xbox Series".
Note: It also gets further confusing in that there is implication that some releases will be branded as "Xbox" and will run on both Xbox One and Xbox Series X, put it in X1 and it runs the X1 version, put it in XSX and it runs the XSX version.
OK so since the Xbox Series S does not have an optical drive, there would actually not be any physical releases for it, correct?
Now if you want to be renaming the digital categories to remove the X, I can see that, but not the physical categories besides hardware and accessories.
Correct. So is the idea for the Xbox Series S and Series X to each have their own respective hardware categories under a broad Xbox Series category? I think that decision would solve a lot of complication problems instead of having the umbrella category being named Xbox Series X.
Note: It also gets further confusing in that there is implication that some releases will be branded as "Xbox" and will run on both Xbox One and Xbox Series X, put it in X1 and it runs the X1 version, put it in XSX and it runs the XSX version.
I've already run into this issue while attempting to add new entries for the Series X. The physical cases label the games as both Xbox One and Series X titles, and I really just wasn't sure what to do. Create the entry for both categories? Create only one entry under Series X, since the game was built for it and is a part of the upcoming ninth generation? This problem is entirely caused by Microsoft for simply naming their ninth generation only to be regarded as Xbox, as we've both mentioned already. Xbox isn't a just one system now—it's a multi-generational brand. Of course, this is nice for overall accessibility, but, in terms of categorizing, it's so confusing.
What physical games have been released so far?
WWE 2K Battlegrounds is an XBox One game, but has a note it can be used on an Xbox One X
Are there any releases yet that had similar transitional branding to those XBox One / Xbox 360 games?
I don't think we should care if/when MSFT rebrands the console at a later date.
Well, for the games announced so far that have been added to VGC, we can see such examples with these ( three ( entries ( However, after reading your note about WWE 2K: Battlegrounds, 184815 may need to be edited to be listed as an Xbox One item. The former two titles brand the games simply as Xbox with Xbox One capability listed underneath, whereas the latter is branded as Xbox One with Xbox Series X capability underneath. So, I suppose that top branding would be the definitive detail to determine which category such items belong in?
Well those three are stock photos. We'll have to see what the actual thing looks like when it gets released.
Add this to the list of reasons why we should not add physical games to the db that do not yet exist.
Added missing rating request to first post for ACB M15+ (Australia)
I'm not sure if it's been suggested elsewhere outside of this thread, but has the genre Compilation been put into consideration before? There are so many entries that would benefit from such categorization than what many of them have now as Other.
Request for Nintendo Switch [TW] for this:
The "Chinese version" is TW
The "English version" is a general Asia release with Chinese and English
There's also a dupe:
Thought I would just put this all into one reply
New category for 1 entry?
ACB M15+ has been added by admin.
Technically speaking there are two different CN regions. General Asian and Chinese. Chinese releases are region locked. General Asian releases aren't. But I don't think this is necessarily relevant to the topic at hand.
Oh definately. We tend to treat the [CN] categories to be catch-all for SEA that isn't Japan or South Korea. Especially since the two main areas of releases are in China and Hong Kong, and Hong Kong technically being part of China.
New category for 1 entry?
ACB M15+ has been added by admin.
The CN category has several TW titles that need to be moved also. Some titles have TW in the name already.
How many are we talking about? (inluding ones not created)
All of the TW games should have [TW] in the title if they exist in that category. Considering there are only 4 pages for that cat, it is less than 100 items. I don't see a reason to create a new category for TW games at this time and just keep them in that category.
There are almost 30 of them. That's plenty to put in it's own category.
Plus it's not consistent with all the other TW categories in the DB. We have TW for all the other modern platforms. I don't understand why it's such a big deal to make a category for them just because "there aren't enough games for it". We don't have a rule that says we need X number of games for a platform to have it's own category, and we preemptively made TW categories for PS5 and Xsex which have 0 games in it.
I'll move them all over myself too if that will convince you.
Nintendo Switch [TW] created:
Back on VTech, how would a new category and an arrangement like this look? Items with + would be new creations.
+ VTech InnoTab
- VTech MobiGo
+ VTech Socrates
+ VTech V.Flash
+ VTech V.Reader
- VTech V.Smile
+ VTech V.Smile Baby
+ VTech Hardware
+ VTech Accessories
Using 1 shared cat for all VTech hardware and all VTech accessories across all VTech consoles, and having cats for each console game type.
I'm not sure if it's been suggested elsewhere outside of this thread, but has the genre Compilation been put into consideration before? There are so many entries that would benefit from such categorization than what many of them have now as Other.
I think this was brought up a few months ago.
I don't think compilation is a genre, because that word doesn't describe a game's gameplay/artistic style, etc. like the other genres do. I don't think compliation games should have "other" in the box either. It should be left blank until the system could be updated to include multiple genres in that box.
At the end of the day, a compilation title is just one title no matter how many games it has, so adding the amount of games it has to a collection's item total is mere fluff. If by any chance having them counted is important, then adding that title to your collection based on the amount of games the compilation has could be an option. Like for example, Taito Legends 2 has somewhere around 30+ games, so add Taito Legends 2 30+ times to your collection. Quite unnecessary if you ask me, but hey, we all rock our boats however we want.
Perhaps entries for compilation titles could have a list of the games included in them for the sake of keeping those entries as informative as possible to any user that sees them. Note that this is actually something that I've pondered about a few times before, so might as well bring it up while it's fresh.
In the meantime, whatever games a compilation title may have could be included in the description box—I personally have done this before with demos. Otherwise, I echo telly's post: compilation isn't a genre.
Back on VTech, how would a new category and an arrangement like this look? Items with + would be new creations.
+ VTech InnoTab
- VTech MobiGo
+ VTech Socrates
+ VTech V.Flash
+ VTech V.Reader
- VTech V.Smile
+ VTech V.Smile Baby
+ VTech Hardware
+ VTech Accessories
Using 1 shared cat for all VTech hardware and all VTech accessories across all VTech consoles, and having cats for each console game type.
I'll try to dust off my consoles to see if I can help on that, though I don't have many of it :P
On other matter Pokemon Mini Hardware should be renamed to Pokémon Mini Hardware same as the games are.
Yes, all items in the db for Pokemon should have the é in the name.
Request for ESRB rating E-E10+ to be added
Example game:
Added Tangerine Oric sub-cat to Other cat.
Added Commodore 64 Cassettes [AU] to Commodore 64 cat.
Sony is to be releasing 4K Ultra HD Blu-Ray movies as the PS5 4K Movie Essentials ( line. I'm not sure if this is a temporary change to promote upcoming sales of the PlayStation 5, a permanent change, or a small set of pre-determined items.
At the same time, I'm not sure if items like these would be considered items meant to be cataloged in VGC's database since they're not exclusive to being utilized with PlayStation 5 hardware, but I figured I would at least raise awareness of them.
Although I suspect that this is not the purpose of this category, they would end up going into "Promo movies/videos"
When would it be time to move the Interactive DVD's and DVD Games out of the subsection 'other', and into their own subcategory "Interactive DVD"
but still in the main section: "Other"?
When would it be time to move the Interactive DVD's and DVD Games out of the subsection 'other', and into their own subcategory "Interactive DVD"
but still in the main section: "Other"?
Perhaps we can allow them to be in the Swag videos category, since that category has moved well beyond only having promo videos in it.
When would it be time to move the Interactive DVD's and DVD Games out of the subsection 'other', and into their own subcategory "Interactive DVD"
but still in the main section: "Other"?
Perhaps we can allow them to be in the Swag videos category, since that category has moved well beyond only having promo videos in it.
Actually that would be worse than the "Others" section they are in now. Since they in fact games, some hold more gameplay than some Cd-I or Sega CD games. If there won't be a section for themselves, the current section would be better than swag video
Could the genre Board be added? For many items I've come across, I've been labeling them generically with either the genre Party of Strategy, or have been leaving the genre field blank altogether. However, I've come across dozens of PlayStation [JP] titles alone that could better benefit from such a new selection.
How many examples are there of a game that would qualify as board game but not party or strategy game? Even all of the Shogi titles could be classified as strategy over board game.
As far as traditional games such as shogi, mahjong, igo, etc., I firmly consider these to be categorized with the genre Classic, unlike the myriad of older titles such as many in the Atari sections which are labeled as such. That being said, when I was writing my previous comment, I had not even thought about these types of titles when proposing the Board genre. At the same time, I feel as if Board could offer a better categorization to the titles I've come across, just as Light Gun Shooter is a better option for those titles as opposed to First Person Shooter, Beat 'Em Up opposed to Fighting, Action-RPG opposed to RPG, and so forth.
I scanned all that I've gone through during my progress in PlayStation [JP]. Here are 54 unique entries that may better be represented with Board:
Bokujyoukeieteki Board Game: Umapoly (
Dokapon! Okori no Tetsuken ( / PlayStation the Best (
Dragon Money (
DX Jinsei Game ( / PlayStation the Best for Family (
DX Jinsei Game II ( / PlayStation the Best for Family (
DX Jinsei Game III ( / The Best Takaramono (
DX Jinsei Game IV ( / The Best Takaramono (
DX Jinsei Game V ( / PSOne Books ( / The Best Takaramono (
DX Monopoly ( / The Best Takaramono (
DX Nippon Tokkyu Ryokou Game: Let's Travel in Japan ( / PlayStation the Best for Family (
DX Okuman Chouja Game ( / PlayStation the Best for Family (
DX Okuman Chouja Game II ( / PSOne Books ( / The Best Takaramono (
DX Shachou Game ( / PSOne Books ( / The Best Takaramono (
Eko no Kids: Taga Tame ni Kane wa Naru (
Gaia Master: Kamigami no Board Game (
Game de Seishun ( / SuperLite 1500 Series (
Glint Glitters (
Guucho de Park: Theme Park Monogatari ( / PlayStation the Best ( / PSOne Books (
Hi-Hou-Oh: Mou Omae to wa Kuchiki Kan!! (
Itadaki Street: Gorgeous King (
Kaibutsu Monster Paradise (
Kimagure My Baby (
Magical Dice Kids (
Minya de Ghost Hunter (
Momotarou Dentetsu 7 ( / PlayStation the Best for Family ( / PSOne Books (
Momotarou Dentetsu V ( / Limited Edition ( / Hudson the Best ( / PSOne Books (
Monopoly ( / Special Price (
Naniwa Kinyuudou: Aoki Yuuji no Seken Munazan-you (
Naniwa no Akindo: Futte Nanbo no Saikoro Jinsei (
Next King: Koi no Sennen Oukoku ( / Limited Edition (
Hmm well we do not actually have any definition for genres, and people just pick whatever and they do get changed a lot because people have different ideas about things, or are using different references. For a quick example, GameFAQs calls Jinsei Game a board game but Mobygames has them as strategy. Yes even in our genre list, party is not an invalid selection for these.
I think that we should only add genres for things that are missing, and not try to delve too deep into sub-genres, such as "board game" being a division of "party"... We would rather have the sub-divisions of "Sports" before that I think, as there are many more games that need that type of separation.
Light Gun Shooter is an example of a genre that does need to be expanded upon. For the simple fact that there are many Wii/PS3/360 games that people try to attach Light Gun Shooter to, and the problem being is that those consoles or games do not actually use light guns.
How about an section for European Atari Lynx games? I will fill them in :)
How about an section for European Atari Lynx games? I will fill them in :)
Is there more than 3 games?
How about an section for European Atari Lynx games? I will fill them in :)
Is there more than 3 games?
According to Wikipedia, there have been as many games released in PAL areas as there have been in the USA: 76.
Honestly, if I search 'atari' on a platform like (our most populair 2nd hand site) you get more hits for Lynx games than 2600 :)
Acquired a new system and cart set that has no home yet
Mattel Children's Discovery System
Can Probably Nest underneath the Mattel Brand that already exists for Aquarius, Handhelds, etc..
Children’s Discovery System <--- Currently in Hardware
Complete game library entered under Mattel Handheld.
How about an section for European Atari Lynx games? I will fill them in :)
Is there more than 3 games?
According to Wikipedia, there have been as many games released in PAL areas as there have been in the USA: 76.
Honestly, if I search 'atari' on a platform like (our most populair 2nd hand site) you get more hits for Lynx games than 2600 :)
Atari Lynx [EU]
Not a great showcase. Duplicated (bad quality) art within entries, bad titles, bad descriptions.
First of all, are any of these actually video games and is this a video game console?
Acquired a new system and cart set that has no home yet
Mattel Children's Discovery System
Can Probably Nest underneath the Mattel Brand that already exists for Aquarius, Handhelds, etc..
Children’s Discovery System <--- Currently in Hardware
Complete game library entered under Mattel Handheld.
How about an section for European Atari Lynx games? I will fill them in :)
Is there more than 3 games?
According to Wikipedia, there have been as many games released in PAL areas as there have been in the USA: 76.
Honestly, if I search 'atari' on a platform like (our most populair 2nd hand site) you get more hits for Lynx games than 2600 :)
Atari Lynx [EU]
When adding EU releases, we need the information to be able to tell the difference between an EU and US release.
For example these two entries for Ishido on Lynx
Even looking on Ebay, I cannot find any version sold in EU that is different than what is sold in US. If a version is sold in US and it is the exact same with no differences as the EU release, then an entry should not be created in EU category.
So with the above example of Ishido, if no information in the EU entry can separate it from the US entry, the EU entry will get merged/deleted.
Sorry if this has already been asked (I tried searching the forum but didn't find much) or if this already exists under a different name and I'm just blind, but would it be possible to get an additional platform for Amazon Games?
I have ~100 games on that platform that I've received for free over the years from Prime Gaming. They are only playable through the Amazon Games app, so it would be very helpful to be able to categorize them separately from my other PC games.
Thank you!
Sorry if this has already been asked (I tried searching the forum but didn't find much) or if this already exists under a different name and I'm just blind, but would it be possible to get an additional platform for Amazon Games?
I have ~100 games on that platform that I've received for free over the years from Prime Gaming. They are only playable through the Amazon Games app, so it would be very helpful to be able to categorize them separately from my other PC games.
Thank you!
We are not adding additional categories for PC game platforms. The reason is because of the many different platforms or places to get games these days, the actual games are the same. As we have always said, we are not interested in documenting software revisions on game data (only as it is applicable to physical media) and we have no interest in catering to data collectors, there is no reason for us to create separate entries for games on all of the different places they can come from.
You have to use PC Digital Downloads and make sure to put into description what platform the game is on.
You can see this specifically referenced in the Description post under "Digital Games" in the Adv Style Guide:,10837.msg178499.html#msg178499
You have to use PC Digital Downloads and make sure to put into description what platform the game is on.
You can see this specifically referenced in the Description post under "Digital Games" in the Adv Style Guide:,10837.msg178499.html#msg178499
Sounds good, thank you for the clarification!
PlayStation [CN]. There are over 95 entries ( currently added to the database with many more to come.
PlayStation [KR]. I believe approximately 5 entries for these items have been added to the database so far. In time, I'll add the remaining items. There seem to be 16 identified items ( within this category.
PlayStation [CN]
Moved the Front Misson game into here already.
PlayStation [KR]
Added Strikers 1945 II
The following actions have been done by Admin.
renamed Cougar Boy [SA] sub-cat in Mega Duck cat to Cougar Boy [BR]
renamed TI-99 [NA] sub-cat in Other cat to Texas Instruments TI-99
renamed Sega Game Gear [KR] sub-cat in Sega Game Gear cat to Samsung Handy GamBoy [KR]
renamed Sega Game Gear [TW] sub-cat in Sega Game Gear cat to Sega Game Gear [CN]
renamed Commodore 64 Cartridges [AU] Abbreviation from Commodore 64 Cartridges [AU] to C64 Carts [AU]
added Atari 2800 [JP] Abbreviation to Atari 2800 [JP] sub-cat in Atari 2600 (VCS) cat
jjfly had been our most active Vtech user but he has not been on the site inawhile... hope everything is ok.
Without having his feedback, I do not know if this is still something that people want to get done or not. It is on my project list to handle, so would like some feedback on it.
Back on VTech, how would a new category and an arrangement like this look? Items with + would be new creations.
+ VTech InnoTab
- VTech MobiGo
+ VTech Socrates
+ VTech V.Flash
+ VTech V.Reader
- VTech V.Smile
+ VTech V.Smile Baby
+ VTech Hardware
+ VTech Accessories
Using 1 shared cat for all VTech hardware and all VTech accessories across all VTech consoles, and having cats for each console game type.
jjfly had been our most active Vtech user but he has not been on the site inawhile... hope everything is ok.
Without having his feedback, I do not know if this is still something that people want to get done or not. It is on my project list to handle, so would like some feedback on it.
Back on VTech, how would a new category and an arrangement like this look? Items with + would be new creations.
+ VTech InnoTab
- VTech MobiGo
+ VTech Socrates
+ VTech V.Flash
+ VTech V.Reader
- VTech V.Smile
+ VTech V.Smile Baby
+ VTech Hardware
+ VTech Accessories
Using 1 shared cat for all VTech hardware and all VTech accessories across all VTech consoles, and having cats for each console game type.
Referring to ( Several variants of the V.Smile console are sold including handheld versions, or models with added functionality such as touch tablet integrated controllers or microphones. The V-Motion is a major variant with its own software lineup that includes motion sensitive controllers and has Smartriges designed to take advantage of motion-related "active learning". The V-Motion and Smartridges however are fully backwards compatible with other V.Smile variants and V.Smile Smartridges, and a V-Motion Smartridge can also be played on V.Smile console or handheld, albeit with limited functionality.
A newer variant of the V.Smile is the V-Motion Active Learning System (Model 788), introduced as a sort of low-cost, educational alternative from VTech to the popular Wii with its built-in controller accelerometers that detect movement. The V-Motion system is not as advanced, but includes a Wireless, motion activated joystick that is righty/lefty adaptable. The controller can be tilted in a direction to achieve a result on the screen, rather than using the traditional joystick directional control. Dodging things or moving left and right with the controller can inspire the player to physically engage in games. It won the National Parenting Center's Seal of Approval for 2008, and the Creative Child 2008 Seal of Excellence.
Therefore, I would like to see a new creation "VTech V.Smile V-Motion"
OK I will move it up my list of projects. Still might be a little while. ;)
Added request for Admin to create a VTech cat and move the two existing VTech sub-cats from Other into the new cat.
Not a Category or Platform but since Ratings are in the original post, could we add the RARS? A lot of these ratings can vastly differ from other regions.
Not a Category or Platform but since Ratings are in the original post, could we add the RARS? A lot of these ratings can vastly differ from other regions.
There was a recent conversation in The Rating List thread (,8623) about the consideration for new ratings to be added which can be seen below.
Instead of adding more rating options now, it may be better to update how this feature functions entirely before adding what is missing. The chief concern with the dropdown menu in its current state is in regards to how accessible the menu's UX is. The existing matter only worsens when you realize that the current dropdown menu options are missing a lot of ratings. Adding them all or even some only creates a messier menu. Generally, the missing options aren't needed for most of what VGC's current users add to the database or collect for themselves.
The same concerns have previously been echoed relating to the Developer and Publisher dropdown menus as well.
At this point I'd rather not add additional ratings until ratings can be reworked. I say this because I feel that all of these missing ratings (that are in this thread) should be something we could select, but also that adding them all into the drop-down list may be super annoying, especially since it would then space them out and most people are only using ACB, Cero, ELSPA, ESRB and PEGI options. Secondary to that is probably ClassInd.
If there is a better way to select ratings to put on entries then I would do it, but really would like to wait until a better way is determined.
Do we have a request to add SMECCV to the ratings list in the DB?
Would it be reasonable to request 2 drop downs? 1st dropdown is rating board, 2nd drop down is rating.
A bit more strict, but could also limit rating board options by region. CERO isn't an option for NA, PEGI not an option for JP, ESRB not an option for EU, etc.
There is a lot of crossover in rating levels but not quite enough, besides having 2 drop downs as plain without any checks could result in incorrect combinations being selected. And it is not definite that ratings aren't available in other countries. The ideal way would be to limit initial rating selections to a region, and then allow the choice of additional ratings if the one you want to add is not listed. This would entail being able to set a region or country ID to a category, as well as to a rating. We can brainstorm about ways to accomplish it.
It would be a dynamically linked list. First dropdown selection populates second dropdown's possible selections.
ie. selecting ESRB in the first drop down would then populate the second dropdown with possible ESRB ratings only.
Request for a Nintendo eShop (Switch) BR Platform please. :)
it was released on December 7th 2020
Request for a Nintendo eShop (Switch) BR Platform please. :)
it was released on December 7th 2020
Are the games on that platform localised or different from the US eShop?
Request for a Nintendo eShop (Switch) BR Platform please. :)
it was released on December 7th 2020
Are the games on that platform localised or different from the US eShop?
they are different from the US version. Release Date, ClassIND, Game name plus other things all different from the US version
OK the category is created. It is here but will show 404 error until an item is created
I couldn't find an item to create. When I try to visit the Brasil eshop website no pictures or text load.
OK the category is created. It is here but will show 404 error until an item is created
I couldn't find an item to create. When I try to visit the Brasil eshop website no pictures or text load.
thanks, I'll start registering my games now, and expand our database :)
Completed these requests:
Ratings to be added
- rename ACB M15+ (Australia) to ACB - M15+ (Australia)
- add ESRB - E-E10+ (US / Canada)
- add ESRB - E10+-T (US / Canada)
Rename/Move/Remove actions still required (Can only be done by Admin) :
- rename Sega Master System [KR] sub-cat in Sega Master System cat to Samsung GamBoy / Aladdin Boy
- add VTech cat
- move VTech MobiGo sub-cat from Other cat to VTech cat
- move VTech V.Smile sub-cat from Other cat to VTech cat
forgive me is this is not the correct thread, and please point me in the direction of where i must:
i just recieved my physical copy of strife veteran edition for switch (via LRG) and i wanted to put it in my collection but i only find the digital edition. i know LGR published (and distributed) games are here because i have the rest in my database.
those on the know, can you add this version to the overal database?
forgive me is this is not the correct thread, and please point me in the direction of where i must:
i just recieved my physical copy of strife veteran edition for switch (via LRG) and i wanted to put it in my collection but i only find the digital edition. i know LGR published (and distributed) games are here because i have the rest in my database.
those on the know, can you add this version to the overal database?
I have added it here:
in the future you can add a game if it is missing.
thank you!.
i JUST noted the "add game" tab thingy in the database. if i had seen it before i would not jave made this post.
Added the previously requested VTech sub-cats
Went through the V.Smile sub-cat and moved the hardware and accessories out.
As previously discussed, all VTech hardware and accessories are catch-all for all of the systems including the Socrates.
Added 1 game into the InnoTab, Socrates and V.Reader sub-cats so they won't 404. There does not appear to be any games in the db for those systems yet.
V.Smile Pro is the EU name for V.Smile Flash.
Its been a long time since this was requested but now it is finally done.
The Hardware section needs a lot of work because a lot of the console entries are formatted wrong, or have console picture in front art. I tried to find what I could just using Ebay. The VSmile "Second Generation" is probably all going to have the (New and Improved) descriptor as that is the text that is on the box. And I also believe that all of the VSmile systems came with games so they will need to have those descriptors added. Unlike a couple years ago when I looked up VSmile, there are a lot less of the boxed systems on Ebay today.
Perhaps the Acorn Archimedes could move from Other, into it's own section at some point?
It could be under the name Acorn 32-bit, or Acorn Archimedes.
Curious what your thoughts are
Perhaps the Acorn Archimedes could move from Other, into it's own section at some point?
It could be under the name Acorn 32-bit, or Acorn Archimedes.
Curious what your thoughts are
Yes I was thinking about it also. I tend to think that a platform that is currently in Other can get a category if it has a page worth of entries which is 25. The Archimedes meets the bill. It was close for a while which is why I didn't do anything before, I looked when I was adding the Hitachi and Sony games to there.
Now I see we have a slight error in the current category list, where BBC Micro is a parent category. I will make an Archimedes sub-cat in "BBC Micro" with the idea that we will rename BBC Micro to Acorn Computers later.
new sub-cat is here (will 404 until items are moved to it)
Any entries in Other that need to be moved must be renamed to remove the "Acorn Archimedes - " prefix on item names.
This section is set to type Games so no hardware can be put into there.
Perhaps the Acorn Archimedes could move from Other, into it's own section at some point?
It could be under the name Acorn 32-bit, or Acorn Archimedes.
Curious what your thoughts are
Yes I was thinking about it also. I tend to think that a platform that is currently in Other can get a category if it has a page worth of entries which is 25. The Archimedes meets the bill. It was close for a while which is why I didn't do anything before, I looked when I was adding the Hitachi and Sony games to there.
Now I see we have a slight error in the current category list, where BBC Micro is a parent category. I will make an Archimedes sub-cat in "BBC Micro" with the idea that we will rename BBC Micro to Acorn Computers later.
new sub-cat is here (will 404 until items are moved to it)
Any entries in Other that need to be moved must be renamed to remove the "Acorn Archimedes - " prefix on item names.
This section is set to type Games so no hardware can be put into there.
Great :)
It's done!
deleted Google Stadia sub-cat from Google cat.
deleted Hardware [EU] sub-cat from Hardware cat.
deleted Hardware [JP] sub-cat from Hardware cat.
deleted Hardware [NA] sub-cat from Hardware cat.
deleted Google cat
deleted Hardware cat
deleted Tiger LCD cat
deleted Dedicated Console cat
renamed BBC Micro cat to Acorn Computers
renamed Accessory sub-cat in Other cat to Other Accessories
renamed Hardware [Other] sub-cat in Other cat to Other Hardware
renamed Other sub-cat in Other cat to Other Games
moved Other Accessories ( sub-cat from Hardware cat to Other cat
moved Other Hardware ( sub-cat from Hardware to cat Other cat
moved Konami LCD ( sub-cat from Other cat to LCD Games cat
moved Tiger LCD ( sub-cat from Tiger LCD cat to LCD Games cat
moved Dedicated Consoles ( sub-cat from Dedicated Console cat to Other cat
Neo Geo Pocket Accessories
There are at least 9 entries in the database as of this posting, with the ones listed below all currently placed in Other Accessories.
Madness Gameware AC Adapter & Rechargeable Battery (
Nyko Power Link (
Nyko Shock 'N' Rock (
SNK AC Adapter (
SNK Musen Unit (
SNK Neo Geo Pocket / Dreamcast Setsuzoku Cable (
SNK NeoGeo Pocket Link Cable (
SNK NeoGeo Pocket-Sega Dreamcast Communication Connector Cable (
SNK Tsuushin Cable (
renamed Amstrad CPC cat to Amstrad Computers
renamed SC-3000 Hardware sub-cat to Sega Computer Hardware
renamed SG-1000 Hardware sub-cat to Sega Computer Accessories
renamed ZX Spectrum Hardware sub-cat to Sinclair Hardware
deleted Timex Sinclair 1000 Hardware sub-cat in Timex Sinclair 1000 cat
deleted Timex Sinclair 1000 cat
Added Neo Geo Pocket Accessory
I am working on the "elimination" of Other category, as a result a large amount of categories and sub-cats will be added. I won't be putting those into here, as historically I've only put requests in the changelog anyways. Most existing sub-cats that were in Other have been moved out and have been noted in the first post.
Not sure where rating requests are to be submitted so just putting here.
Is it possible to add a provisional and demonstration CERO ratings for items like these?
Not sure where rating requests are to be submitted so just putting here.
Is it possible to add a provisional and demonstration CERO ratings for items like these?
I can add/change Ratings now so getting that done isn't a problem.
Based on here:,8623.msg145234.html#msg145234
Where Metshael has English names for Educational/Database, Rating Pending and Provisional, I am wondering if it wouldn't be better to use the actual words instead of what is there. He did not put what the original text for those ratings were. If you want to find out this information, we may make a better choice as to how to represent it.
Not sure where rating requests are to be submitted so just putting here.
Is it possible to add a provisional and demonstration CERO ratings for items like these?
I can add/change Ratings now so getting that done isn't a problem.
Based on here:,8623.msg145234.html#msg145234
Where Metshael has English names for Educational/Database, Rating Pending and Provisional, I am wondering if it wouldn't be better to use the actual words instead of what is there. He did not put what the original text for those ratings were. If you want to find out this information, we may make a better choice as to how to represent it.
I can look into it!
Not sure where rating requests are to be submitted so just putting here.
Is it possible to add a provisional and demonstration CERO ratings for items like these?
I can add/change Ratings now so getting that done isn't a problem.
Based on here:,8623.msg145234.html#msg145234
Where Metshael has English names for Educational/Database, Rating Pending and Provisional, I am wondering if it wouldn't be better to use the actual words instead of what is there. He did not put what the original text for those ratings were. If you want to find out this information, we may make a better choice as to how to represent it.
Would this include other Ratings? I'd love to be able to add in ratings for French, Spanish, Portuguese, Finnish and Russian games instead of just adding in information to the description.
I will add it to my project list to take a look at ratings.
Not sure where rating requests are to be submitted so just putting here.
Is it possible to add a provisional and demonstration CERO ratings for items like these?
I can add/change Ratings now so getting that done isn't a problem.
Based on here:,8623.msg145234.html#msg145234
Where Metshael has English names for Educational/Database, Rating Pending and Provisional, I am wondering if it wouldn't be better to use the actual words instead of what is there. He did not put what the original text for those ratings were. If you want to find out this information, we may make a better choice as to how to represent it.
I can look into it!
I went ahead and found the information.
Kyouiku Database
Shinsa Yotei
Kitei Tekigou
Ratings post updated.
And to be clear, the rating options on the site for USK are only (technically) for 2009 and newer, not the ratings that are on these items, with exceptions being 6,12,16 for 2003 version.
Should they be added as field options?
Edit: PEGI 15 added.
Merged VIC-20 game cats into just NA and EU
(maybe this already exists) As a suggestion, would it be possible to add views on VGCollect for platform levels in our collections/wishlists?
As i for example have a bunch of PS2 games from Japan, USA and Europe. Would be a nice addition to be able to browse these at the platform level: PS2, with all the PS2 games i have showing up under it in one alphabetical list irregardless of their countries.
On your About page, there is a pie chart showing your platform totals, but this will include non-games (such as consoles and accessories) in the total. On the right of the pie chart shows the amounts of each items you have of a specific platform.
You can view your About page by clicking on your avatar on the left side when viewing the main site.
Here is your page:
Let's please create a Xbox One [CN] category. I just picked up the first example I've seen of what would be considered an "Asia" version of an Xbox One game, so I need the appropriate category to list it under.
Let's please create a Xbox One [CN] category. I just picked up the first example I've seen of what would be considered an "Asia" version of an Xbox One game, so I need the appropriate category to list it under.
I'm still waiting on this. Is this getting implemented soon?
Let's please create a Xbox One [CN] category. I just picked up the first example I've seen of what would be considered an "Asia" version of an Xbox One game, so I need the appropriate category to list it under.
I'm still waiting on this. Is this getting implemented soon?
This has been a holiday week for many, meaning any site inactivity wouldn't be unusual. I imagine that, once the weekend has past, your request will be handled.
Xbox One [CN] Category is created.
Playdate Console
Playdate Accessory
Playdate Console
Playdate Accessory
Categories made and moved.
Would it be possible to create a category for Nintendo arcade equipment? Specifically the Triforce? I understand the category naming convention is manufacturer name product name. This is naturally a bit tricky when considering this arcade hardware is a joint-venture between Namco, Nintendo, and Sega.
Admittedly I'm lacking a good name to put forth for the category other than NNS Triforce.
Would it be possible to create a category for Nintendo arcade equipment? Specifically the Triforce? I understand the category naming convention is manufacturer name product name. This is naturally a bit tricky when considering this arcade hardware is a joint-venture between Namco, Nintendo, and Sega.
Admittedly I'm lacking a good name to put forth for the category other than NNS Triforce.
Triforce category added for the games, either GD-ROM or ROM cart
I made one example entry, although ideally the front image should be the disc in the case with the security key and not just the disc.
Cabinets go into the Arcade Cabinets section.
The main boards go into the Arcade Boards section
All other boards or parts go into the Arcade Hardware section
The names for all parts will be found in official manuals.
In this example:
It seems that it just uses names like Media Board, Main Board, Network Board.
So use Sega Triforce Main Board, Sega Triforce Media Board, etc if you want to add those individual parts.
Cabinet names use the official names from the manuals if possible (like DX Type, etc)
Thank you, Tripredacus!
I'll go ahead and get my copy of Virtua Striker 4 photographed (to specification) and entered soon!
Requesting 3DO [KR].
Requesting 3DO [KR].
Requesting general sub-cat for Pocket PC. If created, it may be better to reorganize the categories page with a parent PDA category to include Palm OS, since there are items which list compatibility for various Pocket PC devices and Palm OS.
Using this first example, the system requirements list PC specs as well as PDA. Being a multi-format item, this item would be put into PC [NA] since PC is older than the iPaq or Pocket PC.
If there is an example where it does not work on PC, then we can consider it.
Using this first example, the system requirements list PC specs as well as PDA. Being a multi-format item, this item would be put into PC [NA] since PC is older than the iPaq or Pocket PC.
If there is an example where it does not work on PC, then we can consider it.
I noticed the PC system requirements, but PC is only used to install the data to a PDA device and not to actually play the game itself. Is that irrelevant to how we categorize items?
That said, the fourth eBay listing ( I previously supplied does not mention PC at all.
- Palm cat changed to PDA
- moved Psion Series 3 sub-cat from Psion cat to PDA cat
- deleted Psion cat
- created Pocket PC sub-cat in PDA cat
Palm OS predates Windows CE, so the Tennis Addict game will have to be put into the Palm OS sub-cat
Pocket PC is a class of device, and those devices run various versions of the Microsoft Windows CE or Windows Mobile OS.
Windows version requirements on the boxes are for Microsoft ActiveSync, which is a program used to transfer files to the Pocket PC/PDA itself and cannot be used to play games or run programs. So this makes it so they should not end up in a PC sub-cat.
Requesting section for Toy Quest Video Vision TV GoGo.
I'm not exactly sure if the product is formally recognized as "Video Vision," "TV GoGo," or "Video Vision TV GoGo." The packaging details across the below items use the terms interchangeably.
Edit: A section for Video Challenger can also be made. Some software is built into the console, whereas other games are VHS cartridges. The information I've gathered reports that they were manufactured by Select Merchandise and distributed by various companies such as Takara and perhaps also Gig in Italy (
ToyQuest Consoles
ToyQuest TV GoGo
Video Challenger
Video Challenger
Interactive Video Accessory or Video Challenger Accessory (and Video Challenger Consoles) is still missing.
The light guns can be put into Interactive Video Consoles. Captain Power ships can be put into there too.
An aside regarding these is that the toy itself was featured in multiple episodes of the Transformers Headmasters cartoon as an actual weapon.
Requesting a section for Nichibutsu My Vision. I'm not sure if the existing Nichibutsu parent category should be updated or if a separate category should be made.
Requesting a section for Ohio Art Etch A Sketch Animator 2000.
Is the Aquaplus P/ece acceptable to add to the database? It is similar to the Panic Playdate, which already has its own category. It may relate to the items listed below.
I'll also just mention these to gather your input of them:
An aside regarding these is that the toy itself was featured in multiple episodes of the Transformers Headmasters cartoon as an actual weapon.
I actually visited that page previously but had completely overlooked that detail. An odd, albeit interesting, piece of trivia, for sure.
Nichibutsu My Vision
Ohio Art Consoles
Etch-a-Sketch Animator 2000
I know about the Piece already, Macaw45 has one. It can go into Hardware other.
The TIC-80 and Pico-8 are not consoles.
TIC-80 appears to be an emulator that runs on Retroarch and you can run special roms on it.
Pico-8 appears to be similar, but it runs on Raspberry Pi
Uzebox is like the Arduboy, which is used to create a system. The individual parts can be put into Hardware Other, but complete systems often are not allowed because they are home-made and not sold products.
The games for all of these cannot be listed at this time. I want to be able to track all games (that can be played) and all things that a game can be played on but I'm still waiting on whether that is allowed. The games for those emulators (and whatever runs on Uzebox and Arduboy) are just roms. Which you could say are similar to PC Digital Download except for consoles. But right now until roms and/or browser games can be listed and we have worked out a way to show them on the site, non-traditional console roms are going to be gatekept.
Etch-a-Sketch Animator 2000
The games for all of these cannot be listed at this time. I want to be able to track all games (that can be played) and all things that a game can be played on but I'm still waiting on whether that is allowed. The games for those emulators (and whatever runs on Uzebox and Arduboy) are just roms. Which you could say are similar to PC Digital Download except for consoles. But right now until roms and/or browser games can be listed and we have worked out a way to show them on the site, non-traditional console roms are going to be gatekept.
Hyphens are not used in the Etch A Sketch name. The sub-cat should be formatted as Etch A Sketch, with an uppercase a.
Good to know. For the last set of items, I was mostly curious about the actual games and not hardware (if it exists for the platform.)
Also, this item ( requires a sub-cat for Ohio Art Accessory.
Apparently, there are specific Sharp and NEC pocket organizers with game capability and game cards. There's a lot of dedication involved in the topic, which makes for a good read for anyone interested in old tech. Numerous posts mention the games, but the last two links are for two posts specifically for easier visibility:
There is already an entry for the Family Computer Network System ( placed in an Accessory sub-cat, but it may need to be moved to its own Consoles sub-cat. To my understanding, it is a peripheral attached to the Famicom which is capable of playing its own format of software that is cards instead of cartridges. Most of its software aren't games, but some are. Later on, the Dataship 1200 released which was a device focusing on banking and other non-gaming purposes but also for gaming.;_1987-1991)
That Ohio Art item, is it not the console?
For the Sharp and NEC items, we already have a similar situation with the Psion Series 3. So I can make categories in PDA section for the games but the systems won't get entries. And to make sure we are clear, only the games can get entries and not the non-game software.
Famicom Network System would be treated no differently than say the Sega 32X. The add-on goes into Accessory and the software would get their own sub-cat. You think "Famicom Network System" is a good enough name for those cards? And in the case of the non-game cards, since the Famicom is a console (and not a computer) you can make the entries for the non-game cards.
That Ohio Art item, is it not the console?
For the Sharp and NEC items, we already have a similar situation with the Psion Series 3. So I can make categories in PDA section for the games but the systems won't get entries. And to make sure we are clear, only the games can get entries and not the non-game software.
Famicom Network System would be treated no differently than say the Sega 32X. The add-on goes into Accessory and the software would get their own sub-cat. You think "Famicom Network System" is a good enough name for those cards? And in the case of the non-game cards, since the Famicom is a console (and not a computer) you can make the entries for the non-game cards.
I was referring to the third image ( in the link, which I should have clarified.
Got it.
I knew the situation was similar to Sega 32X but misremembered, forgetting that games only have categories. Doesn't this only apply to the Family Computer Network System ( add-on itself? The Dataship 1200 ( is its own console dedicated to reading Family Computer Network System cards only and not Famicom cartridges, so submitting it to the existing NES/Famicom Consoles sub-cat seems incorrect. Since the name is actually spelled out fully on the peripheral and cards, I think that a category name of Family Computer Network System would be more ideal.
As an aside, I'm not really sure why the existing NES/Famicom category is abbreviated like that, since no other major category abbreviates (e.g. PlayStation 2 isn't PS2.) Neither "NES" nor "Famicom" is used on box packaging for those systems. It becomes complicated with SNES/Super Famicom, though, because "Super Nintendo Entertainment System," "Super NES," and "SNES" is used interchangeably. "Super Famicom" does seem to be the only term used in Japan, though.
Added the category for Ohio Art Accessory
Can't make changes to Nintendo category naming conventions, Jason reserves this right. So this is why I'd say Famicom Network System should be used because we aren't going to change the other cats to match if we called it Family Computer. I have made the "Famicon Network System" sub-cat in NES/Famicom.
Also, I'd put the Dataship 1200 into NES/Famicom Consoles section. I don't think the fact that you can't put carts into it matters as it is still a Famicom. If the add-on comes with a game, then it would be put into the game category and not the accessory category.
Can't make changes to Nintendo category naming conventions, Jason reserves this right. So this is why I'd say Famicom Network System should be used because we aren't going to change the other cats to match if we called it Family Computer. I have made the "Famicon Network System" sub-cat in NES/Famicom.
Not a problem.
Apparently, there are specific Sharp and NEC pocket organizers with game capability and game cards.
Mentioning this again in case it was overlooked (since I have been requesting many categories, so it's easily possible.)
Requesting Funsation Off the Wall Projection Console and Games categories.
Requesting Decathlon parent category, sub-cats for Domyos Interactive System.
Requesting Tomy Data Battle Virtual Simulation Consoles and Games categories.
When searching for the above Data Battle Virtual Simulation, I also came across a number of Rockman EXE systems and "chip" cartridges, which I am having a difficult time understanding. Below are the three types of cartridges I've identified so far, for various systems:
The items in the above third link seem to be the same as the following link which includes an accessory for Game Boy Advance:
I've found two wiki articles for mentioning some of the items, but since they share the same name of a much larger video game franchise, finding information for someone unfamiliar to Mega Man EXE and Mega Man on a general level is challenging.
If I can understand what these items are exactly, I'd have no problem submitting them to the database.
LCD Games
Funsation Consoles
Decathlon (new)
Decathlon Consoles
Data Battle
The Data Battle systems can be put into Tomy Consoles
THe Bandai Plug-In Pet console can be put into Bandai Consoles
It may be incorrect, but this was a search term I was able to get results for
ロックマンエグゼ プラグインペット 熱斗
We need more information before making the games category because it seems there is a regular and Advanced version but I do not know if that means the games are different. Here are some YAJ links
And of course YAJ is better at matching to related items right on that page
Requesting categories for Franklin Bookman, a system which includes games and non-games software (which only the former would be submitted, unless told otherwise.) This system may fall under what you mentioned in another topic (,12346.msg205533.html#msg205533), so if that's the case, let me know.
Requesting a section for Bright Things Bubble.
Requesting a new sub-cat for My Life Accessory. The two original entries in the current Games category also belong in this proposed section.
Regarding the existing My Life section, I have information and questions. From what I've read, the manufacturer is Giochi Preziosi, so perhaps that could be the parent category name. The name is also found on the system ( itself and packaging ( Also, how should "My Life" be formatted? The term is inconsistent, as it's either formatted as My Life ( and MyLife (
Also, was it correct for me to have submitted TV Jack 5000 entries ( to the PC-50x category? The system itself is listed in its Consoles category and also on a wiki list (, but I'm just double-checking since their entry names are formatted as SystemName - GameName.
Made Franklin Bookman sub-cat in PDA.
The system isn't applicable to be put on the site, as it is not a console or a computer.
For Bright Things, it seems the manufacturer is Bandai and Bright Things only handled the software side. I can make the Bubble section in Bandai but then the system(s) would go into Bandai Consoles. LMK if this will be ok.
Added My Life Accessory.
The packaging back image you provided shows "My Life" with the space in it. It is hard to tell is a space is used or not in the logo. It is usually difficult to search for this system in general due to how most classified sites besides Ebay doesn't support quotes in their search field. Either way, you may decide to put "MyLife" in alt-name for the system and/or accessory entries.
For PC-50x, here is the list,6782.msg198590.html#msg198590
Ideally there should not be a PC-50x game category and the only entry that was in there is ambiguous, the PC-501 Supersportic which has a confusing release history and when I tried to figure out where it goes, I wasn't able to get enough information to put it somewhere else.
Bandai TV Jack 5000 already has a sub-cat in PC-50x, so they should be put into there. It has Stunt Cycle in there too, so the one you made is a dupe.
Requesting a Games sub-cat for Sharp Pocket Organizers. Whether it be under the PDA or Sharp parent category doesn't necessarily matter to me, although the former would probably make more sense.
Requesting a Games sub-cat for NEC Pocket Organizers. See above.
For Bright Things, it seems the manufacturer is Bandai and Bright Things only handled the software side. I can make the Bubble section in Bandai but then the system(s) would go into Bandai Consoles. LMK if this will be ok.
For PC-50x, here is the list,6782.msg198590.html#msg198590
Ideally there should not be a PC-50x game category and the only entry that was in there is ambiguous, the PC-501 Supersportic which has a confusing release history and when I tried to figure out where it goes, I wasn't able to get enough information to put it somewhere else.
Bandai TV Jack 5000 already has a sub-cat in PC-50x, so they should be put into there. It has Stunt Cycle in there too, so the one you made is a dupe.
Bandai Consoles and a Games sub-cat for Bubble is fine.
I overlooked the existing section. It's been taken care of.
Need to know what the Sharp thing is called. I see that some games are PA-7000, but are they all for that? Or what is the actual system called?
NEC Electronic Tool sub-cat created under NEC Computers
Bubble sub-cat created under Bandai
Need to know what the Sharp thing is called. I see that some games are PA-7000, but are they all for that? Or what is the actual system called?
I'm now realizing this isn't as straightforward as I had hoped. Here is everything I've learned:
From my understanding, games can only be played on certain models. For instance, here is Backgammon IQ-8A02M, which lists that it may be played on IQ-7000 and IQ-8000 series devices ( However, there are several series of devices, but they aren't the same between Japan and EU/NA. This post mentions how Hatris PA-5C01S is only for the PA-9500 device ( Oppositely, here is Organizer Hatris IQ-8A01, which lists that it may be played only on IQ-8000 devices ( The same information is also reported on a Tetris wiki (
Here is a Wikipedia article ( which references the entire line of organizer known as the Sharp Wizard. Here, it explains how the NA devices are OZ-#### and EU devices are IQ-####. However, it does not mention that Japan's devices are PA-####. Just for reference, here is a photo of many of Japan's Sharp organizers (
Unfortunately, compatibility for Japanese cards isn't listed on the item itself, but it fortunately is listed on the packaging ( But, there is a post in the HP Museum forum topic ( which does mention Japanese software compatibility based on item numbers, though. It is nice information to gain, but verifying specifics by analyzing the actual product obviously should still be done.
Also, I came across these pages, which I feel like you will find beneficial to some degree later on, if more work is put into these sorts of items and categories.
I'll also mention this nice Muuseo gallery of Japanese cards ( (games and non-games) which someone's curated.
So, at this time, I believe that categories for 7000, 8000, and 9500 are needed. I don't think there is any one broad term used across all regions, but Sharp Wizard seems closest. If not that, then something generic like Sharp Pocket Organizers may just need to be its own parent category with the individual series as sub-cats.
Made Franklin Bookman sub-cat in PDA.
The system isn't applicable to be put on the site, as it is not a console or a computer.
After looking at the Franklin Bookman more in-depth, I've found that all of the below systems either include a game cartridge or mention that they have built-in word games.
To demonstrate, here is a video ( featuring the MWS-840 system which shows the "Games" button being selected that loads a list of games.
Sharp Wizard for NA/EU however I cannot find any examples of game cards in those regions.
For the Japanese version, it is just Sharp Denshi Techou / Sharp 電子手帳. So I have added a sub-cat for those games under PDA.
You'll have to document and archive those Bookman systems for future you, as I said we currently will not track those types of systems.
Sharp Wizard for NA/EU however I cannot find any examples of game cards in those regions.
You'll have to document and archive those Bookman systems for future you, as I said we currently will not track those types of systems.
Here are previously supplied links. To clarify, IQ-#### is EU, PA-#### is JP, and OZ-#### is NA, regarding systems. To my understanding, PA-#### cartridges are JP only, and IQ-#### cartridges are for EU/NA.
That's a shame, especially since some bundles contain actual game cartridges. But, based on our rules, hardware including games belongs in Hardware categories, so I suppose that's the reason why they can't be added at this time.
Made sub-cat for Sharp Electronic Organizer for the EU games under PDA.
The systems cannot be added at this time because they are neither Consoles or Computers. There is more involved than just adding a type, it needs to also show up in reports. So we kick that can down the road as the priority is low.
To clarify, IQ-#### is EU, PA-#### is JP, and OZ-#### is NA, regarding systems. To my understanding, PA-#### cartridges are JP only, and IQ-#### cartridges are for EU/NA.
Made sub-cat for Sharp Electronic Organizer for the EU games under PDA.
I was wrong about IQ cartridges being for both EU and NA (which makes sense, but I do believe I read that somewhere.) I've identified an OZ game released in NA ( Can this item also be submitted to Sharp Electronic Organizer, or do the categories now need to be divided by region since you mentioned the existing category as for EU only?
Requesting Visicom C-100 sub-cat within RCA Studio II parent category.
Requesting Konami Picno sections.
Requesting Milton Bradley Omni sections.
Requesting Video Cassette Rock sub-cat under PC-50x parent category. The name is incorrectly listed on Wikipedia (and your forum post) as "Lock," when that it actually an instance of mistranslation. Here is one instance of the correct term "Rock" ( being used.
Requesting Interton Electronic parent category and Video 2000 sub-cat. I don't think this item is related to the VC 4000, and there are other systems including the 2501, 2800, and 3000. For the latter three systems, I'm not sure what their compatibility is, though.
I was wrong about IQ cartridges being for both EU and NA (which makes sense, but I do believe I read that somewhere.) I've identified an OZ game released in NA ( Can this item also be submitted to Sharp Electronic Organizer, or do the categories now need to be divided by region since you mentioned the existing category as for EU only?
There is no region on the sub-cat. Any game for "Electronic Organizer" can be put into there.
This is true of any sub-cat that doesn't have a TLD in the name.
RCA Studio II
- Visicom COM-100
- Konami Consoles
- Konami Picno
- Video Cassette Rock
- Interton Consoles
- Interton Video 2000
Milton Bradley Omni is not a video game.
Requesting Games sub-cat for Philips Tele-Spiel, perhaps specifically ES 2201 based on the wiki article.
Requesting Games sub-cat for Bandai Denshi Manga Juku, also known in the west as the Design Master Denshi Mangajuku.
Requesting section for Capcom CPS Changer.
Requesting section for M&D Mono Color.
Is the Arcadia Electronic Skeet Shoot considered an electronic game, or a video game? It doesn't seem any different than the Funsation Off-The-Wall ( If the latter, I am requesting a section for it.
- Bandai Denshi Manga Juku
- Capcom Consoles
- CPS Changer
- M&D Consoles
- Monon Color
- Philips Tele-Game
- Toymax Consoles
- Toymax Arcadia
Requesting CP System Dash sub-category under Arcade parent category.
Requesting Toymax Arcadia II sub-category under Toymax parent category.
Requesting Sanyo Giocatraduci sub-category under PDA parent category.
Requesting Sanyo Agenda-Game sub-category under PDA parent category.
Requesting APF Imagination Machine sub-category under APF Electronics parent category. The system utilizes both cartridges (both for MP1000 and specifically Imagination Machine) and cassette tapes (, which the latter aren't necessarily games. I'm not too sure if this is another one of those situations which any software simply goes into the coinciding system's sub-cat, like with PlayStation 4 and PlayStation VR.
Requesting sections for Viewmaster Colour Cartridge.
Requesting category for ITT Schaub-Lorenz and Games sub-category for Programmable Television. I believe that, for the same reasons as PDA systems themselves, the actual hardware isn't valid to have a Consoles sub-cat created. However, I've also read how each cartridge is technically considered a console when accounting for its components, so perhaps only a Consoles sub-cat needs to be created. The cartridges are also individually listed on the Wikipedia page for first-generation home consoles. (
Requesting DECO Cassette System under Arcade parent category. There are both cassette tapes and Key Modules ( (see page 2), both of which are needed to play games. Are both items to be submitted to the same category, like CP System III ( already does?
- DECO Cassette System
- Ideal-Computer
LCD Games
- Sanyo Giocatraduci (can also put the cart from Sanyo Agenda-Game into here)
- Videomaster Colour Cartridge
CPS Dash already is to go into Arcade Boards as per:,10835.msg177710.html#msg177710
Is the Arcadia II just branding or is it different or incompatible with Arcadia?
APF Imagination Machine looks to be an accessory, similar to say, Sega CD. It adds the ability for MP1000 to use cassettes. Will need an example of a retail released cassette existing before creating this sub-cat.
DECO Cassette System is for the games only, not the security Keys.
LCD Games
- Sanyo Giocatraduci (can also put the cart from Sanyo Agenda-Game into here)
Is the Arcadia II just branding or is it different or incompatible with Arcadia?
APF Imagination Machine looks to be an accessory, similar to say, Sega CD. It adds the ability for MP1000 to use cassettes. Will need an example of a retail released cassette existing before creating this sub-cat.
All three items from Sanyo can be submitted to the Sanyo Giocatraduci sub-cat, even though the Giocatraduci system is unable to play Agenda-Game games?
To my understanding, Arcadia II games cannot be played with Arcadia systems. This is due to the upgraded four projection slots ( which allow for elongated viewing cartridges to be inserted. Here is a a group photo ( of the three components needed to play just one game, which we can see is different than what the Arcadia system requires (
I've only been able to find one Imagination Machine cassette (, given the system's rarity.
Requesting sub-cat for Toymax Accessory.
Added the two Toymax sub-cats
I can't get to the Russian site that image is located on
Videogamekraken seems to indicate that the games for Giocatraduci and Agenda-Game are interchangeable.
I can't get to the Russian site that image is located on
Videogamekraken seems to indicate that the games for Giocatraduci and Agenda-Game are interchangeable.
How these items are described from every source I've read doesn't clarify whether if Agenda-Game software can only be played on its corresponding hardware, or if its software is also compatible for Giocatraduci. To me, it doesn't really make sense for the latter to be true. It's worth noting that of the dozens of images and several videos I've seen, Giocatraduci hardware has always been paired with either of its two dedicated game cartridges, and never Grand Prix which is reported to be compatible for Agenda-Game.
Russian websites are blocked by common corporate firewall products by domain or DNS. After seeing the site from home, I was able to confirm that cassette and added the category.
Requesting Game Pocket Computer sub-cat under Epoch parent category.
Requesting RX-78 Gundam sub-cat under Bandai parent category.
Requesting Sega CoCoPad sub-cat under LeapFrog parent category.
Requesting sections for MicroBee. (view gallery below)
Requesting Elektronika sub-cat under LCD Games parent category.
I'll also mention that the Videobrain category should be corrected to VideoBrain.
- RX-78 Gundam
- Game Pocket Computer
- Elektronica
- Sega CoCoPad
- MicroBee Computers (we will not track the original kits nor any Terminals)
- MicroBee (Only retail released games can be added. Any disk or cassette with a written label is not allowed.)
When searching for the above Data Battle Virtual Simulation, I also came across a number of Rockman EXE systems and "chip" cartridges, which I am having a difficult time understanding. Below are the three types of cartridges I've identified so far, for various systems:
The items in the above third link seem to be the same as the following link which includes an accessory for Game Boy Advance:
I've found two wiki articles for mentioning some of the items, but since they share the same name of a much larger video game franchise, finding information for someone unfamiliar to Mega Man EXE and Mega Man on a general level is challenging.
If I can understand what these items are exactly, I'd have no problem submitting them to the database.[/font]
There is another page on that wiki which breaks down all of these devices, some of which were made IRL, some not.
You can also look at the bottom in the Terminals list portion which has links to each type.
Some of these cards can be used with:
- the LCD game system itself
- the GBA add-on
- an Arcade machine (ref:
So this means these cards should not go into the GBA, LCD or Arcade section. So at this point, the organization would be like so:
- the GBA add-ons (Link Gates, Chip Gates) go into GBA Accessory
- the Arcade game goes into Arcade (obv)
Now for the cards, there are four card types
- the squarish ones that are seen with the Bandai Plug-in Pet (there doesn't seem to be a list of these on the wiki)
- Advanced PET:
- Progress PET:
As for the cards themselves, it wasn't able to readily find any instances of them being sold on their own and not as a pack-in with an accessory or system. I can try looking again later. Even if they were just pack-in only, they should be allowed to have their own entries, and then I think they would be under the Capcom section.
Wave Scanner appears to actually be DS accessories that come with actual cards (not PCBs/carts)
If I can understand what these items are exactly, I'd have no problem submitting them to the database.[/font]
Now for the cards, there are four card types
- the squarish ones that are seen with the Bandai Plug-in Pet (there doesn't seem to be a list of these on the wiki)
- Advanced PET:
- Progress PET:
As for the cards themselves, it wasn't able to readily find any instances of them being sold on their own and not as a pack-in with an accessory or system. I can try looking again later. Even if they were just pack-in only, they should be allowed to have their own entries, and then I think they would be under the Capcom section.
Seems as if most of the information is on the wiki, but I just didn't explore through it enough. The wiki comes across as comprehensive, aside from the Plug-in PET chips.
Alongside pack-in chips which were included with other items like accessories, booster packs and decks were available. ( ( (
So unless you have another idea, I can make the sub-categories to just be
- Advanced PET
- Plug-in PET
- Link PET EX
- Progress PET
So unless you have another idea, I can make the sub-categories to just be
- Advanced PET
- Plug-in PET
- Link PET EX
- Progress PET
That seems fine to me. If anything else new is learned, we can always make adjustments as needed.
So unless you have another idea, I can make the sub-categories to just be
- Advanced PET
- Plug-in PET
- Link PET EX
- Progress PET
That seems fine to me. If anything else new is learned, we can always make adjustments as needed.
These categories have been made.
- MFi Accessories
This would be for game controllers designed for Apple devices, like the Lightning version of the Backbone One (, the Lightning version of the Razer Kishi (, the GameVice for iPad ( or the SteelSeries Nimbus+ (
I'm wide-open to suggestions on how to categorize those, cause I can't really fit them into any category in the database.
- MFi Accessories
This would be for game controllers designed for Apple devices, like the Lightning version of the Backbone One (, the Lightning version of the Razer Kishi (, the GameVice for iPad ( or the SteelSeries Nimbus+ (
I'm wide-open to suggestions on how to categorize those, cause I can't really fit them into any category in the database.
Use the Apple Accessory category
I've recently bought an Anbernic RG35XX Plus and I'm surprised there's not an Anbernic category in Platforms, there are a ton of models from this brand, should be added.
I've recently bought an Anbernic RG35XX Plus and I'm surprised there's not an Anbernic category in Platforms, there are a ton of models from this brand, should be added.
The only reason Anbernic would ever have its own dedicated category is if it were to have a library of games exclusive to its platform. With that said, entries for Anbernic systems can be placed in Other Consoles (
Is a new category needed to accommodate these items? From my understanding, only a Polymega machine can play the actual media, although the digital contents of the media relate to individual games from various platforms, and obviously the items are branded as Polymega.
These entries also exist:®-base-unit-wireless-controller
There should be no games in Other Games that do not have the console name in the item name.
That being said, I would really like to know what is actually on these discs, if they are actually locked to the Polymega console or not. If they can only be played natively on the Polymega, then a Games category can be made, but if they can play on a computer with some form of Linux OS then they would not, and an argument could be made for them to exist in a PC games category.
As far as the console and the accessories, they are no different than other consoles that can accept multiple games, such as the Retron 5.
I guess it all depends on the discs.
There should be no games in Other Games that do not have the console name in the item name.
Knowing that these entries would not permanently stay in the Other Games category, I formatted the names as such. I only took action on the Platform change because it seemed better to have these items temporarily placed there instead of where they were before, which was Other Consoles.
Hello everybody,
pls remove this reply, if it doesn't fit in here ;D I have a question regarding ratings in Europe/PAL region up until late 94, before ELSPA rating was widely established... While filling up VGC's database w data of european GG releases, I found out that before ELSPA rating, some games were rated with an CE label, for example "CE 5 and Up".
Wouldn't it make sense to add those CE-ratings to the possible edit options for rating? Especially since there are no other rating systems visible on the games before ELSPA... How are your's thoughts about this?
Greetings, Bizz
Hello everybody,
pls remove this reply, if it doesn't fit in here ;D I have a question regarding ratings in Europe/PAL region up until late 94, before ELSPA rating was widely established... While filling up VGC's database w data of european GG releases, I found out that before ELSPA rating, some games were rated with an CE label, for example "CE 5 and Up".
Wouldn't it make sense to add those CE-ratings to the possible edit options for rating? Especially since there are no other rating systems visible on the games before ELSPA... How are your's thoughts about this?
The CE logo isn't a video game rating. It's used on all sorts of goods.
The CE logo isn't a video game rating. It's used on all sorts of goods.
OK, so now it makes sense to me why this rating type isn't used.
Is such information worth adding to the description-field of games without any other type of rating?
If an item has a CE label, you can put that into description, but if CE is just printed on the box then I'd say don't bother.
If an item has a CE label, you can put that into description, but if CE is just printed on the box then I'd say don't bother.
Yea, I ment those CE labels with age rating only. I just saw it on a few Game Gear boxes, but it kinda functions as a age rating system in those few cases.
A general CE proofing sign is found on every european product since ... europe ^^
Thx for the Input - as soon as I'm through with adding general Info to the GG EU entries, I start researching a bit on what boxes have those CE age labelings...
I would really like to know what is actually on these discs, if they are actually locked to the Polymega console or not. If they can only be played natively on the Polymega, then a Games category can be made, but if they can play on a computer with some form of Linux OS then they would not, and an argument could be made for them to exist in a PC games category.
I guess it all depends on the discs.
From one of the company's official blog posts (
Polymega Collection is an ongoing series of important classic and contemporary games on physical media, playable exclusively on Polymega. Our editions include the original title game, its international releases, as well as additional examples of games that influenced the work and those which were eventually inspired by it.
Personally I have doubts, would like to see an actual ISO myself.
Holla everybody,
since there were a handfull of Sega Pico Games released by Tectoy in Brazil, why not consider adding Sega Pico (BR) as platform? 8)
I'd like to submit those few titles...
Holla everybody,
since there were a handfull of Sega Pico Games released by Tectoy in Brazil, why not consider adding Sega Pico (BR) as platform? 8)
I'd like to submit those few titles...
SegaRetro is down for me at the moment, so I can't confirm at this time. What we need to know before attempting:
1. I see there are a couple Portugese carts, Winnie the Pooh at least. Is this also released in EU, and if so how is the cart or packaging different?
2. I need to know what the BR box looks like for the system. I find pictures of the system but I do not know if they are imports or not. Since all of the Pico items on ML are the Japanese version, I can't trust a loose console from there.
Holla everybody,
since there were a handfull of Sega Pico Games released by Tectoy in Brazil, why not consider adding Sega Pico (BR) as platform? 8)
I'd like to submit those few titles...
SegaRetro is down for me at the moment, so I can't confirm at this time. What we need to know before attempting:
1. I see there are a couple Portugese carts, Winnie the Pooh at least. Is this also released in EU, and if so how is the cart or packaging different?
2. I need to know what the BR box looks like for the system. I find pictures of the system but I do not know if they are imports or not. Since all of the Pico items on ML are the Japanese version, I can't trust a loose console from there.
I found a picture of a tec Toy Pico Box on this Page:
(5th. Picture)
Portuguese Pico products all have european style packaging and are considered EU releases.
Brazilian ones all show a Tectoy logo somewhere and have mostly blue packaging that distinguishes them from the other release versions.
Holla everybody,
since there were a handfull of Sega Pico Games released by Tectoy in Brazil, why not consider adding Sega Pico (BR) as platform? 8)
I'd like to submit those few titles...
SegaRetro is down for me at the moment, so I can't confirm at this time. What we need to know before attempting:
1. I see there are a couple Portugese carts, Winnie the Pooh at least. Is this also released in EU, and if so how is the cart or packaging different?
2. I need to know what the BR box looks like for the system. I find pictures of the system but I do not know if they are imports or not. Since all of the Pico items on ML are the Japanese version, I can't trust a loose console from there.
I found a picture of a tec Toy Pico Box on this Page:
(5th. Picture)
Portuguese Pico products all have european style packaging and are considered EU releases.
Brazilian ones all show a Tectoy logo somewhere and have mostly blue packaging that distinguishes them from the other release versions.
Category created
Category created
Thanks a lot, I already submitted the first few entries to the category.
Meanwhile I hooked Up with an old PSN-Buddy from NorthEast Brazil, who supplies me with brazilian forum and trading websites to help me research. I'll try to come up with as much data as I'm able to gather. 8)
I welcome VGCs focus on reliable data presented by mods and try to dig out some hidden visual material on brazil tec toy Sega releases.
Please create the following categories under the Emerson Arcadia Platform:
1.) Bandai Electronics Arcadia (released in Japan)
2.) Leisure-Vision (released in Canada)
Even though each of these consoles are ROM compatible with the Emerson Arcadia 2001, they are not necessarily slot compatible. Each console has it's own set of branded games (most of which are simply Emerson/UAL games).
Please create the following categories under the Emerson Arcadia Platform:
1.) Bandai Electronics Arcadia (released in Japan)
2.) Leisure-Vision (released in Canada)
Even though each of these consoles are ROM compatible with the Emerson Arcadia 2001, they are not necessarily slot compatible. Each console has it's own set of branded games (most of which are simply Emerson/UAL games).
I believe you also originally mentioned the Activision Home Arcade console but have since removed it from your list of requests, which seems to also have its own library. Below are links to example items for quick confirmation. Note the cartridge back design, which clearly indicates their platform-specificity.
Activision Home Arcade: 1 (, 2 (
Bandai Electronics Arcadia: 1 (
Leisure Dynamics Leisure-Vision: 1 (, 2 (
]I believe you also originally mentioned the Activision Home Arcade console but have since removed it from your list of requests,
Advision Home Arcade already exists
Added sub-cats in Emerson for:
Bandai Arcadia