VGCollect Forum
General and Gaming => Off Topic => Topic started by: seether on April 18, 2020, 03:15:57 pm
So this is an "off topic" thread in the off topic section of the forums, that's already dedicated to all off topic non gaming related topics? So do we post all non gaming related talk as proper individualized posts under the main off topic section or come here? Are you attempting to circumvent admin power to post investment/financial related posts.
If this is a dear diary in which we can share daily thoughts? I like that idea :) ill begin
Life is one insufferable series of mistakes and self-loathing in which we bathe in the mediocrity and mundane repetition of servitude to the capitalist machine. We live an existance on par with Squidward, just a law-abiding, sleep-deprived encephalopod whom has to deal with the incessant Shenanigans of a porous sea sponge and his Down syndrome Spectrum starfish friend. . Every time you eat a lobster, you killed a humble life guard of the Goo Lagoon.
I think this is just meant to be a passive aggressive jab at the description of the "Off Topic" forum...
I think this is just meant to be a passive aggressive jab at the description of the "Off Topic" forum...
Thats the vibe Im getting. Probably in response to his previous thread in this section being locked.
I'm starting to think Seether is the brother in law to one of the site admins because I can't fathom why else he wasn't banned years ago.
I think this is just meant to be a passive aggressive jab at the description of the "Off Topic" forum...
Thats the vibe Im getting. Probably in response to his previous thread in this section being locked.
I must have missed that. What lovliness did he create this time?
Just another "What would you buy if money was no object" thread, which by my count is the second time the second time he's posted it with no qualifiers but probably the 5th or 6th time he's done a "What do you like to buy" thread. This one just got shut down right away and he's salty.
Dear diary entry # 2 - Eyelashes are like umbrellas when it rains from the heart, but the tissue paper can feel like an angel kissing you in the dark. And after you stand in the flames, its a sentimental kind of pain. Setting fire to your paat. I know what im thinking, I just wish I could say it. Or convey it Set myself in ice, drown in ice for I cant breathe. Heart been broke so many times I dont know what to believe. The harder I try, the harder she cries.
Dear diary entry # 2 - Eyelashes are like umbrellas when it rains from the heart, but the tissue paper can feel like an angel kissing you in the dark. And after you stand in the flames, its a sentimental kind of pain. Setting fire to your paat. I know what im thinking, I just wish I could say it. Or convey it Set myself in ice, drown in ice for I cant breathe. Heart been broke so many times I dont know what to believe. The harder I try, the harder she cries.
Also I have a political conspiracy but it takes away from the above statement.
Thats not even true Marv.
Dear Diary day #3 - Tear drops patter against my key strokes as I type my heartbeat onto an open forum. I am mere man but to those who know me I am a pitiful sack of lies, and mistrust. Fear and anguish. I look in the mirror and I have no idea the person I see. I have no recollection of this fraud, imposter and shadow of what was once MarvelVsCapcom2. The forums are not to be plagued with my incessent ramblings. It's why I come here where I can vent my feelings and not be judged as nobody cares about this thread enough to read it. In a way seether has given me an outlet here to be free. It's like for a split second, all worries, hate, exes... any breakup, and disaster. It's like I can turn on my laptop, feel the glow warm me as I stare at the cursor dance among the text. And it's like i'm home.
I devolve and lose creative energy daily, I only know of love and death. Which to me have become synonyms.
Update: A girl named Hadjer from Algeria is god. And most likely the second coming of messiah. And she saved my life and relationship. I am in debt to her.
Update 2 : If I could make a wish and pretend the ambient glow of the led bulb on the wing of a commercial liner was a shooting star above my head, i'd wish to go back to days before the stresses of trying to be invincible. By the time you read this I may have already lost myself to a point of no return. But January 1st my life changed forever. It's like a I hoped and preyed, and begged for that missing puzzle piece to come and complete me. Someone to find solace in their love in an ocean of darkness, deceit and fear. As an insecure, paranoid, social anxiety having introvert. I was in a comfortable kind of pain that I had become accustomed to. Loneliness and I accept that as my norm.
But as a new years miracle, I got everything I ever wanted. And it's not what it seems. And if i'm being honest it might have been an nightmare. I have everything I ever dreamt of in the form of a girl, heaven in a dress. I cry plenty tears, but it's like I tell myself i'm unworthy of this girl. But I tell myself i'm not that. Because after 20 years of believing I was NOTHING a girl finds something in me that even I don't find in myself. And at this point, I feel fearful. Because i've been here before with exes and best friends. That moment when you're staring at a phone in your lap, begging but the people you love never call you back or hear your cries for help. And you just drift into a depression. I can't feel that crippling moment again. It took forever to pull out of those slumps once.
I try to pinch myself awake. She is just funny, sweet, charming, popular, pretty, voice of velvet but most of all shes powerful, strong and carries so many wounds in her life but doesn't show it. Embodies female empowerment. What does she see in me? I'm a random, video game playing nerd, from a small town, on a big page. And I have pretty much the girl of my dreams. When I can't keep up with the challenges that freaking brings. And I just feel like i'm going to ruin it all. I cry tears of pain and premptively prepare myself for my unavoidable collapse. Because i'm not whatever she assumes I am. I'm not charming, funny or lovable. I am difficult to love. I am annoying and I block out all who love me. My own father doesn't like me anymore. I am a pitiful pile of lies.
I hope I can find solace in talking to people here. It's my last hope :(
Life is like a bag of onions.
I hate onions.
Well Seether, I hope you are happy.....
Life is like a bag of onions.
I hate onions.
So many layers, makes you cry. Profound friend.
Dear diary entry #4 : Senpai has yet to notice me. I dance under the moon light under his nose. I guess im too much girl for him. Marijuana killed the borochiosaurus.
Dear Diary Entry #5 - Just when things start going good, a boy flirts with your fiancee on social media. Lame. Love is a bull, you climb on its back. Bite into its neck and hang on for dear life until it bucks you off leaving you a concussed, broken pile of meat, bones and blood in the mud. It doubles back around to stomp on your head a few time in anger for what once loved you and accepted you on its back under the anesthetics of love now wants nothing more than for you to die. But like a fool, blinded with the memories of shattered dreams you climb right back on and let it kick you over and over until eventually you die.
Dear diary entry #4 : Senpai has yet to notice me. I dance under the moon light under his nose. I guess im too much girl for him. Marijuana killed the borochiosaurus.
Marijuana killed the borochiosaurus?
I heard video killed the radio star. Serious thought provoking stuff out there.
Dear diary entry #6 - Today has been a meditative, thought provoking Journey finding myself through old literature. I have cleaned my room of the multiple Jugs which created a shrine of the urine that smelled that of Osama Bin Laden's anus. . My room now smells marginally better. I have found some solace in the fact that looking back on old messages from January. I was every bit as sporadic and uncollected with my reasoning. I really had no rational thought. And I had the same kind of Semi suicidal, self-loathing misery that I do now. Looking at those times as the good times. Is confusing considering I really haven't changed much. I feel like I beat myself up a lot. Over things I have little to no control over. I'm not sure if I am finding a light at the end of this Darkness. But I will say its a start.
Life is still a slowly sinking boat. But we can always keep wind in the sails. I feel if I am able to lift myself from these. Insecurity ashes, rip myself from the Cobblestone damp soaked streets of this foggy London misery. I think it'll do great wonders for my self-esteem moving forward in life because this is probably the most challenging obstacle to conquer. So if I conquer it. I might be able to conquer anything.
Edit 1: Seether has yet to notice me. He will not find the same warmth in his heart for me as he does dividends, bonds and santander stocks. I refuse to change the current shirt I am wearing until my senpai notices me. Just hand in hand, misquite hickory logs char as flames engulf the wood we stuffed into the fire. Just us and the expansiveness of mother nature, so unplugged. Millions of stars sparkle like glistening diamonds above us as we rest in a cotton blanket burrito. But none shine as bright as my pretty princess :) the piece of puzzle. I am submissive to you. Typically I love control but i'll sacrarice for your love. Just hold me, never let me go. And call me your baby. Boy or girl! I cry becauae he already rejected me telephatically.
Dear diary entry #7: help me. Please god help me :'(
Dear diary entry #8: Most of the complications mentioned above, or in life in general have spawned due to the fact that my significant other is having her lady time. Not to be graphic on the forums, but it explains much of my worry. It wasn't my fault. She has seemed different not because she has lost feelings. But because she is encountering hormonal changes that are making her mood swing. It is a role of a true man to be supportive of his queen during these times. Google has stated that heating pads. And hydration are key. I feel calm now and to be honest. I have no control over Destiny or the future. I fear being too sweet. Some girls take that as weakness. As the old saying goes nice guys finish last. I hope I am an exception to the rule. Because I just don't have it in my heart to be mean to her.
Dear Diary Entry #9: If Cinderella's shoe fit perfectly and that's how they determined that it was her shoe, How did it fall off in the first place. It was a perfect fit. The mind-boggling dilemma of today has been pondering on this conundrum the even renowned philosophers such as Dmitri Mendeleev would have never been able. To quite analyze the scope of its mystery and lore.
Dear Diary Entry #10: I totally forgot that Jeff Kent played on the Cleveland Indians.
Dear Diary Entry #11: Love is like a pokemon's evolutionary chain in regards to the verbiage females use to label or convey their love. You go from your name, just innocent small talk and cadences. to sweetheart to eventually the sacred promised land of being called love or baby to other elaborate nick names with varying levels of creativity. Today I was called sweetheart. Proving that the relationship is a lifeless, cold, grey skinned soggy corpse. I have been demoted from baby to sweetheart. I feel emptiness. I feel the clutches of numbness all around me.
On a side not, I need Seether in these damning times. At this point if he called me his gamer queen. And stocked up our RV with mocha starbucks frapuccinos for our cross country road trip to see the grand canyon id prob rest happy. The short grows stinky. Notice me.
Dear Diary Entry #12 - My sacred account, where all magic lies. My personal facebook messenger equivelant of disney land has been banned for 30 days resulting in lack of communication with the girl of my dreams :'( Long distance communcations have been made difficult, my new account lacks memories and dreams. I want to die more than I have ever wanted to die before. And it's all because these 2 guys attacked her deceased father. Resulting in me taking things to primal, and probably over the top lengths to seek vengeance.
Why do I try. Also facebook has literally no support feature, why bother. Can't call, can't chat. Nothing. theirs nothing. I'm better off writting a message in a bottle on a dunkin donuts napkin and sending it to Indonesia in hopes some Indonesian boy will come out of a Bali resort, find it, and bring it to some indoensian facebook headquarters in which a Zuckerberg clone android will relay my message in morse code telephatically to some sort of higher power diety in which my answers will finally be given. until then I cry. contemplate drinking Lysol. And being a pitiful mess of a man. things had just started getting good :(
Dear diary entry #4 : Senpai has yet to notice me. I dance under the moon light under his nose. I guess im too much girl for him. Marijuana killed the borochiosaurus.
Marijuana killed the borochiosaurus?
I heard video killed the radio star. Serious thought provoking stuff out there.
I love you more than you know. More than words can ever convey Nicholas. You have been a beacon of light in a dark dark world, the spiderman to my Gwen Stacy. The Aladin to my Jasime. You deserve to be hand fed chocolate dipped strawberries on a tropical island, or showered with pink tulips on gondolas in venice, italy. Be presented with giant glistening crystal ice sculptures of hello kitty and heart shaped, syrup soaked pancakes with a butter square on top. You really are a shining bermese ruby in a sea of uncultured swine, trash and depressing middle school angst. I wish you happiness, happiness I can never find in my torn, broken, paranoid, self loathing soul. I wish I had the answers. I wish I could be like you guys. But i'm not. You're god. You're an adonis. You're a yolked up fire fighter in a v neck that's 3 sizes too small. But it makes you looked swelled. I know you can do more pull ups than me.
On a side note, seether never noticed me nor will he ever. I will settle for Lordscott at this point. I will settle for oldgamerz. I will settle for anyone who will send me goodnight kissy emojis, and take all my money from me and leave me with 40k in unpaid alimony.
Dear Diary Entry 12 - It's amazing how love is formed, and then it's ripped, shredded and spit into your face. I feel if I don't get 400 page likes i'll lose all I have :(
Dear Diary Entry #13 - Their is a man named Leo B D Boe.... If he graces these forums by a different alias or ever stumbles upon this buried text in the catacombs of vgf where nobody dares enter. You're formally invited to the bbq. and you're basically everything I aspire to be.
But wish me luck everyone here. Maybe things aren't so bad. how much of it is in my head I'm not sure at this point. Immense high highs, and insanely low lows :(
I'm starting to think Seether is the brother in law to one of the site admins because I can't fathom why else he wasn't banned years ago.
You started off as a chemist, And in your world you were a prodigy. But it makes sense because my comments are only hot periodically. Kind of like the periodic table, even when I'm in my own element I'm a square. Because anything you're expecting from me today, Think the reversal of that. No jokes, no scatological plotlines. I just want to teach VG collect. How to chemically stabilized a hard-line flat. Condensed incubators, turns hydrogen and nitrogen into H2O. 3 grams of plutonium or, Five ownium copper leads placed forming a hexagon Five Points, an avulsion, we just need 337 gigawatts hand capture lightning in a bottle for the open the portal to the Wormhole of an entire Paradox of like human society.
"Fruit Roll-Ups us significantly better than Fruit by the Foot" - Jesus 23 A.D
Just another "What would you buy if money was no object" thread, which by my count is the second time the second time he's posted it with no qualifiers but probably the 5th or 6th time he's done a "What do you like to buy" thread. This one just got shut down right away and he's salty.
I always seen you around in the halls, past by eachother not knowing what was yet to come. Passing paper airplane notes in class . I bat my eyelashes at you trying to get your attention. I'd send my friends to talk to you because I never had the courage. Standing by your locker with the Slipknot magnets on it. I never quite knew that you would capture my heart. Until that day that you sat next to me at recess. You placed a ice cold, condensation dripping, fresh from the lunch lady's freezer, little pint of 2% chocolate milk into my small delicate hands. For a brief second you held my hand. Kind of felt like time was frozen for a second. You're rough coarse fingers. From a day of playing in the sand pits. I looked up at you with my glistening, reverential blue eyes. So innocent. Your emerald green eyes and my blue eyes make yellow as our Souls collide. I see fireworks in your pupils. I am your baby. , I am your ice cream girl. As you run off to play freeze tag. The chocolatey, mocha deliciousness, fill in my tummy. Such a lucky princess :) cascaded with love
Can anyone spot me 500 bucks till the 5th? Landlord buggin
Dear Diary Entry # 14 - I have come to the rationalization. That humans are the virus, covid is the cure.
I have to say it! Wow! I read every word of that, Wow!
Dear Diary Entry # 14 - I have come to the rationalization. That humans are the virus, covid is the cure.
What a POS. How does everyone give Seether a hard time foe pointless posts- but this guy gets to constantly spout his crazy shit, now seemingly supporting the deaths of 1/4 million people. Did you think the Holocaust was a cure too? Maybe...the final solution?
Dear Diary Entry # 14 - I have come to the rationalization. That humans are the virus, covid is the cure.
What a POS. How does everyone give Seether a hard time foe pointless posts- but this guy gets to constantly spout his crazy shit, now seemingly supporting the deaths of 1/4 million people. Did you think the Holocaust was a cure too? Maybe...the final solution?
My guess is no one is really reading this thread anymore (I know I'm not). Feel free to report him.
Dear Diary Entry # 14 - I have come to the rationalization. That humans are the virus, covid is the cure.
What a POS.
Its a meme, ever seen The Matrix?
Dear Diary Entry # 14 - I have come to the rationalization. That humans are the virus, covid is the cure.
What a POS.
Its a meme, ever seen The Matrix?
Saw it when it came out, didn't like it. Either way, not too funny when actual people are dying right now.... A lot of people's parents and grandparents, but that's OK here? What about all his other rambling posts. Again, why does seether get crap, but this guy gets a constant free pass? (Not defending the nonsense seether puts out, just sayin')
Humans being a virus predate both the recent covid meme, and the mention in the Matrix. It is a facet of the antihumanism philosophy and also exists in some naturalist (nature/planet) theories. Even if we were to believe this philosphy, Covid-19 is not even close to being a cure.
Don't take it personally.
Dear Diary Entry #15: An elderly man who has clearly never conversed on the internet before got irritable over a recycled meme said in a tongue in cheek manner. Completely dismantling my idealogy that noone reads this thread. I guess even a barren, desolate wasteland of pain and mediocrity has corpses and vultures to feast upon said corpses. If only Seether berated me with the same intensity :'( I really think society has become way too attatched to this victim mentality. As if humor cant be a coping mechanism for those effected. Guaranteed doing more to spread the virus today than I have. But standing on a soap box because god forbid someones opinion differs. Not like (while a joke) my statement isnt a scientifical fact or anything. Because it is by definition. Feel how you feel. The diary goes on.
Dear Diary Entry #16: Squilliam seems to rub in his long list of accomplishments to a minimum wage making aspiring Squidward who has seemed to have gotten dealt the wrong card in life. He does this only because of his own insecurities. You can't buy friends, You can't buy true love, and you can't buy happiness. We only have three people in this world, Me Myself and I. Solo ride, we have ourselves for life. Squidward while a mediocre, failed clarinet player. Has moxie, has spunk, has guts and determination. And God damn it. He has a personality. And thats stuff that you can't teach in a music class. Squilliam should feel shame, He should feel damn shame.
Edit: Nevermind...not worth the effort.
Dear Diary Entry #17- Today has been a crippling low point in the series of unfathomable lows :'( I hear acid rain, I just feel this constant and consistent pressure in my chest. Anxiety and insecurities. I set myself up for my inevitable doom but it never comes. This thread has acted as a crutch, I was told by someone recently to vocalize, and catelog my situations, feelings. This diary provides a bit of a place to seek serenity, solace and comfort. Like a little world where I can enter and be myself. My Seether palace. Today is mother's day. My mother has done more for me than I can ever muster in mere words. Was the shoulder to cry on when I would scrape a knee, through depression, and bouts with ADHD and compulsive disorders. She was there through every hospital visit, tonsil surgery. She's like a comic book hero penned by Stan Lee. No woman is as strong to me.
But I sit, the sound of rain drops trickling against the glass of my windows. In the darkness. A stomach filled of starburst flavored jelly beans. And to be honest.... I don't know what to make of my sad pitiful existence anymore. I'm 23 years old, the thought of my moms tear drops pattering against the wood of the floor is what keeps me in this world to begin with. On such a happy day, a celebratory day to bask in love with my family. I am in a locked room, I spend most days laying on the floor even though I have a bed. I feel like a man of shattered dreams. Like i'm chasing an ever elusive rabbit through a forest trying to keep up with the complexities of life. And the harder I try, the harder I fall. I just want all my dreams, their in my hands but I shake myself awake. I'm haunted by the past, memories of each breakup. The feeling of love you sense when you're in a euphoric mind state chest to chest with destiny, but then it's snatched from you like taking a toy from a toddler. I'm a slave to the soil. Today millions of people will die. They wanted a chance at life that they'll never truly get again. Children dying of lukemia. 5 years old. Stripped of that chance and here I am, Healthy, hundreds of luxuries and even a girlfriend. And I have selfish thoughts. I think of myself lower than that of mud, trash, toxic sludge under a plumbers boot in a septic tank far below the depths of hell. Irradiating pain. I pay people 10 dollars for facebook likes. I am that pathetically invested in an alter persona that I have some sort of depressing intanglement with it. I value my entire life's worth on the consistency and quality of posts.
If god were to come down now, shatter the earth in half, crash us with the holy water until we drown in the blood of jesus. I just hope that my alleigence with the other side may come soon, and if I were to perish, may the wound help my mother be blessed for many eternity. I suffer so much, and every day that glass mirror gets tougher to watch. I am infactuated with death, I just feel like life is one big series of obstacles set to knock you down. And just when you think you've figured it out, like a rubik's cube it twists and foils your plans and knocks you to the ground in a beaten mess. What is Love without Hate. 2 4 letter words. Antonyms of one another. But damn.... You can't have a ship, a ship sinks. I have abondoment issues. And any of you here who are angered by the previous posts I have made. I apologize :( I am foiled. I am a spoiled, entitled brat who can't ponder the thought of not being adequate enough for people i've never met so I shut aside the people who actually love me. I have been strong this far, but I feel my grip loosening. Because what's happiness without the people you love? What marraige or life without a family to cheer you on at the alter. I'm not sure what's about to happen next. But I ask for strength and guidance from a higher power. Not god. But spirtual energies. Encompass me, electrically, statically. Save me.
Wild rant that I refuse to read
Hey bud, maybe dial it down a few hundred notches. Either the joke has gone on for far too long or you need to go see a therapist and sign up for a live journal account.
Dear Diary Entry # 18 : I like pancakes
I suggest @Marvelvscapcom2 to write a book rather than to waste time on here writing literature and not getting paid for it.
Wild rant that I refuse to read
Hey bud, maybe dial it down a few hundred notches. Either the joke has gone on for far too long or you need to go see a therapist and sign up for a live journal account.
Woah! Let’s not get reckless here.
Dear Diary Entry #19: I think night is better than than the day. I just love night time in general and skyscrapers and bright lights. I can only imagine being so high up with you. Feeling weightless and mystified by all the gorgeous sights
Dear Diary Entry #20: I have become engrossed in Mexican American culture or Mexican culture in general. By having a spanish american girlfriend, I have learned of so many cultural staples that I was never aware of. Mexico is a new dream vacation destination of mine. Also having a mexican american girlfriend who is on another costal region opens up a lot of phenomenons just off being in geopgraphically different locations. I never knew of before in every day life. Like Horchata... Which she says is a drink made from rice, that is delicious. One of her favorite things. I have never heard of nor tried Horchata :'( But where she lives, they sell it in gallon jugs like milk. Along with Tamales, Elotes and other deliciousness I have never known. But outside of culinary differences, their are a lot of cultural festivities that happen in areas heavily populated with Latino people or Spanish people. Unique shop vendors, carnivals, and of course Cinco De Mayo which passed recently. Celebrating cinco de mayo was amazing :)
Outside of that, I feel ok today. Not perfect. But ok. And I love all of you people on here. May you all have an amazing May and spring. My birthday is in 2 weeks I just noticed, I am not vibing with that at all :(
Dear Diary Entry #21: I know I reference spongebob a lot, but it really is the flawless cartoon. It's first 3 seasons can go toe to toe with any other cartoons debut 3 seasons and stand the test of time. No matter who you are or what walk of life you come from, spongebob squarepants has a relatable character. It's kinda like the simpsons in the sense that you have like 30-40 solid, amazingly written characters who's plot line can stand on it's own merit and being intersting as it is. Are you the sleep deprived, hard working, miserable, 9-5 slave to the corperate machine? Crunching hours while teenage, dorky, incessant annoying neighbors keep you up partying? Are you the money grubbing, greedy boss who slave drives your minimum wage workers under the table with no benefits? The maniacle, and menacing but also unwrongly treated arch nemesis of the towns local big shot. Trying to scrape buy and compete in an already saturated market? Lifeguards, even sandy the Squirrel is the stereotypical country girl in big city living, out of her element. Trying to adapt. Plus 9 times of out 10 she lives alone in a glass dome. How nobody has made a move is beyond me. Come to think of it.... almost every spongebob character is single...... ??? I feel like I can't remember many character archs that involve dating except when Spongebob was blackmailed into taking Pearl on a date. If my childhood memory serves me correct. But if I was a resident of bikini bottom, id at the very least hold the door open for sandy :) Quite frankly Squidward is the most likable character to me. We are all squidward.
But that takes away from my initial thought proccess. I drank for the first time in 23 years yesterday defeating my cycle of being clean cut :( For better or worst, I don't think it's a lifestyle or vice I ever want to partake in again. My first time I decided to try 80 proof tequila. Its odd how the alchohol work and the person I was messaging was not warning me of what would happen. But it doesn't hit you right away. Not for quite some time actually. I took 4 mixed drinks I made of the tequila with pepsi. It tasted like poison. But I felt nothing. Then hours later, it all hit me at once. And I went on a 1 hour long roast of Donkey Kong. Claiming he is a rip off of king kong and his entire franchise is extremely overrated. How much of it I stand by sober I don't know. But I feel he was wrongfully berated. And I sent friends voice messages I shouldn't have, woke up 2 hours too late with a pounding headache and am still currently in my underwear. And I gained almost nothing out of it. I barely remember anything and I know it was not fun. It was sadness, fear, blurry vision, and knocking things over.
Dear Diary Entry #22: The other day we as a community partaked in vigilante justice :) And through the power of a formed crusade were able to get a sexual predator to remove himself from a video game page who was harrassing people. It was such a rewarding feeling. Also taking a stance against critics of the last of us game, who claim it's pandering to sjws for being inclusive and having controversial, LGBT, homosexual plot lines. Me and about 4 homosexual boys, and one MTF transgender girl, argued with a meriad of christians. Arguments went rouge, but in the end discussions were made. Important, socio politcal discussions that I never thought games could produce. It's kind of beautiful in a way. That the post gave LGBT members a platform to share in the love of games. As I feel 90 percent of the market is saturated with heterosexual idealogies, christian norms and most sadly gate keeper culture that margainlizes and alienates a lot of would be or current games who want to feel included in the industry. Ellie is a perfectly written protagonist, and an all around badass. Her sexuality does not take from that.
Dear Diary Entry #23: 2020 has been a blessing in ways I can't ever fathom, subconiously, mentally, physically. I have met people who I never thought i'd ever meet before. From all over the world. People from Greece, Algeria, South Africa, Morocco, And my glistening fiancee from the sunshine state of California :) All from one game page. Proving games can break barriers, unite people, bring love together, and in ways I really can't describe the emotions involved in it. Video games in more ways than one have saved my life. Through every break up, any hardship, any storm. You turn on that N64, summer vacation, the night time air filling the room. That red LED glow. It's like you turn the power on and you're free. How something with a negative stigma such as games can bring so much pure, unfiltered happiness to millions. It makes me feel that when gamestop tried to argue that video games are essential commerce. I feel to some they are medicine. A crutch to battle anxiety and demons. And video games for me define every loving characteristic and happy part about my current life.
I fall more than I run, I fail more than win. but I try to be better for all of you people :( A better version of myself.
The outlet this forum provides for me, the heartwarming, wholesome community I see here around the holidays can never be understated. How everyone was willing to pool in and buy the gifts for a participant who had no secret santa after a unexpected back out. The community spirit of togetherness. Being a part of it is something i'll never forget. 2 short weeks later I found my now future wife. I feel you guys built me into the person I am. I have never told anyone this, it's pretty nice that nobody reads this so It will probably still remain my secret. But at age 11 I was sexually assaulted by someone I loved, and trusted with all of my sancity and health :'(. For a long period of my life, I didn't know how to love again. Love to me was humiliation, pain and fear. The words of berating echoed in my mind. I spent much of my teenage life, being heart shattered. I didn't know how to feel that sense of uphoric bliss of just falling in love because I had mental barries, spiritual blockades up to prevent myself from being shredded again. I didn't know how to love. I was a shattered vase, living an existence of mediocrity. I dreamt of having what everyone else around me achieved. A wife, a kid, a life like you see in the hallmark movies and the girl I met this year acts as a glue. Fulfills every one of those dreams I dreamt but gave me 10000 more. I feel we are eachother's safety nets in a way. I feel at my most happiest when i'm with her. Whole, happy, complete. And I would not change it for the world.
Dear Diary Entry # It doesn't matter : I want to die, resurrect into a bar of deoderant, be used to mop up BO sweat and then die again.
Dear Diary Entry # 14 - I have come to the rationalization. That humans are the virus, covid is the cure.
What a POS. How does everyone give Seether a hard time foe pointless posts- but this guy gets to constantly spout his crazy shit, now seemingly supporting the deaths of 1/4 million people. Did you think the Holocaust was a cure too? Maybe...the final solution?
I wouldn't agree with him but he should be able to voice this opinion, whatever it may be. Of course inciting hate, violence, etc is not allowed. Well, not where I'm from but freedom of speech goes a lot further in the USA, I think.