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General and Gaming => General => Topic started by: htimreimer on April 27, 2012, 10:50:33 am
for me
the lost crown a ghost hunting adventure
super mario 64
Hands down, Super Smash Brothers 64.
I doubt I could do this even for each console let alone just picking one out of everything.
I doubt I could do this even for each console let alone just picking one out of everything.
Agreed. I have a hard enough time picking a top 10. That's why in the other thread I had to list multiple" cornerstones".
My #1 is easily Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, hands down. I've played through this game so many times. Picking a second favorite is where it gets tricky.
My #1 is easily Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, hands down. I've played through this game so many times. Picking a second favorite is where it gets tricky.
You need to pick up the Japanese Saturn version!
Y's books 1&2. Its, without a doubt, one of the greatest games of its time and I can still play that game today.
The Legend of Zelda. Untouchable.
Super Metroid. Although the original was awesome, the SNES version improved in every single aspect.
for me
the lost crown a ghost hunting adventure
super mario 64
I just picked up The Lost Crown: a ghost-hunting adventure at a yard sale today for $1. Looks interesting the genre is right up my alley so looking forward to playing it, when i get a chance that is.
My favorite game of all time definitely has to be Bubble Bobble. I never get tired of playing it. Aside from that I have like 40 games that could easily fit as my second fav. xD
Top two would probably be Donkey Kong Country 3 and the entire Zelda series:)
Man thats a hard one to keep to one or two, but I would have to say:
For Systems NES and above,
GoldenEye (first game me and my son completed together, sentimental reasons)
Zelda Series
Older than NES,
Montezuma's Revenge
Lode Runner for Commodore 64 or Miner 2049'er (tie)
for me
the lost crown a ghost hunting adventure
super mario 64
I just picked up The Lost Crown: a ghost-hunting adventure at a yard sale today for $1. Looks interesting the genre is right up my alley so looking forward to playing it, when i get a chance that is.
when you are done playing it i would to know what you think of it because its the only game that ever scare me
Sid Meier's Pirates! (C64) and Sid Meier's Civilization II (PC)
Neither game really has a story to tell as you create your own but both have unlimited replay value.
You need to pick up the Japanese Saturn version!
I know! I need to play as the extra character, see the new areas and items!
Final Fantasy VI
Chrono Trigger
Castlevania: Dracula's Curse, Symphony of the Night & Dawn of Sorrow