VGCollect Forum

General and Gaming => Off Topic => Topic started by: oldgamerz on September 06, 2020, 07:05:08 pm

Title: Let's Discuss Removal Of Threads That Should Not Be Apart Of Forum
Post by: oldgamerz on September 06, 2020, 07:05:08 pm
I am concerned that both me and others are making low quality post, so I think you should all vote on removal of all, posts that most of the community does not want taking up space in the forum.

I am not going to vote since a lot of the topics are mine and I don't want to interfere, this is not my community but since someone complained I think it is fair to whoever is upset should post all topics that are of low quality including by myself.

We are a good community here and we all want to keep everyone happy,
Title: Re: Let's Discuss Removal Of Threads That Should Not Be Apart Of Forum
Post by: Cartagia on September 06, 2020, 07:59:03 pm
Let's start by not making threads like this one and let the admins take care of it.
Title: Re: Let's Discuss Removal Of Threads That Should Not Be Apart Of Forum
Post by: oldgamerz on September 06, 2020, 08:04:43 pm
Let's start by not making threads like this one and let the admins take care of it.

that's fine with me
Title: Re: Let's Discuss Removal Of Threads That Should Not Be Apart Of Forum
Post by: koemo1 on September 07, 2020, 05:14:31 am
The question is, what would be defined as 'most of the community'?
How can we determine what is a useless post?
Title: Re: Let's Discuss Removal Of Threads That Should Not Be Apart Of Forum
Post by: pzeke on September 07, 2020, 09:08:48 am
Here's the single-most wildest idea ever: if there's a topic or post that you don't like, perhaps made by someone that you don't like even, then just ignore it. It's that simple. Stop falling for the bait and stop getting easily provoked by the stupidest shit—because I will be brutally honest here, out of all the forums I've been a part of in my time on the Internet, this has got to be, without a doubt, the one with the most thick-headed members I've met when it comes to dealing with trolls and spam posts. Trolls can be a nuisance, that's a given, but even worse are those of you that take the bait hook, line, and sinker, keep poking at the nest, and then wail like babies when they get stung. Trolls can be a problem, but you're as equally culpable for continuously falling for their games. Granted, there are ways to circumvent things like this from occurring, but unfortunately this place lacks a bunch of features I've seen in other forums, like the option to ignore users, which effectively blocks everything they do around the forum that I feel would be a nice band-aid for this kind of situation.

Seriously, for your sanity's sake, just learn to ignore and move on.

EDIT: Just so we're clear, this is a broad statement, I'm not directing it to OP or anyone who replied to this topic. In other words, to whomever this shoe may fit, wear it.
Title: Re: Let's Discuss Removal Of Threads That Should Not Be Apart Of Forum
Post by: maximo310 on September 10, 2020, 03:15:09 am
Here's the single-most wildest idea ever: if there's a topic or post that you don't like, perhaps made by someone that you don't like even, then just ignore it. It's that simple. Stop falling for the bait and stop getting easily provoked by the stupidest shit—because I will be brutally honest here, out of all the forums I've been a part of in my time on the Internet, this has got to be, without a doubt, the one with the most thick-headed members I've met when it comes to dealing with trolls and spam posts. Trolls can be a nuisance, that's a given, but even worse are those of you that take the bait hook, line, and sinker, keep poking at the nest, and then wail like babies when they get stung. Trolls can be a problem, but you're as equally culpable for continuously falling for their games. Granted, there are ways to circumvent things like this from occurring, but unfortunately this place lacks a bunch of features I've seen in other forums, like the option to ignore users, which effectively blocks everything they do around the forum that I feel would be a nice band-aid for this kind of situation.

Seriously, for your sanity's sake, just learn to ignore and move on.

EDIT: Just so we're clear, this is a broad statement, I'm not directing it to OP or anyone who replied to this topic. In other words, to whomever this shoe may fit, wear it.

If the issue is a lack of tools to deal with topic visibility, then maybe it'd be a good idea to suggest adding the feature to the mod team, or making rule addendums to curtail that behavior and have that lead to more organic discussions.

But just letting things stand as is by just saying "plz ignore"  isn't going to magically solve the issue here & incentivize members to contribute to the forum. The issue will still be there, piss people off, and make them look elsewhere for discussions that are more engaging ( as I've seen on another other forum where their off topic section & moderation is so bad that most members ended up migrating to discord servers instead for discussion around the hobby.)
Title: Re: Let's Discuss Removal Of Threads That Should Not Be Apart Of Forum
Post by: seether on September 10, 2020, 03:33:48 am
Honestly the amount of total activity on the forum is so low who gives a f**k.
Title: Re: Let's Discuss Removal Of Threads That Should Not Be Apart Of Forum
Post by: telly on September 10, 2020, 09:31:57 am
There are many forums that have an "ignore" feature, and I think that would be a fine way for folks to hide posts that they don't want to see.
Title: Re: Let's Discuss Removal Of Threads That Should Not Be Apart Of Forum
Post by: pzeke on September 10, 2020, 01:14:23 pm
If the issue is a lack of tools to deal with topic visibility, then maybe it'd be a good idea to suggest adding the feature to the mod team, or making rule addendums to curtail that behavior and have that lead to more organic discussions.

But just letting things stand as is by just saying "plz ignore"  isn't going to magically solve the issue here & incentivize members to contribute to the forum. The issue will still be there, piss people off, and make them look elsewhere for discussions that are more engaging ( as I've seen on another other forum where their off topic section & moderation is so bad that most members ended up migrating to discord servers instead for discussion around the hobby.)

If the obstinate few that regularly take the bait would learn to ignore then yes, it would help appease the situation. However, once you've given a troll ammunition, it's game over basically.

Anyway, while I get what you're saying, I shouldn't have to go to the admins/mods and "request" them to do something about the situation; we're not in kindergarten. Forum admins/mods should be proactive, not wait till the shit hits the fan to do something—they should be active first and foremost, period. From the forums I come from that I was either a regular or staff member, that's how things were handled.

With that said, I could care less, if I'm being honest, I just like pointing out the obvious from time to time since the level of stubbornness of some around here has gone way past 9,000. As I said elsewhere, I rejoice every time I see these people get offended by the stupidest things – it's quite therapeutic.

Until I see a change of direction from the admins/mods, as in they actually bother to moderate, then I agree with seether: who gives a fuck. This whole thing is essentially a running gag by now.

There are many forums that have an "ignore" feature, and I think that would be a fine way for folks to hide posts that they don't want to see.

I was honestly surprised how bare-bones this forums is when I joined. I'm certainly not trying to bust balls, but still.
Title: Re: Let's Discuss Removal Of Threads That Should Not Be Apart Of Forum
Post by: burningdoom on September 10, 2020, 02:05:31 pm
Well, it's been this way for years. It's not changing. The mods here just don't give a shit until people are straight insulting each other, and even then it goes for a while.

I mean it's not hard to give out warnings, and then boot people who repeatedly ignore warnings. I speak as an admin of a few different groups on Facebook. You weed these repeat offenders out, and you have less problems to begin with.
Title: Re: Let's Discuss Removal Of Threads That Should Not Be Apart Of Forum
Post by: oldgamerz on September 10, 2020, 03:38:37 pm
a lot of people are up in arms because of the pandemic, and a lot of people are not sure what the future brings, so that creates an uptight atmosphere . Whether people consider me a troll of not, I am not trying to be that way, If this was retro collect Me, MVC2 and Seether and Eaglelord would have already been banned just because. and they had an ignore feature, but that was not good enough for them so they banned me for a avatar I had,
Title: Re: Let's Discuss Removal Of Threads That Should Not Be Apart Of Forum
Post by: telly on September 10, 2020, 04:11:49 pm
I mean my experience with moderating was when I was a mod and eventually an admin for Bulbagarden forums (which has almost 55,000 members and ~500 posts a day, so considerably more active than VGC). Those forums have a rules list a mile long and long handbook for writing warnings, applying points, and instituting bans.

I actually appreciate how less bureaucratic VGCollect is with this by comparison. But an ignore feature would be welcomed by me at least.
Title: Re: Let's Discuss Removal Of Threads That Should Not Be Apart Of Forum
Post by: pzeke on September 10, 2020, 05:36:51 pm
A mile-long list of rules isn't needed, and isn't actually the solution here. Everyone should practice and abide to standard netiquette and that'd be it. Admins/mods should swoop in as soon as something seems to go or has already gotten out of hand. Of course, a rule that appropriately disfavors spam posts is also a point to consider instead of tip-toeing around.

As far as the ignore feature goes, if it were to be considered, I believe it should only be implemented within the "General and Gaming" forums since it's where the most "activity" within the board itself occurs. Most posts made to the "VGCollect Site Stuff" forums are important to the website itself, so having redacted posts there would seem counterproductive.
Title: Re: Let's Discuss Removal Of Threads That Should Not Be Apart Of Forum
Post by: telly on September 10, 2020, 10:03:40 pm
As far as the ignore feature goes, if it were to be considered, I believe it should only be implemented within the "General and Gaming" forums since it's where the most "activity" within the board itself occurs. Most posts made to the "VGCollect Site Stuff" forums are important to the website itself, so having redacted posts there would seem counterproductive.

That's a very valid point.
Title: Re: Let's Discuss Removal Of Threads That Should Not Be Apart Of Forum
Post by: burningdoom on September 11, 2020, 09:17:55 pm
The fact that a mod or admin hasn't shutdown this thread, or at least said something in it, is odd.
Title: Re: Let's Discuss Removal Of Threads That Should Not Be Apart Of Forum
Post by: tpugmire on September 13, 2020, 10:41:21 am
The fact that a mod or admin hasn't shutdown this thread, or at least said something in it, is odd.
I’ve been following it. The tough part for me is that I don’t want to punish people for using the off topic forum, when that’s what it’s for. Personally, I think the whole off topic forum should go away, but that’s just me.
Title: Re: Let's Discuss Removal Of Threads That Should Not Be Apart Of Forum
Post by: pzeke on September 13, 2020, 04:16:19 pm
The fact that a mod or admin hasn't shutdown this thread, or at least said something in it, is odd.

Not surprising at all.

With that said, though...

I’ve been following it. The tough part for me is that I don’t want to punish people for using the off topic forum, when that’s what it’s for. Personally, I think the whole off topic forum should go away, but that’s just me.

Why? Having a place where people can shoot the shit is a mainstay of many forums out there; I mean, unless it's for a very specific niche, I would say it's almost impossible to find a forum out there that doesn't have a section of this sort. Why is there a need to remove the option here? If it's a thought merely for the sake of avoiding a problem, then that's not the way to be an admin/mod.

Granted, I will agree with you in that this is the "off topic" forum, so I too feel anyone can make a topic out of anything...within reason, obviously. Most if not all of seether's previous posts fit in here. Were they worthwhile topics? Eye of the beholder, as they say. I will sound like a broken record, but if you don't like a topic, then just ignore it and move on to the next—and that has been the problem here, it's essentially the forum version of YouTube.

All of this is a non-issue, really, it's gotten to the point it is right now because some simply don't like a member and basically try to shut down everything he does. Even when he tries to contribute, as I mentioned elsewhere, he gets rebuked, ridiculed even. In all honesty, if you get trolled, then that's on you. I value my time, so I just can't fathom how one would simply squander it away arguing with someone that's probably on the other side of the world laughing it out loud at your expense.
Title: Re: Let's Discuss Removal Of Threads That Should Not Be Apart Of Forum
Post by: tripredacus on September 14, 2020, 10:04:54 am
This thread was created in Off Topic and not in Site Feedback. Also, it was not sent privately to a Global or Admin. So this discussion is not aimed at site staff which is mosly why no one has responded. I have read it since it was made, but still nothing to say. Certainly there is no reason to lock this thread, as it is not something against the forum rules.

The regular discussion threads that appear in the General and Gaming are fine and are not under "low quality post" category. There is no reason to prohibit or remove those types of threads.
Title: Re: Let's Discuss Removal Of Threads That Should Not Be Apart Of Forum
Post by: Flashback2012 on September 14, 2020, 01:31:18 pm
Granted, I will agree with you in that this is the "off topic" forum, so I too feel anyone can make a topic out of anything...within reason, obviously. Most if not all of seether's previous posts fit in here. Were they worthwhile topics? Eye of the beholder, as they say. I will sound like a broken record, but if you don't like a topic, then just ignore it and move on to the next—and that has been the problem here, it's essentially the forum version of YouTube.

All of this is a non-issue, really, it's gotten to the point it's right now because some simply don't like a member and basically try to shut down everything he does. Even when he tries to contribute, as I mentioned elsewhere, he gets rebuked, ridiculed even. In all honesty, if you get trolled, then that's on you. I value my time, so I just can't fathom how one would simply squander it away arguing with someone that's probably on the other side of the world laughing it out loud at your expense.

So I gotta break a personal rule to post this response. That rule is to never reply to an oldgamerz-started thread. I'm sure that could be construed as a slight but it's as you say, if I don't like what certain people are posting then just ignore any topics they start. I can't remember the last time I directly responded to one of his or Seether's threads. As much as I wish more people would abstain from posting responses in their threads, I know they won't so it's a moot point to hope they do.  ;)

Now, to be fair, I'm sure it'll get misconstrued that I'm branding oldgamerz a troll and I'm not but I think there's two issues afoot, trolling and forum spamming. As you say, it's super easy to ignore them, I've been doing exactly that. However, because the site is a database with a tacked on message board that lacks features, I can't filter out the trolls or the spammers. My only recourse has been to go down the right side and click on the "last post" icon and then hit the "Show unread posts since last visit" to clear them all off or just don't participate. There's been days where most all of the posts are by the same 2-3 spammers on the first page on top of all of those damn "Let's Name" threads and it's something of a turn off to even bother to sift through all of their threads to find one I want to read/reply to.

Don't worry, I already anticipate a rebuttal to this reply is tantamount to me crying over spilled milk/first world problems or something to that extent and you wouldn't be wrong.  ;) ;D

That said, I always make sure to let them know they're free to post whatever they want, however they want and how often they want. I don't personally care for it (and I can't imagine I'm alone on that) but them's the breaks right?  :P

I don't anticipate the forum ever getting any kind of upgrade so I won't hold my breath holding out hope.  :o
Title: Re: Let's Discuss Removal Of Threads That Should Not Be Apart Of Forum
Post by: Cartagia on September 14, 2020, 02:32:54 pm
Granted, I will agree with you in that this is the "off topic" forum, so I too feel anyone can make a topic out of anything...within reason, obviously. Most if not all of seether's previous posts fit in here. Were they worthwhile topics? Eye of the beholder, as they say. I will sound like a broken record, but if you don't like a topic, then just ignore it and move on to the next—and that has been the problem here, it's essentially the forum version of YouTube.

All of this is a non-issue, really, it's gotten to the point it's right now because some simply don't like a member and basically try to shut down everything he does. Even when he tries to contribute, as I mentioned elsewhere, he gets rebuked, ridiculed even. In all honesty, if you get trolled, then that's on you. I value my time, so I just can't fathom how one would simply squander it away arguing with someone that's probably on the other side of the world laughing it out loud at your expense.

So I gotta break a personal rule to post this response. That rule is to never reply to an oldgamerz-started thread. I'm sure that could be construed as a slight but it's as you say, if I don't like what certain people are posting then just ignore any topics they start. I can't remember the last time I directly responded to one of his or Seether's threads. As much as I wish more people would abstain from posting responses in their threads, I know they won't so it's a moot point to hope they do.  ;)

While my guideline is not quite that stringent - if a topic could be a legitimate discussion I might be interested in, I'll take a look and participate, but there are certain users where that is rarely the case.  The only exception I've made is when someone makes the exact same thread they've previously created.  I don't even do that anymore, because it's generally made no difference.
Title: Re: Let's Discuss Removal Of Threads That Should Not Be Apart Of Forum
Post by: pzeke on September 14, 2020, 03:35:19 pm

Don't worry, I already anticipate a rebuttal to this reply is tantamount to me crying over spilled milk/first world problems or something to that extent and you wouldn't be wrong.  ;) ;D

You're basically reiterating my point, so there's no need to rebut anything.
Title: Re: Let's Discuss Removal Of Threads That Should Not Be Apart Of Forum
Post by: seether on September 14, 2020, 03:40:31 pm
I can't remember the last time I directly responded to one of his or Seether's threads. As much as I wish more people would abstain from posting responses in their threads, I know they won't so it's a moot point to hope they do.  ;)
Fight me IRL
Title: Re: Let's Discuss Removal Of Threads That Should Not Be Apart Of Forum
Post by: oldgamerz on September 14, 2020, 05:42:51 pm
Now, to be fair, I'm sure it'll get misconstrued that I'm branding oldgamerz a troll and I'm not but I think there's two issues afoot, trolling and forum spamming. As you say, it's super easy to ignore them, I've been doing exactly that.

Fine by me, but as long as I can think of something to write I will anyway, unless I'm told not to.

I always search the forum for older topics before posting new topics, I have been doing that since day one. at least most people seem to to read my posts. Maybe you got me with spamming, but not insulting and trolling :-\
Title: Re: Let's Discuss Removal Of Threads That Should Not Be Apart Of Forum
Post by: pzeke on September 14, 2020, 06:02:03 pm
Don't pay attention to comments of that sort, you keep being you and anyone who doesn't like that, then that's their problem. End of.

One thing I'd like to suggest is to maybe proofread your posts more often.
Title: Re: Let's Discuss Removal Of Threads That Should Not Be Apart Of Forum
Post by: Flashback2012 on September 14, 2020, 07:52:17 pm
While my guideline is not quite that stringent - if a topic could be a legitimate discussion I might be interested in, I'll take a look and participate, but there are certain users where that is rarely the case.  The only exception I've made is when someone makes the exact same thread they've previously created.  I don't even do that anymore, because it's generally made no difference.

Understandable. I wish I could be that nuanced in my approach.  ;)

You're basically reiterating my point, so there's no need to rebut anything.

Yes I'm aware.  ;)
The TL;DR version is trolls gonna troll and spammers gonna spam amirite? No tools available so just ignore! MAKE SIMPLE!! ;D

Fight me IRL

Well, you're across the pond and I'm not using any of my dimes to get there, especially to fight a minor. If I DO ever make it over there someday, how bout we go get some Nando's or kebabs and you can talk my ear off about your stock portfolio?  8)

Fine by me, but as long as I can think of something to write I will anyway, unless I'm told not to.
I always search the forum for older topics before posting new topics, I have been doing that since day one. at least most people seem to to read my posts. Maybe you got me with spamming, but not insulting and trolling :-\

Just so you hear it from me directly, I do NOT consider you a troll. It's my opinion that you do spam the boards up a bit but so do a few others (I'd really love it if the whole "Let's Name" thing would die off already) and I wouldn't mind it if your posts were a little more articulated. I realize it my method comes across as harsh but it's easier FOR ME to just ignore any topics you bump/start but I'm certainly in NO position to tell you that you can't do either.

Don't pay attention to comments of that sort, you keep being you and anyone who doesn't like that, then that's their problem. End of.
One thing I'd like to suggest is to maybe proofread your posts more often.

My method for dealing with it might seem more "Scorched Earth" than it needs to be but you are correct, ultimately it is my problem. You are also absolutely correct in that he's every bit entitled to having a carte blanche mentality in regards to his posts as in he can post what he wants, how he wants and when he wants. I may not always like it but as you said, that's a ME problem.

Title: Re: Let's Discuss Removal Of Threads That Should Not Be Apart Of Forum
Post by: telly on September 14, 2020, 08:01:52 pm

Well, you're across the pond and I'm not using any of my dimes to get there, especially to fight a minor. If I DO ever make it over there someday, how bout we go get some Nando's or kebabs and you can talk my ear off about your stock portfolio?  8)

Just slidin' in here to say I love Nando's don't mind me
Title: Re: Let's Discuss Removal Of Threads That Should Not Be Apart Of Forum
Post by: Flashback2012 on September 14, 2020, 08:13:43 pm
Just slidin' in here to say I love Nando's don't mind me

The closest ones to me are in Chicagoland and that's a bit of drive. Then again it's been over 15 years since I've been up that way and if the whole COVID thing calms down, I wouldn't mind making a trip up there to visit the Galloping Ghost and try some Pequod's/Lou Malnati's. At least I only have to drive to Indy to get my Portillo's fix.  ;D
Title: Re: Let's Discuss Removal Of Threads That Should Not Be Apart Of Forum
Post by: telly on September 14, 2020, 08:15:14 pm
Just slidin' in here to say I love Nando's don't mind me

The closest ones to me are in Chicagoland and that's a bit of drive. Then again it's been over 15 years since I've been up that way and if the whole COVID thing calms down, I wouldn't mind making a trip up there to visit the Galloping Ghost and try some Pequod's/Lou Malnati's. At least I only have to drive to Indy to get my Portillo's fix.  ;D

Yeah whenever I'm in Chicago I eat there.

I live in Indy now so you should come visit when COVID gets better!!
Title: Re: Let's Discuss Removal Of Threads That Should Not Be Apart Of Forum
Post by: ferraroso on September 15, 2020, 08:32:25 pm
At least this post was valid for me to discover that Flashback2012 is also a fan of the old Macross.
It was the first time I noticed your personal text, man! Nice choice!