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General and Gaming => Classic Video Games => Topic started by: bsmith on March 24, 2011, 01:06:57 pm

Title: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: bsmith on March 24, 2011, 01:06:57 pm
My NES cart collection has grown rapidly in the past year and well beyond the capacity of my TV stand (almost 50 games).

I'm looking to shelve them in a way that each cart is separated, so that removing one to play won't make the entire stack fall or lean. Aligning them horizontally or vertically doesn't really matter to me. I'm thinking along the lines of those old plastic molded CD jewel case shelves with the small divider slats for each case, only NES cart-sized.

Suggestions? Thanks!
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: matt on March 24, 2011, 01:58:05 pm
I've been really looking into a better storage solution. I may just go with something like:


I've also been looking into something like this:

Possibly mod them into an existing shelf system.
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: bsmith on March 24, 2011, 02:09:00 pm
I've thought about storage bins like that in an archival sense, but really I want my carts on display. I love it when friends come over and scramble to pick out their old favorite!

Those cassette rails might work. Are tapes about the same width as NES carts? If that's the case I bet there are plenty of options in thrift stores. Hmm...
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: scott on March 24, 2011, 02:35:44 pm
An NES box is about and inch thick, while the cart itself is slightly thicker than a dvd case, I believe.

Those rails might work nicely for either
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: pceslayer on March 24, 2011, 05:09:42 pm
@ matt

pic looks familiar.... you frequent NeoGaf? also what is the model # of those sterilite bins?

I dig this setup (below), but I can't seem to find it on anymore.

Atlantic 3533-5009 Elf Jr. Multimedia Rack
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: scott on March 24, 2011, 10:38:22 pm
That shelving unit is sexy. I hope I have a nice space to show off my collections one day. :\
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: scott on March 24, 2011, 10:44:21 pm
@pceslayer found this on Amazon... not the same part number though.
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: pceslayer on March 25, 2011, 01:16:12 am
> scott
> @pceslayer found this on Amazon... not the same part number though.

Not the same, but I like how its adjustable. Hmm need to find it in black...

but that price hurts :/
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: tpugmire on March 25, 2011, 09:23:58 am
I have all my NES games on a bookshelf, in stacks of 15.  Any higher and they start to tip.  They are all in the black plastic sleeves, and that acts as sort of an organizer.  I can pull whatever game I want out and the rest stay in place.  You just leave the sleeve in place.  Not the most elegant looking setup, but it's cheap and they display nicely.  The hard part for me was finding enough sleeves.
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: bsmith on March 25, 2011, 10:12:08 am
@tpugmire I was hoping someone would say that! I may just buy up a bunch of sleeves on eBay and go from there. Thanks.
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: jobocan on March 25, 2011, 10:33:32 am
A bit of an old picture (I don't have that 360 anymore, and there's more games now), but here's what I have for my NES games (and whatever else I randomly stack on there). It's homemade, and quite functional, I have very little issues with taking games out and putting  them back in. The bottom part is particularly for my "good NES games" section, and the rest is for.... whatever fits :P Now I just need a better way to stack those SNES games....

Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: scott on March 25, 2011, 10:34:09 am
My carts are set up like tpugmire's, though, they are in an upright cd rack. Of course I only have a few NES games.
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: bsmith on March 25, 2011, 10:51:56 am
@jobocan Extra points for the Iron Maiden poster
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: pceslayer on March 25, 2011, 11:05:59 am
I'm probably going to just get a giant bookshelf for my NES games. You'd think with how many I have I'd already have a solution in place... well if you thought that, you're WRONG!!!

Here is my current setup lol

3 Sterilite 1806's (which I can't find anymore :/)

The rest... which used to be packed in a 17" monitor box...
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: bsmith on March 27, 2011, 10:33:48 pm
I did some more hunting on the NintendoAge forums and found this picture of some shelves from Big Lots:


Think I'll head to the store tomorrow and check one out. Here's the product page:

Oh and here's a link to the thread:
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: scott on March 27, 2011, 10:54:17 pm
Oh nice. That's a really good price too.
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: bsmith on April 03, 2011, 12:09:34 am
I ended up buying one of those Big Lots shelves. It's MDF with a cheapo cardboard-ish backing, but works great. My collection isn't huge so I've got some DVDs, SNES carts, and other junk on there too.
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: scott on April 03, 2011, 01:25:53 am
I may need to eventually track something like this down, once I start on my Saturn collection
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: pceslayer on April 03, 2011, 11:01:44 pm
@ scott

Saturn cases are HUUUGE! Just like Sega CD's were.. I dunno what people were thinking back in the 90's lol
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: scott on April 04, 2011, 08:42:03 am
@pceslayer Ya man, and yet you look at the Jpn versions and they are all in standard cd cases. ha
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: jobocan on April 04, 2011, 09:20:37 am
I guess they wanted to stand out more in stores with their huge-ass cases?
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: lady00rose on May 19, 2011, 12:34:36 am
I use egg crates but mine ones and they are about the depth of a nes game so spine out and stack the crates (also use this for snes, gamecube, PlayStation). Then for atari/sega/n64 cartridges I use wire wall mount shelving its the perfect size.
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: pceslayer on June 04, 2011, 07:23:07 pm
I did some more hunting on the NintendoAge forums and found this picture of some shelves from Big Lots:


Think I'll head to the store tomorrow and check one out. Here's the product page:

Oh and here's a link to the thread:

I bought one of these from biglots today to see how they look and it's simply fantastic!!! It holds 322 loose NES games.

They sell them in black and wood grain, so I got it in black.

I have to get another for the rest of my NES games :)
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: katough on June 05, 2011, 03:11:19 pm
thats beautiful.  
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: bsmith on July 28, 2011, 01:28:08 pm
Hey pceslayer, how are you keeping your shelves so straight? Maybe it's the angle of your photo, but mine are bowing a bit in the center.
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: pceslayer on July 29, 2011, 09:59:34 am
Hey pceslayer, how are you keeping your shelves so straight? Maybe it's the angle of your photo, but mine are bowing a bit in the center.

Mine don't bow... and if they do It isn't very noticeable.

Can you take a pic?
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: bsmith on July 29, 2011, 10:11:52 am
Yep, I'll snap a photo over the weekend. Been meaning to anyway. It's not bowing really badly, but enough to notice.
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: pceslayer on July 29, 2011, 04:48:24 pm
Yep, I'll snap a photo over the weekend. Been meaning to anyway. It's not bowing really badly, but enough to notice.

I'll snap some from the front to compare as I actually have 2 of these shelves now.
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: pceslayer on August 01, 2011, 12:48:39 am
Well I'll be damned... they do bow in the middle

And I re-purposed my first shelf for Sega Master System games...

I think the difference in my Turbografx-16 collection between this and the first photo I took is more amazing than the shelf itself. lol

img linking broken??
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: scott on August 01, 2011, 08:50:00 am
BBcode is broken, I fixed your links and made them html code instead. :\
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: scott on August 01, 2011, 08:54:32 am
Also, I'm not sure you can do anything about it bowing. The biggest problem is the span of the shelf, they are super wide. I'd hate to see what a book collection, or CD collection does to it. Of course, for the price it's an excellent storage solution, bowing or no.
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: bsmith on August 01, 2011, 09:10:11 am
Yep, looks the same as mine. I still need to take a picture, but one solution I came up with was to wedge one of those plastic transparent NES cart cases with the red Nintendo logo on it into the middle of the shelf below a full shelf of carts. It's the perfect height to hold it up straight. I've got my Gameboy collection sitting in the cubby it forms. Photo will help...
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: darko on August 01, 2011, 12:55:00 pm
I use these:

I have four of them (two on top of two). The only downside is that I have a lot of my games doubled up in the shelves, but it's great for a space saver.
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: darko on August 01, 2011, 01:09:38 pm
Here's what it looks like so far.

Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: desocietas on August 01, 2011, 01:36:35 pm
Here's what it looks like so far.

Nice work with the console display... what do you all do in re: to dust?
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: scott on August 01, 2011, 01:39:15 pm

Nice work with the console display... what do you all do in re: to dust?

I agree. I may need to steal this idea one day.

Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: darko on August 01, 2011, 02:08:43 pm
Here's what it looks like so far.

Nice work with the console display... what do you all do in re: to dust?

Thanks. I actually managed to add one more shelf on the bottom since I took that picture to handle all of my handhelds. It's been working really well. Plus, they're cheap. I think the 4 shelves and the track cost about $50-65 all together. Be sure you use some really, really good anchors if you're putting consoles on them. I think the anchors I used can handle up to 100 or 200 lbs a piece.

To manage dust I use a swiffer hand held duster thing. It's great for cleaning off my plasmas as well since you can't really use much on the screen without messing up the anti-glare film.

If I can remember I'll post a pic of my whole game room sometime. That's about half of it. It's a good sized space for what I need but I have an old SDTV to the left of the Panny that I to hook up anything pre-hdmi (other than the Wii) which takes up a lot of potential shelf space. Eventually I'm going have a built-in made to house everything.
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: darko on August 01, 2011, 02:19:29 pm
Yep, looks the same as mine. I still need to take a picture, but one solution I came up with was to wedge one of those plastic transparent NES cart cases with the red Nintendo logo on it into the middle of the shelf below a full shelf of carts. It's the perfect height to hold it up straight. I've got my Gameboy collection sitting in the cubby it forms. Photo will help...

If you guys using that cd rack from Big Lots put on the back piece you could just tack a few nails across the back along the shelves. That should fix the bowing issue. I know that backing stuff isn't that strong but as long as you have say, 4 nails across each shelve the weight distribution should be enough to keep them from bowing/the nails ripping out.

The bowing issue is one reason why I went with the shelving I did.
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: pceslayer on August 01, 2011, 02:53:34 pm
Can you tell us where you got the shelves with the consoles on it? The shelf I'm using for my consoles is too damn tall as its a old ass bookshelf.

If not I'm just gonna go to home depot this weekend and make one! lol

Thanks. I actually managed to add one more shelf on the bottom since I took that picture to handle all of my handhelds. It's been working really well. Plus, they're cheap. I think the 4 shelves and the track cost about $50-65 all together. Be sure you use some really, really good anchors if you're putting consoles on them. I think the anchors I used can handle up to 100 or 200 lbs a piece.

To manage dust I use a swiffer hand held duster thing. It's great for cleaning off my plasmas as well since you can't really use much on the screen without messing up the anti-glare film.

If I can remember I'll post a pic of my whole game room sometime. That's about half of it. It's a good sized space for what I need but I have an old SDTV to the left of the Panny that I to hook up anything pre-hdmi (other than the Wii) which takes up a lot of potential shelf space. Eventually I'm going have a built-in made to house everything.

Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: darko on August 01, 2011, 03:05:59 pm
Can you tell us where you got the shelves with the consoles on it? The shelf I'm using for my consoles is too damn tall as its a old ass bookshelf.

If not I'm just gonna go to home depot this weekend and make one! lol


Funny you mentioned Home Depot...

4 of these:

8 of these:

2 of these:

All in black of course.

I'm actually considering mounting my TV on the wall (already have an extra wall mount) and running the same thing below the TV so it looks like a nice custom tv unit. The one I have now is nice but it's glass and that kind of kills the all black wood vibe I have going on.
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: bsmith on August 01, 2011, 03:25:37 pm
If you guys using that cd rack from Big Lots put on the back piece you could just tack a few nails across the back along the shelves. That should fix the bowing issue. I know that backing stuff isn't that strong but as long as you have say, 4 nails across each shelve the weight distribution should be enough to keep them from bowing/the nails ripping out.

The bowing issue is one reason why I went with the shelving I did.

Thought about doing that, but yes the weak backing board made me weary. I'll give it a shot on one of the shelves and see how it goes.

Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: darko on August 02, 2011, 09:19:38 am

Thought about doing that, but yes the weak backing board made me weary. I'll give it a shot on one of the shelves and see how it goes.

Cool. Let me know how it goes. I was going to pick one up to store DVDs.
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: scott on August 02, 2011, 09:27:38 am
I must be OCD, but if I did that shelving idea for my consoles, I'd have to paint the rail as close to the wall color as possible. ha
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: darko on August 02, 2011, 11:58:11 am
I must be OCD, but if I did that shelving idea for my consoles, I'd have to paint the rail as close to the wall color as possible. ha

Oh, I'm pretty OCD about that stuff too. If I wasn't going for all black shelving it would have probably required some paint.
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: scott on August 03, 2011, 01:00:24 pm
If you guys using that cd rack from Big Lots put on the back piece you could just tack a few nails across the back along the shelves. That should fix the bowing issue. I know that backing stuff isn't that strong but as long as you have say, 4 nails across each shelve the weight distribution should be enough to keep them from bowing/the nails ripping out.

The bowing issue is one reason why I went with the shelving I did.

Thought about doing that, but yes the weak backing board made me weary. I'll give it a shot on one of the shelves and see how it goes.

If that doesn't work, you might have to make some strips of thin wood and nail through that. But I think going through the backer should suffice.
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: darko on August 03, 2011, 01:24:11 pm
I actually picked up one of the Big Lots shelves today. I'm using it to store DVDs. If I have a bowing issue I'll mess around with it and let you guys know what worked for me.
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: darko on August 03, 2011, 11:48:36 pm
No bowing with the DVDs luckily! Guess I can't be the test dummy.
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: pceslayer on August 06, 2011, 06:29:34 pm
@darko thanks man!

Did some re-arranging... Don't know where to put my SMS games now. lol
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: darko on August 06, 2011, 10:02:16 pm
Ha. No problem. Glad you like them! I can't believe I never thought of using them before.
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: madmax on August 07, 2011, 12:49:13 am
@darko thanks man!


Did some re-arranging... Don't know where to put my SMS games now. lol

Thats...beautiful *tear*

Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: godnightshade on August 26, 2011, 12:32:46 pm
Here are a couple pictures of my setup from the beginning of the year. I need to reorganize already with some of my recent acquisitions.



I want another one of those storage matrices for the NES games.
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: pceslayer on August 26, 2011, 07:51:34 pm
Nice man!

Having a finished/furnished basement must be awesome! If I only had all that space!
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: darko on August 27, 2011, 01:40:05 am
Agreed! There are very few houses with finished out basements in Oklahoma that are relatively new for some reason. Thus, I'm stuck in an office with limited space.
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: godnightshade on August 28, 2011, 10:46:55 pm
Yeah, I had to finish it myself. It was once a stone slab.
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: madmax on August 29, 2011, 01:04:11 am
I think that when I buy/build/something a house, a finished basement is gonna be a prereq, I want a mancave and it will be filled with video games :P

Speaking of shelves, I ran out of room for games :/ My collection is kept safe but the games I play. and the games for different consoles don't have room anymore. *Sigh*
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: scott on August 29, 2011, 01:20:13 am
I kinda want a main floor bar/ game room when I get my own house. Of course, that means finding a place with a decent sized side room.
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: pceslayer on September 26, 2011, 08:48:44 pm

I tried to do something different :/ lol
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: madmax on September 26, 2011, 11:33:48 pm

That looks bad ass!
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: hexen on September 29, 2011, 02:55:17 am
I use a CD shelf for my NES games. It works out near perfectly. Shelves that are too deep require you to put things in front of each other, but a tall CD shelf is just great for video games.

Photobucket Photobucket

Each regular unit contains 19 NES games, and the bigger, horizontally stacked ones have 27 games. On the second shelf, you can see that almost any system's games, boxed or otherwise, fits very nicley inside. CD shelves really are the best for display in my opinion.
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: urbanchaos on September 30, 2011, 12:02:04 am
I use, for the moment, a drawer from my plastic shelf and an old army ammo box to store them. Both can store up to 30-ish cartridges each.
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: scott on September 30, 2011, 12:05:21 am
@hexen wtf is an NES Hands Free? ha
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: hexen on September 30, 2011, 12:58:17 am
@scott Here's a Nintendo Power add for it. It's basically a controller for use by those disabled from the neck down. You use it by blowing into straws. Understandably I have never used it, and am glad I myself received it unused ;)
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: desocietas on September 30, 2011, 01:04:54 am
@scott Here's a Nintendo Power add for it. It's basically a controller for use by those disabled from the neck down. You use it by blowing into straws. Understandably I have never used it, and am glad I myself received it unused ;)

That reminds me of an interesting article on the subject of accessible-video game controllers that I read a few months back:

Props to that dedicated engineer for all his selfless work.
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: scott on September 30, 2011, 01:16:57 am
Interesting, I wonder how well it actually works. Some of the things Nintendo came up with for the NES still amaze me.
Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: madmax on September 30, 2011, 02:08:00 pm
Those shelves look good! I still need a cabinet with a lock on it. gotta keep the games safe and out of the sun :p

I remember seeing an article on the hands free controller. Unfortunately I don't think they had used it for the article though. looks interesting, I wonder how well it works.

Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: scott on September 30, 2011, 03:06:44 pm
Those shelves look good! I still need a cabinet with a lock on it. gotta keep the games safe and out of the sun

I want a nice shelving unit for my Castlevania stuff. I like having things on display, so it would need to have a glass front on it. Window shades in my gaming area are always closed  anyway, so I'm not worried about direct sunlight.

Title: Re: NES cart collection shelving
Post by: crix on February 07, 2012, 09:49:41 am
I'm personally a big fan of these for basically all of my game storage:

They're really tall, and with extra shelves, you can get something like 8 rows of DVD cases, or 6 rows of DVDs and 3 rows of jewel cases or cartridges. If I recall, each row holds like 37 DVDs, and they're only 2 feet wide, so I don't think I'll ever have bowing issues with the shelves.

The depth is perfect to avoid the normal 'games in a bookshelf' issue, too.

I can get some pictures later, if anyone cares.