VGCollect Forum
VGCollect Site Stuff => Site Feedback => Topic started by: disgaeniac on May 07, 2012, 04:40:12 pm
...but I can't seem to find like a basic "Newcomer FAQ" or anything like that.
What I was originally trying to find was how to add that cool-looking & self-updating collection box to my sig.
Is there a FAQ's section here or a basic "How to/how do I"...etc?
... Why it is in news, I dunno though, heh.
... Why it is in news, I dunno though, heh.
Thanks Foxhack, but I'd actually found/read this one already.
It's a good, helpful and informative post for new members (like myself)...but it pretty much strictly deals with Editing/Adding items.
I just quickly re-skimmed it -and- still haven't found anything about a "Get to know your way around the site" kind of thing.
Like I said in another post, I'm *Extremely* of these simple things (like how to add the collection box to my sig here) may just be something simple/common knowledge to those of you who *are* tech-savvy.
Anyhow, in the remote chance that anyone else as 'low-tech' as I joins the site (remote chance of being as low-tech as I am; that is...*NOT* a remote chance of anyone else joining the site :) - maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to have a "How to do the basics"/"Welcome to the site"/"Newcomer" FAQ somewhere.
Also, maybe in its own stickied topic at the top of the list *NOT* in some unexpected place like "The News" :P
I talked to matt about the style guide being in news. And it was originally posted there because it was kind of a news post. But I think we should prolly move it to somewhere more appropriate.
It's a good question, especially since the forums were updated maybe after that news post was written (correct me if i'm wrong)
someone asked a similar questions recently, this should give you the info you're looking for re: the signature:,1156.0.html
thanks, @amauriel!
It's a good question, especially since the forums were updated maybe after that news post was written (correct me if i'm wrong)
someone asked a similar questions recently, this should give you the info you're looking for re: the signature:,1156.0.html
thanks, @amauriel!
Got it!
Thanks - That was *Exactly* what I needed :)
I talked to matt about the style guide being in news. And it was originally posted there because it was kind of a news post. But I think we should prolly move it to somewhere more appropriate.
We should probably just create a new FAQ thread and sticky it to the top of all forums.
Is that possible? ha
I talked to matt about the style guide being in news. And it was originally posted there because it was kind of a news post. But I think we should prolly move it to somewhere more appropriate.
We should probably just create a new FAQ thread and sticky it to the top of all forums.
I think so too!