VGCollect Forum

General and Gaming => General => Topic started by: oldgamerz on August 24, 2023, 12:14:35 am

Title: Your Own Opinion About Collecting Today
Post by: oldgamerz on August 24, 2023, 12:14:35 am
Eventually I found as a media collector I got overwhelmed with too many choices of games to play, then I found myself buying the same games over and got stuck with 2 copies uninformed. I currently want to watch others pickups  but. I don't think I want any more games or music cds

One video game often has 100s of ways of playing the same game anything from unlockable, or custom content or controls, to mods, to hidden cheats and skins, pathways, difficulty settings to tweak able options etc including playing with other characters And multi-player. I hope VGCollect you can get this comment because some say you got 7000 games or more this comment is just reminding you just to be thankful for what's yours, and maybe try to explore the universe you already own. Like I struggle to do and I have less with about 5000 at estimation

I am not jealous I just wanted to give you my own philosophy I don't mind even if you had every game ever made I just know that me myself wouldn't be happy unless I knew that everyone who wanted a copy could get one. Alongside me and play with me and play alone when I wanted to be alone.

I think I said this before, on this forum, this is not to prevent you from accruing new games for yourselves, this was just my experience once I stated playing the games I had already had in my collection
Title: Re: Your Own Opinion About Collecting Today
Post by: Warmsignal on August 24, 2023, 12:48:30 am
If I can be blunt, it's a bitch. I'm diligently working towards an "end goal" plan, where I call myself finished with retro buying for good. Modern games, I'll probably continue collecting as they release. I consider my collection to be purely a curation of stuff that I like, nothing more and nothing less. I never want to own full sets of console games, or something sealed or rare because of it's notoriety or value. No interest.

It's very hard to be a collector today, prices are just so insane on so many things that just don't feel like they're justified at all. Expensive price tags no longer shock me, it's the cheap ones that do. A lot of people can't realistically afford a good deal of this stuff anymore, and that's unfortunate. I'll even admit, that I tend to spend way more than I should trying to manage this "end goal" I'm pursuing. Going through old wishlists, where items were put there when they were still reasonable but at their current prices, I'll never consider them again. FOMO is real game collecting because it's true. You will miss out. Things will get too out of hand expensive... which is why I'm still buying a lot at the moment, on lower prices wishlist items. Even considering a few "whales" that are soon departing into the sea of rich idiot speculator territory. Once they crest 3 bills, I'm almost always out.

My objective is basically to rage-buy my way to the end of this decades long saga, because I truly want to move on to the next chapters of my life. I've been so heavily focused on this hobby for over 10 years. While I feel that the state of my collection is good, it could be better, and while I still have the chance to make it better, I'm going to pursue that.

Title: Re: Your Own Opinion About Collecting Today
Post by: mastodon on August 24, 2023, 02:18:38 am
I just bought PS4 Dragon Ball Fighterz, but I find myself buying 4K movies for my PS5 mostly. Just got Hackers steelbook and Bladerunner on tuesday.
Title: Re: Your Own Opinion About Collecting Today
Post by: BinaryMessiah on August 24, 2023, 05:47:31 am
From the very beginning when I started (around 2008 or so) after I started working out of high school I told myself I have to want to play whatever I buy. There are a lot of collectors who just buy everything in their path and end up with so much stuff stuffed into boxes they never see again. I started a wishlist way back then and have gotten a good majority of it over time. Thankfully it was before the huge rise in prices during COVID, but now I'm just left with a few rare games for some consoles. I talked to my wife about this a few months ago and I've pretty much stopped collecting. I will buy an expensive game that's on the top of my wishlist (not many left) once in a while. She got me one as a surprise gift a few weeks ago randomly walking into a used game store. But, the days of going into a retro game store and walking away with an armful of games (including rare ones) for a few hundred bucks is gone.

Right now I'm just restoring and modernizing consoles to preserve them. New power supplies (internal), new LCD screens for handhelds, amplifiers/sound boards, rechargeable battery mods, replacing blown capacitors, buying modern controllers for older consoles, etc. The preservation and restoration is super satisfying and I know these consoles will now last forever without worrying about moving parts breaking and dying and things going pop one day. I'm of course collecting for modern consoles regularly, more so than retro ones over the last 4 years, and that will always continue.

Bottom line, anyone who wants to start collecting retro games today is screwed. I feel really bad for them. I talked to a few store owners near me and everyone is flipping games for profit rather than just collecting to have them. People who don't even play games are buying them up in droves. It's super sad.
Title: Re: Your Own Opinion About Collecting Today
Post by: sworddude on August 24, 2023, 12:03:12 pm
I'm just enjoying what I already have. If I can get more it's just a bonus at this point, The games I really wanted I already own.

I already made it harder from the get go by being a cib collector in nice and upwards shape, which also helps with keeping the collection smaller than it could have been. But it's also far more satisfying when you do get that game in such a way + it does look really nice compared to lose carts. but I mostly am a cib collector because I've always kept my packages nice and clean even as a kid. I just can't join the cart only club it ain't for me I'm envious of you cart only guys. so many consoles that are quite ez to collect for that way and even for the more popular stuff it's a big time ez mode in comparison.

As an inexperienced newbie it's an uphill climb tough to recommend unless ye got a decent amount of money to spend.

If I where to collect today I would just get the couple of dozen games that I have big time nostalgia for and call it a day. but considering I'm already far in it and have build up quite some experience in terms of collecting i'm keeping on that grind still nice deals to find in the current era if you know what to look for, even with hyped stuff from time to time. Still enjoying my time with it and it's still pretty worth it for me even scored some pretty hyped items in the last few years.

Slow and steady wins the race as they say.
Title: Re: Your Own Opinion About Collecting Today
Post by: oldgamerz on August 24, 2023, 04:36:42 pm
At first I left this message behind as a comment on a forum for Metal Jesus Rocks to see, I don't know what he thinks the future of retro video games collecting is going, because even though MJR seems to still have many sources for his own personal collecting in Seattle Washington?

 by the looks of it? everywhere else in the world including in the US is (out of luck) I however Might? have a little remaining luck? I do have a trade center and a used game store near me as well? but it's mostly PS4 PS5 Xbox One and more modern consoles with little to no retro stuff anymore

But like I said in the 1st post, I got a lot of games and am happy with what I have already And I can't fit anymore songs in my playlist without crashing my radio station
Title: Re: Your Own Opinion About Collecting Today
Post by: bikingjahuty on August 24, 2023, 09:34:24 pm
Simply put, if I hadn't got into collecting around the time I did, I would have never got into it.

That was 15-years ago, back when cheap games were plentiful and few people were doing it, or reselling them. My local thrift stores, flea market, garage sales, and everywhere else you could find cheap used games consistently produced deal after deal for me. I probably built 90% of my collection before 2016 or so, which by then collecting already sucked, but at least decent deals were still here and there by then. Really, collecting started becoming worse and worse from a difficulty and price perspective around 2012/2013. Still, it didn't reach demoralizing levels until I'd say 2017 or so. This was around the time I stopped hunting for games regularly and pretty much cut out thrift stores and the flea market entirely from my regular spots. And then there is the post-COVID collecting scene which is a whole other level of bullshit with how much prices skyrocketed due to stimulus checks and general inflation.

To be honest, I haven't really given a crap about collecting now since around the time COVID began. For a while, even before COVID, I kept on doing whatever I could to get myself enthusiastic about collecting, but the combination of having most of what I'd always really wanted, the prices and scarcity of finding things I still wanted, and just being a bit burned out on collecting never allowed me to get into video game collecting like I once was. I feel like this would have inevitably happened no matter what, but I feel like the real catalyst that changed how I felt about collecting was when I was forced to downsize to pay off some medical debt in 2017. My games went from being these ultra personal, special artifacts, to just material goods that could be bought and sold. Sure, I still loved many of the games for how fun they were or what they meant to me personally, but a big chunk of my games essentially mattered more to me for how much I could sell them for than keeping them on a shelf like some sort of trophy. Still, I tried expanding my horizons about what I could focus on collecting next, and a lot of this is present in various threads I created and contributed to between around 2018 and as recently as the beginning of this year. But I finally decided to be honest with myself and admit that while by definition I'm still a game collector, by my own admission I'm really not anymore.

As I said, I've owned nearly every game I've ever had any interest in. I've experienced many times the joy of finding a pile of games for well under their going rate on ebay, or finding some rare unicorn game for just a few bucks. And while it was all fun and exciting to find these sort of deals, or just games I really wanted, and add them to my collection, it never really made me that happy in the long run. There are certainly exceptions to this, but overall, I don't really care about collecting now. I refuse to pay the prices that many games are going for now. Hunting for games is an act of futility that requires an inordinate amount of time to find good deals, compared to the deals you're actually finding (aka 20-hours of looking so I can buy a few moderately desirable PS1 games for 50% of thanks). And while it might sound like blasphemy, I've come to appreciate flash carts and ODEs as a means of playing both games I own and don't own, versus owning the original physical copies. Me from 5 years ago would have had a heart attack hearing this, but I'm totally fine popping in my Everdrive 64 and playing Mario Party 2 just as much as owning the original copy. In all honesty, if flashcarts had been available, or at least as well made as they are now back in 2008 when I started, there's a good chance I'd have never got into collecting even remotely as much as I ended up doing. I honestly feel sorry for anyone who started collecting within the past 8 years, and especially the last 3 or 4.

At the moment I've been in a continual downsizing phase, only keeping games that I either really enjoy playing and/or games that I have a personal attachment to. I will literally take my copy of Super Mario 64, Shenmue, and Ocarina of Time with me to the grave, but having Ape Escape 2 on the PS2 feels like something that I might not want to hold onto for more than another year or two. I've become way more involved in other interests of mine, and while this doesn't mean I don't like gaming anymore (quite the contrary), it was something absolutely necessary for me given how I did feel about gaming and collecting fairly recently. And yes, the absolutely terrible state of game collecting right now certainly was a contributing factor to this.

Overall, I'm just very happy I got into collecting when I did and that after all this time I have many wonderful memories about deals I got, massive scores I found, people I met and befriended along the way, and just being able to build the collecting I once had and to a degree still have. Very few people regardless of when they got into collecting will get to know what it was like to own many of the games Ive had over the years, and because of that I feel very blessed. And I am still very grateful for all the games in my collection that will always mean a lot to me.
Title: Re: Your Own Opinion About Collecting Today
Post by: wartoy on August 25, 2023, 07:48:01 am
Now with everything being more expensive my retro game collecting has slowed down considerably.
I am less likely to buy something unless it’s something I don’t think I will find again. But games for modern systems I buy more frequently lately especially for the switch.
Title: Re: Your Own Opinion About Collecting Today
Post by: turf on August 25, 2023, 11:42:52 am
I’ll still buy something if it’s a deal and it interests me. I’m tired of having all this stuff. The list I want is really really small.

And to be honest with you, I’m buying more digital games. I know that’s a dirty word, but it’s cheap and it takes up zero room. I’d rather buy stuff on steam because that platform will be around longer than ps5 and switch and anything else.

I do pick up some physical stuff for switch and ps4, but it’s only stuff that i want to play. I’m basically out of collecting other than having a great big love for old games.
Title: Re: Your Own Opinion About Collecting Today
Post by: shfan on August 26, 2023, 05:26:40 pm
Where I am now is pretty similar to BikingJahuty. As far as retro collecting is concerned the horse bolted many years ago now, they're not in the wild any more they're either in collections, in lofts (in a minority of cases now I expect) or in the retail sphere in one way or another.

I had to dispose of 2/3 of my collection due to debts, and when its boiled down to it most of it was stuff I didn't even look at let alone play, despite video games still being my primary hobby. It's just not a priority any more. I still have stuff which has memories, still collect current-gen stuff (in the sense of trading my stuff for other stuff which I want to play and keep). I went from being a fanatical physical-only gamer up till about 3 years ago to primarily being a Steam gamer. Most of my games are bought cheap off Kinguin with a few cheaper titles from Steam or ones on my wishlist which go on sale by a good 50% or more.

Still happy with my collection, but still downsizing all the time and trading for more modern games (Switch physical is out of this world, there's stuff on there now which would struggle to get released post-PS2 era). Need to update my collection here and especially on Backloggery as there's much less.
Title: Re: Your Own Opinion About Collecting Today
Post by: Warmsignal on August 27, 2023, 04:14:12 am
Since the start of this thread, I've felt like I have had a bit of a revelation. I've decided that I want to accelerate my "end goal" plans for retro collecting. Going through my various wishlists, there's just a lot of shit on there that honestly doesn't need to be. I really wanna go through, and trim my wishlists (of which I have multiple written up). I wanna nix a lot of the stuff that I added just because "it looked kinda cool". I've had a tendency to do that, a lot of it just sits on my wishlist and I won't admit to myself that I don't need it.

When the 3DS eshop closed, I did this thing I do where I go researching through a console's entire library and add anything that looks cool and I can see myself playing to the wishlist, but in all honesty 90% of my 3DS wishlist is just shit that I would never loose sleep over not owning. Not that I think the stuff is bad, but I think I compiled that list due to FOMO and the need to feel like the 3DS has this extensive library of good games, but the truth is it doesn't. It has plenty of good games sure, and I think I own most of them already. So there's a lot of other stuff that maybe looks cool I guess, but why do I need those? Here I am with 33 games on my 3DS wish list, and can't justify my desire for nearly any of them. Story of Seasons? As someone with an infinitesimal interest in the Harvest Moon cliche who already owns other Harvest Moon games and knock-offs, do I need yet another iteration of the same damn thing on a tiny 3D screen? Absolutely not. Trash Pack? What the hell even is that? An aptly titled waste of time and resources? It's time to put the collecting crack pipe down. I don't even really like portable gaming. DS is just a rare exception because I like the gimmicky features of two screens and "3D effect". I'd be surprised if I ever play the majority of my DS stuff, because it's a tiny portable, where I like to play games on a giant TV screen.

I just think it's time to be more brutally honest with myself than I have been, if I'm going to take exiting from the mental slavery of being a retro game collector seriously. I don't want to be a retro game hunter all of my life, and I also don't just want to give up on the things that I truly seek after, or I have wanted for a long time. Those are the things that will stay on the wishlist, and I will focus intently on checking them off.... but I think it's really time I go and cut a lot of the baggage out of my wishlist, make some maybe tough decisions, and really streamline my collecting goals even more thoroughly. It's been a good 15 year run, but I am serious about reaching the peak, and very soon.
Title: Re: Your Own Opinion About Collecting Today
Post by: kashell on August 27, 2023, 09:24:13 am
I've always been 90% gamer, 10% collector, so my opinion about collecting really hasn't changed much. Sure, there were moments when I caught a collection bug and wanted to get my hands and things, but most of the time I had to take a step back and think.

Would I actually play this? Am I buying this because it's fun or because it's rare? Wouldn't this money be better spent on a different hobby?

And yes, the prices of a lot of things is insane so that doesn't help much, either. When I think about it, my game collection has been hovering around the same count since I joined this site.

Ultimately, I think I'm aligned with turf. If I see something that looks really fun/my style, then I'll get it.
Title: Re: Your Own Opinion About Collecting Today
Post by: bikingjahuty on August 27, 2023, 02:51:07 pm
Since the start of this thread, I've felt like I have had a bit of a revelation. I've decided that I want to accelerate my "end goal" plans for retro collecting. Going through my various wishlists, there's just a lot of shit on there that honestly doesn't need to be. I really wanna go through, and trim my wishlists (of which I have multiple written up). I wanna nix a lot of the stuff that I added just because "it looked kinda cool". I've had a tendency to do that, a lot of it just sits on my wishlist and I won't admit to myself that I don't need it.

When the 3DS eshop closed, I did this thing I do where I go researching through a console's entire library and add anything that looks cool and I can see myself playing to the wishlist, but in all honesty 90% of my 3DS wishlist is just shit that I would never loose sleep over not owning. Not that I think the stuff is bad, but I think I compiled that list due to FOMO and the need to feel like the 3DS has this extensive library of good games, but the truth is it doesn't. It has plenty of good games sure, and I think I own most of them already. So there's a lot of other stuff that maybe looks cool I guess, but why do I need those? Here I am with 33 games on my 3DS wish list, and can't justify my desire for nearly any of them. Story of Seasons? As someone with an infinitesimal interest in the Harvest Moon cliche who already owns other Harvest Moon games and knock-offs, do I need yet another iteration of the same damn thing on a tiny 3D screen? Absolutely not. Trash Pack? What the hell even is that? An aptly titled waste of time and resources? It's time to put the collecting crack pipe down. I don't even really like portable gaming. DS is just a rare exception because I like the gimmicky features of two screens and "3D effect". I'd be surprised if I ever play the majority of my DS stuff, because it's a tiny portable, where I like to play games on a giant TV screen.

I just think it's time to be more brutally honest with myself than I have been, if I'm going to take exiting from the mental slavery of being a retro game collector seriously. I don't want to be a retro game hunter all of my life, and I also don't just want to give up on the things that I truly seek after, or I have wanted for a long time. Those are the things that will stay on the wishlist, and I will focus intently on checking them off.... but I think it's really time I go and cut a lot of the baggage out of my wishlist, make some maybe tough decisions, and really streamline my collecting goals even more thoroughly. It's been a good 15 year run, but I am serious about reaching the peak, and very soon.

I more or less did this same thing about a year ago. My video game want list, even after the years of accumulating games, was still easily a 1000+ games. However, when going through that list, I'd say 2 or 3% of those games actually excited me at the prospect of owning them someday, while the rest were "yeah, that game looks kinda fun, maybe I'd play it some day." This allowed me to trim down that list considerably to where I just have games on there I genuinely really wanted. And even then, I found ways to trim it down even more to where there are less than 20 games on there I'd still like to own someday.

I think it is admirable that you're willing to put your foot down and say, "this is it." I don't necessarily have a distinct line in the sand like this, but for me it's knowing I'm done hunting for games, spending insane amounts of money on rare retro titles, and going out of my way to feel a few minutes of joy, only to put the game on my shelf and forget it's even there until I just happen to glance at it months later. I'm happy with what I have for the most part, and it sounds more appealing to have one large shelf with all my favorite games someday rather than the 7 or so I currently have with a bunch of games I deluded myself into thinking I'd have the time or motivation to play someday when I first bought them.

On a side note, it's kinda crazy seeing so many of us long time VGcollect users being at this point relatively around the same time. I've certainly seen little glimpses of this in my personal life too with the various local groups I follow. Still, there are always new people jumping in to replace the ones that leave, although I feel like I see far fewer hardcore NES or even SNES/Genesis people coming in now, and it's more younger collectors looking for Gamecube, PS2, or even Wii and PS3 games. I'm still wondering if the hobby will slowly crash someday, although the ironic part is if it does, I won't be the enthusiastic collector swooping in and buying games for a fraction of what they used to sell for like I thought I'd be. I want my collection to be small and personal, although I am grateful I got to have a large collection and know what it's like to fulfill a childhood dream of owning every video game you'd ever wanted. It was fun while it lasted, but it's time for a change, which is what I'm hearing from a lot of people on here.
Title: Re: Your Own Opinion About Collecting Today
Post by: Warmsignal on August 27, 2023, 11:29:54 pm
Since the start of this thread, I've felt like I have had a bit of a revelation. I've decided that I want to accelerate my "end goal" plans for retro collecting. Going through my various wishlists, there's just a lot of shit on there that honestly doesn't need to be. I really wanna go through, and trim my wishlists (of which I have multiple written up). I wanna nix a lot of the stuff that I added just because "it looked kinda cool". I've had a tendency to do that, a lot of it just sits on my wishlist and I won't admit to myself that I don't need it.

When the 3DS eshop closed, I did this thing I do where I go researching through a console's entire library and add anything that looks cool and I can see myself playing to the wishlist, but in all honesty 90% of my 3DS wishlist is just shit that I would never loose sleep over not owning. Not that I think the stuff is bad, but I think I compiled that list due to FOMO and the need to feel like the 3DS has this extensive library of good games, but the truth is it doesn't. It has plenty of good games sure, and I think I own most of them already. So there's a lot of other stuff that maybe looks cool I guess, but why do I need those? Here I am with 33 games on my 3DS wish list, and can't justify my desire for nearly any of them. Story of Seasons? As someone with an infinitesimal interest in the Harvest Moon cliche who already owns other Harvest Moon games and knock-offs, do I need yet another iteration of the same damn thing on a tiny 3D screen? Absolutely not. Trash Pack? What the hell even is that? An aptly titled waste of time and resources? It's time to put the collecting crack pipe down. I don't even really like portable gaming. DS is just a rare exception because I like the gimmicky features of two screens and "3D effect". I'd be surprised if I ever play the majority of my DS stuff, because it's a tiny portable, where I like to play games on a giant TV screen.

I just think it's time to be more brutally honest with myself than I have been, if I'm going to take exiting from the mental slavery of being a retro game collector seriously. I don't want to be a retro game hunter all of my life, and I also don't just want to give up on the things that I truly seek after, or I have wanted for a long time. Those are the things that will stay on the wishlist, and I will focus intently on checking them off.... but I think it's really time I go and cut a lot of the baggage out of my wishlist, make some maybe tough decisions, and really streamline my collecting goals even more thoroughly. It's been a good 15 year run, but I am serious about reaching the peak, and very soon.

I more or less did this same thing about a year ago. My video game want list, even after the years of accumulating games, was still easily a 1000+ games. However, when going through that list, I'd say 2 or 3% of those games actually excited me at the prospect of owning them someday, while the rest were "yeah, that game looks kinda fun, maybe I'd play it some day." This allowed me to trim down that list considerably to where I just have games on there I genuinely really wanted. And even then, I found ways to trim it down even more to where there are less than 20 games on there I'd still like to own someday.

I think it is admirable that you're willing to put your foot down and say, "this is it." I don't necessarily have a distinct line in the sand like this, but for me it's knowing I'm done hunting for games, spending insane amounts of money on rare retro titles, and going out of my way to feel a few minutes of joy, only to put the game on my shelf and forget it's even there until I just happen to glance at it months later. I'm happy with what I have for the most part, and it sounds more appealing to have one large shelf with all my favorite games someday rather than the 7 or so I currently have with a bunch of games I deluded myself into thinking I'd have the time or motivation to play someday when I first bought them.

On a side note, it's kinda crazy seeing so many of us long time VGcollect users being at this point relatively around the same time. I've certainly seen little glimpses of this in my personal life too with the various local groups I follow. Still, there are always new people jumping in to replace the ones that leave, although I feel like I see far fewer hardcore NES or even SNES/Genesis people coming in now, and it's more younger collectors looking for Gamecube, PS2, or even Wii and PS3 games. I'm still wondering if the hobby will slowly crash someday, although the ironic part is if it does, I won't be the enthusiastic collector swooping in and buying games for a fraction of what they used to sell for like I thought I'd be. I want my collection to be small and personal, although I am grateful I got to have a large collection and know what it's like to fulfill a childhood dream of owning every video game you'd ever wanted. It was fun while it lasted, but it's time for a change, which is what I'm hearing from a lot of people on here.

Precisely. My ambition is to whittle it down to just those games which excite me at the thought of owning and playing, and really focus on that. Of course, what those games are is always something very specific to each person. My personal must-haves, might not seem like must-haves to other collectors. But for me, they're all games I have a strong desire for and have neglected to bite the bullet on. Admittedly there's even a couple of super expensive retro grails in there. PDS is not one. I've cut it from my list for good, it's not my type of game anyhow. However, I do still really want to snag OG Klonoa, and Cannon Spike, just to name a couple of pretty crazy ones. Who knows, maybe even some of these will get cut, at a certain point it just becomes too lofty an ideal.

I think you're quite a few steps ahead of me in terms of the cool down. I still do believe that I will get around to most of my 2500+ games at some point, most likely when I am no longer buying and hunting for more, and don't have to constantly think about what my next purchase should be before the price of something gets worse. I haven't felt what it's like to not be thinking about that stuff in so long. I actually don't have too much of an issue with my current collection size, like there isn't a whole lot that I regret buying, or feel like I need to get rid of. Most of it I'm happy to keep, but it's hard to justify much more beyond this point, as a lot of what I don't already have is well represented by 20 or 30 other games like it already in my collection. So my focus going forward is strictly for those games I've always held a spot on the shelf for, and those which seem worthy of the remaining time and money I care spend on the hobby.
Title: Re: Your Own Opinion About Collecting Today
Post by: mrkonasoni on August 28, 2023, 08:05:53 pm
I have made peace that there are a lot of games I don't need to have even if they are stuff I like, I think the worst thing about game collecting is forcing yourself into buying games that you don't want because they are needed for a complete set, I wish I could have bought more of my favorite games or other interesting stuff that I wanted when the chance was there but I am fine, I prefer to just play what I have and collect what I could.

The only thing I could love to? I don't know perhaps, a complete Sonic or Konami set but I could settle for a CIB copy of Super Castlevania lV.

That being said I respect people who go for the complete set and go ahead, make my day showing it.
Title: Re: Your Own Opinion About Collecting Today
Post by: pzeke on November 01, 2023, 09:16:18 pm
My opinion on this matter remains the same: unless your pockets are deeper than the Mariana Trench, emulate. For anyone new to the hobby and genuinely intending to play the games they're interested in, then emulation is the way to go, for as far as Gen. 6. Emulation is the best thing there is in the current landscape of the hobby, not only for newcomers, but veterans as well, especially considering it can help broaden your outlook by possibly discovering something new, as in games that were out of your reach, and even help in deciding if a game is worth getting or not.
Title: Re: Your Own Opinion About Collecting Today
Post by: randomstranger on January 02, 2024, 08:16:47 am
My honest opinion is that it only exists for older/retro games. Anything that requires online activation and/or internet connection is no longer owned so it can't be collected. A game library on a content delivery platform, like Steam, PSN, Uplay and the rest is just a catalogue of games you have access to right now, but the games can be altered against your will or taken away whenever the publisher or the platform owner feels like it.
Title: Re: Your Own Opinion About Collecting Today
Post by: oldgamerz on January 02, 2024, 09:43:58 am
Wrong everything computer wise is owned by Will Wright and his merry men. next time he hacks my stuff I'll burn another one of his 4k hard drives with a virus scanner. 4k well that is what he calls them. expensive but Who gives, he's got enough money let him buy another one. He hacks me constantly, and all I need to do is use my instincts to burn another one of his computers..
Title: Re: Your Own Opinion About Collecting Today
Post by: Cartagia on January 02, 2024, 02:06:52 pm
Wrong everything computer wise is owned by Will Wright and his merry men. next time he hacks my stuff I'll burn another one of his 4k hard drives with a virus scanner. 4k well that is what he calls them. expensive but Who gives, he's got enough money let him buy another one. He hacks me constantly, and all I need to do is use my instincts to burn another one of his computers..

Ludicrous nonsense.  Knock it off.  Seriously.
Title: Re: Your Own Opinion About Collecting Today
Post by: bunnybear on January 03, 2024, 05:18:25 am
Wrong everything computer wise is owned by Will Wright and his merry men. next time he hacks my stuff I'll burn another one of his 4k hard drives with a virus scanner. 4k well that is what he calls them. expensive but Who gives, he's got enough money let him buy another one. He hacks me constantly, and all I need to do is use my instincts to burn another one of his computers..
I say this without mocking or rancor:

Your paranoia is not simple kookiness. You need professional therapy, and you need it yesterday.
Title: Re: Your Own Opinion About Collecting Today
Post by: dirtydan on January 03, 2024, 09:50:35 am
I started collecting in late 2023, I focus on PS1, PS2 and PS3 because I have a PS2 and a PS3 and as you know PS3 can read PS1 games. I have a Nintendo 3ds and a Wii too but I don't collect games for them because nintendo games are so overpriced nowadays... Plus I prefer PlayStation. I usually find awesome PS3 and PS2 games for 1€ to 5€. PS1 games on the other hand are more expensive so I only buy those that I really really want. I collect because I like the feeling of buying games not knowing how they play, check the box at the store to see if I like them and go home and play them. If I don't like then I don't lose much, they are really low price and I can just resell them or give them to friends for free. It's more about the feeling of being a child again and less about spending loads of money on a glorified hunk of plastic. Man... I bought a copy of demon's souls black phantom edition (full pack) for 100€ on a local store and I was really happy with that... Then I see older games (gameboy, saturn, N64...) near that one, all loose and beat up for the same price of what I bought. All of this to say that I don't agree with the prices old games have nowadays. If all this sounds confusing sorry but my english is not the best...
Title: Re: Your Own Opinion About Collecting Today
Post by: gf78 on January 25, 2024, 11:43:13 am
As far as finding games for past generations,  I've pretty much given up. The prices are beyond unreasonable and hoarders with no interest in video games are snatching everything up to turn a quick buck. Trying to get anything new is a nightmare now as well. Collector's Edition games and new consoles get snatched up by resellers and rheir bots before the fans even get a chance to snag one. My wife spent an entire day tring to get Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Special Edition went on sale.  As a fan, I wanted the game but greedy a-holes make it a nightmare where I don't even want to bother. Things only got worse when Covid struck.

Now, I tend to focus on certain games or franchises I really love cZelda is probably my biggest. Microsoft was so nice to help me save money in their move to all-digital this gen. Man...I love Halo for the last 22 years but f*ck MS for all the shit they are pulling.
Title: Re: Your Own Opinion About Collecting Today
Post by: soera on January 26, 2024, 04:27:14 pm
Gonna start this with saying What's up GF? Haven't seen you post in a while!!! I've always said f*ck MS.  ;)

As far as the actual topic here, I've completed collecting. There is not a single item out there that I have been after that I haven't found and acquired eventually. I liquidated a lot of my collection also to make room for what really matters to me. Which is -

Falcom games and stuff
Dragon quest stuff
PlayStation consoles, controllers, and stuff
All the retro RPGs I enjoyed in my younger years.
F4F statues and the like.

I have a bit more stuff to eliminate from my storage but after that, it's only looking to the future for new stuff I want.
Title: Re: Your Own Opinion About Collecting Today
Post by: ferraroso on January 26, 2024, 06:20:50 pm
I started collecting in late 2023, I focus on PS1, PS2 and PS3 because I have a PS2 and a PS3 and as you know PS3 can read PS1 games. I have a Nintendo 3ds and a Wii too but I don't collect games for them because nintendo games are so overpriced nowadays... Plus I prefer PlayStation. I usually find awesome PS3 and PS2 games for 1€ to 5€. PS1 games on the other hand are more expensive so I only buy those that I really really want. I collect because I like the feeling of buying games not knowing how they play, check the box at the store to see if I like them and go home and play them. If I don't like then I don't lose much, they are really low price and I can just resell them or give them to friends for free. It's more about the feeling of being a child again and less about spending loads of money on a glorified hunk of plastic. Man... I bought a copy of demon's souls black phantom edition (full pack) for 100€ on a local store and I was really happy with that... Then I see older games (gameboy, saturn, N64...) near that one, all loose and beat up for the same price of what I bought. All of this to say that I don't agree with the prices old games have nowadays. If all this sounds confusing sorry but my english is not the best...

Good to have you around, dirtydan. Welcome to the gang and to the world of collecting games!
It's always interesting seeing how different gamers/collectors have distinct ways of collecting. For example, I'd happily pay the equivalent to €100 or so on a Saturn, PC Engine or MSX item I really wanted, but I don't ever see myself spending near that amount on a modern game (be it a limited/collector's edition or not).
Well, that's all part of the fun of collecting! So, don't forget to register those games you're buying to your collection here, so we can take a look at what you have there.

And don't worry, I'm pretty sure your English is much better than mine. Haha
Title: Re: Your Own Opinion About Collecting Today
Post by: gf78 on January 28, 2024, 11:17:25 am
Gonna start this with saying What's up GF? Haven't seen you post in a while!!! I've always said f*ck MS.  ;)

As far as the actual topic here, I've completed collecting. There is not a single item out there that I have been after that I haven't found and acquired eventually. I liquidated a lot of my collection also to make room for what really matters to me. Which is -

Falcom games and stuff
Dragon quest stuff
PlayStation consoles, controllers, and stuff
All the retro RPGs I enjoyed in my younger years.
F4F statues and the like.

I have a bit more stuff to eliminate from my storage but after that, it's only looking to the future for new stuff I want.

What's up bud?!  I lurk the forums but my work schedule, family and lack of access to an actual keyboard keeps me from posting. Hate typing on my phone!

I've got a pretty decent, but way too bulky collection. I've been mulling over selling and/or trading quite a bit of it. The main hurdles are time to do it and where to actually sell the stuff. Ebay has become an absolute nightmare with ridiculous fees, hoops to jump through and a ton of scammers. There is a local used game store with a nice selection that does buy, sell & trade. I've considered loading up a haul of Xbox stuff to take in, get some money and maybe some older games that are a bit pricey. It would make room for me and I'd be able to pick up some stuff I actually DO want.

My main collecting these days focuses on Nintendo and Playstation. I tend to stick to Nintendo-published games and Sony-published games unless it's something 3rd party that's  really, really good such as Cyberpunk or Baldur's Gate.

I spend more on merchandise than the actual games. I've actively been buying Amiibos since many of them have been re-released. The European ones are pretty easy to snag for $20-25 which is ok for one here & there.
Title: Re: Your Own Opinion About Collecting Today
Post by: pzeke on February 26, 2024, 01:42:35 pm
[...] All of this to say that I don't agree with the prices old games have nowadays.

Emulate to your heart's content, my friend; it's all fair game.

If all this sounds confusing sorry but my english is not the best...

As I once said to another member around here, I love it when someone excuses their English for not being "good", yet they will often show a better grasp and understanding and even better grammar than most native speakers. So yes, it's good; it's just a matter of structuring your posts better, which I'm certainly not going to hold against you.
Title: Re: Your Own Opinion About Collecting Today
Post by: sworddude on February 27, 2024, 05:33:03 am
I started collecting in late 2023, I focus on PS1, PS2 and PS3 because I have a PS2 and a PS3 and as you know PS3 can read PS1 games. I have a Nintendo 3ds and a Wii too but I don't collect games for them because nintendo games are so overpriced nowadays... Plus I prefer PlayStation. I usually find awesome PS3 and PS2 games for 1€ to 5€. PS1 games on the other hand are more expensive so I only buy those that I really really want. I collect because I like the feeling of buying games not knowing how they play, check the box at the store to see if I like them and go home and play them. If I don't like then I don't lose much, they are really low price and I can just resell them or give them to friends for free. It's more about the feeling of being a child again and less about spending loads of money on a glorified hunk of plastic. Man... I bought a copy of demon's souls black phantom edition (full pack) for 100€ on a local store and I was really happy with that... Then I see older games (gameboy, saturn, N64...) near that one, all loose and beat up for the same price of what I bought. All of this to say that I don't agree with the prices old games have nowadays. If all this sounds confusing sorry but my english is not the best...

You are a brave guy starting to collect today.

If you want a shot at cheaper prices your better off at sites like craigslist, mercari or the occasional ebay snipe. and if you are planning to go to fleamarkets or garage sales you gotto go a bit earlier than opening times at the very least (aka wake up at 5:00) to get a shot at the good stuff. Or get extremely lucky that people just put out stuff way later on during the day if your late. (I wouldn't recommend the latter, if you feel lucky try it but low odds)

see how it goes and if all hope is lost emulation exist. It's pretty competitive out there for the good deals.