VGCollect Forum
General and Gaming => General => Topic started by: dhaabi on January 03, 2025, 11:16:45 am
It's a new year, which means it's the perfect time to set yearly goals as 2025 begins. Are you wanting to collect some specific holy grail? Hoping to complete a certain number of games within one year's time? Or maybe hoping to cut back on spending or even downsizing the collection? What exactly are your goals for 2025?
For me would be to expand my PC physical collection. Never forget what steam took away from us! I want to get a sealed copies of the American Mcgee Alice games and also get copies of all the Command and Conquer games. I think they will look nice in the collection.
I think I'm going to finally complete my Xbox 360 [EU] collection in terms of actual titles. There are only a few heavy hitters that I seem to be missing such as: English Tornado Outbreak, Fatal Inertia and Fists of the North Star: Ken's Rage. The vast majority of the remaining games are much cheaper titles. It's been very interesting noticing price tags of £4 or so on games which now are £40 while slowly scanning what I have into the database.
I'm strongly considering also completing the classics line up for the console but that one is more up in the air and will require a bit of research.
Beyond my goal to continually prune my current collection down, I only have one real collecting goal for 2025:
1. Beat 100 games: I've stated it in other threads on here, but with nothing major currently planned for 2025, my ambition this year is to beat more games in a single year than I ever have. My goal is 100 games beat by the end of the year.
2. Finish all the remaining Resident Evil games I've never played: At the moment, I've played every RE game outside 7, 8, the Wii lightgun games, and the mobile games. I don't care about the mobile games, but I do plan on beating those other ones, which means I will not only have played and beat every RE game ever made, but also I'll finally be caught up with this series after being almost two decades behind as of the end of 2023. I am also adding a replay of the original RE4 to this since I haven't played it since around the time it came out in the mid 2000s.
3. Add at least 10 Switch games from my want list: With the Switch in its twlight years, I've decided I'm going to actively pursue the 30 or so games on my want list that I don't yet own. Many of these are first party releases that I slept on for years after they came out, but some are on the more obscure side. I'll probably prioritize those more obscure releases since they likely have the greatest chance of becoming expensive and hard to find as time goes on.
My goal is to slow way way down on buying items until I can trim my backlog down. I wouldn't be opposed to buying a vectrex if it is allowed but realistically I wanna be more frugal. And I dont think i'll do that. I want to put more into travel and life goals. I have more than enough games to play for years to come.
This year I completed my gameboy color console set. Each color of the logo. Excluding limited editions. And im proud of that. Might get displays for that. But my focus is gonna be on the 52 games challenge and playing. And traveling. I feel ive been wasteful buying games I dont play and im gonna change that. Even if I just give some a pass through or a few hours.
One of my goals is to get a Switch 2.
My goal is pretty much the same as last year to slow down my game collecting. I almost have everything I want unless it's one of those types of games that you never see or it's big money. Cause one of my collecting rules is never buy online it's more fun for me that way. Any way I'm thinking of starting a new hobby I just got my firearms license and have been having fun with friends at the range I might even start competing.
I don't collect a whole lot these days, but there are a few things I want, as I want to try and finish getting all the Zelda amiibo I have left for my collection which is original Smash Bros Link, Toon Link, Wind Waker Link, Wind Waker Zelda, and Young Link. I might also need another Skyward Sword Link, I don't know, I had it, and somehow it's disappeared lol I wouldn't mind picking up more N64 stuff, particularly VHS tapes, maybe some boxed games, but I'm not sure, I don't really have the money to get back into collecting these days.
For 2025, all of my goals relate to playing habits.
• Finish Silent Hill franchise
• Begin Resident Evil franchise
• Play PlayStation VR
• Play through PlayStation major franchise entries
• Play one Final Fantasy game
• Play games for as many platforms as I can that are available to me
• Play an even greater variety of game genres than I did in 2024
• Play more short-length indie games on PC
After going back to look at my goals for 2024 (,12640.msg204166.html#msg204166), I technically accomplished them all to some degree, but playing games for a variety of platforms was the one I feel most satisfied with. I actually have 28 platforms available to me and succeeded in playing games for 20 of them. However, I don't own games I'm wanting to play for some, and other systems I don't have the right setup to use, or I experienced some sort of hardware difficulty that needs managing before I'm able to use them. From 2024, there were only three platforms without issue with games I'm actively wanting to play that I wasn't able to, which were Game Boy Advance, Xbox, and Xbox One. So, 20/23 seems like quite the success for me.
No collecting goals here. if stuff happens it happens. keeps stuff exciting. slow and steady wins the race
Lots of goals, mainly to finish the ps1 longbox set, and grab whatever late ps4 releases I can before the dry up locally.
My only goal regarding my collection this year is to buy less games and to play trough as many as possible.
Maybe there will be a few minor investions, if opportunity comes ... main priority are Game Gear cartridges. Most titles missing in my deck are rare and/or expensive ones now, so I need to save some cash.
Time to play the games I got. 8)
I've got no plans or goals related to gaming.
I have interest in seeing what Nintendo is bringing with the Switch successor. If they have at least two games at launch that are of interest, it's affordable and there are more games in the works of interest, then I'll add a goal of getting the new system by next Christmas.
I am actually working towards downsizing my collection. I realized that a lot of the games I currently have physically just aren't games I love or am all that interested in. I used to just buy anything and everything - especially games I had trophies for to 100% them.
I realized over the last few years and especially last year (Thanks Sony), that there is no real point in keeping and collecting games I don't love just to stay on an ecosystem that clearly doesn't care about me as a customer.
My 2025 Gaming and Collecting goals are pretty simple:
1.) Sell 1/3rd of my total collection over the next 12 months. This would be around 700 games.
2.) Buy games I truly love *only*. If I don't see myself replaying it in the next 5-10 years or it didn't have a strong emotional resonance with me, why would I want to keep it on my shelf?
3.) Beat 100 games.
4.) Complete 52 games (100%, all achievements, plus a review).
I want to enforce stricter goals for 2025:
Collecting Goals
-Constantly evaluate and trim down my wishlist.
-Primarily focus on STG and games developed by Konami/Treasure.
-Address the shallow spots in my collection. If a system I own has <10 games, it'll take priority.
Gaming Goals
-1CC more STGs/arcade games than last year. Only had a couple in 2024. I'll be happy with at least five in 2025.
-Play more genres I like but seldom touch, mainly survival horror and RPGs.
-Stick with two games max to prevent burnout and lack of direction.
I think I'm going to finally complete my Xbox 360 [EU] collection in terms of actual titles.
How many are left for you to reach this goal? Any plans to complete other Xbox libraries?
I think I'm going to finally complete my Xbox 360 [EU] collection in terms of actual titles.
How many are left for you to reach this goal? Any plans to complete other Xbox libraries?
At the minute it seems to be around 200 left. Just been clicking refresh on Ebay for the last 5 days or so. Most of the local game shops don't have anything I need unfortunately.
I wouldn't mind eventually completing my Xbox one collection but I feel like that collection should take a back seat until they stop releasing for the console. I have a lot of the games but there are so many niche ones that release - it's hard to keep track.
I might eventually choose to try a base Xbox collection but it's something I wouldn't treat as seriously. I don't have any nostalgia for the console personally so just don't have any desire to collect for it.
Goals for 2025,
Complete PS3 set (10 left)
Attempt to finish PS1 longboxes (approx. 60 left)
Focus on the 50 or so more difficult PS2 titles I have left (hit list)...
(Not sure how to insert a pic into the body of this)
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Love the display!
I'm trying to finish the original Xbox PAL collection, still a good few to collect.
I didn't meet many of my goals last year, but more of the same
Beat 104 games
Beat a game from every year x to 2025
Work on franchise runs
Keep up with my backlog groups
Grow my curator groups on steam
I just realized I never set goals for 2024- whoops.
My goal for 2025 was to finish another set and I have already done that with my acquisition of Keio Flying Squadron to finish my Sega CD set so I guess my goal for this year is to finish another set!
Genesis- 13 left
32X- 2 left
Sega Master System- 1 left
Lynx- 9 left
Atari Jaguar CD- 1 left
N64- 25 left
I'd also love to acquire at least another 20-25 cib each of nes and snes to whittle my list down. And get my wishlist here down to under 75. I know the majority on here are all about slowing down, purging, etc.. but I'm full steam ahead- I want it all!
I will also have some paternity leave this year so hoping I have some more time to game (after all parental responsibilities are handled- they may be up every few hours but there is also a lot of down time- babies sleep a lot...)
There's no way I can beat 52 games- I beat 12 last year- let's shoot for 20- that's a good stretch goal.
Beyond my goal to continually prune my current collection down, I only have one real collecting goal for 2025:
1. Add at least 10 Switch games from my want list: With the Switch in its twlight years, I've decided I'm going to actively pursue the 30 or so games on my want list that I don't yet own. Many of these are first party releases that I slept on for years after they came out, but some are on the more obscure side. I'll probably prioritize those more obscure releases since they likely have the greatest chance of becoming expensive and hard to find as time goes on.
I'm already 3 games into this goal this year. Things are looking good so far 8)
Absolutely nothing. I've wrestled with the idea that maybe I'm done retro collecting now. For a long time I've felt so close, yet so far away. Several hundred games on my list I still wanted to get, but it's meant several thousand dollars I'm just not willing (and don't have) to dump into it. Hard to believe this stuff is still going so strong all these years later, folks clamoring to collect every title you can think of, for every console you can think of in 2025. I know the appeal of doing so has greatly diminished for me. I think it's mostly the speculators still going this hard at it.
I actually found myself in my local retro shop the other day and actually picked up a couple of NES games on the cheap, unexpectedly. So guess I'm not done. I just don't have the motivation to pursue it anymore. I'm really close with a lot of fifth gen stuff, so if anything I should try knock those out. Still a lot easier said than done.
Beyond my goal to continually prune my current collection down, I only have one real collecting goal for 2025:
1. Beat 100 games: I've stated it in other threads on here, but with nothing major currently planned for 2025, my ambition this year is to beat more games in a single year than I ever have. My goal is 100 games beat by the end of the year.
2. Finish all the remaining Resident Evil games I've never played: At the moment, I've played every RE game outside 7, 8, the Wii lightgun games, and the mobile games. I don't care about the mobile games, but I do plan on beating those other ones, which means I will not only have played and beat every RE game ever made, but also I'll finally be caught up with this series after being almost two decades behind as of the end of 2023. I am also adding a replay of the original RE4 to this since I haven't played it since around the time it came out in the mid 2000s.
3. Add at least 10 Switch games from my want list: With the Switch in its twlight years, I've decided I'm going to actively pursue the 30 or so games on my want list that I don't yet own. Many of these are first party releases that I slept on for years after they came out, but some are on the more obscure side. I'll probably prioritize those more obscure releases since they likely have the greatest chance of becoming expensive and hard to find as time goes on.
I forgot to add my gaming goals to my original post. Here is the modified goals list.
I'd like to play through more of my games! I'd like to whittle down my wishlist a bit, I've decided to step back from buying new games in 2025, unless Oblivion is remade, lol. I've got most of what I'm looking for so I don't expect any major collecting gains, until Black Friday when my local game store fills up the bargain bins, lol.