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General and Gaming => Modern Video Games => Topic started by: dhaabi on January 16, 2025, 10:27:22 am
As expected, a broad 2025 release date was given. Nintendo Switch backwards compatibility is mentioned, alongside text reading "Nintendo Switch 2 plays both physical and digital Nintendo Switch games. Certain Nintendo Switch games may not be supported on or fully compatible with Nintendo Switch 2." With how that sentence reads and what the trailer shows, that does not confirm physical Switch 2 cartridges, which is interesting to consider at this time.
On April 2, a dedicated Nintendo Direct showcasing the Switch 2 will take place.
Whether or not Switch 2 games will be available physically is the $10,000,000 question. If so, it'll easily be a day one purchase for me, along with the new Mario Kart game they teased (assuming it's a launch title...seems like a no brainer that it would be given MK8 is the best selling game on the WiiU and Switch). The fact that they didn't just come right out and say Switch 2 games are physical, something that would have set many people's minds at ease, makes me a bit worried they won't be. I guess we'll find out in April.
It looks like it'll have backwards compatibility with OG Switch games. So, yay for that.
I want to buy it day-one because it would be nice to see a Nintendo console building an audience from day-one, last time I did it it went kinda bad because one was Wii U and 3DS peaked for me first year, it's been a while so I will consider it seriously.
That being said I don't expect much, these days is better be skeptical and PC is where I play anyway, I hope this time they will finally add achievements system but I am not holding my breath for it as it will probably not happening.
Let's see how much time happens until new Zelda and Smash Bros are announced, I think is kinda obvious a new 3D Mario is probably comings this year for holidays, hopefully is open world because is been 7 years since Odyssey and I am interested into how an open 3D Mario game could work.
Anyway, looks nice, I am not excited but I still want it, and that's enough for me.
Whether or not Switch 2 games will be available physically is the $10,000,000 question. If so, it'll easily be a day one purchase for me, along with the new Mario Kart game they teased (assuming it's a launch title...seems like a no brainer that it would be given MK8 is the best selling game on the WiiU and Switch). The fact that they didn't just come right out and say Switch 2 games are physical, something that would have set many people's minds at ease, makes me a bit worried they won't be. I guess we'll find out in April.
I think all of the leaks forced their hand a little bit on this announcement, so this was just to get out ahead of any really crazy rumors or other leaks that might have ended up hurting them. Because a teaser video just for a direct that isn't for over 2 months doesn't seem like a typical Nintendo MO.
New Mario Kart isn't enough for me to do Day One on this, but I'm sure I'll get it eventually.
The day one push for me was if they confirmed physical backwards compatibility and they did, so I will most likely get it. A new Mario Kart would be nice for a launch game, not a particularly great one personally, I need a proper Mario, Zelda, or something else standout adventure wise, but still good to see a new Mario Kart after it being 10 years since they released Mario Kart 8.
Curious what they mean with the BC and "certain" games, as I was trying to think of anything that could end up being unique to the original Switch that wouldn't come over to the Switch 2 and how that might cause a few games to not fully work, but I'm kinda assuming all general Switch features are pretty easily transferrable. The only thing I noticed, is that the Switch doesn't have the IR camera on the bottom of the right joycon anymore and I think a couple things like Labo and 123 Switch used that for games, so that could consider them as games not properly playable on the new Switch and anything else that possibly used it, but I don't think there are many. Almost forgot to add I know there's the pointer on the side now that lets you do the sideways use of the controller on a surface, using it like a mouse is my expectation, but not sure if that would still work the same as it did in those games, but we'll see.
I'm guessing June is the launch timeframe as it was rumored right before this that May/June was the window, but if they are gonna have the full reveal direct in April, May would be really close to launch and a summer release could be a fun one to do.
The incompatible stuff will be things like Labo, Ring Fit, etc. The new Joy Cons won't fit in the accessories.
I'll wait to see the line up and the games that are actually compatible, but I'll probably get it later.
From a brief glance, I’m happy about the backwards compatibility but curious about how switch 2 cartridges will look (assuming they still have them). Will we get Cobranded items for a while similar to the 360/xbox one?
Rumours are that they finally revealed the console developers can announce games for it - which would be nice. Wonder what will be switch 2 exclusive.
Still can’t help but feel that they might be shooting themselves in the foot a bit just calling the system the switch 2. The system doesn’t look that staggeringly different compared to the original switch, feel like they might cause a bit of consumer confusion
Might be the first console I’ve ordered in a while as long as the price point isn’t astronomical.
From a brief glance, I’m happy about the backwards compatibility but curious about how switch 2 cartridges will look (assuming they still have them). Will we get Cobranded items for a while similar to the 360/xbox one?
Rumours are that they finally revealed the console developers can announce games for it - which would be nice. Wonder what will be switch 2 exclusive.
Still can’t help but feel that they might be shooting themselves in the foot a bit just calling the system the switch 2. The system doesn’t look that staggeringly different compared to the original switch, feel like they might cause a bit of consumer confusion
Might be the first console I’ve ordered in a while as long as the price point isn’t astronomical.
I'm pretty sure "Switch 2" is to very specifically avoid any consumer confusion. Would've loved like the Super Nintendo Switch or something, but they want to avoid doing things that make it seem like an attachment or "pro" version like the Wii U and it doesn't get any more distinct than putting a number on it.
I've seen people point out that the Switch OLED had a similar "Nintendo Switch games may not be supported on or fully compatible" disclaimer so I'm not too concerned about that outside of games that require attachments sized for the OG Switch and Joy-Cons such as the Labo line and Ring Fit Adventures or say like when the DS dropped the GBA Slot so you couldn't play the Guitar Hero games, or use things like the DS Rumble pack.
Interesting that they went with the naming convention Switch 2. I think the only thing similar in Nintendo history was NES to SNES. EDIT: Totally forgot about Wii and Wii U. LOL
Regardless, the Switch 2 looks sleeker than the original. I like that it's bigger. I really liked that they confirmed physical and digital Switch games can be played on it.
Now... I want confirmation that the Pro controllers will work on it. I also want to see what Nintendo has in the lineup because that, coupled with price, will be the make or break of this system for me. If they can bring out a couple awesome titles this year that Switch won't get and price it at $400 or less, I will pick one up for the kids for this Christmas.
I redact most of my original comments until I can see more of it. I realize theirs still much to speculate on. I feel the branding of it and the lack of creative innovation are off par for Nintendo whos always shaken the etch a sketch. But perhaps its a good thing.
If its any console they play it safe with. It should be switch.
Maybe it will grow on me. But I do heavily agree with what nathan776 said here.
Still can’t help but feel that they might be shooting themselves in the foot a bit just calling the system the switch 2. The system doesn’t look that staggeringly different compared to the original switch, feel like they might cause a bit of consumer confusion
It strikes me from a branding standpoint as a mistep and perhaps the average parent as an unnecessary upgrade for 80 percent of parents and casual gamers. Us purists will buy one. Will the general public? Will they decipher them apart off look alone? Not so sure. How many kids got Xbox One S and X nstead of Xbox Series X. Series S. I reckon a lot lol. But we'll see.
What's everyone's predictions for big releases at launch and year one? Here are mine:
-Mario Kart 9
-Metroid Prime 4
-new first party remaster or remake of some beloved game (my bets are either Zelda or Mario to fill the platforming hole)
Year One
-Splatoon 4
-Xenoblade 4
-new 3D mainline Mario game
-new dormant franchise entry (my money is on Starfox, but who knows)
I think the new Pokemon Legends is a launch game. I'm holding back any and all interest unless they can show me something drastically overhauled for that game after how poor the last few releases are, but it would be a huge release for sure.
Not sure what to expect for myself for a launch game that would excite me at this point as I'm not a particularly huge fan of Metroid Prime, nothing against it, I just never got attached to that game and Mario Kart will be fun, but it's Mario Kart, it's a multiplayer game.
The usual go to's are a 3D Mario, maybe a Super Mario Odyssey sequel, but I don't think that's a launch game, but launch window, probably the holiday release. No Zelda as Tears wasn't that long ago and Echoes just came out. An HD bundle for the 3DS Ocarina and Majora games could be a nice lowkey alternative though as I've wanted to see those show up for awhile (And we still need to get Twilight Princess/Wind Waker HD on the Switch).
Not sure what else could be a big win for me at launch otherwise unless there was some huge surprise. A huge launch game isn't a must for me anyways, I'm gonna get one no matter what just to have a new system as I'm still using the original launch system and I'm hoping a few games like Breath of the Wild/Tears of the Kingdom could get updates for performance boosts and I'll get games I want eventually.
-new first party remaster or remake of some beloved game (my bets are either Zelda or Mario to fill the platforming hole)
I agree, well at least I hope and my guess is windwaker. The oh so glorious windwaker. They remastered twilight princess, hyrule warriors and skyward sword on switch. The Wii U windwaker obv was on a flop console. And WindWaker had an excellent reaction with it's Wii U port which now feels so long ago. Oooo please bring WW home. I would throw the wallet if windwaker is released. Or even more deliciously windwaker 2 :)
I really hope so at least. Windwaker on a switch format is one of my gaming dreams.
Other predictions and hopes
1. A remake of another SNES classic. Similar to the Mario RPG ones. My theory is a completely remastered Earthbound.
2. Another Pokemon remastering from DS or gameboy. Maybe Ultra Crystal or Pokemon Moon.
3. Donkey Kong Country - Goin Bananas
4. A solid Mario Baseball.
5. I can foresee another "year of luigi" thing but maybe with Daisy. A character underdeveloped who I dont believe.has her own flagship game. Imagine Diasy Adventires? Or The story of daisy. Itd be really cool to me.
6. Luigis Mansion 4
7. Mario Odyssey 2, Zelda BOTW 2 and maybe a revisioned Yoshi Story.
8. Even punchout. What happened to punchout? That would be amazing. Especially in the style of classic NES punchout but with maybe more complex mechanics and a new line of colorful bosses with weaknesses.
Still so much meat on all these IPs. Its why Nintendo is so dominant.
-new first party remaster or remake of some beloved game (my bets are either Zelda or Mario to fill the platforming hole)
I agree, well at least I hope and my guess is windwaker. The oh so glorious windwaker. They remastered twilight princess, hyrule warriors and skyward sword on switch. The Wii U windwaker obv was on a flop console. And WindWaker had an excellent reaction with it's Wii U port which now feels so long ago. Oooo please bring WW home. I would throw the wallet if windwaker is released. Or even more deliciously windwaker 2 :)
1. Twilight Princess was remastered on the Wii U not the
2. There is a Wind Waker Sequel it's called Phantom Hourglass
-new first party remaster or remake of some beloved game (my bets are either Zelda or Mario to fill the platforming hole)
I agree, well at least I hope and my guess is windwaker. The oh so glorious windwaker. They remastered twilight princess, hyrule warriors and skyward sword on switch. The Wii U windwaker obv was on a flop console. And WindWaker had an excellent reaction with it's Wii U port which now feels so long ago. Oooo please bring WW home. I would throw the wallet if windwaker is released. Or even more deliciously windwaker 2 :)
1. Twilight Princess was remastered on the Wii U not the
2. There is a Wind Waker Sequel it's called Phantom Hourglass
Wow, thanks for this actually. Ive heard of phantom hourglass but wasnt aware it was a WW sequel. Idk how it slipped my radar. Perhaps they should upscale that to be a full console game then. Or windwaker 3 lol. I just need me some more windwaker.
Maybe they could port a more grandiose version of oracle of ages/seasons. And make it a 2'fer like they did with lets go pikachu/eevee. That would be cool.
Still can’t help but feel that they might be shooting themselves in the foot a bit just calling the system the switch 2. The system doesn’t look that staggeringly different compared to the original switch, feel like they might cause a bit of consumer confusion
Still will be less than it was with the Wii U. Lost track of how many customers I had that thought that the Wii U was just an add on for the Wii.
What's everyone's predictions for big releases at launch and year one? Here are mine:
-Mario Kart 9
-Metroid Prime 4
-new first party remaster or remake of some beloved game (my bets are either Zelda or Mario to fill the platforming hole)
Year One
-Splatoon 4
-Xenoblade 4
-new 3D mainline Mario game
-new dormant franchise entry (my money is on Starfox, but who knows)
Mario Kart 9 (it's obvious. It was shown)
The rumored Red Dead Redemption II will sell like hot cakes
A dormant franchise being brought back. This would be a good time to do that while the system is the hottest thing on the planet. F-Zero, Donkey Kong Country, Starfox. Any other wouldn't sell well enough as a launch title. There are many longer dormant franchises, but these two would sell.
A remaster or remake of some sort or a possible collection
A surprise AAA third party game coming out of left field like Starfield or Elden Ring something crazy like that
A few indie titles that have been out or coming out soon like Hyper Light Breaker or something of the sort
A possible free model game like Marvel Rivals or something akin to Mario 99
A possible mini-game compilation like Nintendoland wouldn't be out of the question. Especially with the new "mouse" mode for the Joycons.
By Holiday 2025
Metroid Prime 4 (I honestly don't think it will be a launch title)
Another main entry Mario title. Either another 2D platformer or 3D adventure
A couple of more collections/remasters
At least a new Zelda announcement
Some sort of Nintendo spin-off title
Possibly a new console color variant and new Joy Con colors