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General and Gaming => General => Topic started by: jobocan on May 30, 2012, 01:20:06 pm

Title: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: jobocan on May 30, 2012, 01:20:06 pm
Well, E3 is going on next week, so I figured I'd see how everyone on here is hyped for it and stuff!

What are you excited to see? What are you hoping for? What are you expecting from the Big 3's conferences? Are you going?

Let's talk about it some! (I'll post later, don't wanna flood the first post with too much text)
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: soera on May 30, 2012, 01:34:05 pm
My big wait is for the official announcement of the release date of DQX. As far as I know, its still undetermined whether there is going to be an NTSC version or not and what all is going to be required to play, how much of it is online, etc.

Id also like to know about the latest God of War game. I think its called Ascension.
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: blipcs76 on May 30, 2012, 02:04:21 pm
I'm eagerly awaiting Nintendo's show on Tuesday so we can hopefully get a real look at the Wii U and hopefully see what this thing can do.  Nintendo is either a homerun or a bomb at E3, so here's hoping for the best.

The Wii U might be the last home console I buy for myself, since I'll be starting a family soon and won't have the time to play new games much.  One system is all I'll be able to really manage, so I really need the Wii U to have the power to get capable next-gen ports so I don't have to buy two or three systems to get everything I want (and I'll always favor Nintendo's first-party titles over other console's exclusives).  I have serious concerns about the Wii U being too underpowered in comparison to the next XBox/PS systems to be able to get decent third-party support, so I really hope they show some impressive games.  Recent reports claim it's about 20x more powerful than the Wii, but we'll finally get some answers next week.

Other than Wii U, I can't really think of what I'm looking forward to, since Bioshock Infinite won't be there.  I haven't had my pulse on anything else lately, so maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised.

Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: desocietas on May 30, 2012, 02:13:40 pm
I don't have high hopes for Wii U yet, but official news of it will help me decide whether to wait for that or get the original Wii when the price drops on it.

I bet they'll just show Animal Crossing and Luigi's Mansion again...  Speaking of which, the next Harvest Moon for the 3DS will probably come out before those do.

Please E3, let up on the dancing on stage!  I own a Kinect and the Microsoft was just hardsellin' that thing way too much last year.  I feel like the only folks who are using it are the ones who don't have it hooked up to their Xbox at all.
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: matt on May 30, 2012, 02:14:41 pm
I'm always looking forward to the strange as that sounds.

I'm also not looking forward to being sad about not being there in person. :(
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: jobocan on May 30, 2012, 02:54:52 pm
I'm definitely looking forward to Nintendo's presentation. Wii U info (console specifications, price, release date, actual game announcements), new 3DS announcements, dates for previously announced 3DS games (Luigi's Mansion 2, Paper Mario)... It should be a blast to watch. I'm also really hoping that the rumor of Retro Studios making a Star Fox+Metroid crossover game for Wii U is confirmed there (*EDIT* this rumor was debunked, sadly).
My biggest hope here is to see Nintendo reviving the Star Tropics franchise, but I don't think that's possible :P

Sony's presentation HAS to be good, otherwise Sony will be in big trouble, or at least worse trouble than they currently are. I really want to see a lot of Vita stuff announced, and dates/announcements for some PS3 stuff. I hope the presentation will be 100% about games, no BS like that dumb Kevin Butler part 2 years ago. I don't think they'll show off their next console yet, but I kinda hope they tease it at least. This is actually the only presentation I'll be seeing live, the others happen during my work hours.

For Microsoft... well, they already said that their presentation wouldn't be about games, so here's exactly what will happen: 5 minutes of Black Ops 2, 50 minutes of new services and features for XBL as well as Kinect games no one wants, and 5 minutes of Halo 4 at the end. They'll be the laughingstock on the conference as they were the last 2 years.

Beyond the presentations, I just hope to see a lot of gameplay for a lot of games, and a lot of dates for said games.
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: amauriel on May 30, 2012, 04:19:35 pm
I'm also not looking forward to being sad about not being there in person. :(

Not me. I'm still a little peeved that the ESA (the ones that run E3) supported SOPA when most of the companies themselves did not. I'll read the hype because I'm a gamer first, but I don't think I could walk into that Expo Hall this year. /end political rant (sorry)
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: jobocan on May 30, 2012, 04:25:47 pm
I'm also not looking forward to being sad about not being there in person. :(

Not me. I'm still a little peeved that the ESA (the ones that run E3) supported SOPA when most of the companies themselves did not. I'll read the hype because I'm a gamer first, but I don't think I could walk into that Expo Hall this year. /end political rant (sorry)

No need to be sorry, a lot of people are doing just the same, and some people who were supposed to go aren't going. Heck, that's why I'm happy that the presentations are being streamed/recorded, because then I don't have to give any money to the ESA :P
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: pacpix on May 30, 2012, 06:40:11 pm
I'm also really hoping that the rumor of Retro Studios making a Star Fox+Metroid crossover game for Wii U is confirmed there.
Wow! :o Where did you here this?!

At this years E3 I hope to hear more on WiiU, anything Zelda or Pac-Man related, Luigi's Mansion 2, and ICE CLIMBERS 2! (That would be awesome)
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: jobocan on May 30, 2012, 07:03:43 pm
I'm also really hoping that the rumor of Retro Studios making a Star Fox+Metroid crossover game for Wii U is confirmed there.
Wow! :o Where did you here this?!

Ah, forget it, I just found out that it was debunked today (
It was originally from Paul Gale Network (the same guys who leaked info about Playstation All-Star Battle Royale before it was revealed), but it turns out his source was partly wrong. The project was indeed proposed at one point, but the idea was scrapped.

Guess I'll edit my post then :P
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: gaiages on May 30, 2012, 08:19:01 pm
I'll I'm really looking forward to seeing if Nintendo will announce Fire Emblem: Awakening for NA.  I mean, come on, it's already in English, just piggy back off NoE's hard work again like you did with Xenoblade Chronicles ;)

Other than that... well, I haven't even paid much attention to E3 the last few years.  I rarely buy new games or consoles as it is, so I guess I just don't get on the 'hype train' anymore... makes me a little sad, actually.  Hope I'm not too jaded.  :p

Despite ESA supporting SOPA, though, I still would love to go to E3 someday... probably even more so if I was a journalist covering the event.  Of course, that would require me starting to write about games again, so... xD
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: psydswipe on May 31, 2012, 06:30:52 am
I found all of last year's press conferences to be boring and am not expecting much this year. My preference would be that nobody concentrates on motion controls, I don't need to see any Move or Kinect games :P Some predictions or what I'd like to see would be a new Fallout, Shenmue 1 & 2 HD collection, and maybe the rumored Seaman for 3DS. There was a hint earlier this year that a Shenmue HD collection might be in the works and I figure they'll do that well before ever considering making the third part.
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: blipcs76 on May 31, 2012, 10:04:32 am
Some predictions or what I'd like to see would be a new Fallout

I would LOVE a new Fallout and hopefully we're due for a new one sometime soon.  I poured countless hours and multiple playthroughs into both Fallout 3 and New Vegas.
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: amauriel on May 31, 2012, 02:07:31 pm
I found all of last year's press conferences to be boring and am not expecting much this year. My preference would be that nobody concentrates on motion controls, I don't need to see any Move or Kinect games :P Some predictions or what I'd like to see would be a new Fallout, Shenmue 1 & 2 HD collection, and maybe the rumored Seaman for 3DS. There was a hint earlier this year that a Shenmue HD collection might be in the works and I figure they'll do that well before ever considering making the third part.

Yeah, I'd like to see what Yoot Saito's been up to as well. Seaman's been rumored, as is another tower game. And any way they can give me more Shemue is good. Rumor had it that Skies of Arcadia might see an HD remake as well. I guess what I want for this year is for Sega to remake more of their old franchises for other consoles. And awesome things for the 3DS. Maybe some more N64 remakes...Majora's Mask would be great. Also whatever they've got planned for the Kirby anniversary.
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: soera on May 31, 2012, 03:31:31 pm
I guess there is possibly something else Id like to hear about and thats some good VC stuff. I want to see some of the more obscure games get a VC release so I can actually play the damned things. Centy, Secret of the Stars, Golden Axe Warrior are 3 that come to mind.
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: madmax on May 31, 2012, 11:32:55 pm
I'd love to see something about the New FF Verses and FFXIV on PS3 but both of these things seem to never be coming :(
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: jobocan on May 31, 2012, 11:38:41 pm
I'd love to see something about the New FF Verses and FFXIV on PS3 but both of these things seem to never be coming :(

Did you see the rumor about Vs XIII being renamed to FFXV? I'm very skeptical of that rumor since the source is a bit hokey, but that's a possibility :P
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: jcalder8 on June 01, 2012, 01:48:07 am
I'm looking forward to what the Vita has planned.

I would also love some massive news, like a new system, to come out of left field.
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: desocietas on June 01, 2012, 01:49:48 am
I'd love to see something about the New FF Verses and FFXIV on PS3 but both of these things seem to never be coming :(

Did you see the rumor about Vs XIII being renamed to FFXV? I'm very skeptical of that rumor since the source is a bit hokey, but that's a possibility :P

I saw that on Escapist... I'm interested to see what E3 surprises are coming!
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: psydswipe on June 01, 2012, 07:33:54 am
And awesome things for the 3DS.

I don't know if this is awesome or not but I foresee Code of Princess for 3DS hitting the U.S. in October...with a CD soundtrack ;)
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: killerchameleon on June 01, 2012, 10:38:48 am
I’ve been busy lately and have been out of the loop on video games, only thing I’ve been playing coincidently has been my 3DS.  So I hope Nintendo concentrates on mostly on 3DS games.  As far as new consoles my opinion is still the same I feel like their all ready dead and if not this will be the last next generation of consoles we will see, every one will be moving on to cloud gaming it only makes sense.  I’m with the rest of you on the Kinect stuff, enough dancing already come out with something we actually want to play, only thing I see coming out is Steel Battalion and if Capcom doesn’t execute it correctly it’s going to be a disaster.   
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: soera on June 04, 2012, 10:25:45 am
So far, all I can say is wow.
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: jobocan on June 04, 2012, 12:15:49 pm
Microsoft's thingy is starting in about 15 minutes... Can't say I have any expectations. We'll see a bit of Halo 4, have a surprise announcement at the end for an obvious sequel (probably Gears 4), and the rest will be worthless Kinect/XBL crap most people won't care about.

I wonder if we're getting any more terrible child actors to play bad Kinect games this year :P
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: turf on June 04, 2012, 12:30:39 pm
How do ya'll feel about the new Wii controls shown?  I'm glad they got on board with a regular controller.  I don't want to swing shit when I'm playing Mario.
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: jobocan on June 04, 2012, 12:34:45 pm
How do ya'll feel about the new Wii controls shown?  I'm glad they got on board with a regular controller.  I don't want to swing shit when I'm playing Mario.

I like the minor adjustments on the game pad, though it's nothing massive. The most interesting thing is the NFC reader, I hope someone really uses those.

As for the standard controller, it's basically required for multiplayer eventually, since the console is rumored (for now) to only support 1 of the controllers with the touch screen at a time. It seems okay. I'm a bit confused at the button placement (putting the stick where the buttons usually are) but it's probably not gonna be hard to get used to.
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: turf on June 04, 2012, 01:45:16 pm
As for the standard controller, it's basically required for multiplayer eventually, since the console is rumored (for now) to only support 1 of the controllers with the touch screen at a time. It seems okay. I'm a bit confused at the button placement (putting the stick where the buttons usually are) but it's probably not gonna be hard to get used to.

I'm gonna assume they did that to make it easy to go back and forth between the Gamepad and the Pro Controller.
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: desocietas on June 04, 2012, 02:10:40 pm
I wonder if we're getting any more terrible child actors to play bad Kinect games this year :P

Oh gawd, those children were difficult to watch.  Especially the Kinectimals girl pretending she was being playfully mauled by a tiger.
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: jobocan on June 04, 2012, 02:35:25 pm
I wonder if we're getting any more terrible child actors to play bad Kinect games this year :P

Oh gawd, those children were difficult to watch.  Especially the Kinectimals girl pretending she was being playfully mauled by a tiger.

"Fist Bump!" was probably the best moment in Microsoft E3 conference history :P

Also, they were kinda boring at E3 this year. They spent more time on games than I was expecting, but it showed the game industry's usual "no-risks" philosophy. Sequels and nothing more, basically. Oh and that SmartGlass thing or whatever it's called, trying to steal the Wii U's thunder a year too late basically :P
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: psydswipe on June 04, 2012, 04:39:43 pm
Microsoft was disappointing. I'm not sure of the point of watching ESPN on Xbox Live other than the ability to talk to your TV. I assume you still need cable TV which I don't have. Splinter Cell was the only "real" game I was unaware of, though they didn't mention if it was exclusive. Nothing in that Wii U presentation yesterday interested me either but I'm not a longtime Nintendo player. I do own a Wii but it has never got a lot of use and I only completed two games on it. Hopefully Sony comes through with a new surprise. We know they'll show Sports Champions 2 (unfortunately no unique sports like bocce and disc golf), the new God of War, and Battle Royale. Again, nothing original. Maybe a third-party publisher will announce something but we seem to learn about the majority of new games in the weeks leading up to E3.
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: jcalder8 on June 04, 2012, 05:53:34 pm
I thought that MS had some interesting features with Kinect. The voice recognition in sports games is exciting if it works. There was nothing that made me need to buy a system but they are continuing to build on what they have so I will give them points for not giving up.

Lastly I liked the MS glass thingy. I always have my phone with me so it will be interesting to see where they go with it... I am hoping for manuals and live maps.

Overall though I would give it a 6.5
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: jobocan on June 04, 2012, 10:48:11 pm
Well dang, I did NOT expect Sony to fail so badly at E3 this year.

The only announcements for Vita were Sony Smash (which looks surprisingly lame), AC3: L and Call of Duty's release date... They needed to save the Vita and they just didn't do that. Oh, not to forget we already knew about all that other than CoD's release date.

Even for PS3, all they announced was that crappy book thing. Yeah the tech seems to work well but... who's gonna buy that? It's gonna fail even worse than Move. Oh, and that crappy movie that I already forgot the title for since it seems so crappy. They announced nothing, it's just terrible.

And yet they did better than Microsoft :P
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: soera on June 05, 2012, 12:05:21 am
AC3? The only thing that comes to mind when you say AC is Asheron's call but thats cause of my wasted years on mmos.

As of the past few years I havent given much a damn about anything new other than God of War ... so the flops from most of the big names dont shock me. But ... that being said, Im actually excited about the thought of the Wii U. I went as far as spending the whole day rearranging my living room to make it more accessible to more interactive games that will be played on it. When I first heard of the "controller with an ipad in the middle" I rolled my eyes. But now that I watched that video and seen a bit more of what the game system/controller is like, I really want it. I just hope the price is right. Regardless, I probably will not buy the first release. I havent bought the first release of a system ever.
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: amauriel on June 05, 2012, 02:36:29 am
I still have high hopes for tomorrow (well, in my time zone, I guess it's later today at this point). Nintendo's official conference is in the morning, and Activision is supposed to have some Skylanders: Giants news, and then if I'm understanding it right, there will be a separate conference for just the 3DS in the evening. That gets my hopes up...
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: jobocan on June 05, 2012, 07:44:35 am
I still have high hopes for tomorrow (well, in my time zone, I guess it's later today at this point). Nintendo's official conference is in the morning, and Activision is supposed to have some Skylanders: Giants news, and then if I'm understanding it right, there will be a separate conference for just the 3DS in the evening. That gets my hopes up...

I think it's a Wii U-centered conference today (probably with a quick mention of 3DS or two), and tomorrow evening there's gonna be a 3DS-centered software showcase. The fact that they're basically splitting their presentation into 2 separate things tells me that they probably have a LOT to show.

I have high hopes for Nintendo's presentations, but, then again, I had high hopes for Sony's, so I'm being just a tad more skeptical than I was before Sony's conference :P

AC3? The only thing that comes to mind when you say AC is Asheron's call but thats cause of my wasted years on mmos.

Assassin's Creed 3: Liberation. It was known about already before Sony's presentation, so all they actually showed was the white Vita you can get it bundled with.
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: jcalder8 on June 05, 2012, 09:34:11 am
I haven't been able to watch the Sony presentation but from what I read it sounds about as impressive as MS's, I guess it's all up to Nintendo now.....
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: psydswipe on June 05, 2012, 09:38:44 am
I'm also surprised there wasn't more time spent on Vita. Move wasn't even a big topic. They primarily showed lots of footage of games we already knew about. Funny Quantic Dream's game Beyond stars Ellen Page since many thought of her when they saw the girl in The Last of Us. Beyond showed quite a bit of action too though I'm guessing it's more of an adventure game like Heavy Rain. Turns out the Splinter Cell game Microsoft showed is for PS3 as well.

Ubisoft came through with the surprise of the show thus far. Watch Dogs looks like it could be something big with gameplay in an open world Chicago and some similarities to a world found in Deus Ex. Although it's been in development for two years they didn't provide any kind of release window so it's likely a Q4 2013 game or later.

Electronic Arts' press conference was the most boring I'd say. They should have spent more time on SimCity and less on the sports games.
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: soera on June 05, 2012, 10:35:42 am
Electronic Arts' press conference was the most boring I'd say. They should have spent more time on SimCity and less on the sports games.

They should spend NO time on sports games and instead they should announce that sports games are worthless and that releasing a new one every year with the most minute changes and having idiots spend another $60 a year is a fluke.
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: blipcs76 on June 05, 2012, 01:28:58 pm
I'm severely disappointed with the WiiU presentation.  Nintendo had next to nothing to show and other than Zombi U, I was completely underwhelmed.  The NintendoLand finale was just terrible.
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: jobocan on June 05, 2012, 01:37:53 pm
Wow, even Nintendo was disappointing.

At least they showed Pikmin 3 and New Super Mario Bros U and gave a vague release period for Luigi's Mansion and Paper Mario...
But really? They thought their big coup with the Wii U would be Nintendo Land? Are they crazy? They HAVE to have more stuff to show if the Wii U is really coming out this year (which they didn't really mention specifically)...

Hopefully their Software Showcase tomorrow will have... something... because they seemed to have gone on stage today with very little to show.

And yet they still had the best presentation this year (people keep saying Ubisoft did, but all they showed that was new was Watch Dogs, which looks insanely boring (they showed a ~10 minute gameplay demo of a guy doing nothing for most of those ~10 minutes)).

I hope they have something more substancial at TGS.
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: jcalder8 on June 05, 2012, 02:44:10 pm
For me Nintendo's was the weakest presentation. I already own a PS3 and there were a couple games I would buy, I already own a 360 and there are a couple games I would buy for that but I don't own a Wii-U and the whole time I was watching their show I keep thinking to myself that my Wii could do this. There seemed to be no reason to have to own a Wii-U.

I just didn't see any reason to buy it.
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: disgaeniac on June 05, 2012, 02:58:11 pm
Electronic Arts' press conference was the most boring I'd say. They should have spent more time on SimCity and less on the sports games.

They should spend NO time on sports games and instead they should announce that sports games are worthless and that releasing a new one every year with the most minute changes and having idiots spend another $60 a year is a fluke.


Unfortunately, they're probably not going away/disappearing anytime soon since it's probably one of their more-profitable "flukes", and seeing how the masses keep shelling-out for 'em...Meh...they can have them :P
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: blipcs76 on June 05, 2012, 03:29:32 pm
If Nintendo doesn't show off any must-have games at the software showcase tomorrow, they will have just saved me $300+ this holiday season.  Minimal franchise rehashes, minigame collections and ports of 1 year old Xbox360/PS3 games is not the way to get people excited for your new system.  No release date, no price, and nothing that showed off the new hardware from a graphical standpoint.  Ugh.

Even if they have some great games left to show, what were they thinking devoting so much time of their conference to stuff like the NintendoLand Pac-Man vs. ripoff and Sing?  Take a look at Nintendo's Wii U Facebook page to see how disappointed and upset their fans are:

Again, I'm not ready to write off the Wii U anytime soon, but this is an extremely discouraging start.  I bought both the Gamecube and Wii on day 1.  I may not be standing in line for the Wii U later this year.
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: jobocan on June 05, 2012, 03:39:07 pm
It's crazy though how disappointed the fans are. If you look at Sony's conference, yeah it wasn't good, but there were still people going crazy fanboy over it, but with Nintendo it seems there's no such people around.
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: madmax on June 05, 2012, 05:31:13 pm
So far watch dogs is the highlight of the show. Ubisoft montreal very rarely disappoint.  Im really hoping that the gameplay, graphics and Ai stay the same. Especially for the pc version.
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: soera on June 05, 2012, 05:36:41 pm
Its looks like a dark version of GTA. :(
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: scott on June 05, 2012, 05:52:07 pm
Its looks like a dark version of GTA. :(

GTA wasn't dark?
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: psydswipe on June 05, 2012, 06:05:11 pm
Electronic Arts' press conference was the most boring I'd say. They should have spent more time on SimCity and less on the sports games.

They should spend NO time on sports games and instead they should announce that sports games are worthless and that releasing a new one every year with the most minute changes and having idiots spend another $60 a year is a fluke.


Unfortunately, they're probably not going away/disappearing anytime soon since it's probably one of their more-profitable "flukes", and seeing how the masses keep shelling-out for 'em...Meh...they can have them :P

Well, I don't hate sports games  ;) I just see no point in spending a presentation on them when they are very similar every year. I used to play a lot of them on the Genesis so I'm partly to blame for making EA Sports successful  :D One problem with the contracts, at least the NFL one, is they are required to release a game annually.

When the Nintendo conference started I was thinking how they have such an advantage being able to send a gaming legend on stage to talk about their system. Miyamoto wasn't up there too long though and only talked about Pikmin. Reggie was kind of a big deal his first year, now he mostly spits out the usual marketing spiel. That Nintendo Land game just looked like a bunch of mini-games; I suppose they expect that to be the Wii U's Wii Sports. Did they even mention a release date?
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: htimreimer on June 05, 2012, 06:13:57 pm
i know what nintendo was doing with the conference they were showing what games that will be available for the wiiu at launch and to me thats a good thing
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: jobocan on June 05, 2012, 08:02:26 pm
Well, at least one really cool thing came out from E3 about the Wii U other than Pikmin 3 and NSMBU (and hey, Nintendo Land seems to have a couple cool minigames).
It's currently called Project P-100. It's made by Platinum games and it's directed by Hideki Kamiya (of Devil May Cry, Resident Evil, Viewtiful Joe, Okami and Bayonetta fame), check it out:


Oh and this epic moment:
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: scott on June 05, 2012, 09:35:22 pm
OK, so the trailer for Castlevania: Mirror of Fate was kinda cool.
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: blipcs76 on June 06, 2012, 10:38:17 am
Well, at least one really cool thing came out from E3 about the Wii U other than Pikmin 3 and NSMBU (and hey, Nintendo Land seems to have a couple cool minigames).
It's currently called Project P-100. It's made by Platinum games and it's directed by Hideki Kamiya (of Devil May Cry, Resident Evil, Viewtiful Joe, Okami and Bayonetta fame), check it out:

I did think that looked pretty fun -- like the attitude of Katamari Damacy and Viewtiful Joe combined with the gameplay of Pikmin.
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: jobocan on June 06, 2012, 10:42:52 pm
I don't know if anyone wasted their time on Nintendo's separate 3DS conference, but 2 good things came of it.

A proper explanation of the gameplay for Castlevania: Mirror of Fate was shown... and frankly I'm a lot more positive about it now, I actually want to buy it now (Alucard is playable in addition to Trevor and Simon... not sure who the fourth character is yet).
Also, a gameplay explanation for Paper Mario Sticker Star was also shown, and it looks quite fun as well.

Otherwise, a complete waste of time.


And, as I say this, look what Nintendo strangely did... They announced something for 3DS, but on Twitter instead of their 3DS conference!
Fire Emblem!

What sense does THAT make?
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: desocietas on June 07, 2012, 02:44:21 am

And, as I say this, look what Nintendo strangely did... They announced something for 3DS, but on Twitter instead of their 3DS conference!
Fire Emblem!

What sense does THAT make?

Love this response:
Title: Re: E3 2012 Hype Thread!
Post by: gaiages on June 07, 2012, 06:46:41 pm
I don't know if anyone wasted their time on Nintendo's separate 3DS conference, but 2 good things came of it.

A proper explanation of the gameplay for Castlevania: Mirror of Fate was shown... and frankly I'm a lot more positive about it now, I actually want to buy it now (Alucard is playable in addition to Trevor and Simon... not sure who the fourth character is yet).
Also, a gameplay explanation for Paper Mario Sticker Star was also shown, and it looks quite fun as well.

Otherwise, a complete waste of time.


And, as I say this, look what Nintendo strangely did... They announced something for 3DS, but on Twitter instead of their 3DS conference!
Fire Emblem!

What sense does THAT make?

....I am raging.  SO MUCH.  I never even had known!  WHAT THE HECK NINTENDO what's the point of a 3DS CONFERENCE if you're not going to announce a 3DS GAME at it!  GWRAAAAA--

At the same time, though, I'm oh so happy.  Emotions clashing oh geez  :-X

Uh, well... at least I got what I wanted out of e3? :o