VGCollect Forum

General and Gaming => General => Topic started by: pceslayer on April 08, 2011, 03:57:05 pm

Title: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: pceslayer on April 08, 2011, 03:57:05 pm
I think everyone on this site can agree that collecting Video Games is a pretty expensive hobby this day and age.

So my question is, what exactly do you do for a living?

I am a System Administrator... It pays enough to support me and my addiction for the most part. lol
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: scott on April 08, 2011, 04:58:51 pm
I'm basically a sales manager for my family's business. I can usually afford to pick up a few games here and there, of course sometimes I do splurge too much, ha. I think I found my niche w/ the Saturn and since some games are spendy, that might help me reign in going too crazy.
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: possebon on April 08, 2011, 06:34:24 pm
At the moment I have a scrabby part time job at a sports store. Not exactly worthy of funding the ultra rare games. I manage to get about 1 game in a month at the moment.

It'd be better if it wasn't for friends trying to take up my time by making me go outside.
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: jobocan on April 09, 2011, 01:58:03 am
I'm a web developer. Currently working in a contract with the Canada Science and Technology Museum Corporation to help maintain their sites (or creating new sites for their projects), though I think I will be getting hired as a permanent employee there when the contract ends, which would be awesome (since it would actually give me a good increase in my hourly salary).

Also, there's the fact that I'm super cheap when it comes to game prices. That's why my collection doesn't have many rarities... I'm just not willing to pay over 100$ for single games.
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: soitsgh3 on April 09, 2011, 02:39:56 am
For now, im unemployed and trying to get a job and a car lol...but I recently took a visit to my future college full sail university (possibly) and will try to get a degree in program engineering, if it all works out, ill be programing video games with a 6 figure salary :) till that day comes, I go to flea markets and buy video game related items and fix, repair, and then sell it to turn a profit. Ill be posting things im selling later on
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: sriq on April 10, 2011, 04:58:29 am
Full time English student for me! And I get enough grants to give me a decent amount of extra cash for video games. Eventually I'll be a teacher (and after that, college professor), which should allow me to be a lot more spendy.
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: ebinsugewa on April 29, 2011, 06:15:24 pm
I buy and sell underpriced games, systems, and lots that I find locally or on eBay. It requires a bit of scouring at all the flea markets and thrift stores and such but that's a lot of the fun for me :)
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: amauriel on May 31, 2011, 02:04:00 pm
My husband and I both work in technical support for one of the big cable companies everyone loves to hate. It pays a decent amount and we don't have kids, so we're lucky enough to be able to have a bit of expendable for when something rare gets listed incorrectly on eBay and it's going for a steal or someone at the flea market has an entire table of games that we can deal in bulk on. I refuse to spend an exorbitant amount on a rare game though...possible exception at Christmas. The last few years, we've given each other a rarer SNES game we've wanted....last year I got Harvest Moon and he got E.V.O., for example. Gotta still keep it under $100 for sure.
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: pceslayer on May 31, 2011, 02:32:10 pm
Must be nice having a partner who shares the same affinity for game collecting.
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: amauriel on May 31, 2011, 03:15:22 pm
Must be nice having a partner who shares the same affinity for game collecting.

It's both amazing and very, very bad. We both love games, but for very different reasons, and very different games. We end up buying a lot more games that way, because it's something one of us wants or the other. I've always been a fan of adventure games (Zelda style) and RPGs, whereas he likes fighting games and FPSes. Therefore, we end up getting a lot more games than either of us really WANT, because we're getting games for our own interest. Example: We have the PS2 AND Gamecube Resident Evil Chainsaw Controllers and Steel Battalion, all on a shelf. I'd have no interest in any of them, on my own. But the shelf beside it has every preorder bonus they've ever given for Harvest Moon. So it's very give and take, even within the same hobby. And it means we need more storage space than we have, for sure.

When we do find a game for both of us together, it's AMAZING. For example, we played Portal 2 together, get very competitive in Soul Calibur, we both love Behemoth games (Alien Hominid, Castle Crashers) and we have had several enjoyable nights finding walkthroughs for games and taking turns playing through them. (We did D recently, that was great.)

Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: tpugmire on May 31, 2011, 04:30:03 pm
I'm not sure how I managed to miss this topic originally, but I'm a FedEx courier.  I also repair old systems on the side and occasionally I buy and sell systems if I know someone who is looking for anything specific.  I usually only make a few bucks but it gives me an excuse to go in the game stores.
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: matt on June 01, 2011, 10:08:07 am
I'm also a full time web developer/software engineer. Lately my focus has shifted from traditional websites to more web applications. The desktop is slowly dying so most software is going to the browser.
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: darko on July 06, 2011, 12:15:24 pm
I'm a commodities trader. I'm pretty lucky to have a good job that can afford my habit. I don't spend a ridiculous amount on games though. I'm more into the hunt, which usually turns into a good deal.
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: desocietas on July 11, 2011, 03:57:10 pm
Example: We have the PS2 AND Gamecube Resident Evil Chainsaw Controllers and Steel Battalion, all on a shelf. I'd have no interest in any of them, on my own. But the shelf beside it has every preorder bonus they've ever given for Harvest Moon.

That is the *cutest* trivia ever.  I love Harvest Moon as well but did not start early enough to have the preorder stuff.  I think the closest I have is the preorder bonus for Rune Factory 2.

I just work in an academic library but somehow find the money to buy a game or three every other month or so.  I've purchased a decent number of games from Gamefly and have gotten good deals through SlickDeals or CAG.
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: adrianoo on July 20, 2011, 03:59:25 am
Full time English student for me! And I get enough grants to give me a decent amount of extra cash for video games. Eventually I'll be a teacher (and after that, college professor), which should allow me to be a lot more spendy.

THIS! You have just described my current status and goal haha, I wonder what the people that give me my grant would think if they saw my constantly growing collection!
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: dccloth on July 27, 2011, 09:32:04 pm
I am a geologist that works for a large oil company. If I could collect video games full time I would but the wife likes nice thing so I have to have a real job.  
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: madmax on July 30, 2011, 08:47:10 pm
I'm a student, ehehe. I have to be careful how much I buy. I'm more of a deal hunter though.
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: brettybluevein on August 10, 2011, 04:08:11 pm
I run nightclubs, which is perfect since I have most of my days free to search for games and also gives me plenty of time to play. I also buy/sell/trade arcade games on the side, but that's mainly to fund only my arcade collecting habit, I don't really push to make a profit for other things, I just keep those extra dollars within that hobby of mine.

I'm kinda like @darko in that part of the enjoyment for me is tracking the games down and finding them at a good deal.
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: forte on August 10, 2011, 09:38:26 pm
I work for the Department of Defense, that pretty much covers anything I want to buy ^^
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: desocietas on August 10, 2011, 10:38:00 pm
I work for the Department of Defense, that pretty much covers anything I want to buy ^^

Awesome.  I think it's kinda funny that your collection seems to be focused heavily on robots :P
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: nophix on August 13, 2011, 11:07:33 am
I'm an LTL Truck Driver for Central Transport. Decent job, good hours and good pay. I was a network engineer, and carry a CCIE, but the market for IT people in my area is HORRIBLE. And no, I'm not moving, we like it too much.

My wife is a stay home mom. She and I are both into collecting games, and we are getting our kids into it as well, so it works out great. Its me that has another hobby that is more expensive. I'm a motorcycle junkie, with an obsession for building and racing sportbikes.
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: varkias on September 16, 2011, 02:11:41 am
I'm a Systems Administrator as well, been doing it for 11 years now.  I probably overdo it on the spending sometimes :P
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: kirbysuperstar on September 16, 2011, 08:27:36 pm
I'm a SysAdmin (weird that there's so many of us) at a college.
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: pceslayer on September 17, 2011, 11:06:04 am
@kirbysuperstar what college? if you don't mind me asking... I work for FSU.
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: darko on September 17, 2011, 03:16:04 pm
@pceslayer Going to the game today?
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: kirbysuperstar on September 17, 2011, 09:57:03 pm
@kirbysuperstar what college? if you don't mind me asking... I work for FSU.

King's International College:
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: pceslayer on September 18, 2011, 11:33:08 am
@pceslayer Going to the game today?

I had my kids all day so I didn't go... I'll be damned if im paying $125 for tickets students get for free anyway! lol

@kirbysuperstar I would have never guessed a college in australia in a million years... lol
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: darko on September 18, 2011, 07:04:41 pm

I had my kids all day so I didn't go... I'll be damned if im paying $125 for tickets students get for free anyway! lol

Well I usually get OU tickets for free because so many of my friends have season tickets (or rather, their families do). I totally understand. I wouldn't pay that much either. Honestly, with my setup at home it's almost better to watch them on TV anyway!
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: persona420 on October 20, 2011, 11:19:17 am
i work as a night auditor for a hotel. i am able to support getting games by valuing them more than church and state
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: pie on December 09, 2011, 03:38:45 pm
I'm a student. Oh, student loans, how I love you.
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: dstone on November 23, 2012, 09:04:04 pm
Figured I'd dredge this up after about a year just for grins.  ;D  Always interesting to see how much has changed in a year.

I went from a full-time student to working as the Assistant Chief Engineer at an independent television station. It does a halfway decent job at funding my various hobbies but has a bad habit of consuming the majority of my time (part of the reason why I've not been around for six months).
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: turf on November 23, 2012, 09:22:03 pm
I haven't been around as long as this thread.
I'm an Engineer for the State of Arkansas. I work for the Highway Dept. It pays the bills and gives me a little scratch to buy video games.
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: vancha on November 24, 2012, 05:15:19 am
I work in a gamestore called Game Mania in Belgium, you could say its a bit the same as a Gamestop or a Game store from the UK.

In my free time I also write news/reviews for a gamesite called :-)  so I sometimes get stuff that way aswell.
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: thecollector0o7 on November 24, 2012, 06:01:53 am
I work at a pet store called Pet Valu and the works at Tim Horton. We are both full time Brock University students though so that eats a lot of our funds >_>
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: soera on November 24, 2012, 10:53:49 am
I have to resort to selling my body to buy games ... sometimes it takes a lot of sales to get the game I want however. :(
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: turf on November 24, 2012, 11:29:57 am
I have to resort to selling my body to buy games ... sometimes it takes a lot of sales to get the game I want however. :(
What's the going rate?
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: soera on November 24, 2012, 11:39:49 am
About $5 an hour ... I dont even make minimum wage.
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: disgaeniac on November 24, 2012, 11:42:07 am
I have to resort to selling my body to buy games ... sometimes it takes a lot of sales to get the game I want however. :(

I'm guessing that the wife's not very supportive of she the one doing the buying/does she get a discount :P

Alternatively...I've heard that you can just sell your blood (and...umm..."Other" various bodily fluids) for the quick cash  :o
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: doraemon on November 24, 2012, 02:11:48 pm
By day I'm a Global Sourcing Manager, focused mostly on finished goods for a video security company. Cameras, video recorders, industrial PC's, etc.
At night I teach Marketing and Logistics at a local University.
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: htimreimer on November 24, 2012, 04:12:01 pm
i dont have a job and living in the capital of saskatchewan is not helping that,so when i can conjure up a few dollars i go to the thrift shop but after christmas i can buy something a bit expensive off of ebay
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: ffxik on November 26, 2012, 12:07:26 am
I work in a textiles factory in the town I live in.  It's shit pay but since I'm not the type to really get out and do much of anything I got some free cash once and a while.
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: redblaze57 on November 26, 2012, 07:00:52 pm
I assemble Florescent Lighting fixtures. and small jobs from watching Dogs to replacing light fixtures around my town.
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: disgaeniac on November 27, 2012, 08:12:26 am
"What do you do to support your addiction"?

Which one(s)? :P
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: darko on November 27, 2012, 10:10:45 am
"What do you do to support your addiction"?

Which one(s)? :P

This one:

I have to resort to selling my body to buy games ... sometimes it takes a lot of sales to get the game I want however. :(
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: soera on November 27, 2012, 12:07:18 pm
I see what you did there!
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: matt on November 27, 2012, 02:42:59 pm
I work at a pet store called Pet Valu and the works at Tim Horton. We are both full time Brock University students though so that eats a lot of our funds >_>

Does this mean you have unlimited access to Tim Horton coffee?! I'm so happy they invaded mid-Michigan. Big fan.
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: blipcs76 on November 28, 2012, 10:29:28 am
I'm a web and graphic designer, though most of my time is spent doing web design and light front-end web development.
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: thecollector0o7 on November 28, 2012, 10:41:02 am
I work at a pet store called Pet Valu and the works at Tim Horton. We are both full time Brock University students though so that eats a lot of our funds >_>

Does this mean you have unlimited access to Tim Horton coffee?! I'm so happy they invaded mid-Michigan. Big fan.

yes lmfao the wife brings home as much coffeeas I want and any baked goods I want, It makes me happy:P
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: anton on November 30, 2012, 03:00:47 pm
Work as a bartender, restaurant, manager of a small team.
Just like thecollector i can bring a few things home after work.
Used to work in a japanese restaurant, every evening i had sushi etc to bring back home. Didn't even have to pay anything.
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: trinitis on November 30, 2012, 08:14:22 pm
I am remote technical support for Redbox / Coinstar machines.  I also do customer/partner service for said machines as well.
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: brunauss on March 29, 2013, 05:41:28 pm
I keep my job and possess smart frugal shopping skills that would make a Jew blush.
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: jcalder8 on March 29, 2013, 06:10:26 pm
Now that I have a job again I can post that I am working in retail while my wife is an insurance broker.
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: burningdoom on March 29, 2013, 06:55:51 pm
I teach computer class to disabled adults at a work program.
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: sin2beta on March 29, 2013, 08:02:40 pm
I teach math.
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: insektmute on March 29, 2013, 08:17:14 pm
I suffer a litany of belligerent assholes every day, working customer service at a call center. It's about as spirit crushing as it sounds, but I make more than the usual $8-10/hr crowd, so it could be worse.
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: justin8301 on March 29, 2013, 08:20:06 pm
I am a Network Security Analyst.
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: turf on March 29, 2013, 08:42:12 pm
I'm an underwear model
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: jcalder8 on March 29, 2013, 09:10:17 pm
I'm an underwear model
You get to pick your burn :D

Just because you leave the curtains open and don't wear pants doesn't make you an underwear model!


Just because you put pictures of yourself wearing panties on the internet doesn't make you an underwear model!
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: jcalder8 on March 29, 2013, 09:12:54 pm
I work at a pet store called Pet Valu and the works at Tim Horton. We are both full time Brock University students though so that eats a lot of our funds >_>

Does this mean you have unlimited access to Tim Horton coffee?! I'm so happy they invaded mid-Michigan. Big fan.
How popular is Tim Horton's in the US?
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: turf on March 29, 2013, 10:07:43 pm
I'm an underwear model
You get to pick your burn :D

Just because you leave the curtains open and don't wear pants doesn't make you an underwear model!


Just because you put pictures of yourself wearing panties on the internet doesn't make you an underwear model!

I'll take the first one. So will my neighbors.
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: sin2beta on March 29, 2013, 10:22:56 pm
I'm an underwear model
You get to pick your burn :D

Just because you leave the curtains open and don't wear pants doesn't make you an underwear model!


Just because you put pictures of yourself wearing panties on the internet doesn't make you an underwear model!

I'll take the first one. So will my neighbors.

Ooooohhhhh snap!
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: contracode on March 29, 2013, 10:25:32 pm
I work in a prison commissary.
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: elraiser on March 29, 2013, 10:35:44 pm
I work as a technician in an IT company. Pay is not very high this is the reason why i motly have quite common games ;)
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: thedisappearer on March 30, 2013, 03:48:52 am
I'm in the Army, so I had enough extra money to indulge every now and again.  Now, I have to see how this divorce plays out to see how affected collecting will become...
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: jcalder8 on March 30, 2013, 09:58:37 am
I'm in the Army, so I had enough extra money to indulge every now and again.  Now, I have to see how this divorce plays out to see how affected collecting will become...
I hope it all works out well for you.
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: atariboy on March 31, 2013, 08:03:53 pm
I'm in the Army, so I had enough extra money to indulge every now and again.  Now, I have to see how this divorce plays out to see how affected collecting will become...

Ya hope everything works out all right for you, I got lucky and my ex wasn't into gaming so she could'nt care less. Also thanks for your service.
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: foxhack on March 31, 2013, 09:17:13 pm
I'm in the Army, so I had enough extra money to indulge every now and again.  Now, I have to see how this divorce plays out to see how affected collecting will become...
Don't worry, I'll hold onto your collection while that settles up.


Seriously though, hope that goes well.
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: thedisappearer on April 01, 2013, 04:16:56 am
To be clear- my collection is not in jeopardy.  I do not want her Nora Roberts books or Friends DVDs, she doesn't want my video games.  Good thing, too.  :)  I meant more extra money to apply towards collecting, after alimony, child support, etc.  Thanks for the vibes, though.
Title: Re: What do you do to support your addiction??
Post by: 90snostalga on December 14, 2013, 01:58:35 pm
My wife is  a supervisor at her job and i dont work lol.  she makes enough for me to go to thrift stores and buy on ebay every here and there.  I do sell consoles and collectibles on the side but it dont make a lot of money