VGCollect Forum
VGCollect Site Stuff => Site Feedback => Topic started by: disgaeniac on July 22, 2012, 12:57:38 pm
Sorry if this has already been asked about, discussed, debated, considered, and decided on...if so - I haven't seen it anywhere.
Anyhow - can we not (for accuracy's sake) include more genre sub-divisions for both the games already existing in our database here (...and, if this would perhaps be too overwhelming of a task to undertake) -at the very least-could we not add/implement more specific & relevant "Sub-Genres" of the basic/main genres that we presently have access to use?
Since RPG's/SRPG's are what I know the best...I'll use the RPG genre here as an example.
Unless I'm missing something somewhere - It seems that (with the system that we are currently using here)...
*ALL* RPG's must be submitted, titled, described, and categorized under the one *HUGE* 'BLANKET'/'UMBRELLA' Genre-title of simply: "RPG".
While it *may* be *possible* to consider this as "technically" accurate (in the loosest interpretation of "accuracy")...
It would also be categorizing & typifying all different kinds of RPG's as the same.
In this instance all of the FF RPG's, Disgaea SRPG's, turn-based RPG's, Action RPG's, WRPG's, JRPG's...would be considerd the *exact* same type of game.
W/O even getting into or starting (re-starting) of the whole argument concerning "the difference" (*OR* even the *Existence* of a difference) between WRPG's vs JRPG's)...
Well...I really don't feel the need to come up w/ all sorts of different types of rpg's...and how...clunky, half-assed, and non-inclusive it seems (to me) to not have access to labelling the genre of the games we submit more accurately.
I can certainly see how a change like this could very easily be seen as the "opening of the floodgates"/"slippery-slope" kind of thing -BUT- w/ the mature, helpful, and pretty down-to-earth and unbiased *CORE* active community of posters that we seem to have here...I would think that there could be some sort of vote, discussion, agreement, and -in the end- a new & improved system of Genres/Sub-Genres in place here...
Sub-Genres are coming, someday... We have a list of genres and the associated sub-genres. No ETA on that feature, but it has been in the works for a long time.
While it sounds neat, it could be a major headache. I know that Borderlines brought up this discussion so Ill use it as the example. Some people may call it an fps, some people may call it an rpg, and some people may call it an fps-rpg. Depending on who inputs the game, it may list wrong for the other people that classify it something different so 1) there would end up multiple listings of the same game and 2) the mods would end up with more work having to fix the listing to what is most wanted and delete a bunch of extra stuff.
Im lazy so I look at things this way!!!
There should be two categories only.
Games (for games) and screensavers (for Myst). :P
There should be two categories only.
Games (for games) and screensavers (for Myst). :P
tim sprays water on foxhack for saying that
There should be two categories only.
Games (for games) and screensavers (for Myst). :P
lol are you still making digs at Myst? That was like 5 threads ago. ;)
(btw I did get Dear Esther but haven't really played it... but if anything would be called a screensaver, I'd say that one more than Myst probably)
i do try to play myst but it gave me a headache just look at it
As has been said by others this is on Matt's to do list and it has been in the works for a while.
There will always be debate on where some games fall but I think that adding sub-genres will help alleviate some of the issues.
As has been said by others this is on Matt's to do list and it has been in the works for a while.
There will always be debate on where some games fall but I think that adding sub-genres will help alleviate some of the issues.
Same long as we're careful about not making *too* many "sub"-genres :o
For RPGs, I wonder if it would be better to go the more classic route for sub-genres.
Like, Computer-Style RPG instead of WRPG and Console-Style RPG instead of JRPG. I tend to prefer those terms since they're more representative of the gameplay style featured in the game.
For RPGs, I wonder if it would be better to go the more classic route for sub-genres.
Like, Computer-Style RPG instead of WRPG and Console-Style RPG instead of JRPG. I tend to prefer those terms since they're more representative of the gameplay style featured in the game.
I agree.
I think the more potentially 'troublesome'/'arguable' cases would most likely be people arguing about what differentiates an "SRPG" from a "Turn-Based Strategy" game and things like that...
There is a list of all the genres and sub-genres that we created, but I'm not sure if was made public. I can't find the link anyway. If Matt or Scott want to open this up for discussion, I'll leave it to them. I will say that pretty much everyones concerns will be taken care of.
Sounds good!!!
If I could piggyback on this thread, I'd like to make a request for a "Dress Up" genre. (We have Beat 'Em Up and Shoot 'Em Up, so why not Dress 'Em Up?) The Dress Up genre would include fashion, jewelry, hair, and makeup design games. I think these are fairly distinct from Simulation, which is their current best fit.
I also wonder about something like a "Storybook" genre for games like Chop Suey, Little Romance, Wanwan Aijou Monogatari, etc.
What do you think? These are the two types of games I have the most difficulty categorizing here.