VGCollect Forum

VGCollect Site Stuff => Site Feedback => Topic started by: foxhack on May 26, 2011, 06:14:56 pm

Title: The PC [NA] category has a LOT of duped entries
Post by: foxhack on May 26, 2011, 06:14:56 pm
I was browsing the PC category and I noticed that there's quite a bit of duplicate entries for some reason. The same image, and the same entry info. For example:

... and so on. Any idea what happened there?
Title: Re: The PC [NA] category has a LOT of duped entries
Post by: scott on May 26, 2011, 07:21:50 pm
The first was prolly a mistake, thanks to pressing enter in the text fields... The second, prolly just go overlooked. I'll merge them. Thanks foxhack
Title: Re: The PC [NA] category has a LOT of duped entries
Post by: tpugmire on May 26, 2011, 08:53:47 pm
Yeah, the pc category has been on my personal to-do list for a while.  I cleaned up duplicates for all the others, guess I need to get back to work.
Title: Re: The PC [NA] category has a LOT of duped entries
Post by: foxhack on May 26, 2011, 09:49:59 pm
scott, there's dozens of entries like that.

I suppose it's easy to get rid of the dupes, just search for duped names and there you go.
Title: Re: The PC [NA] category has a LOT of duped entries
Post by: scott on May 26, 2011, 10:31:58 pm
Ya we have a tool in the admin area for merging dupes. I'll also look into the pc section. Might as well convert any dupes that are also Steam games to the Steam category though.
Title: Re: The PC [NA] category has a LOT of duped entries
Post by: matt on May 27, 2011, 11:36:37 am
I'll write some custom code to handle this. I should be able to get it cleaned up over the holiday weekend. Thanks for reporting it and looking into it guys. Our original database was a mess and the PC section definitely was neglected.
Title: Re: The PC [NA] category has a LOT of duped entries
Post by: amauriel on May 27, 2011, 12:21:01 pm
On a side note, I screwed up and added Personal Trainer: Cooking DS [NA] to the database when it already was (it didn't populate when I searched for "personal" but then it did when I typed "cooking", looking for Cooking Mama?) So that one will need merged as well, sorry.
Title: Re: The PC [NA] category has a LOT of duped entries
Post by: foxhack on May 27, 2011, 02:20:44 pm
Ya we have a tool in the admin area for merging dupes. I'll also look into the pc section. Might as well convert any dupes that are also Steam games to the Steam category though.

Steam games SHOULD NOT be merged with PC games. They should be kept separate, since a retail package is different from a digital release. Some retail games require Steam, but you still get a box and manual... I seriously do not think games that overlap in these two categories should be merged. Plus Steam games have different release dates than the original PC games, they may also have different publishers and contents...
Title: Re: The PC [NA] category has a LOT of duped entries
Post by: scott on May 27, 2011, 03:10:46 pm
No no, I'm not saying merge the Steam games to PC or vise versa. I was saying take the dupes, and if they are on Steam, Convert the info to reflect the Steam release.  So if There is... say, 2 of the same version of Portal 2 in the PC category, and it's not in the Steam listings, turn it into a Steam game with Steam artwork, info, etc.
Title: Re: The PC [NA] category has a LOT of duped entries
Post by: foxhack on May 27, 2011, 05:17:39 pm
No no, I'm not saying merge the Steam games to PC or vise versa. I was saying take the dupes, and if they are on Steam, Convert the info to reflect the Steam release.  So if There is... say, 2 of the same version of Portal 2 in the PC category, and it's not in the Steam listings, turn it into a Steam game with Steam artwork, info, etc.

Well, I own retail copies of The Orange Box, Counter-Strike Source and Counter-Strike Anthology. I registered them on Steam, but I still have the retail copies... sometimes it's not that simple, ya know. >_<;;

People may still want to list the games outside of Steam.
Title: Re: The PC [NA] category has a LOT of duped entries
Post by: scott on May 27, 2011, 06:26:40 pm
I've had a massive headache all day, so I'm not sure if I've been relaying thoughts correctly.

What I am trying to say is something like this:

Rather than just merging duplicate PC games into one database number via the admin merge tool, which deletes the "dupe" entry completely.  We can take the "dupes", change the info around a bit and put it into the "Steam" category instead. Complete with Steam info, rather than retail info.

The original PC game will be in the "PC [NA]" category with PC retail info, while the dupe will now be in the "Steam [US]" category, with updated Steam game info.

For example we currently have two copies of Dead to Rights in the PC [NA] category.

Both of these are identical entries. So, say Dead to Rights was released on Steam... we take one of these existing entries (preferably one no one has listed in their collections) and we update the game info/ date / "box" art / etc to reflect a Steam download release, and change the type from PC [NA] to Steam [US]. Thus populating the Steam category, without the need to add a completely new database entries.

I hope I'm making sense.
Title: Re: The PC [NA] category has a LOT of duped entries
Post by: foxhack on May 27, 2011, 06:57:45 pm
Yeah, you are. I didn't think of that.

I guess you've already started on that. I noticed Dark Void Zero, Borderlands and Deus Ex 1 entries on the Steam category (I've been adding my games one by one) so I just corrected the cover art with the proper Steam ones.
Title: Re: The PC [NA] category has a LOT of duped entries
Post by: scott on May 27, 2011, 10:39:33 pm
Ha um, actually those may have been someone else. I didn't do those games, lol. :)
Title: Re: The PC [NA] category has a LOT of duped entries
Post by: foxhack on May 28, 2011, 02:10:27 pm
Oh snap! I have competition!
Title: Re: The PC [NA] category has a LOT of duped entries
Post by: tpugmire on May 28, 2011, 04:32:01 pm
So should I hold off on getting rid of the duplicates until you guys convert some to steam?
Title: Re: The PC [NA] category has a LOT of duped entries
Post by: foxhack on May 28, 2011, 05:01:17 pm
Augh, I wouldn't mind so much if this other Steam guy was using the right cover art instead of random box shots!

Edit: By the way, the style guide should mention the following:

Games on Steam may not have an ESRB rating. Many games, especially indies, rarely have one. If that's the case then set the rating to "None".
The artwork should be the header.jpg shown in the store page. You can get the full version of this image by visiting this address: where XXXX is the game's Steam app number visible on the browser address.
Title: Re: The PC [NA] category has a LOT of duped entries
Post by: jobocan on May 29, 2011, 01:26:16 pm
Sorry about the Steam stuff, that was me, I'll be more careful next time.
Title: Re: The PC [NA] category has a LOT of duped entries
Post by: scott on May 29, 2011, 05:41:27 pm
Sorry about the Steam stuff, that was me, I'll be more careful next time.

dun dun duuuuh. ha

Title: Re: The PC [NA] category has a LOT of duped entries
Post by: foxhack on May 30, 2011, 12:41:36 am
Sorry man... I didn't mean to be pushy or anything. ^^;
Title: Re: The PC [NA] category has a LOT of duped entries
Post by: tpugmire on June 02, 2011, 12:43:11 pm
I cleaned up a bunch of duplicates this morning.  Still quite a way to go...