VGCollect Forum
VGCollect Site Stuff => Site Feedback => Topic started by: foxhack on May 30, 2011, 05:09:21 pm
So I was adding a few things to my collection when I saw - which had a description that sounded horribly familiar. I realized that the text was taken from - an entry I helped to create.
When the MobyGames admins find out that users of this site are taking the descriptions from them, they are not going to be happy. And now that they're owned by GameFly, they have access to loads and loads of lawsuit-happy laywers.
You might want to make a point of not using their written descriptions in entries. (Though they don't really mind people using their release dates since they're a reference site.)
Not cool.
As far as all around, generic, info: like release dates, item numbers, Pub/ Dev, unwatermarked box art images, etc... that's fine, but plagiarizing descriptions isn't cool.
Actually, I've always said, and it's in the style guide, that "The Description should be, if anything, a brief description of the game. Or notes about the games packaging variants/ pack ins/ collector's edition details." Like trivia about the game, such as if it's a launch title, or if it's the last game released for a system. If it had a variant, you can explain the variation, If it had a bonus cd packed in with it or something.
If you notice any more of these, feel free to edit them out. I've been trying to catch them as I see them.
Thanks for pointing it out Fox
I've noticed this as well. I only add descriptions if it's some oddball thing like the NES 3 and 5 screw variants. A new user was editing NES descriptions the other day and it was obvious that they were copied from somewhere else. Currently we can't reject edits, only accept them.
Currently we can't reject edits, only accept them.
This is definitely a big peeve of mine. That needs to be fixed asap.
The watermarked images bother me too, perhaps I should start another list...
Agreed, of course anything related to blatantly lifting something from someone else annoys the hell out of me. If you can't scan the box art/ disc images yourself, there are plenty of sources for art, why be lazy and use a watermarked version.
Yeah, I've tried to be really careful on my art...and I've got a few things that I couldn't find good art on, giving me another reason to get my camera out and actually photograph MY collection. Hopefully you don't catch any of mine! (And please, please, let me know with a PM if you do. I don't want to be the cause.)
Not cool.
Exactly the kind of answer I was hoping for. Most other sites would just go "Eh, who cares."
Guess I'm staying onboard now.
Not cool.
Exactly the kind of answer I was hoping for. Most other sites would just go "Eh, who cares."
Guess I'm staying onboard now.
Welcome back on board.
Updated the style guide to reflect this.
What about descriptions taken from wikipedia? Someone has been doing this, but they have been giving credit to wikipedia. Personally I'm not a big fan of wikipedia, because I've found it to be inaccurate a lot of the time.
I'd say, just ditch any descriptions of the game and only list misc trivia, pack-ins, variations that are related to the game itself.
I've been adding some GOG descriptions to their entries, like in this case: --
Includes the original POSTAL 2, POSTAL 2 Share the Pain multiplayer expansion and POSTAL 2 Apocalypse Weekend expansion.
It's basically box text, so.
Ya that's no problem. I just have big issues with straight hijacking of descriptions from other reference sites.
If we are going to get info from another site, we should at least get it from a useful and legit site like Wikipedia isn't often as accurate as Gamefaqs, which has probably the largest database of video games info and cheats. Allowing the user to edit details is nice for some of us, but there needs to be a way to reject those that don't follow the style format, and to close those that have all of the information filled out (properly).
GameFAQs can be just as bad as Wikipedia.
The only two databases I fully trust are VGRebirth (for release dates and most other info they track) and MobyGames (for credits, product codes, ratings and developer info).
any site can be bad about their info, but that's why a little research is always good. Most info I have found so far on wiki is right, but I've only looked up so much as far as games are concerned.
Also, if anyone is taking info, the source should be cited properly (such as [Wikipedia], or [source info: VGRebirth]. It's respectful to the author(s), and shows us you didn't just go make it all up.
The image for the Battletoads & Double Dragon cart needs to be removed. It's watermarked. I'd replace it but I can't find an acceptable image anywhere.
K, I'll look into it. Thanks for the heads up Darko.
BTW @darko, this is now fixed.
I noticed a bunch of watermarked images cropping up. If anyone runs across them, could you please search out a proper unwatermarked version and update the game info. Thanks.
I'll keep an eye out. I hate those too and have been careful not to use many sites due to it. Play-Asia is where I like to get my imports, but I never will use their images unless it is in a blog.
I copied some descriptions from wikipedia for games that I entered, should I go back and edit those out?
And another question: for Steam games should I put the store's description blurb into the Box text section here?
Snakes, the games description is usually what the game cones with or a little blurb about it.
"Comes with anime DVD"
Stuff like that. its very unclear though, I know :p
@matt's been meaning to change the name of the "description" field. But he's been working on other behind the scenes stuff and hasn't gotten around to it.
I'll delete the descriptions I entered then. I'll leave the steam blurbs under box text cause I think that's the digital equivalent. Let me know if I should remove those too.
@snakes, ya the blurbs from Steam,,, etc all count as box text. So you're good on that. :)
So if I read this right we can take cover art from other websites? I want to just make sure before I add any covers or carts because I currently do not have a scanner to use my own games, but would like to add cover art to the games missing it in my collection.
Personally, I don't see a problem with unwatermarked images. Based on search results, folks find the pics we have on our site and snag them all the time. It's the ones that have watermarks on them that are a no-no.
Legally it's no problem either. I know I explained it all in another thread but I can't seem to find it. Basically the scanner isn't the artist and has no rights to the image.
Ok thanks!
Just make sure it's a REAL cover. Some sites like The Cover Project post custom covers, which are great, but not useful to us for obvious reasons.
Also, try to double check the image with your own copy of the game if possible. Sites may have promo or not final artwork with differences in ESRB rating, different artwork, no UPC, wrong product code, etc.
Yeah I have noticed the promo artwork on some games. I just had not changed it because of I was not sure if it was OK to take art from other sites.
Legally it's no problem either. I know I explained it all in another thread but I can't seem to find it. Basically the scanner isn't the artist and has no rights to the image.
Are you sure it wasn't this thread? I think there used to be more posts here and that was well before the data loss. I had been the last person to post in this thread months ago but my post is gone. I'm quite certain it was this thread. I had disagreed about taking box scans, but this isn't my website :)
I've scanned in anything that I have myself, with the exception of my Naki Eliminator NES Cleaner because what i own ins't the complete package. I gave a courtesy link to the in the description and it was accepted, hopefully that's ok.
Uh... I don't think it is.
Uh... I don't think it is.
Anything that is not a description of the box or games misc info or variations shouldn't be listed in the description field.