VGCollect Forum

General and Gaming => Off Topic => Topic started by: soera on January 09, 2013, 11:09:22 am

Title: Whats "different" about you?
Post by: soera on January 09, 2013, 11:09:22 am
I see all sorts of topics about stuff like what kind of gamer are you and what are your hobbies and what not ... but this is a twist. There usually is something about people that is not the norm of what people looking in from the outside would imagine.

I enjoy listening to Celine Dion. I dont look like it (bald with piercings and ride a Harley) but I like her voice. Its calming when Im being drove crazy by my kids ... and when I was younger, I used to have a really big attraction for her.
Title: Re: Whats "different" about you?
Post by: jcalder8 on January 09, 2013, 11:53:29 am
You mean different from the general population?

I think owning 2200 games is a pretty big difference lol :D

I listen the Christmas music all year, I just can't stay in a bad mood while listening to Christmas music

I hate talking on the phone to the point where I ignore calls from my wife and when I am on the phone I have to pace.

There are others but I don't think they would be considered safe for work :D
Title: Re: Whats "different" about you?
Post by: disgaeniac on January 09, 2013, 12:22:25 pm
One (obvious) major difference is that I lost my left hand & wrist in an amputation several years ago -BUT- what (I think) is kinda' neat about that is...that at this point in my life; it seems that most people that I meet & deal with...are more "awkward" about it than I am :)

Oh yeah - I also had a *Really* mispent youth (struggled with (and *eventually* overcame :) drug addictions, going in & out of jails/rehabs/detoxes from, basically my late-teens 'till my late 20's, spent time homeless/on the streets, penniless, etc.

Luckily, I finally got my shit together over 10 years ago & went on to get my GED, go to college, become/get certified & work as a substance (and gambling) counselor...all of this, I think, has today - worked to my benefit in shaping me into the good, decent, honest, helpful, non-judgemental, sympathetic & empathetic man that I am today.

Some lighter-hearted ones:

Hopelessly hopeless romantic (not easy when you're as sarcastic & cynical as I am); but, 'tis true  :o

I'm a (closet) Air Supply & Rhapsody OST fan/listener,

I *LOVE* my dogs (more than many people), and treat them more like people than animals,

I'm not at all the 1st impression that I make on people (big, tall, strong, tattoed, pierced, etc)...Ima' big softie/teddy bear to the people who know me well (I'm also *much* smarter than I look:)

I love, watched & re-watched Grease (and its music)...

...and, I'm sure there's more that I'm forgetting - if I think of 'em, I'll add 'em later -
Title: Re: Whats "different" about you?
Post by: kingrat101 on January 09, 2013, 05:05:17 pm
Haha yes one of my guilty pleasures is blasting Katy Perry in my car and singing along... You would not even begin to imagine the looks I get, I have long curly kind of poofy hair and big beard and curled mustache, as well as a lot of tattoos haha great stuff
Title: Re: Whats "different" about you?
Post by: matt on January 09, 2013, 05:23:20 pm
I was raised as a Jehovah's Witness (left at 18 or so). No one who knows me now can tell but that is something that sticks with you forever.
Title: Re: Whats "different" about you?
Post by: disgaeniac on January 09, 2013, 05:39:29 pm
Haha yes one of my guilty pleasures is blasting Katy Perry in my car and singing along... You would not even begin to imagine the looks I get, I have long curly kind of poofy hair and big beard and curled mustache, as well as a lot of tattoos haha great stuff


Me too...not Katy Perry, though -but- let Gaga start singing -

...and I'll be getting strange looks while driving, too :P

Also, while probably not *all* that unusual...I'm part Cherokee (just enough to not have to pay for college :)

And, living down the shore as a semi-beach bum - my Cherokee blood (more than) off-sets my, pale Irish blood (which is also nice...because I'm pretty sure that's where I get my awesomely blue); blue eyes from...easily my best & favorite "feature"  ;)

Anyways, yeah - thanks to the Cherokee blood, I've never needed to wear any kind of protection...

...FROM THE SUN ==> gutter minds :P

I always bronze & never burn which is pretty sweet...
Title: Re: Whats "different" about you?
Post by: pacpix on January 09, 2013, 06:15:06 pm
I am a pretty quiet, geeky, nerdy kid at my school so most people are surprised when they find out I listen to heavy metal.  Also one of my 3rd favorite sport to watch on TV is Golf.  I have only talked to one other kid at my school that actually watches it ha.
Title: Re: Whats "different" about you?
Post by: disgaeniac on January 10, 2013, 09:29:32 am
I was raised as a Jehovah's Witness (left at 18 or so). No one who knows me now can tell but that is something that sticks with you forever.

Probably one of the faith's that I know the least about (and I know/have been exposed to tons of 'em/traditional & non-traditional:)

One *kinda*' friend in High school - used to get in a lot of trouble (little, trash can bombs in school bathrooms kinds of trouble)...before they were "cool" & passe :P

Didn't see him for a year or so, and when I saw him again...he'd since become a Witness.  He never really talked much about it...other than *not*-loving having to look good/wear full suits (Summer or not) & some grumbling about something involving the need (read: enforced demand; iirc) of "CHAPERONES" for things like...taking a girl to the movies & such -and- that's literally just about all that I know/have heard of it.

What's it like, Matt (if it's something you're comfortable talking about)?

Another one for myself that I thought of, back on topic - concerning "How are you different"?

- Would be an amusing difference (I think, at least - it makes me laugh sometimes:) from myself and one of the untrue *BUT* commonly spread/believed stereotypes about us gamers... all know it...the one that has us generalized as ALL being 30-40-something year old, broke, jobless, out-of-shape, "losers"...still living at home w/ our parents ("in their basement") seems to get tacked-onto that somewhat often, too :(

Well (to my great amusement & (sometimes) evil exploitation) :P

I OWN MY OWN HOUSE = It's paid's mine & only mine!

I *LET* my mother (and her fiance) live on the upstairs (2nd floor) of my house - I have more than enough space on the 1st floor for me, my dog, the g/f (strange; ordering 'em like that, huh?), and company.

Granted the kitchen, laundry room, garage, and pool are all on the 1st's kinda' ironically (or...maybe moronically) funny that I get a kick...all these years the role-reversals, "full circle of life" kind of situation that has my mom living under my house & my rules  8)

I don't mis-use this odd dynamic...


...*Really*  ;)
Title: Re: Whats "different" about you?
Post by: darko on January 10, 2013, 02:20:35 pm
Hmm. I'm almost the anti-nerd when it comes to my outward appearance. I'm in the business world and dress accordingly. I kind of seem like an asshole in person (in reality I don't care about the general populous...once I get to know you I'm a great friend). I'm brutally honest and really don't care what other people think about it. Some of this probably comes from being a little spoiled growing up. Nothing too crazy, but anything I could possibly complain about would be extremely ridiculous and shallow.

In high school I was popular, played soccer, etc. I have never been ashamed of, or tried to hide, my geek/nerd side...I just don't really worry about it. Everyone has always known that I'm intelligent and kind of nerdy...I just don't get any flack for it. I think it's a confidence thing. I don't really look "nerdy". I do have red hair - but it's more of a really dark auburn (pretty cool, actually).

My favorite movie ever is Lost in Translation & my current in-car listening habits include Lady GaGa, Kanye West, Skrillex, DJ Fresh, Lauren Hill, Air, & Death Cab for Cutie. My favorite album is "Give Up" by The Postal Service - which was a random one-off experimental album/group.

On a random side-note, I grew up in the Southern Baptist Church (thanks to my parents) and announced my Agnostic (not Atheist) views around the age of 16. I studied many religious views/options from about the age of 13 through college. Don't want to get into a religious discussion at all, but I feel like being Agnostic is part of what makes me "different" least in Oklahoma! 
Title: Re: Whats "different" about you?
Post by: disgaeniac on January 10, 2013, 02:57:13 pm
Now that Darko's mentioned music again (I know that it came up earlier in this thread, too) - I guess that I could consider myself "different" (than most) because of the wide-range of music that I *really* like...A LOT  8)

Seriously, I can really, very much enjoy *ALMOST* any & all types of music.

For me, what I most want to listen to and when -is- *Entirely* dependant on my "mood".

The only kinds of music that I don't like AT ALL (off of the top of my head) would be blues and/or jazz.

Some examples (of what I really like a lot) would be anything/everything from:

A). 60's & 70's "Classic" rock and (some of, what I guess some might also call "psychadelic" rock (Kansas, Eagles, Doors, Zeppelin, Mommas & the Poppas, Stones, Beatles, Hendrix, Sabbath, Deep Purple), etc

B). Just about *ALL* of the "Glam" / "Hair" / and "Heavy" & "Thrash" Metal music of the 80's (everything from Slayer, Exodus, Testament - to the more..."lighter" Motley Crue, Guns & Roses, Cinderella, Ratt, and Poison...all the way up to & including the "Power-Ballads" (I really, *really* like Power-Ballads, btw :) by the hard-rock & Christian band Stryper (still love hearing their "1st Love ballad, Europe (the FinaL Countdown), etc

C). One of my (most surprisingly -for some reason- to my the gnashing of the G/F's teeth/her grimacing:) favorites, for the last few years has been...EMINEM :P
Some of his beats I just find very catchy -and- I just like his rawness & uninhibited lyrics  ;)

D).  This will just be some "other"(s) that I like a lot -

When Doves Cry (Prince), just about everything by Sublime, Garth Brooks, Alan Jackson, Toby Keith, the Dead, Pink Floyd, Bonnie Tyler ("Eclipso total se Amor (Total Eclipse of the Heart)/(English & Spanish), No Doubt (Don't Cry), Toni Braxton ("Regressa a mi" (Unbreak My Heart)/English & Spanish, Spanish Guitar/Flamenco, top-40, Techno/Trance, Jam-on-It...pretty much, like I long as it's not jazz and/or blues.

*Needless to say* = Video Game Music (of all kinds) is also pretty high on my list!
Title: Re: Whats "different" about you?
Post by: kingrat101 on January 10, 2013, 04:01:42 pm
Musically speaking, Im in to a lot of stuff,Favorite band is Portugal the man, used to love Modest Mouse kind of fallen out of them but any more I listen to a lot of bluegrass, Trampled by Turtle mainly which I guess is kind of weird.
I also grew up in a Catholic family by 15 I was done with all of that and announced myself atheist, but every complaint I had with Catholic and any religion for that matter was the same thing atheist groups do as well, now while I dont believe in anything I have a lot more respect for religions and know a lot about them, more than my dad who was raised Catholic as well.
I think it's really unfortunate that extremists really ruin any religion or anti-religion
Title: Re: Whats "different" about you?
Post by: disgaeniac on January 10, 2013, 04:10:55 pm
I think it's really unfortunate that extremists really ruin any religion or anti-religion

Couldn't help myself...I just *HAD* to quote that shit for truth -AND- agree w/ you 100%  8)
Title: Re: Whats "different" about you?
Post by: foxhack on January 10, 2013, 05:21:44 pm
I'm Mexican.

Ajúa. :P

I can't really say anything other than that - I'm strange by Mexican standards but fit right in with most foreigners.
Title: Re: Whats "different" about you?
Post by: jcalder8 on January 10, 2013, 05:42:51 pm
I think it's really unfortunate that extremists really ruin any religion or anti-religion

Couldn't help myself...I just *HAD* to quote that shit for truth -AND- agree w/ you 100%  8)
This can be changed to: it's really unfortunate that extremists really ruin anything
Title: Re: Whats "different" about you?
Post by: scott on January 10, 2013, 05:47:46 pm
I'm Mexican.

Ajúa. :P

I can't really say anything other than that - I'm strange by Mexican standards but fit right in with most foreigners.

I'm pretty sure you're strange by foreign standards too.  ;D
Title: Re: Whats "different" about you?
Post by: desocietas on January 10, 2013, 06:02:57 pm
I'm Mexican.

Ajúa. :P

I can't really say anything other than that - I'm strange by Mexican standards but fit right in with most foreigners.

I'm pretty sure you're strange by foreign standards too.  ;D

Title: Re: Whats "different" about you?
Post by: sin2beta on January 10, 2013, 06:09:45 pm
Having a video game and x-men comic collection are the weirdest things that I notice. Below are a few things that might be weird and some things that are just factual about me.

I grew up an air force brat. I lived in 10 states and 3 countries by the time I was 18. The places I would consider home have been Anchorage Alaska, Denver/Boulder Colorado, and Tulsa Oklahoma.

I went to school at the University of Colorado - Boulder and Stanford University.

I choose not to own a car. At least seeing how long I can make it. Moving from the Bay Area and Boulder to Oklahoma, it was amazing to see that most people own more than one car. I'm trying to be a little bit of a reverse in that trend. I do however have a motorcycle but use less than $15 in gas a month.

After all the Katy Perry talk I actually had to listen to some. Waking up in Vegas is legitimately a good song. But my favorite current bands are the Japandroids, Matt and Kim, Tegan and Sara. And all time favorites are Bad Religion, Green Day, Nirvana, Daft Punk, John Mellencamp, Elliott Smith, and Blur.
Title: Re: Whats "different" about you?
Post by: slothingXPIG on January 10, 2013, 06:37:20 pm
I have listened to metal since i was 3 no lie.. and listen from ralph stanley too napalm death from milli vinnile too vinnie paz(favorite rapper)... and my friends are ridiculously different from eachother.. i also went through a rough patch when i was 12/13/14 with heavy drugs and alcohol and suicidel. But i grew up and relized why am i doing this at the ending of 14. now just chill and collect video games haha and have good times
Title: Re: Whats "different" about you?
Post by: disgaeniac on January 10, 2013, 08:31:13 pm
I think it's really unfortunate that extremists really ruin any religion or anti-religion

Couldn't help myself...I just *HAD* to quote that shit for truth -AND- agree w/ you 100%  8)
This can be changed to: it's really unfortunate that extremists really ruin anything

Sure...that works just as well :)
Title: Re: Whats "different" about you?
Post by: turf on January 10, 2013, 08:59:49 pm
I've been reading this thread for the last couple of days desperately searching that is different about me.  Nothing.  My biggest "difference" from the rest of the world is my massive collection and love for video games. 
I'm a regular Arkansan.  I am a 30 year old professional with a wife and kid.  We live in a 3 bedroom 2 bath house with a two car garage.  I'm straight-up white bread America.  I watch the action movies and listen to rock music.  I am vanilla.

I got it.  I'm a member of the NRA.  I collect video games and I'm a member of the NRA.  There can't be too many of us out there. 
Title: Re: Whats "different" about you?
Post by: scott on January 10, 2013, 09:11:50 pm
I've been reading this thread for the last couple of days desperately searching that is different about me.  Nothing.  My biggest "difference" from the rest of the world is my massive collection and love for video games. 

That's what I was thinking too. I'm really not sure at all on it. Plus I'm bad that describing myself.
Title: Re: Whats "different" about you?
Post by: jobocan on January 10, 2013, 09:28:16 pm
Different? Other than being the single most sexy being in the known universe, not much.

Let's see...
25 years old, I'm a newfie (though I don't remember newfoundland, was too young), I collect and play video games (gaming since I was... 2 or 3 years old?), still live in my parents' basement (though I pay to live here and constantly lend them money), no girlfriend, really shy (though I hide it as best as I can), I work as a web developer for national museums, I listen to metal, I have a game review blog I never advertise, and I never told teachers in elementary school (and most of high school) what my mom's job was because she used to sell dildos (amongst other sex products)...

Not much of interest.
Title: Re: Whats "different" about you?
Post by: disgaeniac on January 10, 2013, 10:15:10 pm
I have a game review blog I never advertise.

Well, since you don't ever "advertise" you direct (*Link*) a fellow VGCollector in the right direction?!

Seriously, man ===> I'd be interested in checking it out/giving it a read :)

*2* more things that are *Different* about me (for tonight, at least) are:

1).  I just got home a little while ago from a pretty kick-ass "gathering" (read: *PARTY*) in Room # 4002 in the Taj Mahal in Atlantic City, and

2).  I'm getting ready to kick-back, eat some cheese-filled hot dogs (in BED; no less:), chill-out, and watch the rest of my disc # 1 Blu Ray of Ghastly Prince Enma: Burning Up w/ my girl...and...(*maybe*), if I'm good (*AND*) share some of my cheese-dogs... :P

- ...There will be some snuggling & Canoodling in store for Kenny (that's my name - mayhaps something else different about me here) in the not-so-distant future  :-*

Title: Re: Whats "different" about you?
Post by: darko on January 10, 2013, 11:20:08 pm
I think it's really unfortunate that extremists really ruin any religion or anti-religion

Why I'm not an Atheist.
Title: Re: Whats "different" about you?
Post by: jcalder8 on January 11, 2013, 02:35:34 am
I've been reading this thread for the last couple of days desperately searching that is different about me.  Nothing.  My biggest "difference" from the rest of the world is my massive collection and love for video games. 
I'm a regular Arkansan.  I am a 30 year old professional with a wife and kid.  We live in a 3 bedroom 2 bath house with a two car garage.  I'm straight-up white bread America.  I watch the action movies and listen to rock music.  I am vanilla.

I got it.  I'm a member of the NRA.  I collect video games and I'm a member of the NRA.  There can't be too many of us out there.
Give yourself more credit, no one on here has your username :)
Title: Re: Whats "different" about you?
Post by: turf on January 11, 2013, 06:27:15 am
I am different!  I'm the only "turf" on!
Title: Re: Whats "different" about you?
Post by: htimreimer on January 11, 2013, 06:36:12 am
well according to my family history i come from a bunch of romanian gypsies who moved from russia to canada and my family says i look mexican.

i have add,adhd,cerebral palsy and i'm bipolar also i will be getting 5 year degree in psychology after home schooling.

Title: Re: Whats "different" about you?
Post by: soera on January 11, 2013, 10:16:37 am
I've been reading this thread for the last couple of days desperately searching that is different about me.  Nothing.  My biggest "difference" from the rest of the world is my massive collection and love for video games. 
I'm a regular Arkansan.  I am a 30 year old professional with a wife and kid.  We live in a 3 bedroom 2 bath house with a two car garage.  I'm straight-up white bread America.  I watch the action movies and listen to rock music.  I am vanilla.

I got it.  I'm a member of the NRA.  I collect video games and I'm a member of the NRA.  There can't be too many of us out there.

There has got to be something! Do you watch chick flicks when no one is around? Do you secretly have an ear for Lady Gaga? Do you prefer to wear a dress when you are at home alone? Something!
Title: Re: Whats "different" about you?
Post by: disgaeniac on January 11, 2013, 11:02:48 am
I've been reading this thread for the last couple of days desperately searching that is different about me.  Nothing.  My biggest "difference" from the rest of the world is my massive collection and love for video games. 
I'm a regular Arkansan.  I am a 30 year old professional with a wife and kid.  We live in a 3 bedroom 2 bath house with a two car garage.  I'm straight-up white bread America.  I watch the action movies and listen to rock music.  I am vanilla.

I got it.  I'm a member of the NRA.  I collect video games and I'm a member of the NRA.  There can't be too many of us out there.

There has got to be something! Do you watch chick flicks when no one is around? Do you secretly have an ear for Lady Gaga? Do you prefer to wear a dress when you are at home alone? Something!

Title: Re: Whats "different" about you?
Post by: jcalder8 on January 11, 2013, 11:11:07 am
There has got to be something! Do you watch chick flicks when no one is around? Do you secretly have an ear for Lady Gaga? Do you prefer to wear a dress when you are at home alone? Something!
Do you like to dress up like Shirley Temple and spank yourself with a hockey stick?
Title: Re: Whats "different" about you?
Post by: libernullmal on January 11, 2013, 12:04:46 pm
this is interesting topic and had me thinking about me compared to others.. I seem more aware than the usual joe about my surroundings and how every action causes reaction to even those around me. Most people tend to live their lives not caring about the actions they take and how it effects everything else.. I'm also a 3rd generation Pisces at lest one of my parents grandparents and Myself included is a Pisces.... I have ADHD and many times conversations with people that tend to wonder off in my head and when I say something about it to share with others it has become something else and I get this weird looks because they have moved on to other things... I use to feel out of place when in the militery stationed up in NY near the Canadian border.. It always felt like I was missing something and off track of where I was suppose to be. video game collecting but it seems here I'm pretty average :) ... I'm self proclaimed President of Texas and you can see my work if you see Palm trees planted in the Median of Major Cities within Texas.. lol, ok ok I may have self proclaimed myself and thought about it and said we should plant Palm Trees on the medians then months later it actually happens... I'm only half crazy is my last one :P
Title: Re: Whats "different" about you?
Post by: libernullmal on January 11, 2013, 12:06:41 pm
There has got to be something! Do you watch chick flicks when no one is around? Do you secretly have an ear for Lady Gaga? Do you prefer to wear a dress when you are at home alone? Something!
Do you like to dress up like Shirley Temple and spank yourself with a hockey stick?
or dress as a TMNT like Donatello and buff your staff?? auugh I'm still thinking of Shirley Temple spanking herself now....
Title: Re: Whats "different" about you?
Post by: psydswipe on January 11, 2013, 12:34:20 pm
I've never had alcohol (a little champagne -- which I do not like -- is it) or coffee; is that different? Surprisingly, to me at least, I've come across quite a few people the past few years that don't drink, though for some it's because of past bad experiences whereas I've simply skipped it thus far. I rarely consume soda either so I don't think I get much caffeine. There is no reason I don't drink these things. Well, maybe because I view most drinks as a waste of money and primarily stick with water or because I'm the most boring person you could ever hope to meet  :o

While one religion was already mentioned, my religion made me a bit of an outsider when I was kid. I'm Russian Orthodox which most kids are clueless on and liked to joke that I was a Communist or something along those lines ::) Perhaps the odd part about Russian/Eastern Orthodox is the church uses a different calendar so they consider Christmas to be on what the modern calendar is January 7th. Easter varies, sometimes it falls on the same day as Catholic Easter and sometimes it doesn't. My mother is Catholic though and to remain "normal" growing up we did celebrate with her family on December 25th and then went to church on January 7th.
Title: Re: Whats "different" about you?
Post by: soera on January 11, 2013, 12:49:55 pm
You mentioned alcohol. Im one of the only people I know that does not drink. Its from a string of things. Before I was 21, the rush of getting some alcohol was most of the fun. Id get it and get blasted as the reward. Once I was able to just walk into a store and buy it, most of the thrill was gone (cause lets be honest, most alcohol tastes like shit). A few months after I turned 21, a buddy of mine had his 21st so we went into the local place and asked for the cheapest way for 4-5 people to get drunk off one bottle. 10 minutes and about $8 later, we left with a liter of Everclear. We were told we would have to mix it with something to be able to handle it so we made Everclear koolaid in a 3 liter bottle. Long story later, I basically consumed the whole thing myself (I am a horribly greedy drunk ... I will steal people's drinks right off the table and sadly have been escorted out of a lot of places cause it starts lots of fights) as well as swallowing almost an entire can of Cherry Skoal. Needless to say I got alcohol poisoning and for 4-5 days, I was restricted to a couch in my mom's living room. Well, after that I quit drinking and using Skoal.

Thats my "bad experience" :)
Title: Re: Whats "different" about you?
Post by: turf on January 11, 2013, 01:45:19 pm
There has got to be something! Do you watch chick flicks when no one is around? Do you secretly have an ear for Lady Gaga? Do you prefer to wear a dress when you are at home alone? Something!
Do you like to dress up like Shirley Temple and spank yourself with a hockey stick?
or dress as a TMNT like Donatello and buff your staff?? auugh I'm still thinking of Shirley Temple spanking herself now....

You guys got me.  I've been caught dressed in a tutu dancing and singing the Ninja Turtles theme song, while being punched in the dick by a midget.  We all have a kinks.
Title: Re: Whats "different" about you?
Post by: jcalder8 on January 11, 2013, 01:46:41 pm
There has got to be something! Do you watch chick flicks when no one is around? Do you secretly have an ear for Lady Gaga? Do you prefer to wear a dress when you are at home alone? Something!
Do you like to dress up like Shirley Temple and spank yourself with a hockey stick?
or dress as a TMNT like Donatello and buff your staff?? auugh I'm still thinking of Shirley Temple spanking herself now....

You guys got me.  I've been caught dressed in a tutu dancing and singing the Ninja Turtles theme song, while being punched in the dick by a midget.  We all have a kinks.
OMG I thought I was the only one!
Title: Re: Whats "different" about you?
Post by: disgaeniac on January 11, 2013, 01:49:04 pm

LMAO at (*vaguely* & *hazily*..."Kinda") remembering Everclear from my High School Daze :P

You ain't lying or exaggerating, either - Soera -
(*Looks For*, But Can't Find "drunk" and/or "Hung-over" emoticon)  ::)

That shit was like mother-fucking *JET FUEL* in a bottle (IIRC - it was something *Insane* "180 Proof" (AKA = 90% straight-up Al Co. Hol:) / We used to joke around that we had to hurry our asses up & drink it quick as hell - before it *dissolved* the glass bottle that was holding it (like an acid) :P

It was so damned strong...that we used to do *FIREBALLS* (store some in our mouths, have someone spark-up & hold a lit Zippo in front of you + *Exhale* = ..."FIREBALL"...

...and the *FLAMING-FINGER* (just stick a finger in the bottle, let the booze soak into it for a minute, spark-up "Old Faithful" (El ZIPPO-rino) again + *Hold* flame to finger = "FLAMING-FINGER  :P
Ahh Yes - reminiscing about those (*not* really all that) "Good-Old-Days"  ;)
Title: Re: Whats "different" about you?
Post by: foxhack on January 11, 2013, 02:32:44 pm
Well, guess that's another thing about me.

I don't drink alcohol or smoke tobacco (or any other sort of plant.) My father's side is filled with raving alcoholics that lapse into dementia, while my mother's side is filled with cancer patients.
Title: Re: Whats "different" about you?
Post by: desocietas on January 11, 2013, 02:35:44 pm
Yeah, I've also been trying to figure out if there's anything different about me.  Like Foxhack, I don't smoke.  I've never smoked *anything* and am not really all that interested (esp not in cigarettes).

I will drink on occasion with friends, and most friends are kinda surprised that my go-to is scotch.
Title: Re: Whats "different" about you?
Post by: scott on January 11, 2013, 04:58:47 pm
Man, I've always been bad at describing myself to people, or picking out things that make me a different or "better" choice for something.

Obviously, I collect/love/play video games and have a super impressive Castlevania display, which would instantly make me different from the general population. :P . Have a bunch of random hobbies that include miniature painting (and blogging about minis & painting them), drawing, listening to music, playing music (Bass guitar ftw), collecting/playing specialist tabletop/board game/card games and building arcade machines. I tend to go on huge kicks when I first discover something and am super heavy into it. And then drop it cold for months, until I decide it sounds fun again.

I love Punk music of all types. Like the Sex Pistols, Rancid, Ramones, The Clash, The Offspring, blink-182, Reel Big Fish and a lot of other punk and ska bands. I would say Punk and SKA are my favorite genres, but Its funny cause I don't look like a punk at all. (when I'm in shape I tend to wear button up short sleeve shirts, khaki cargo pants and a leather jacket and look dead sexy  8) ). My music tastes are all over the place though and hit a ton of genres from all types of rock, classical, jazz and other stuff and I guess I am a slight audiophile. I have a secret love for Techno music. Which I think comes from playing video games and loving game music. And though I say I hate country and rap, I love Johnny Cash and some music with rap/hip hop elements. And my favorite bands are: The Doors, Lostprophets, GWAR, The Offspring, Franz Ferdinand, Reel Big Fish, Suburban Legends, Rancid and The Seatbelts.

I don't like most liquor and would rather drink beer. I prefer reds and darks over pales and lighter colored ones. When I was younger I would drink anything that was beer. But I've grown into a bit of a beer snob and now I only drink craft beer and rarely buy Bud, Miller, Coors etc.. Ha. Interestingly enough, I used to have a bit of a drinking problem. But, one day I looked at my kitchen counter, saw the wall of bottles and realized I needed to dial it back. Have been able to keep it to only a few on occasions or with dinner. Its been a long time since I was falling down drunk and now a 6 pack will usually last me a week or better. Unless it's this one local Pumpkin Lager called Ichabod... Ohmygod is it awesome. I bought my local store out of their stock for the season this year.
Title: Re: Whats "different" about you?
Post by: pacpix on January 11, 2013, 06:21:04 pm
Do you like to dress up like Shirley Temple and spank yourself with a hockey stick?
My boss thinks I'm a jerk, didn't get that raise
I haven't changed my underwear in twenty-seven days
Title: Re: Whats "different" about you?
Post by: jcalder8 on January 11, 2013, 07:28:11 pm
Do you like to dress up like Shirley Temple and spank yourself with a hockey stick?
My boss thinks I'm a jerk, didn't get that raise
I haven't changed my underwear in twenty-seven days
YAY Weird Al FTW!!!