VGCollect Forum

VGCollect Site Stuff => Site Feedback => Topic started by: disgaeniac on January 20, 2013, 10:49:30 am

Title: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: disgaeniac on January 20, 2013, 10:49:30 am
First off, no, this idea isn't *Entirely* original...

...I got the basic idea/"inspiration" for it from something I've seen at the PS3Trophies web-site.

What they do, is simply pick a "Member of the Month" (based on how many/how quickly they complete their games/"100%" / "Plat" them, how many guides/Faq's/walk-through's they write/contribute), etc.

Then, they have a 'standard' list of (iirc) 20 to 30 questions that the member answers/types out the answers to, and returns to them.  Obviously, they're almost all questions & Answers on Trophy-Hunting.

I was thinking that something similar here could be both an enjoyable and informative extra 'feature' to look forward to, each month.

I think that here, though...just about any (of the "regulars", at least) could 'qualify'.

Doesn't matter if they edit/submit a ton of shit, are active in welcoming new members, are helpful in guiding people & answering questions, contribute lively & actively to keeping an interesting forum/community going, etc, etc, etc ===> so, in theory, (eventually) just about all active members would get their 5 minutes :P

Not only that...but it would be a "Super-Improved" version to the "Intro" section...

More people would get to know more about other users than they otherwise would have = finding more commonalities & topics for discussion that may have gone over-looked, etc...and, as new people continue joining the site (not really *knowing* anyone at 1st = they could easily read some "back" 'interviews' to quickly learn about older/other members)

I think, that even for the members writing/answering would be interesting to re-read them a year or 2 or 5 later to see where they were/how far they've come "collection-wise" since then, etc :)

Lastly, I was thinking, to make it a bit more random, friendly, and interesting...Have, say a single, *Stickied* thread w/ a list of potential users...with a "vote-by" date; deciding which user has the most interest in being heard from/getting to know better & more in depth, and/or "interviewed" each month.

This is just a bare bones idea...I'd love to hear any responses, ideas, criticisms, caveats, etc (Ex. Should there by any rules for a user to be eligible)?, etc...
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: foxhack on January 20, 2013, 02:13:43 pm
Neat idea, but I'd hate to get featured every month. 8)
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: jcalder8 on January 20, 2013, 02:35:54 pm
I like the interview idea, it would be cool to learn about others on here. We should come up with a set selection of questions that gets asked each month.

Neat idea, but I'd hate to get featured every month. 8)
That only gives us more reason to do it!
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: soera on January 20, 2013, 03:00:40 pm
Neat idea, but I'd hate to get featured every month. 8)

Only would happen if I decide to quit coming here.
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: jcalder8 on January 20, 2013, 08:32:56 pm
Neat idea, but I'd hate to get featured every month. 8)

Only would happen if I decide to quit coming here.
Oh snap!
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: turf on January 20, 2013, 09:44:34 pm
Alright guys, someone write the questions and I'll answer them... every month.
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: darko on January 20, 2013, 10:11:44 pm
I bet I could get voted "Biggest Asshole of the Month" every month if it was a contest :)
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: desocietas on January 21, 2013, 12:56:27 am
I bet I could get voted "Biggest Asshole of the Month" every month if it was a contest :)

Ha, it'd be like the yearbook polls.  "Most likely to drop $40 on a game at a flea market only to come home to find that it's worth nothing," for instance...
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: jcalder8 on January 21, 2013, 12:57:35 am
Alright guys, someone write the questions and I'll answer them... every month.
1. Why aren't you wearing pants?
2. Why won't you leave my yard?
3. Where were you hiding that camera?
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: scott on January 21, 2013, 01:39:25 am
I bet I could get voted "Biggest Asshole of the Month" every month if it was a contest :)

Unless you vanish again, then it'd go to...
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: turf on January 21, 2013, 12:24:40 pm
Alright guys, someone write the questions and I'll answer them... every month.
1. Why aren't you wearing pants?
2. Why won't you leave my yard?
3. Where were you hiding that camera?

1. It's comfortable
2.  I thought this was the line for Taco Bell
3. The same place soera stores his GBA games
4.  Don't be so uptight. The Man just wants us to think we need pants. It's a government conspiracy!
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: htimreimer on January 21, 2013, 12:37:29 pm
Alright guys, someone write the questions and I'll answer them... every month.
if you cant go left,right,up,down or stay ware you are, ware do you go?
what is 19 x 60?
why did you take off you shirt?
why ham?
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: soera on January 21, 2013, 12:58:02 pm
My list would go like this.


What brought you to the forums?

What is your favorite part of the forums?

What new features would you like to see here?

Favorite system to collect for and why?

Top 3 items in collection and why?

What game are you playing atm?

What game(s) are you looking forward to?

Any other hobbies?

Is Soera your hero? (simple yes or hell yes answer is fine, no need to dwell on the obvious)
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: scott on January 21, 2013, 01:00:15 pm
Alright guys, someone write the questions and I'll answer them... every month.
if you cant go left,right,up,down or stay ware you are, ware do you go?
what is 19 x 60?
why did you take off you shirt?
why ham?

How do you know I did?
Why not?
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: jcalder8 on January 21, 2013, 02:05:12 pm
My list would go like this.


What brought you to the forums?

What is your favorite part of the forums?

What new features would you like to see here?

When and why did you start collecting?

Favorite system to collect for and why?

What are you favorite 5 items in collection and why?

What has been your best purchase?

What game are you playing atm?

What are you looking to buy next?

Any other hobbies?

Is Soera your hero? (simple yes or hell yes answer is fine, no need to dwell on the obvious)
I took out and added based on having the interview focus more on the collection, not because I thought that they were bad questions.
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: scott on January 21, 2013, 02:49:06 pm
The only problem I can see with something like this.

We only have x# of active forum users. If we select someone who isn't ever on the forum, we'd have to PM them and hope that they reply. And in my experience w/ forums and non-forum using members. Getting them to reply/visit the forum is like pulling teeth. ha
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: jcalder8 on January 21, 2013, 05:18:08 pm
The only problem I can see with something like this.

We only have x# of active forum users. If we select someone who isn't ever on the forum, we'd have to PM them and hope that they reply. And in my experience w/ forums and non-forum using members. Getting them to reply/visit the forum is like pulling teeth. ha
I would think it would only be open to people who use the forum.
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: thaddy on January 22, 2013, 01:01:53 pm
Nice idea disgaeniac!
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: disgaeniac on January 24, 2013, 09:55:51 am
Nice idea disgaeniac!

Thank you...thank you verry much :P
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: scott on January 24, 2013, 10:01:00 am
The only problem I can see with something like this.

We only have x# of active forum users. If we select someone who isn't ever on the forum, we'd have to PM them and hope that they reply. And in my experience w/ forums and non-forum using members. Getting them to reply/visit the forum is like pulling teeth. ha
I would think it would only be open to people who use the forum.

The only problem with limiting it to people who use the forum is, running out of people to 'interview'. If it was a monthly thing, we'd prolly get a little over a year done. :(
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: disgaeniac on January 24, 2013, 10:03:03 am
The only problem I can see with something like this.

We only have x# of active forum users. If we select someone who isn't ever on the forum, we'd have to PM them and hope that they reply. And in my experience w/ forums and non-forum using members. Getting them to reply/visit the forum is like pulling teeth. ha
I would think it would only be open to people who use the forum.

The only problem with limiting it to people who use the forum is, running out of people to 'interview'. If it was a monthly thing, we'd prolly get a little over a year done. :(

You say that like there won't be at least another 12 "regulars" coming in over the next of confidence?!
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: scott on January 24, 2013, 10:11:07 am
Ha. sorry I'm kinda grumpy today. So I guess it's making me slightly negative.

I guess I've just had bad experience with trying to run our old forum (old site) and never seeing new folks come in often. I've always been of the opinion, because of it, that 99% of users will never hit the forum. This forum is a lot different though and it does seem like we see new people a lot more often.

So it could work. I'd just have to come up with a good way to randomly choose who's turn it is on the block. ha  ;)
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: scott on January 24, 2013, 10:14:02 am
Oh hell. I just looked at the member list... and we have a lot more than a year's worth of users. This could definitely work.
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: jcalder8 on January 24, 2013, 10:19:10 am
Ha. sorry I'm kinda grumpy today. So I guess it's making me slightly negative.

I guess I've just had bad experience with trying to run our old forum (old site) and never seeing new folks come in often. I've always been of the opinion, because of it, that 99% of users will never hit the forum. This forum is a lot different though and it does seem like we see new people a lot more often.

So it could work. I'd just have to come up with a good way to randomly choose who's turn it is on the block. ha  ;)
Don't worry we all have those days :)
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: disgaeniac on January 24, 2013, 10:20:32 am
Oh hell. I just looked at the member list... and we have a lot more than a year's worth of users. This could definitely work.

Even if it failed great loss, right?!

Don't worry about the "grumpy" :P

(It's why I haven't been around in a few days = sick, grumpy, and *HIGH* likelilood of having to apologize for, regret, take-back something I'd say/post)

For me...better not to post anything when I get like that :)
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: disgaeniac on January 25, 2013, 09:24:13 am
Ya' know - nothing I said/suggested is written in stone, or anything :)

Another possibility would be something along the lines of "Get to know your fellow collectors/community" sort of thing.

Maybe...based on length of time as a member (to take out any 'popularity' / 'voting') aspects?


(Set(s) of questions/answers for):

30 day member = how'd ya get here, what were you looking for, general interests/tastes, etc.

6 month member = more in depth/detailed = Gaming/collecting history, experiences/likes & dislikes about the site, etc

1 year member = -talk about it :)

2 year = "     "

3 year = "     ",


Maybe w/ some new badges implemented as well?

He he...

Maybe a *special* "Disgaenia" badge (w/ a pic of Etna, of course:) for...creating/suggesting new ideas/features that end up (?) maybe :P

getting implemented XD??
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: scott on January 25, 2013, 09:44:57 am
Maybe w/ some new badges implemented as well?

Ha add it to the list of many of the other badges that need to get implemented yet. :P
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: disgaeniac on January 25, 2013, 10:00:14 am
Maybe w/ some new badges implemented as well?

Ha add it to the list of many of the other badges that need to get implemented yet. :P

Oh, you guys already have more coming?!
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: scott on January 25, 2013, 10:11:31 am
I have a bunch of badges all made up sitting in a folder. But, they have to wait on the to-do list, since they aren't critical updates.
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: matt on January 29, 2013, 03:55:43 pm
Maybe w/ some new badges implemented as well?

Ha add it to the list of many of the other badges that need to get implemented yet. :P

No moar!! haha. At least not yet...
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: jcalder8 on January 29, 2013, 07:56:02 pm
What do people think, should this be run by the admins or the members?

I know how busy the admins are so that's why I'm wondering if we want the members to run it.
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: turf on January 31, 2013, 08:23:28 am
What do people think, should this be run by the admins or the members?

I know how busy the admins are so that's why I'm wondering if we want the members to run it.
I nominate... jcalder8!  Congratulations on a great idea!
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: jcalder8 on January 31, 2013, 09:08:28 am
What do people think, should this be run by the admins or the members?

I know how busy the admins are so that's why I'm wondering if we want the members to run it.
I nominate... jcalder8!  Congratulations on a great idea!
Thanks! But this was disgaeniac's idea :)
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: disgaeniac on January 31, 2013, 09:13:15 am
What do people think, should this be run by the admins or the members?

I know how busy the admins are so that's why I'm wondering if we want the members to run it.
I nominate... jcalder8!  Congratulations on a great idea!
Thanks! But this was disgaeniac's idea :)

Oh yeah  8)
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: tpugmire on January 31, 2013, 05:47:47 pm
I think this is a great idea. I have a few ideas on how to make this really cool, but I'm posting this from my phone (and driving) so I'll get back to this later.
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: jcalder8 on January 31, 2013, 06:22:38 pm
I think this is a great idea. I have a few ideas on how to make this really cool, but I'm posting this from my phone (and driving) so I'll get back to this later.
Can't wait to hear them!

What do people think, should this be run by the admins or the members?

I know how busy the admins are so that's why I'm wondering if we want the members to run it.
I nominate... jcalder8!  Congratulations on a great idea!
Thanks! But this was disgaeniac's idea :)

Oh yeah  8)
So do you want to take this on?
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: scott on February 01, 2013, 12:40:53 am
Ohhh who's the first victim? Err test subject... err interviewee.
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: disgaeniac on February 01, 2013, 10:03:49 am
I think this is a great idea. I have a few ideas on how to make this really cool, but I'm posting this from my phone (and driving) so I'll get back to this later.
Can't wait to hear them!

What do people think, should this be run by the admins or the members?

I know how busy the admins are so that's why I'm wondering if we want the members to run it.
I nominate... jcalder8!  Congratulations on a great idea!
Thanks! But this was disgaeniac's idea :)

Oh yeah  8)
So do you want to take this on?

"take this on" = NO

"contribute/see what we can come up with/put together as a community" - SURE thing :)
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: disgaeniac on February 01, 2013, 10:04:37 am
I think this is a great idea. I have a few ideas on how to make this really cool, but I'm posting this from my phone (and driving) so I'll get back to this later.


Love to hear any/everyone else's ideas for this, too  ;)
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: tpugmire on February 01, 2013, 07:16:43 pm
Unless there are any objections, the site staff (me) will be taking this on, at least in the beginning. I'm still trying to figure out some of the logistics about this, but I'll need some help and feedback from you guys. Let me know if there's anything particular that you'd like to see.
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: disgaeniac on February 02, 2013, 07:58:27 am
Unless there are any objections, the site staff (me) will be taking this on, at least in the beginning. I'm still trying to figure out some of the logistics about this, but I'll need some help and feedback from you guys. Let me know if there's anything particular that you'd like to see.

Nope - No objections :)
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: scott on February 02, 2013, 09:32:22 am
Nope - No objections :)


Not really. But I had to.
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: turf on February 03, 2013, 08:30:27 pm
Have at it. I'm looking forward to getting this started.
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: tpugmire on February 07, 2013, 04:55:53 pm
Ok, so I've been giving this some thought, and I need some opinions. Would you rather read a list of questions and answers, survey-style; or an actual interview, conversation-style?  Both have pros and cons.  Also, what kinds of questions do you want answers to?  Obviously, gaming related stuff will be a big part of it, but personally, I'd like to go a little more in depth. Kind of a way to get to know the actual person behind the screen name.
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: desocietas on February 07, 2013, 05:36:51 pm
Conversational always makes for a good read as there's back and forth and whatnot.  But also having some consistent questions is also handy so we can compare/contrast folks' answers.

Nope - No objections :)


Not really. But I had to.

Hey, you can't reference that if you haven't played it yet! ;D
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: soera on February 07, 2013, 05:43:15 pm
I wouldnt object to an interview (Since Im first and all). :)
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: jcalder8 on February 07, 2013, 06:59:11 pm
I like the question and answer since it would be consistent and then there would never be a bad interview
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: turf on February 08, 2013, 11:52:46 am
I like the idea of an interview. Now, are you going to call the person? Do it via PM? Some type of chat like on Facebook or something? 
As for questions, I have a few:
Favorite piece?
What got you started?
What keeps you collecting?
Collection focus?

And personal stuff:
Other stuff you're into
Time when no one's home?
Where you hide the spare key?
You know, normal stuff :)
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: disgaeniac on February 08, 2013, 12:08:31 pm
I like the idea of an interview. Now, are you going to call the person? Do it via PM? Some type of chat like on Facebook or something? 
As for questions, I have a few:
Favorite piece?
What got you started?
What keeps you collecting?
Collection focus?

And personal stuff:
Other stuff you're into
Time when no one's home?
Where you hide the spare key?
You know, normal stuff :)

Good stuff :)

I don't use, know how to use, want to learn how to use, ever intend on using in the future *ANY* types of 'Social' Media and/or Facebook type chatrooms...just don't like anything about that shit.

I guess that different members will have different preferences concerning how they'd like to be contacted/respond to the questions -

Using myself, as an example:  I'd have no problems answering/responding to an e-mail and/or PM's here.

I'd even go so far as (well, at least w/ longer-time members) as being willing to give my phone # and answer things that way...I mean, Hell several people here (that have sent me things) as well as people that I've sent things to; already know where the above-mentioned people live already, anyways  :o
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: tpugmire on February 08, 2013, 04:08:20 pm
So as it sits right now, I'm leaning toward a conversation style, but also asking a set of basic questions, so there is some uniformity to it. As for how to go about getting the answers, I haven't quite come up with anything yet. Disageniac has a very good point, not everyone will be able to use the same methods of communication. Personally, I think a chat room type is the way to go, rather than phone or email. Those two would of course work if there was no other way, but with a chat, all I need to do is copy and paste, make a few formatting changes, and boom!

Also disageniac, so you don't use Facebook at all?  Not even to follow the beloved vgcollect?
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: disgaeniac on February 08, 2013, 04:12:34 pm
Nah; I'm the type that if I started using Facebook or Tweeting...I *KNOW* in advance that I'd spend Waaaaay too much time doing that shit - time that I'd much rather put towards collecting, and actually *playing* me some video games  ;D
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: tpugmire on February 08, 2013, 04:18:43 pm
That's cool, you and my dad are the only people I know that aren't on Facebook. I only check it when I'm at work from my phone. That way I have plenty of time (in theory) for other stuff.
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: pacpix on February 08, 2013, 07:24:53 pm
I don't ever plan on getting a Facebook, but I really enjoy Twitter for reading news and stuff.
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: turf on February 09, 2013, 09:28:28 am
I'm going to ask a dumb question. Do chatrooms still exist?
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: soera on February 09, 2013, 09:58:58 am
They do but most people dont bother with them anymore. With the option to have conversations on Facebook, people can go there and talk to who they want to without the thought of some perv stalker coming in there to bother them or other stuff like that. No one wants to be on How to catch a predator.
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: turf on February 09, 2013, 11:38:51 am
I was asking, since doing the interviews for this had the option to be on some type of chat.
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: disgaeniac on November 05, 2014, 12:28:45 pm
BUMP-giggity for...

...why did we never follow-through with this - Waaaaaaaay more than enough regs now  ;D
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: tpugmire on November 05, 2014, 02:47:13 pm
Short answer: I forgot.
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: koemo1 on November 05, 2014, 04:11:18 pm
I might have missed it but is there something like a Members list or something ?
Title: Re: New "Idea" / "Feature" for site...
Post by: soera on November 06, 2014, 09:01:40 am
Ive just been waiting for Tpugmire to interview me. :D