VGCollect Forum

VGCollect Site Stuff => Site Feedback => Topic started by: bernkastelwitch on February 14, 2013, 07:48:02 pm

Title: Visual Novel added as a genre.
Post by: bernkastelwitch on February 14, 2013, 07:48:02 pm
Now before someone goes at me on this: Visual novels are games. They are just more story than gameplay. They are made like games and in Japan, they are counted as games there.

There are people like me who own visual novels(Thanks to the magical world of Japanese friends and MangaGamer) and I am surprised that genre ain't included when you add something new.

I think Visual novel should be a genre listed.  I as surprised it wasn't listed there. I own all eight higurashi VN's via Manga gamer and I am planning on getting Saya No Uta and Katawa Shoujo.

I'm just surprised because a majority of other game sites list it as a game genre.

That  is my personal feedback anyways. What do you think?
Title: Re: Visual Novel added as a genre.
Post by: desocietas on February 14, 2013, 08:40:07 pm
I'm ok with it so that it causes less cluttering in the "adventure" genre.
Title: Re: Visual Novel added as a genre.
Post by: insektmute on February 14, 2013, 09:30:20 pm
Wow. Visual novel isn't a genre already??? *baffled*
Title: Re: Visual Novel added as a genre.
Post by: foxhack on February 14, 2013, 09:59:28 pm
Now before someone goes at me on this: Visual novels are games. They are just more story than gameplay. They are made like games and in Japan, they are counted as games there.

There are people like me who own visual novels(Thanks to the magical world of Japanese friends and MangaGamer) and I am surprised that genre ain't included when you add something new.

I think Visual novel should be a genre listed.  I as surprised it wasn't listed there. I own all eight higurashi VN's via Manga gamer and I am planning on getting Saya No Uta and Katawa Shoujo.

I'm just surprised because a majority of other game sites list it as a game genre.

That  is my personal feedback anyways. What do you think?
Your post made me do a double take. "Who's this guy and why is he making an announcement?!" Then I read what you meant. XD

I'm all for adding this as a genre. It technically is an adventure subgenre, though.
Title: Re: Visual Novel added as a genre.
Post by: desocietas on February 15, 2013, 01:21:42 am
Now before someone goes at me on this: Visual novels are games. They are just more story than gameplay. They are made like games and in Japan, they are counted as games there.

There are people like me who own visual novels(Thanks to the magical world of Japanese friends and MangaGamer) and I am surprised that genre ain't included when you add something new.

I think Visual novel should be a genre listed.  I as surprised it wasn't listed there. I own all eight higurashi VN's via Manga gamer and I am planning on getting Saya No Uta and Katawa Shoujo.

I'm just surprised because a majority of other game sites list it as a game genre.

That  is my personal feedback anyways. What do you think?
Your post made me do a double take. "Who's this guy and why is he making an announcement?!" Then I read what you meant. XD

I'm all for adding this as a genre. It technically is an adventure subgenre, though.

yeah, I think it was listed as one of the subgenres in the Google Doc we were all working on...
Title: Re: Visual Novel added as a genre.
Post by: scott on February 15, 2013, 09:31:09 am
Since I don't have the power to add genres. I'll make a note of it and see if I can get Matt to add it in.
Title: Re: Visual Novel added as a genre.
Post by: insektmute on February 15, 2013, 11:23:49 am
Kinda curious, but what is the policy on genres exactly? There are a lot of games I'd normally mark as say, action-adventure or action RPG, but I get the impression the lack of distinct sub-genres is deliberate. What doesn't make sense to me is that if that's the case, then stuff like say, beat 'em up games would just be shelved under action instead of being a separate genre. Same deal w/ survival horror.

I'd personally really like to see some distinctions at least made between commonly known genres - action-adventure, action RPG, run and gun, rail shooter, beat 'em up, that sort of thing, but maybe I'm in the minority on this?
Title: Re: Visual Novel added as a genre.
Post by: tpugmire on February 15, 2013, 03:57:25 pm
Sub-genre listings are coming. Not exactly sure when, but they are. Here is a list of what we have planned, take a look. (

Also, just looking over this list again, wrestling should be under sports, not fighting.
Title: Re: Visual Novel added as a genre.
Post by: insektmute on February 15, 2013, 05:48:29 pm
Sub-genre listings are coming. Not exactly sure when, but they are. Here is a list of what we have planned, take a look.

Oh, nice! It'll be good to see those roll out.

I'd like to make one suggestion though, which would be instead of tournament as a fighting sub-genre, to maybe distinguish between 2D and 3D fighters, since anything that isn't wrestling or MMA is probably a tournament fighter by default. This could be especially useful if, at some point, we can search/filter by genre, so you could then easily just pull a listing of all 2D fighters.
Title: Re: Visual Novel added as a genre.
Post by: scott on February 15, 2013, 05:52:51 pm

When we first started up. Matt and I just started listing every genre we could think of. So it's natural that some are missing. We wanted to make sure we could list as many accurately as possible. But there seem to be 2 camps on genres. Those who want to see "main genres only" and those who want "main and sub-genres".

Currently I'm torn on what to do. And it has causes a huge lag in getting it all implemented.

I do like the idea of listing genres and then allowing for multiple genres to be listed on a game's page too. Because it seems like a happy medium between Main only and Sub-genres. But I really don't know.
Title: Re: Visual Novel added as a genre.
Post by: desocietas on February 15, 2013, 06:38:19 pm
Yeah, I'm still pulling for multiple genres instead of focusing down into subgenres as subgenres still might not fully describe a game

Corpse Party, for instance, could be both a visual novel (subgenre?) and survival horror (genre)
Title: Re: Visual Novel added as a genre.
Post by: insektmute on February 15, 2013, 09:10:55 pm
Yeah, I'm still pulling for multiple genres instead of focusing down into subgenres as subgenres still might not fully describe a game

Corpse Party, for instance, could be both a visual novel (subgenre?) and survival horror (genre)

There's always room for confusion/cross-pollination/stuff/things, but I think generally, a happy medium is something that would address enough to at least roughly describe a game, while still acknowledging that it's not strictly tied to one convention. So with Corpse Party, for instance, I'd call it a visual novel - it has horror elements, but the conventions of survival horror as a genre are basically rooted in Resident Evil and Silent Hill, and so it probably doesn't quite mesh with that. Same deal with stuff like Senko no Ronde (vs. fighter + shmup, but you'd categorize it as a fighter), The Red Star (beat 'em up + run 'n gun + shmup, but mainly a beat 'em up or simply action game), etc.

I think as long as we don't whittle things down to listing like 6 genres because a particular game is such a unique and beautiful snowflake, subgenres do the job admirably, and most of them are well-established and have a solid foundation describe what does and doesn't fit the description.
Title: Re: Visual Novel added as a genre.
Post by: insektmute on February 15, 2013, 09:19:14 pm
An alternate, but potentially messier option - tags for each game, where users write in their own that apply to their collection and wishlist, and can filter their stuff with them, but the most popular ones appear on the main entries, and screw static genre marking entirely.
Title: Re: Visual Novel added as a genre.
Post by: foxhack on February 15, 2013, 09:25:38 pm
An alternate, but potentially messier option - tags for each game, where users write in their own that apply to their collection and wishlist, and can filter their stuff with them, but the most popular ones appear on the main entries, and screw static genre marking entirely.
This can be potentially abused in hilarious ways.

I am also kinda weirded out by the OP being defensive about his post. We're not like that here, man. :P
Title: Re: Visual Novel added as a genre.
Post by: insektmute on February 15, 2013, 10:02:25 pm
I am also kinda weirded out by the OP being defensive about his post. We're not like that here, man. :P

lol, I think people are too used to sites like GameSpot, where everyone acts like a 13 year old with anger management problems. Personally, I got over internet flaming in the 90's. I'm too old, too tired, and too lazy for it these days :p
Title: Re: Visual Novel added as a genre.
Post by: scott on February 15, 2013, 10:15:04 pm
Ya one thing I've tried to do is to make sure is that trolls and arguments stay to a minimum.
Title: Re: Visual Novel added as a genre.
Post by: bernkastelwitch on February 16, 2013, 10:39:10 am
I am also kinda weirded out by the OP being defensive about his post. We're not like that here, man. :P

lol, I think people are too used to sites like GameSpot, where everyone acts like a 13 year old with anger management problems. Personally, I got over internet flaming in the 90's. I'm too old, too tired, and too lazy for it these days :p

Well I did come from Gamefaqs of all sites and ever since I realized how bad trolling is there, I am always defensive on my posts because they complain about the dumbest reasons.

It's a habit really.
Title: Re: Visual Novel added as a genre.
Post by: insektmute on February 17, 2013, 01:51:43 pm
Well I did come from Gamefaqs of all sites and ever since I realized how bad trolling is there, I am always defensive on my posts because they complain about the dumbest reasons.

It's a habit really.

I know the feeling. Generally speaking, I've avoided posting on any gaming forums because the maturity level is typically set extremely low. This is actually the first one I've tried and actually enjoyed talking with people on.
Title: Re: Visual Novel added as a genre.
Post by: foxhack on February 17, 2013, 02:16:45 pm
I am also kinda weirded out by the OP being defensive about his post. We're not like that here, man. :P

lol, I think people are too used to sites like GameSpot, where everyone acts like a 13 year old with anger management problems. Personally, I got over internet flaming in the 90's. I'm too old, too tired, and too lazy for it these days :p

Well I did come from Gamefaqs of all sites and ever since I realized how bad trolling is there, I am always defensive on my posts because they complain about the dumbest reasons.

It's a habit really.
Let me make you feel at home, then!

You stink.