VGCollect Forum
VGCollect Site Stuff => Site Feedback => Topic started by: darko on August 22, 2011, 09:39:47 pm
I put in Crime Busters (unlicensed nes game) and the box art (front and back) and cartridge images came in upside down. They're not upside down on my computer so I have no idea what happened there.
did you try turning your monitor over yet?
did you try turning your monitor over yet?
vgc's first troll?
@abuccilli No, but I did unhook my feet from the ceiling.
haha I love this.
@darko do you still have the source images? If so email me them ( I'm curious to see how this could happen as the code is very straight forward.
Yeah. I'll send them over when I get home from work tonight.
@Matt Sent.
Uploaded a new front box image. Let's see if that one can get the job done.
Looks like it worked. haha
Nice. I'll get the other pics up tonight.
I'm glad everything turned out OK!
In case anyone is curious, here's what happened:
I took the pics with my phone which, when uploaded to my computer, were upside down. I used the preview app on my macbook to flip the images around, saved them (at which point they were showing up as they should) and uploaded them. They all showed up upside down on the site.
To fix the issue I pulled the images up in Photoshop (at which point they were still showing the correct orientation on my computer) and used the save for web option (decreased the image size and renamed them). After re-uploading for the second time they are in correctly.