VGCollect Forum
VGCollect Site Stuff => Site Feedback => Topic started by: proskier on April 13, 2013, 05:16:01 pm
Would be nice to have a 'today' button on the entry screen for adding to your collection... sucks to have to enter in 40+ games with 3 separate drop down lists.
Also would be awesome to choose a system (nes) and look at the rarest games (a filter to sort the list). Could just be, type sonic, then sort on rarity instead of the default alphabetically.
One other great usability thing would be to allow me to type, "street fight famic" to have it pull up games that contain the string, instead of exact front match.
Thanks, love the site.
currently the page shows me how many items I have on my list. It would be nice if it could show total amount of items just like now, amount of hardware, accessories and games separately.
currently the page shows me how many items I have on my list. It would be nice if it could show total amount of items just like now, amount of hardware, accessories and games separately.
From what I understand, this is on Matt's to-do list. Once it's implemented, we'll be able to view/filter categories separately.
Would be nice to have a 'today' button on the entry screen for adding to your collection... sucks to have to enter in 40+ games with 3 separate drop down lists.
Also would be awesome to choose a system (nes) and look at the rarest games (a filter to sort the list). Could just be, type sonic, then sort on rarity instead of the default alphabetically.
One other great usability thing would be to allow me to type, "street fight famic" to have it pull up games that contain the string, instead of exact front match.
Thanks, love the site.
A default date will be added.
Rarity isn't tracked in the database at this time. I thought about adding it but wasn't sure about maintaining it as it is always changing. Def not our focus at this time.
Search overhaul is coming....
Im still awaiting the site to add my Lord high Lord of VGCollect badge. :(
Im still awaiting the site to add my Lord high Lord of VGCollect badge. :(
I must have been drunk during that meeting! ha
I remain convinced that all meetings should involve copious amounts of liquor.
I remain convinced that all meetings should involve copious amounts of liquor.
I can assure you that being a homebrewer...they are.
-A search feature for the forums would be nice.
-I just added the Super Famicom Controller (how was this missing?) but it needs pictures and info. So maybe having a thread for missing information like item number, release date, and pictures.
-Quantities on items.
I'm sorry if any of these exist and I'm just oblivious.
-A search feature for the forums would be nice.
-I just added the Super Famicom Controller (how was this missing?) but it needs pictures and info. So maybe having a thread for missing information like item number, release date, and pictures.
-Quantities on items.
I'm sorry if any of these exist and I'm just oblivious.
Thanks for the suggestion and welcome to the site!
2. Not a bad idea. There is a recently added thread but nothing to keep track of missing info, etc. Feel free to start one!
3. We decided early on to not use quantities but rather allow you to add the item multiple times. Each item is a separate listing with its own notes and details.
I know something I would like to see. A "Sealed" box next to the "cart, box, manual, other inserts" box.
Thanks for the suggestion and welcome to the site!
2. Not a bad idea. There is a recently added thread but nothing to keep track of missing info, etc. Feel free to start one!
3. We decided early on to not use quantities but rather allow you to add the item multiple times. Each item is a separate listing with its own notes and details.
1. I feel like an idiot.
2. I think you underestimate my laziness.
3. Ahh okay.
4. Well, how about somehow being able to link your Steam, XBL, or PSN account in some manner to help alleviate some of the tediousness from entering in hundreds of games? Is that a viable future update?
5. Access to the advanced search before searching for a game. Maybe a button to the right of the search bar.
6. I know this site is primarily for collection purposes but adding boxes to indicate whether you've beaten a game or not would be kind of nifty.
I know something I would like to see. A "Sealed" box next to the "cart, box, manual, other inserts" box.
I would also like this.
I'm not really sure what falls into the "other" category there - that couldn't simply be written/added in your "notes" *Change* "Other" to "Sealed" -or- would doing something like that be a lot of time & work?
I'm not really sure what falls into the "other" category there - that couldn't simply be written/added in your "notes" *Change* "Other" to "Sealed" -or- would doing something like that be a lot of time & work?
I use "Other" to indicate the presence of an overlay for consoles like Vectrex, Intellivision and Jaguar.
I'm not really sure what falls into the "other" category there - that couldn't simply be written/added in your "notes" *Change* "Other" to "Sealed" -or- would doing something like that be a lot of time & work?
I use "Other" to indicate the presence of an overlay for consoles like Vectrex, Intellivision and Jaguar.
Ah, that makes sense, then - not having any of those systems = I didn't know about any of those things :P
I use the other for the Skylanders. Each figure comes with a sticker and an online code that you can use to track your character.
Other could also indicate a pack in. Such as a CD, Controller or Action Figure. Or even a slew of crap stuffed into a CE. ;)
Other could also indicate a pack in. Such as a CD, Controller or Action Figure. Or even a slew of crap stuffed into a CE. ;)
True...but in those cases...I'd rather just describe exactly what those things are in "notes" since just checking "other" is knid of non-specific.
Just IMHO, of course :)
Matt's to do list must be over flowing at this point, lol.... I will be happy for now with just a categories update.... I cry myself to sleep every time one of Koei's "Warriors" titles is labeled Beat'em Up.... Hack n Slash is such a large category too....
1. i don't know what a today button is so i cannot comment on that
2. it would be hard to implement rarity, first you cannot easily rate a game's rarity and people can have diffrent scales, i can say SMB + DH for nintendo can be rated by me as 90 but as someone else as 100
3. if you mean organizing your collection by groups, it would be a wonderful feature
Maybe instead of rarity, could you have it by popularity? Like one way could be based on how many people have it their collection (which isn't necessarily a truly popular game, they might just have it in their collection) or maybe based on a rating system? Like if people rated their favorite games and then while browsing, as well as sorting by alphabetically, you could also sort by popularity? Just a thought. It might be waaaaay too difficult to implement.
Also, is there a feature to add friends? I know you can compare when you look them up, but maybe there could be an option to already have them in a list. Maybe even see what they have added recently?
And this last one is totally just an aesthetic thing. I love the design of the logo. It's so simplistic and clean. I wish there was a picture based clean way to sort your collection and view it.
Overall I'm new and absolutely love this site so far. Sorry if my suggestions are annoying or too much! Can't wait to continue adding my collection on here (1/3 of the way done).
Overall I'm new and absolutely love this site so far. Sorry if my suggestions are annoying or too much! Can't wait to continue adding my collection on here (1/3 of the way done).
Welcome and good luck.... I keep telling myself I'll get the rest done too but it has been months now and I haven't even touched some platforms yet... :(
I don't know if this has been brought up or even if it is on the site but i would like to be able to click and get a printable version of my list. I like having a hard copy. I am not saying with pictures or anything just a written list of the names to print would be nice.
Yup. Got to Settings on the main page and scroll down. You'll see an option to export your collection to excel.