VGCollect Forum
VGCollect Site Stuff => Site Feedback => Topic started by: thomascozine on May 08, 2013, 02:31:34 am
Please excuse me if this post doesn't belong in this category.
When I first joined up and listed my collection there were a few games that weren't listed. So, I tried my hand at adding one myself. That being the demo disc of Resident Evil 4 on the GameCube.
After searching through the forum for both on how to make a proper addition, and for an answer as to how long an addition takes, I understood that the addition is to be put up when you enter it. However it's not there. Did I do it wrong or was there some sort of glitch?
I'm more than happy to enter it again if need be. I just want to make sure I don't create a double.
When did you create the listing? I'm not seeing anything either. I would go ahead and create a new listing.
Please excuse me if this post doesn't belong in this category.
When I first joined up and listed my collection there were a few games that weren't listed. So, I tried my hand at adding one myself. That being the demo disc of Resident Evil 4 on the GameCube.
After searching through the forum for both on how to make a proper addition, and for an answer as to how long an addition takes, I understood that the addition is to be put up when you enter it. However it's not there. Did I do it wrong or was there some sort of glitch?
I'm more than happy to enter it again if need be. I just want to make sure I don't create a double.
Once you've submitted your new entry (for anything) - Look at the bottom, left-hand side of the page where it says "recently added" (or...maybe..."recent additions"; you get the idea:)
What shows up here are 'submissions' that have been entered/registered -but- are still waiting for mod/admin approval before becoming 'permanent' additions.
In other words, if it's not showing up there (afaik, at least) your submission has not been registered/accepted...
Welcome to the site, btw :)
Once you've submitted your new entry (for anything) - Look at the bottom, left-hand side of the page where it says "recently added" (or...maybe..."recent additions"; you get the idea:)
What shows up here are 'submissions' that have been entered/registered -but- are still waiting for mod/admin approval before becoming 'permanent' additions.
In other words, if it's not showing up there (afaik, at least) your submission has not been registered/accepted...
Welcome to the site, btw :)
Incorrect - anyone can create a new database entry, with no need for approvals. It's why we have so many dupes in the database.
If you see something in the recent additions and it vanishes, it's usually because I merged it into something else. :p
Incorrect - anyone can create a new database entry, with no need for approvals. It's why we have so many dupes in the database.
If you see something in the recent additions and it vanishes, it's usually because I merged it into something else. :p
:o bad, then :-[
I guess that I've misunderstood all along, then...
My 'impression' was that, once something's submitted, it's moved into & shows up in that "Recently Added" area - as a kind of a "Queue"...where it would *wait* until an admin/mod would look at it, make sure it's NOT a dupe, and would be permanently added.
This would actually probably be a good idea -but- I'm *guessing* that it would add an Immense amount to all of your workloads; huh?
I'd be willing to volunteer to help-out w/ such things...with or w/o "Mod" / "Admin" status :)
When did you create the listing? I'm not seeing anything either. I would go ahead and create a new listing.
I created it the same day I registered, April 30. I figured I'd give it time as it was my first addition. But I'll go ahead and try again then.
Looks like it worked this time.
Thanks for the help everyone.
I get this glitch occasionally.
I'm not sure why it happens, but it seems to be that after you spend a long enough time on the submission page, something times out and it won't submit.
I used to think it was just my login timing out, which happens occasionally (obviously as a security measure), but I've had this happen to me a few times and I would still be logged in... it would simply take me back to the homepage, and my entry would not be shown under "Recent additions"
Luckilly, I'm able to hit the back button and all of the forms are still filled out, where I can simply just hit submit and it'll normally go through the second time (In fact, for me, personally, it has always went through the second time).
Perhaps this just has to do with connection speed/ reliability?
My connection isn't the most reliable, so maybe if it cuts out for a second or two, it won't send the proper code from the submit button, and therefore won't add the submission?
To be honest, I don't actually know much about programming, just most of the concepts of how it works, and barely any of the syntax.
Anyway, not a huge deal since it's so easily fixable, but this has been my own experience with it.
If it helps with debugging, I'm using Google Chrome (v26.0.1410.64 m)
I figured I'd add this question to my already made thread of similar questioning.
How long does it take for edits to be approved? I added a ton of info and took scans of the following games:
Joe & Mac Genesis [NA]
Duke Nukem: Critical Mass DS [NA]
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six - Greatest Hits PS1 [NA]
Top Gun: Combat Zones (Mastiff Release) GCN [NA]
Did all this, maybe, 5 hours ago. And still nothing. Which, I can understand since a human has to approve it. But just as I checked to see if they've been approved someone else's picture for the front cover of the Rainbow Six game was up. Have my edits glitched or something?
Sorry, every update is hand approved buy an admin. I was able to go through about 100 of them earlier this evening. But I had some other stuff come up tonight and had to stop approving. I was actually about to hop back on the admin panel and run through some more approvals in a few minutes.
I more then understand that we all have lives outside the site. Just want to make sure my edits didn't glitch like my first entry. Thanks.
No problem! As far as I know, I didn't run across any glitches in the system. :)
All my edits are now up! Thanks a ton Scott! I'll be sure to do as many more as I can in the future.
Cool thanks for submitting them. :)