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General and Gaming => Off Topic => Topic started by: burningdoom on September 02, 2013, 08:32:45 pm

Title: What's Your Favorite "Bad For You" Food?
Post by: burningdoom on September 02, 2013, 08:32:45 pm

Yeah, right there. Beautiful, bad-for-you, medium-rare red meat; preferably grilled but I've even gotten pan-frying them down to an art. I'm totally a carnivore. (That's dinner tonight!)

Fast-food cheeseburgers are my other weakness. Particularly Sonic's Drive-Thru and Carl's Jr.double-cheeseburgers. Whenever I'm in the next town over, I have to go to Sonic's because there isn't one in my town, it's a weakness (and I love strawberry-limeade).
Title: Re: What's Your Favorite "Bad For You" Food?
Post by: soera on September 02, 2013, 09:29:21 pm
Twinkies are high on the list. They are even mentioned in the bible. "Manna from heaven" has got to be the early form of twinkies.

Peanut butter snickers and vanilla flavored tootsie rolls are great. Heath/Skor bars are awesome.

Beef ribs are a monthly indulgence I do for myself also.
Title: Re: What's Your Favorite "Bad For You" Food?
Post by: sin2beta on September 03, 2013, 01:01:26 am
Pizza of any variety
Gummi of any variety, but especially sour
Ben & Jerry's Half Baked/Phish Food
In n Out Burgers
Freebirds (giant burritos)
Mountain Dew

... that list is kinda gross looking at it... I swear I have restraint!
Title: Re: What's Your Favorite "Bad For You" Food?
Post by: turf on September 03, 2013, 01:15:55 am
If I had to pick my last meal it would be chicken wings and beer.


Buffalo Wild Wings has this down to a science. Give me 6 Mango Habanero and 6 Caribbean Jerk with a side of fried potatoes and a tall, cold Dos XX Amber. I want the traditional wings with the bone in there, too. We can't have any of that boneless noise. If I wanted chicken nuggets, I'd hit a drive through.
Title: Re: What's Your Favorite "Bad For You" Food?
Post by: foxhack on September 03, 2013, 01:16:31 am
Taco Bell Doritos tacos.

That's the only thing approaching real food that they serve.
Title: Re: What's Your Favorite "Bad For You" Food?
Post by: soera on September 03, 2013, 01:28:08 am
Actually Taco bell has an item I really enjoy. Its their nacho cheese griller and its tasty as hell!
Title: Re: What's Your Favorite "Bad For You" Food?
Post by: Oheao on September 03, 2013, 05:56:10 am
Title: Re: What's Your Favorite "Bad For You" Food?
Post by: disgaeniac on September 03, 2013, 10:10:06 am dogs.
Title: Re: What's Your Favorite "Bad For You" Food?
Post by: thelung on September 03, 2013, 10:25:50 am
Cake and brownies, in any form. I can't pass either of them up.
Deviled eggs I can eat till i get sick.
Title: Re: What's Your Favorite "Bad For You" Food?
Post by: ffxik on September 04, 2013, 04:58:12 am

Seriously though
Steak, (knock it's horns off, wipe it's ass, slide it across the grill and it's done.)
Love sour and hot candies.  Atomic Fireballs, Warheads
Hardee's charbroiled burgers are awesome.
Over the years I'm fairly sure I have replaced my bodily fluids with Dr. Pepper

sin2 brought up Ben & Jerry's.  I actually wish Shweddy Balls hadn't got the flack it did.  That was some of the best rum flavored ice cream, ever.  When that came out I went through 4 different towns in about 80 or so miles and only found one pint of it.

I am 6'2" and 320 lbs.  I come by it honestly, it doesn't run through my genes namely because my jeans do very little running.   ;D
Title: Re: What's Your Favorite "Bad For You" Food?
Post by: blipcs76 on September 04, 2013, 11:54:06 am
On a 'bender', I endulge in Mountain Dew, Doritos and Little Debbie snack cakes (and hate myself the next day).

I think red meat has gotten a really bad reputation.  It's not good to eat a 32oz steak every day, but people who will eat a pile of fettucini alfredo with garlic bread have the nerve to say red meat will kill you -- meanwhile, they just ingested a week's worth of carbohydrates from refined flour in one meal.
Title: Re: What's Your Favorite "Bad For You" Food?
Post by: htimreimer on September 04, 2013, 03:54:32 pm
i have two bad foods

(1)poutine: fries,cheese and gravy makes this one hell of a unhealthy comfort food

(2)potato chips: ketchup flavoured or ruffles all dressed are my favorite
Title: Re: What's Your Favorite "Bad For You" Food?
Post by: burningdoom on September 04, 2013, 03:56:05 pm
On a 'bender', I endulge in Mountain Dew, Doritos and Little Debbie snack cakes (and hate myself the next day).

That's usually me after partaking in Gandalf's favorite smokable.
Title: Re: What's Your Favorite "Bad For You" Food?
Post by: scott on September 04, 2013, 05:08:14 pm
Haribo Gummi Bears are my ultimate weakness. I can not leave them alone if there are is a bag laying around.
Title: Re: What's Your Favorite "Bad For You" Food?
Post by: soera on September 04, 2013, 05:26:34 pm
I forgot one. Good n Plenty. I love these things. :)
Title: Re: What's Your Favorite "Bad For You" Food?
Post by: foxhack on September 04, 2013, 08:06:03 pm
On a 'bender', I endulge in Mountain Dew, Doritos and Little Debbie snack cakes (and hate myself the next day).
Doritos and Little Debbie cakes won't kill you. The Dew might actually do more harm than those two combined, depending on your body chemistry.
Title: Re: What's Your Favorite "Bad For You" Food?
Post by: stethebubble on September 05, 2013, 07:17:14 pm
stella, MGD, Yuengling and Baltika #5

Title: Re: What's Your Favorite "Bad For You" Food?
Post by: turf on September 06, 2013, 09:20:35 pm
stella, MGD, Yuengling and Baltika #5

You forgot Red Stripe