VGCollect Forum
General and Gaming => General => Topic started by: jcalder8 on January 01, 2014, 11:11:51 pm
Here is my list from last year:
1. Hit 2300 games. I am currently at 2192 so that is very doable without going over board.Beat it by almost 1000 games and ended the year at 3278
2. BUY A DAMNED NEO GEO COLOR!!! This is the third year in a row that I have had this on my list and I have to get it this year Did this and bought more games!
3. Buy some Super Famicom games. I'm not sure why but I really want to start gathering games for this system. Hitting 15 of them would be nice, 20 even better though :D I finished the year at 23
4. Hit 500 Xbox 360 games! I'm at 476 so again this is within my grasp without having to break the bank. Once again I beat this by a sizable amount: 586
5. Hit 20 3DS games, only 5 away so if I can find a couple of cheap ones over the year I'll make it I made it to 37 thanks to trade in deals
6. A stretch goal would be to hit 300 DS games. I'm at about 250 so hitting 300 would take some really good deals but hopefully I can make it :) 362 at year's end, I just made it lol
7. Lastly I'll try and get 8 more Intellivision games to reach 50 of those. Shouldn't be too hard if I don't waste my money on other things. This was the only one I didn't hit. I made it to 46 and I tried to only shop locally but the prices were just too high :(
Goals for 2014:
1. Make it to 3400 total games. I'll probably hit 3500 too ;D
2. Buy my 600th 360 game. Only 14 more to go so that will be easy to finish
3. Get to 50 Intellivision games. Hopefully the locals will be better this year
4. Hit 400 DS games. With the 3DS still growing I think I won't have much of a problem finding cheap games.
5. Buy 7 more Neo Geo Pocket Color games to get to 10 total
6. Get to 100 SNES games. I am currently at 74 so with a bit of luck I'll be able to get there.
So what are your goals for this year?
1. get the last 5 N64 games I WANT
2. at least Double my saturn games (13)
3. get a PS4
4. Finally organize and get pictures up of the game room
Get rid of a bunch of random stuff I don't play... That's about it. For now I'll keep some of the nicer pieces, like my Magnavox Odyssey, even though I don't use it... but a lot of stuff is probably gonna go out this year once I finally decide to post my stuff on Kijiji.
Get rid of a bunch of random stuff I don't play...
I can help you out with this ;D
1-Buy more CIB N64 games
2-More Neo Geo AES games
3-Support modern games more, mostly Wii U and 3DS
4-Build up import Saturn collection
5-Build up FM Towns collection
Lol I went back to the 2013 thread and this is what mine was : my gaming goal is to get Suikoden II and Ni No Kuni. Thats it for now. Im not sure what will follow in the future.
Heh definitely accomplished that and then some. So this year is going to be a bit more in depth.
#1. First and foremost : Complete SMS set. Im pretty close already and I have some titles that were not released here as well (Bubble bobble, Forgotten worlds, Dragon crystal, Heroes of the lance, Dracula, etc). After all the stuff I have currently worked out and waiting on its arrival, Ill be down 11 games. Buster Douglas is definitely the kicker here. Not looking forward to that at all.
#2. 750 NES titles. Right now Im sitting around 715. I marked all the silly expensive ones off that I do not already own and that should hit me right where I want to be. Its a perfectly nice number and I would be absolutely satisfied not having those last ones.
#3. PS4. I plan to get one but I just do not know when. With titles like Diablo III Ultimate edition, Elder scrolls online, and Everquest next all being slated for PS4, my ability to not buy one is pretty slim. :)
#4. DS/3DS games. Im really enjoying this little thing. Ive never cared too much for portable systems but I feel differently about this one. Im hoping to find a lot more games to play on it. I have around 7-8 titles but I would like to be around 20 or so by the end of the year with all the main ones I want covered.
#5. PS3 controllers. I dont know what started me collecting them but it has happened. I now have 6 different colored official Sony ones (underlined in the following). **Per Wikipedia** The DualShock 3 has been made available in various colors: black, satin silver, ceramic white, classic white,[10] metallic blue,[11] deep red,[11] pink,[12] "jungle green" (olive),[13] "candy blue" (light blue),[14] "urban camouflage" (three-color digital camouflage),[15] "crimson red" (transparent red) and "cosmic blue" (transparent blue).[16] Not all colors have been made available in all markets or at all times.
Additional colors have also been made available alongside limited edition consoles, including gun-metal grey[17] and "cloud black" (dark grey).[18]
A limited edition baseball themed DualShock 3 controller was released on March 8, 2011 to coincide with the release of MLB 11: The Show.[19] Another color, "Metallic Gold", became available in June 2012 as a limited edition in Europe,[20] while in North America it is sold exclusively in GameStop from October 2012.[21][22] A limited edition God of War: Ascension controller is available in the UK as part of a console bundle to coincide with the launch of the game[23] and in the Americas as a game and controller bundle.
Get rid of a bunch of random stuff I don't play...
Well, if you decide to post it here, I saw 1 NES title and a couple of 3DS titles that would work to help both of our goals!
Get CIB and original copies of all of my games
Get the games that I used to own that I don't anymore
Get a Wii U
Reach 500 games
Get rid of a bunch of random stuff I don't play...
I can help you out with this ;D
I'll just update my sales thread once I actually make a proper list. You can check it out then. Dunno if you'll really need much in there though... it's gonna mostly be super-common stuff. (might be able to help with the intellivision games maybe)
I've enjoyed the whole collecting thing for a while, but I've gotten bored of the insanely increasing prices and constantly buying games I wouldn't touch ever.
That means my wishlist will be taking a hit too.
1. Get a Wii U.
2. Pass 100 games in my PS1 collection, and pass 100 games in my PS2 collection. I'm very close on both, and they will be the first consoles I have gotten over 100 games on!
3. Finish off my GameCube wishlist. All I need are: F-Zero GX, Soul Calibur II, Tales of Symphonia, & WWE WrestleMania XIX! (Along with a few multiplats that I'd be just as happy with on Xbox or PS2 anyways.)
4. Get a working Sega CD or 3DO. I just want a piece of that early CD-Rom era back in my collection. I used to have a Sega CD, but it stopped reading discs. So I'd prefer to get a 3DO just to experience some new titles. I'd like a Turbo-CD attachment more than either of those, but I really don't see that one happening.
5. Get more TurboGrafx-16 games. I only have 3 at the moment (Alien Crush, Keith Courage, and Splatterhouse). I used to have a bit more the first time around I had a TG-16 (before my cat broke it, no joke).
6. Try out more modern first-person and third-person shooters. To tell the truth, I got overwhelmed by it all by the time I was done with the Doom series, the Hexen/Heretic series, after that the Quake series, then Unreal, and finally the Halo series. So I completely skipped a large number of these on Xbox 360. I have that trigger finger again and I feel the time is ripe to jump back in, especially since any time now Xbox 360 games will be on clearance racks everywhere!
2013 Goals:
1. Buy an Odyssey 2 Purchased one complete in box!
2. Finish SNES backlog At this point in my collection I was getting overwhelmed by the amount of games I had and felt bad that I was not completing them. I have moved on from that now, but have become much more selective of what I buy. I finished about half of my SNES games.
3. Get all my games in cases This is on hold until I hopefully become a successful adult with a large amount of discretionary income and more space. Just have to work on that making money and going to college stuff.
2014 Goals:
1. Complete/Near Complete Boxed Odyssey 2 set. I don't know why, but I really like this system and its pretty cheap to get a complete USA set. (Except Power Lords).
2. Add to my boxed Wizardry collection. My eventual long term collecting goal before I die is a full boxed Wizardry set with every variant. I will probably focus mainly on US/Japan console releases this year as the PC games are usually more expensive and hard to find.
3. Finish adding collection information to VGCollect. I have made good progress on this, but still have quite a bit to go.
4. Buy one new console. Not sure what system I want right now, but I am kind of leaning towards an Atari Lynx.
2013 Goals
On last year's thread I said I wanted to buy more NES commons and Nintendo Powers. Well, I pulled that off. I'm still filling in gaps on the NES collection, but I did knock a few off the list and even added some "Not-so-commons". Wayne's World and Snow Brothers come to mind. I also stumbled across a ton of Nintendo Powers. I have a lot now. I'm still looking for that elusive Castlvania II one.
In that other thread I said "I say that, but in reality I'll get side tracked and be all about Neo Geo or something in a few months." I did buy a Neo Geo X this year. I wasn't "all about it", but it was something I bought. I don't hate it, but I'm glad I didn't spend Neo Geo money on it. I just thought that was kind of funny.
2014 Goals
1. Be More Selective - Buy games that I really want and quit buying everything. I'll still buy NES games, but Genesis, SNES, and the like will be pickier.
2. Play more of my games. I have too many of these great games that I just don't put to good use.
3. This is the biggie. I'm not joking at all about this. I'm going to make a run at the World Record for Super Mario Bros speed runs. I believe the record is just under 5 min. As of today, I'm at about 7 min 40 sec. I just need to keep shaving seconds off. I've seen places that I can save time. I don't really care if I get the recognition for it. I just want to know I can do it. If I get close, I'll start recording runs. Don't you all want to watch as I blow through a game you know and love?
That last one wasn't a collecting goal, it just something I want to do.
*edit: 4. I want to get more games with Famicom adapters. Why? I don't have a clue. It's just cool to me.
5 minutes from start to finish? Thats pretty impressive. I hate 8-3 and 8-4 and if I die on either, its usually game over from there. I would definitely watch though. I have watched a Nintendo Age buddy give a few good runs on Mega Man 2 speed runs.
And since you mention that, I kind of have a goal of my own like that. I want to contact Twin Galaxies and find out about Black Tiger. Currently the site is down as they are moving out of Canada (at least thats where they used to be located if I remember correctly) and to Denver. But there are 5 entries for Black Tiger. 3rd, 4th, and 5th are definitely beatable. 1st and 2nd place seem to be miles ahead of what should be possible and I want to know if those two scores are verified cause I dont think they are. If they are not verified, I can pretty much guarantee myself a first place. :)
1. hit 100 ps3 games
2. get my childhood systems and games back from my uncle. (this might have to wait till i go back to england)
3. get one more system that i dont own.
the rest of my goals are to do with playing. i want to complete more of my games. (going to take a while ive got a huge back log)
Here is my list from last year:
1. Hit 2300 games. I am currently at 2192 so that is very doable without going over board.Beat it by almost 1000 games and ended the year at 3278
You bought 1000+ games in 2013? Man, that's incredible. It's more than 3 times my whole collection haha. Congrats :D
My big goals this year would be:
1- Reach 400 games. I think it will be hard, but doable.
2- Reach 50 3DS games.
3- Reach 100 Nintendo DS games. I don't think I'll make it, but it would be really fun to achieve!
I might add more later, but for now it's what I would like to get to the most :D
Marked off the goals of mine on the 2013 thread.
2014 goals
1. Buy more Atlus games
2. Hit 100 PS2 games and work on thinning down my wishlist for it.
3. Rebuy the rest of my missing games (traded off/ sold ones that need replacement)
4 Buy a NES top loader.
My collection goals from last year were stupid and vague. It was stuff like "flesh out my 360 collection". This is the equivalent of a new year resolution of "smile more". But damn it, that's how I work. Last year I focused on Xbox, Xbox 360, and Game Gear. I did really well. I have about half of the Game Gear games and expanded my Microsoft collection greatly.
2014 main focus areas
Sega 16-bit (Genesis, 32X, CD)
Secondary areas
Dreamcast (hit the big titles)
Master System/Game Gear (continue inching toward that complete set)
Get em as I see/want them
Sega Saturn and XBox defining games.
I don't have any real defined goals. This is due to my collection already being fairly focused. It is defined by "an @$$load of Sega and XBox". That is my goal.
Last year:
main goal: to find a Sega CD model 1 so it doesn't look like a tumor on my genesis got a model 2 with a 32X Close enough
other than that my only real goals are to increase certain collections like my saturn & Wii U,started with 3 each, in the end, Saturn:13 Wii U: 18 so I say that goal reached
and also to knock off a few of my most wanted games like Fire Emblem, legacy of kain: Blood Omen, & Arc Rise Fantasia.Actually got the 3 I named and so Many more
last year i wanted to get every thing on my wish list but instead it got bigger
last year i wanted to get every thing on my wish list but instead it got bigger
You win the thread, lol. So true.
My early 2014 goal would be to get the Star Wars edition of the Xbox 360 new if possible. Only 2 gamestops in my area are the only one's who still have them available but they are 400 dollars so I'm slowly saving and I hope that when I save up enough, one is still available.
Last Year:
First and foremost: ORGANIZATION! Hate that it is all just in boxes. Nope, still in boxes.
Fun stuff:
Working SegaCD Nope
More NES carts, common or otherwise. Yes, this I actually did
At least one CIB for the systems I currently own Not really, but added a few to NES, N64, Gen
A longbox or two for PS1, those are neat.Nope.
The new neo geo :) Nope.
So, I didn't do that well with 2013's goals.
-I'd still like to organize, but it will have to wait until we have less people in our house, and more room for displaying things.
-I'd like to make a MUST have list to give me something to strive for in various systems. I feel like I'm rarely buying, even on decent deals, and then buying things that I'm sort of "meh" about. Focus...
-Get my mame cabinet up and running
Pretty much the same year after year for me.
Still collecting more wrestling games and more from my childhood. Still wouldn't mind getting a TG16/Turbo Duo and a Virtual Boy.
- Finish off my Vectrex collection. Made it to within 7.
- Finish off my SMS collection (a long shot but do-able if the funds are available) Only missing Knockout Boxing.
- Finish off my 32x collection (again, pending availability of allocated funds) Made it to within 11.
- Fix the majority of my broken arcade machines This totally didn't happen. Ended up back where I started.
- Finish the conversion of one side of the garage into a proper arcade Got the machines arranged but had to use the space to store my audio/video/lighting equipment.
Pick up James Buster Douglas Knockout Boxing for SMS Completed- Pick up a Master Gear converter
Finish off my Virtual Boy collection Completed- Pick up a Magnavox Odyssey
- Pick up a SNES model 2
- Pick up a NES toploader
- Pick up a Jaguar CD
- Flesh out the Dreamcast collection (a little over 1/5 of the way done)
- Build two more pinball coffee tables
- Move my audio/video/lighting equipment out of the arcade and finish decorating/painting/lighting, etc
As for my 2014 goals, my 2013 goals still apply as I haven't finished them yet. Some new goals are expanding my Sega Genesis collection and finishing my backlog remains imperative. Good luck with your individual goals, everyone! I've been reading some of the goals posted and I was... :o
My collection goals from last year were stupid and vague. It was stuff like "flesh out my 360 collection". This is the equivalent of a new year resolution of "smile more". But damn it, that's how I work. Last year I focused on Xbox, Xbox 360, and Game Gear. I did really well. I have about half of the Game Gear games and expanded my Microsoft collection greatly.
2014 main focus areas
Sega 16-bit (Genesis, 32X, CD)
Secondary areas
Dreamcast (hit the big titles)
Master System/Game Gear (continue inching toward that complete set)
Get em as I see/want them
Sega Saturn and XBox defining games.
I don't have any real defined goals. This is due to my collection already being fairly focused. It is defined by "an @$$load of Sega and XBox". That is my goal.
I forgot to add that I want to focus on obtaining some accessories. This year it is going to be all about arcade sticks. And I don't want one per system. I want four player Gauntlet Legends, baby!
I have a pretty busy year planned ahead of my and I'm sure it's gonna be chaotic.
1. Store my games better (Ordered some 50 odd case protectors)
2. Keep up with new Final Fantasy Releases
It's not a goal to have the biggest collection or anything but I think it's realistic considering all the moving I'm going to be doing this year.
My collection goals from last year were stupid and vague. It was stuff like "flesh out my 360 collection". This is the equivalent of a new year resolution of "smile more". But damn it, that's how I work. Last year I focused on Xbox, Xbox 360, and Game Gear. I did really well. I have about half of the Game Gear games and expanded my Microsoft collection greatly.
2014 main focus areas
Sega 16-bit (Genesis, 32X, CD)
Secondary areas
Dreamcast (hit the big titles)
Master System/Game Gear (continue inching toward that complete set)
Get em as I see/want them
Sega Saturn and XBox defining games.
I don't have any real defined goals. This is due to my collection already being fairly focused. It is defined by "an @$$load of Sega and XBox". That is my goal.
I forgot to add that I want to focus on obtaining some accessories. This year it is going to be all about arcade sticks. And I don't want one per system. I want four player Gauntlet Legends, baby!
I know what you mean! I'm really eyeing up some Dreamcast arcade sticks, but man it seems they're expensive. Most seem to be the japanese version too. I don't think that'd matter though?
P.S. I watched your youtube channel over the last couple days. I've enjoyed it! Keep it up :D.
My collection goals from last year were stupid and vague. It was stuff like "flesh out my 360 collection". This is the equivalent of a new year resolution of "smile more". But damn it, that's how I work. Last year I focused on Xbox, Xbox 360, and Game Gear. I did really well. I have about half of the Game Gear games and expanded my Microsoft collection greatly.
2014 main focus areas
Sega 16-bit (Genesis, 32X, CD)
Secondary areas
Dreamcast (hit the big titles)
Master System/Game Gear (continue inching toward that complete set)
Get em as I see/want them
Sega Saturn and XBox defining games.
I don't have any real defined goals. This is due to my collection already being fairly focused. It is defined by "an @$$load of Sega and XBox". That is my goal.
I forgot to add that I want to focus on obtaining some accessories. This year it is going to be all about arcade sticks. And I don't want one per system. I want four player Gauntlet Legends, baby!
I know what you mean! I'm really eyeing up some Dreamcast arcade sticks, but man it seems they're expensive. Most seem to be the japanese version too. I don't think that'd matter though?
P.S. I watched your youtube channel over the last couple days. I've enjoyed it! Keep it up :D.
Yeah, they are expensive. That's why I'm giving myself a year.
Thanks man! I plan on spending tomorrow making some videos. A new SG Awesome and something new if I have time.
My collection goals from last year were stupid and vague. It was stuff like "flesh out my 360 collection". This is the equivalent of a new year resolution of "smile more". But damn it, that's how I work. Last year I focused on Xbox, Xbox 360, and Game Gear. I did really well. I have about half of the Game Gear games and expanded my Microsoft collection greatly.
2014 main focus areas
Sega 16-bit (Genesis, 32X, CD)
Secondary areas
Dreamcast (hit the big titles)
Master System/Game Gear (continue inching toward that complete set)
Get em as I see/want them
Sega Saturn and XBox defining games.
I don't have any real defined goals. This is due to my collection already being fairly focused. It is defined by "an @$$load of Sega and XBox". That is my goal.
I forgot to add that I want to focus on obtaining some accessories. This year it is going to be all about arcade sticks. And I don't want one per system. I want four player Gauntlet Legends, baby!
I know what you mean! I'm really eyeing up some Dreamcast arcade sticks, but man it seems they're expensive. Most seem to be the japanese version too. I don't think that'd matter though?
P.S. I watched your youtube channel over the last couple days. I've enjoyed it! Keep it up :D.
Thanks man! I plan on spending tomorrow making some videos. A new SG Awesome and something new if I have time.
Let's hope so!!! You're fans have been waiting :)
Yeah, they are expensive. That's why I'm giving myself a year.
Thanks man! I plan on spending tomorrow making some videos. A new SG Awesome and something new if I have time.
Sweet! I'll keep an eye out for it. I subscribed so I'll be doing that from now one. I grew up a nintendo boy so learning about Sega's early stuff is really interesting to me.
This is a question that's getting harder for me to answer every year. The core of my collection is done, its been done for a couple of years now. That being said I don't think it will ever be completely done. There will always be other goodies to find.
In 2013 I got some long awaited things that have been goals for at least a year or more, like a Tandy Coco disk drive and controller, a CIB version of Mario XE, a couple of rarer CIB Atari 7800 games, NES vaus controller, power base converter, a nice CIB Atari 2600 with matching serial numbers, a Commodore 64, a Famicom to NES converter and some Famicom games, and a PS3.
My one goal from the last two years, which is still unfulfilled, is to find an atari 800 computer. I have 800XL's and a couple of XEGS's but the 400/800 line of computers will play some carts that the others won't (at least without a translator disk). Wouldn't mind a disk drive too.
Will also continue to work on my Commodore 64 collection. Have just a half dozen carts at the moment. Maybe a disk drive for it as well
Also some select Wii, PS3, and NES carts but nothing must have, just some nice to have games.
I don't buy "shelf filler" anymore. I'm long past that. Who knows what else 2014 may bring :)
Yeah, they are expensive. That's why I'm giving myself a year.
Thanks man! I plan on spending tomorrow making some videos. A new SG Awesome and something new if I have time.
Sweet! I'll keep an eye out for it. I subscribed so I'll be doing that from now one. I grew up a nintendo boy so learning about Sega's early stuff is really interesting to me.
Not sure if you have watching all of his videos yet, but if not, I recommend to go in order and start with SG Awesome episode 1. The first episode begins excellent and so in deph to the beginnings of Sega. To me, watching in order is like watching a Sega Documentary DVD by chapters or something. Very good.
2014 goals
1. Buy more Atlus games
I like how you think ;) I didn't write it since I don't have a quantity to put on the goal, but it's also part of my goals since a few months! I missed out on so many awesome games.
2. Keep up with new Final Fantasy Releases
Fixed! ;D
Are current Final Fantasy games still good? I stopped at Final Fantasy IX and found Final Fantasy X annoying. Square-Enix-wise, Bravely Default and Murdered: Soul Suspect look pretty good outside of Final Fantasy titles. Since they own Eidos, Batman: Arkham ..., Thief, Deus Ex, and Tomb Raider series are also great titles.
I do agree with you on keeping up with new releases, though!
I have been buying and collecting pretty hardcore for several years now (accumulating around 500 games per year), but this year I'm trying to focus on playing a lot more games than I buy. Started the year off right by playing a game I've sadly never played before, Chrono Trigger. I am almost to the end where you fight Lavos and God Damn, it is an excellent RPG. Was going to take on Earthbound, also for the first time, next. Here's to a good year of gaming and collecting!
Oh by the way, hello everyone! New here. I am a Gamespot refugee since they abandoned their retro community and hammered the last nail into their site's coffin. Hope to meet some cool gamers here. Also have about 90% of my collection cataloged so far if anyone is interested in seeing what I got.
Oh by the way, hello everyone! New here. I am a Gamespot refugee since they abandoned their retro community and hammered the last nail into their site's coffin. Hope to meet some cool gamers here. Also have about 90% of my collection cataloged so far if anyone is interested in seeing what I got.
Welcome to the site Bikingjahuty ;D
We also have a more "official" "Introductions" thread if you want to say "Hello" to everyone all at once ;)
Oh by the way, hello everyone! New here. I am a Gamespot refugee since they abandoned their retro community and hammered the last nail into their site's coffin. Hope to meet some cool gamers here. Also have about 90% of my collection cataloged so far if anyone is interested in seeing what I got.
Welcome to the site Bikingjahuty ;D
We also have a more "official" "Introductions" thread if you want to say "Hello" to everyone all at once ;)
Just did :). Thanks for the warm welcome!
Bump this so we can find it.