VGCollect Forum
VGCollect Site Stuff => Site Feedback => Topic started by: proskier on January 11, 2014, 12:16:00 am
I would love to see 'greyed out' icons for the 4 checkboxes. Would be nice to be able to quickly see what we are missing at a per item basis, without having to click each item and look on the right side of the screen. It would be cool if you could make the cart/disk icon different for each system... Also I expermiented with having it show the real box... maybe be cool to use the real box/cart/disk and then generic for manual/misc.
Please let me know what you think matt.
ohh... this is interesting!
I know I've only hinted at a new design that is coming realllly soon....but here is a preview of the new Collection/Wish List/Sell List views:
As you can see there is now a dedicated space for this info. What I would love though is to use your icon idea. That would look sooooooo much better than the text/checkboxes we are currently using. Anyone want to take a stab at making a small set of icons that'd work?
You saw my art skills... I will not have much to offer on that one :D someone who can draw get on it!!
matt, what is the preferred size for the icons?
probably looking for 40 x 40 or so
Let me know if you like these... if so I will make some more in the same style... if you let me plug my 2d mmorpg I've been developing 2.5 yrs now :D... kidding... I would be happy to draw more if they are liked
( <-- SNES
( <-- NES
( <-- Genesis
they look good, vary good
Let me know if you like these... if so I will make some more in the same style... if you let me plug my 2d mmorpg I've been developing 2.5 yrs now :D... kidding... I would be happy to draw more if they are liked
( <-- SNES
( <-- NES
( <-- Genesis
I think those are awesome (and feel free to plug your mmo whenever you want)
I think we are going to have trouble making icons that have the meaning we are going for:
Cart / Disc = NES cart would work for this, Maybe put a CD behind it or something
Box - Could probably make a little pixel looking NES old school original release:
Manual - not sure on this
Other - not sure on this
Just a thought, but what about using the vgcollect cartridge icon we already have. Them make a box icon for that cartridge icon. Same for manual. Maybe have some text at the bottom to clear up any confusion?
Cart / Disc = NES cart would work for this, Maybe put a CD behind it or something
Box - Could probably make a little pixel looking NES old school original release:
Manual - not sure on this
Other - not sure on this
( <-- Cart/Disc
( <-- Box
( <-- Manual
( <-- Other
( <-- Other 2
Let me know what you guys think... I can change anything...
As much as I would like a unique icon for each console, the universal cart/disc icon wouldn't need updating until games start coming out on holographic cubes. ;D
I would maybe make the "other" icon something like a map and a figurine, so it looks different from the manual icon.
I like the layout change, will be much easier to see and update our collection info. Is there any way we could go into "edit mode" for the full page instead of one item at a time?
I would maybe make the "other" icon something like a map and a figurine, so it looks different from the manual icon.
Edited my post with what you requested... matt any comments? Anything you want me to tweak?
I really like what you've started here proskier. I've got a couple of ideas for the manual. I started with your image and tweaked it. I'm not very good a pixel art, but these are just tests anyway (I didn't even remember to center them). If anyone likes them, they can be changed or adjusted as anyone sees fit.
Also, since I know very little of web development, are the 'greyed out' icons accomplished though an overlay on the page, or with separate versions of the images? I think it is done with separate versions, so those have to be created as well.
How about something like this?
Edit: Adding larger images for better visibility.
( (
( (
( (
Misc Items
( (
I think that the check-boxes that we already have are just fine & already make everything crystal clear, and that all of this is just over-complicating - other words..."Trying To Fix Something That's Not Broken" (and that already works & does its job just fine) -and- that I'm sure that there are likely a shitload of more important, non-redundant, and *Necessary* things that Matt & Co. could better spend their time fixing/working on...
How about something like this?
i like it
I think that the check-boxes that we already have are just fine & already make everything crystal clear, and that all of this is just over-complicating - other words..."Trying To Fix Something That's Not Broken" (and that already works & does its job just fine) -and- that I'm sure that there are likely a shitload of more important, non-redundant, and *Necessary* things that Matt & Co. could better spend their time fixing/working on...
It's more about streamlining, I think. The way the new site shrinks to accommodate screen size (PC, Tablet, Smartphone) when things get down to the smaller screen size the checkboxes + the text for each was taking up real estate and causing the boxes to hang over the side of the screen. In various parts of the world signage lacks words and is usually just symbols denoting what something is. In the States we tend to be wordy with our signs in comparison. Plus folk's who don't have English as their primary language can glance at it and not bother reading what each box means.
I don't mind playing in Photoshop to mock up things. I've mocked up ideas for various pages, the android app and other things over the years. Since I can't code the site, I can only contribute to the overall design of things. Plus like today I'm stuck in the office and it's dead slow and it gave me something fun to do. :)
I think that the check-boxes that we already have are just fine & already make everything crystal clear, and that all of this is just over-complicating - other words..."Trying To Fix Something That's Not Broken" (and that already works & does its job just fine) -and- that I'm sure that there are likely a shitload of more important, non-redundant, and *Necessary* things that Matt & Co. could better spend their time fixing/working on...
It's more about streamlining, I think. The way the new site shrinks to accommodate screen size (PC, Tablet, Smartphone) when things get down to the smaller screen size the checkboxes + the text for each was taking up real estate and causing the boxes to hang over the side of the screen. In various parts of the world signage lacks words and is usually just symbols denoting what something is. In the States we tend to be wordy with our signs in comparison. Plus folk's who don't have English as their primary language can glance at it and not bother reading what each box means.
I don't mind playing in Photoshop to mock up things. I've mocked up ideas for various pages, the android app and other things over the years. Since I can't code the site, I can only contribute to the overall design of things. Plus like today I'm stuck in the office and it's dead slow and it gave me something fun to do. :)
Those are some pretty good points & considerations that I hadn't thought of...prolly 'cause I've never used and/or viewed VGCollect on any smaller-sized screens 8)
If you shrink your browser out of Maximized mode and manually shrink the window, you'll see how VGC morphs to the size of the screen.
I like those icons. Still wish there was a way to work our vgcollect NES cartridge icon into it...
Very nice looking Scott. Now would they be totally static or would we want to be able to click them to toggle them off and on, or have them bring you to an edit page? Also, would hovering the mouse bring up the description text? If so make sure it is Cart/Disc instead of Cart/Disk.
How about something like this?
Misc Items
( (
I really love that misc icon! Are you a graphics designer or something alike? Either way, you're pretty good with them icons.
Thanks guys.
I really love that misc icon! Are you a graphics designer or something alike? Either way, you're pretty good with them icons.
Sorta. I went to college for it, but never finished. I've been playing in Photoshop and Illustrator for like 15 years though.
Thanks guys.
I really love that misc icon! Are you a graphics designer or something alike? Either way, you're pretty good with them icons.
Sorta. I went to college for it, but never finished. I've been playing in Photoshop and Illustrator for like 15 years though.
I think you should have a PHD in graphic designing.
Ha, thanks!
I like those icons. Still wish there was a way to work our vgcollect NES cartridge icon into it...
That's kinda why when I made the Box icon, I used the design of the label of our NES cart as the basis for it. If you look the one box is the top "art" box and the bottom is the "hoarder series" logo box. :)
Let me know if you like these... if so I will make some more in the same style... if you let me plug my 2d mmorpg I've been developing 2.5 yrs now :D... kidding... I would be happy to draw more if they are liked
( <-- SNES
( <-- NES
( <-- Genesis
You should make n64 game cartridge as well
I have a question. Even though this would fall in the realm of trying to 'fix what isn't broken', if these changes were to happen would the following be feasible. I always wanted there to be a check box on a per game basis on whether or not you have a strategy guide. When I have a guide, I kind of see it as a part of the game, not a related piece of swag. I personally would like this approach so I could tell just by looking at my game listing if I have a guide or not. The separate listings for guides wouldn't have to change at all, I would just use the check box. Anyway, just a thought. If anyone agrees or disagrees please voice your opinions.