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General and Gaming => Off Topic => Topic started by: stuntman64 on February 01, 2014, 12:27:41 pm

Title: Other Intrest thread
Post by: stuntman64 on February 01, 2014, 12:27:41 pm
I think it would be gucci if we shared other interest we have other than video games.  I also like band, electronics especailly subwoofers, scraping metal, i do like going to school even though I'm not a great student, i also like making fat stacks.
Title: Re: Other Intrest thread
Post by: burningdoom on February 01, 2014, 01:02:36 pm
I think most of the regulars here already know most of my interests, since I discuss them pretty openly here already. But for the interest of this thread, and in case anyone didn't know:

-Comic Books - Mostly Marvel and DC Comics from the 80s to current; although since New 52 from DC and the relaunch after relaunch after relaunch from Marvel I'm starting to think about going only back-issues. I've got a pretty decent sized collection (around 5,000). In the 90s, I also collected comic trading cards. Got a few binders of those collecting dust, since they really aren't sold anymore.

-Sci-Fi & Fantasy Movies - Love em. The Star Trek series, Back to the Future Trilogy, Lord of the Rings, Conan movies, Robocop, Starship Troopers, Troy, Legend, etc., etc. I could name great movies from this genre for an entire page, probably. I just love the sense of wonder they evoke.

-Horror Movies - More into sci-fi movies these days, and when I was younger I was more into the horror. But I still enjoy a good horror-flick from time-to-time. I'd say my horror knowledge kind of drops off at the 2000s era, though. I really like zombie movies in particular (Dawn of the Dead, Day of the Dead, Zombie, Resident Evil). Non-romantic vampire flicks are cool, too, you know, the ones where they don't sparkle and they mercilessly kill people (30 Days of Night, Dracula 2000, Lost Boys, Night Flier). I also like the 70s and 80s gorefest movies like the Nightmare on Elm Street series, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Night of the Demons, and others.

-Metal Music - I like a lot of different metal from the 70s to today. Thrash, Melodic Death Metal, 80s Hair Metal, NWOBHM, and a little Power Metal here or there are my favorites. Megadeth, Iced Earth, Iron Maiden, old Metallica, In Flames, Scar Symmetry, Children of Bodom, W.A.S.P., Motley Crue, Def Leppard, Scorpions, Nightwish; just to name a few favorites. BTW, in related news, WE JUST BOUGHT TICKETS TO THE MOTLEY CRUE FAREWELL TOUR WITH ALICE COOPER!!!

-Pro-Wrestling - Yep, men in tights. And yes, I know it's fake. But that doesn't stop it from being entertaining like any other T.V. show or movie which are also "fake". To tell the truth, though, the last few years haven't been too kind to wrestling. TNA is in shambles, and WWE is the same old it's been for the last half decade. But older TNA and WWE, and WCW are things that I love and invested much time into. Monday Nights used to be so much more exciting when Raw and Nitro were the center of the night, speaking of which I recently got the Raw 12-disc set of the 20 best episodes uncut. I so highly recommend this to any fans of the WWE of yesteryear. I've been enjoying the hell out of reliving these episodes.
Title: Re: Other Intrest thread
Post by: stuntman64 on February 01, 2014, 01:06:49 pm
I also like to listen to a lot of rap and some metal, classic, rock.
Title: Re: Other Intrest thread
Post by: pacpix on February 01, 2014, 03:01:56 pm
Baseball: I really enjoy watching baseball, specifically the Mariners.  It takes up a lot of my gaming time during the season, but I am planning on doing my level grinding while the games are on this year.
Metal:  I enjoy collecting music CDs.  My shelf is basically filled up with Weird Al CDs, Metal CDs, and a little bit of alternative rock.  My favorite subgenre in metal is doom metal, but I also enjoy listening to thrash and some death metal.
Malware: I don't really know a whole lot about the technical side, but I find malware fascinating and watch a lot of videos and read a lot about it.
Title: Re: Other Intrest thread
Post by: stuntman64 on February 01, 2014, 04:17:21 pm
Baseball: I really enjoy watching baseball, specifically the Mariners.  It takes up a lot of my gaming time during the season, but I am planning on doing my level grinding while the games are on this year.
Metal:  I enjoy collecting music CDs.  My shelf is basically filled up with Weird Al CDs, Metal CDs, and a little bit of alternative rock.  My favorite subgenre in metal is doom metal, but I also enjoy listening to thrash and some death metal.
Malware: I don't really know a whole lot about the technical side, but I find malware fascinating and watch a lot of videos and read a lot about it.
  My Mom likes baseball.
Title: Re: Other Intrest thread
Post by: turf on February 01, 2014, 04:49:37 pm
I'm seriously an odd duck in this department. I love stuff all over the map. 

1. Mixed Martial Arts. I love fighting. Wait... I love watching fighting. I'm not about to get punched in the face. I have friends who fight.  I've been training partners. I've even coached and cornered guys a few times. I love this sport.

2. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.  I'm ate up with it. I love the gentle art. There is something primal, simple, and beautiful about two people trying to choke each other unconscious.  :D. This is what introduced me to MMA and it's what I have enough experience in to coach or corner a fighter.

3. Arkansas Razorbacks I love the Hogs. Basketball and football mostly, but I'll cheer for any sport.

There's a ton of other stuff that I enjoy.  Music, movies, beer, hookers... The list goes on.
Title: Re: Other Intrest thread
Post by: stuntman64 on February 01, 2014, 06:06:48 pm
I'm seriously an odd duck in this department. I love stuff all over the map. 
I am also an odd one as well. I like to listen to crunk, rap, dirty south and gansta rap, but i love nintendo like zelda. i like japanese things and the language, but i am not very studious. i also like the medical feild. i like innovation over graphics.
Title: Re: Other Intrest thread
Post by: htimreimer on February 01, 2014, 08:31:46 pm
psychology: i love learning and studying psychology, i think the reason why i like psychology is because i have mental illness my self

film,television, music and technology history: there are so many reasons why i love the history of film,television, music and technology history that i can make 2 page essays on them, so i'm gonna in to details but just know i love it

family history: this is something that's vary important to me and i think its important for future generations to know ware they came from
Title: Re: Other Intrest thread
Post by: sin2beta on February 01, 2014, 09:26:39 pm
I really like Math. My degree is in math and am published in physics. I also really like music. Punk and grunge are my main interests.

Comic Books used to be a main hobby of mine. Video Games have taken over, but in a few years it will switch back to comics. I like movies and television in the same way I like comics. I love pulp fiction.

I used to row in college. I still love that sport. I also enjoy watching hockey. Now that I'm a north Texan, I'm trying to get into Baseball.
Title: Re: Other Intrest thread
Post by: pacpix on February 01, 2014, 09:30:05 pm

I used to row in college. I still love that sport. I also enjoy watching hockey. Now that I'm a north Texan, I'm trying to get into Baseball.
Are you going with The Rangers or pulling for the underdog, the Astros?
Title: Re: Other Intrest thread
Post by: scott on February 01, 2014, 11:43:17 pm
Oh man..

I work on VGC
I collect Board Games
I collect beer bottles and caps
I collect CDs
I collect fancy Hardcover Books
I paint miniatures
I play Bass guitar
I sometimes build MAME machines
I draw
I do graphic design projects

Um... there is prolly more. >_>

Title: Re: Other Intrest thread
Post by: bikingjahuty on February 02, 2014, 12:00:24 am
As my user name suggests, I am an avid cyclist, although I refuse to wear spandex like many other people I bike with :p

I also am very interested in computers, specifically programming, so much so I am seriously considering changing career paths in the near future.

I love Shoegaze music. If you don't know what it is, I highly recommend giving it a listen :)

I love anime and manga.

I also enjoy writing, specifically fictional memoirs that have bits of my own personal experiences sprinkled in. Would love to get something published, but it is something I do more for fun than anything.
Title: Re: Other Intrest thread
Post by: soera on February 02, 2014, 12:08:42 am
My other interests .... well there is this : ( ( (
Title: Re: Other Intrest thread
Post by: anruiukimi on February 02, 2014, 07:02:40 pm
I'm a newbie here, but well, I'll throw in my two cents. :)

I've collected anime things for close to twenty years, and I've gotten more specific over the years, but these days it's largely:

Anime cels (Future GPX Cyber Formula, Legend of the Galactic Heroes, and Card Captor Sakura, primarily)
Anime dishes (Anything I find cute, but I prefer to have least watched some of the show)
One Piece clothing
One Piece stuff in general as mood strikes
Dragon Quest music
Anime/video game Vinyl (records)

I've got so many posters (and anime CDs) in storage that I've cut myself off there, but once upon a time...


I also sew, do crafts, draw, write, blahblahblah...

I do machine embroidery for Etsy customers for extra cash, but I've had the same designs for over a year. I need to branch out a bit. :/

There are days that I want to pack up large amounts of my things, and sell them at the first anime swap meet I can get to, but I'll probably focus more on that when I'm looking for a new place again. :)

I also enjoy history and anthropology, I tend to watch more documentaries than dramas these days.

There's more I can ramble about, but nothing is coming to mind at the moment. ::laughs::
Title: Re: Other Intrest thread
Post by: 90snostalga on February 02, 2014, 08:40:51 pm
My other interest:

MUSIC-I love music from the Beatles to Bob Marley to Jimmi Hendrix to Tupac to Nirvana to Skillet to Dr. Dre from cassettes, cds and vinyl.  I listen all sorts of music on many formats with the exception of digital.  I do not do iTunes, download music or none of that.

Additionally, I also produce music and I used to make beats for local rappers and work in the studio.  I also used to perform at clubs and I was also on some local ABC stations at one time lol.  My little brother is a guitarists and plays in 3 different traveling bands at age 12.  He can play anything!

SPORTS-I love hockey and I like football.  Only professional.  I for some reason cannot get into college football so I only watch NHL and sometimes NFL.

MOVIES-I love movies and I also collect tv shows on dvd and movies that I can watch over and over.  Me and my kids have movie nights a lot and watch a lot of horror movies.

Other those things and games, I have no life and I am very nerdy and lame and boring and I have no friends other than one's on

Title: Re: Other Intrest thread
Post by: 90snostalga on February 02, 2014, 08:43:00 pm
I love pulp fiction.

One question.  Does Marcellas Wallas look like a b****! 
Title: Re: Other Intrest thread
Post by: redblaze57 on February 02, 2014, 10:01:00 pm
I seem to collect a lot of different Shit
Anime/Manga- I tend to collect this stuff also, but I've fallen behind on actually getting the stuff Favorite series include:Berserk, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop, Rurouni Kenshin, Hellsing, and Yu Yu Hakusho

Music- I tend to stay in the Rock/Metal category, I'll play guitar or bass every once in a while but I'm not good at all. I tend to lean more towards Power and Industrial Metal. Favorite bands include: Firewind, Alice in Chains, Dio, Mystic Prophecy, Foo Fighters, Incubus and Motörhead

Comics- as of right now mostly Batman related, still the newest hobby of mine, Other series I have also/want to start getting are Army of Darkness, Deadpool, and Green Arrow

Figures- I'm not really a sealed collector when it comes to these. the blister packaging ones I tend to keep sealed unless they are damaged I mostly got anime & video game Characters and a couple of Ash from Evil dead

Hotwheels- Okay this was my first hobby, and a good majority came form my Uncle and oddly enough my grandmother. other tghan the DC Comics-based cars I have bought any in a long time

other than those other interest are woodworking and spending time with my dog
Title: Re: Other Intrest thread
Post by: burningdoom on February 02, 2014, 10:12:22 pm
It's NOT the SuperBowl.
Title: Re: Other Intrest thread
Post by: 90snostalga on February 02, 2014, 10:34:56 pm
I really like Math. My degree is in math and am published in physics.

Comic Books used to be a main hobby of mine. Video Games have taken over, but in a few years it will switch back to comics. I like movies and television in the same way I like comics. I love pulp fiction.

Hey guys.  In case you wonder what sin2beta looks like in real life.  Here is an actual picture of him:

Title: Re: Other Intrest thread
Post by: sin2beta on February 04, 2014, 09:21:54 pm
I love pulp fiction.

One question.  Does Marcellas Wallas look like a b****!

Title: Re: Other Intrest thread
Post by: sin2beta on February 04, 2014, 09:26:20 pm
I really like Math. My degree is in math and am published in physics.

Comic Books used to be a main hobby of mine. Video Games have taken over, but in a few years it will switch back to comics. I like movies and television in the same way I like comics. I love pulp fiction.

Hey guys.  In case you wonder what sin2beta looks like in real life.  Here is an actual picture of him:


Yeah, maybe. I actually do agree with him a lot in the show. And the picture below is actually the stuff I worked on when at Stanford and UC-Boulder. BaBar collaboration FTW! But sadly the character has become a bit too much of a caricature. I like the first season of the show. Currently... not so much.

Title: Re: Other Intrest thread
Post by: 90snostalga on February 05, 2014, 05:09:16 am
I really like Math. My degree is in math and am published in physics.

Comic Books used to be a main hobby of mine. Video Games have taken over, but in a few years it will switch back to comics. I like movies and television in the same way I like comics. I love pulp fiction.

Yeah, maybe. I actually do agree with him a lot in the show. And the picture below is actually the stuff I worked on when at Stanford and UC-Boulder. BaBar collaboration FTW! But sadly the character has become a bit too much of a caricature. I like the first season of the show. Currently... not so much.

Wow!  If you understand what's on that board you must be very very smart.  I feel like I would have to pay money to even schedule a meeting with you or something  ;)    But if you are similar to Sheldon, May I ask, does your gf look like her as well? lol

"BaBar collaboration FTW!"  I have no idea what the F you are talking about lol.  Me and my wife love Big Bang Theory tho.  We are only on season 4 tho.  We have the dvd box sets and we need to catch up after season 4.
Title: Re: Other Intrest thread
Post by: scott on February 05, 2014, 08:52:45 am
Man, i don't like Big Bang Theory at all. I did find the 1st season entertaining but after that I grew really tired of it very quickly. I think Sheldon is one of the reason too, I really really can't stand him at all. To the point where I don't even like the guy that plays him. ha
Title: Re: Other Intrest thread
Post by: fazerco on February 05, 2014, 12:12:43 pm
I have a sugarbag collection.

I have graphic novells, or just comics.

I also ride a bike, a yamaha fazer 1000

And i like married with childeren  ;D
Title: Re: Other Intrest thread
Post by: soera on February 05, 2014, 01:42:39 pm
What the hell is a sugarbag? Is it like a slutbag but nicer?

If you want children, mine are for sale. You dont even have to be "married with children" to have them. :)
Title: Re: Other Intrest thread
Post by: fazerco on February 05, 2014, 03:16:29 pm
What the hell is a sugarbag? Is it like a slutbag but nicer?

If you want children, mine are for sale. You dont even have to be "married with children" to have them. :)

Those paper bags with sugar in them.

And i think importing children is illegal. I will send Al to you to teach you how to  ;)
Title: Re: Other Intrest thread
Post by: soera on February 05, 2014, 03:56:46 pm
As in like granulated sugar? (
Title: Re: Other Intrest thread
Post by: stuntman64 on February 05, 2014, 05:50:51 pm
As in like granulated sugar? (
he meant this kind of sugar.
Title: Re: Other Intrest thread
Post by: stethebubble on February 05, 2014, 06:12:10 pm
Sports - football (middlesbrough), American football (eagles), Hockey (avs), MMA, Boxing, F1. pretty much anything but baseball.

Cooking. I love to cook. Started a website with my recipes but i only have a few up there at the moment.

Movies/TV. Who doesnt enjoy these?

Music. I listen to most stuff. not a fan of metal or pop music thou.

Designing Buildings
Title: Re: Other Intrest thread
Post by: stethebubble on February 05, 2014, 06:14:16 pm
What the hell is a sugarbag? Is it like a slutbag but nicer?

If you want children, mine are for sale. You dont even have to be "married with children" to have them. :)

if they are anything like mine then you will be paying to have them gone
Title: Re: Other Intrest thread
Post by: sin2beta on February 05, 2014, 06:57:49 pm
Man, i don't like Big Bang Theory at all. I did find the 1st season entertaining but after that I grew really tired of it very quickly. I think Sheldon is one of the reason too, I really really can't stand him at all. To the point where I don't even like the guy that plays him. ha

This. I really enjoy the first season. But I haven't watched in years because they lost me in season 2. It was a shame. If nothing else, I kinda liked seeing the Roseanne cast.
Title: Re: Other Intrest thread
Post by: fazerco on February 06, 2014, 08:37:36 am
Last try.

Title: Re: Other Intrest thread
Post by: soera on February 06, 2014, 11:31:56 am
Interesting. Is there a normal collecting community for sugarbags like other things or just something you picked up on your own?
Title: Re: Other Intrest thread
Post by: fazerco on February 06, 2014, 02:46:45 pm
Usually i pick them up on holidays, days out, etc. It was huge in the 1950-1960 in Holland (i wasnt born then). And there still is a very small community of collectors in Holland. The older packets have nicer images on them and are more fun to collect.

A English site over collecting sugarbags for people with a interest, (

American site, (
Title: Re: Other Intrest thread
Post by: soera on February 06, 2014, 03:40:20 pm
Thats amusing. I didnt realize people collected things like this.