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General and Gaming => Off Topic => Topic started by: burningdoom on March 05, 2014, 07:53:18 pm

Title: Live-Action Dragonball Z Series
Post by: burningdoom on March 05, 2014, 07:53:18 pm
This trailer looked awesome:

Supposedly this will based on "The History of Trunks". Good pick, one of my favorites from DBZ.
Title: Re: Live-Action Dragonball Z Series
Post by: bikingjahuty on March 05, 2014, 11:42:39 pm
No, just no! The Dragon Ball series was never meant to be with real people. They have tried this twice since the series began and both are beyond awful. Just leave it alone, it is an awesome Anime and Manga, LEAVE. IT. AT. THAT!
Title: Re: Live-Action Dragonball Z Series
Post by: MJMaranan on March 06, 2014, 12:12:33 am
Ooh...  Liking how indie filmmakers are making this.  Watched and enjoyed Mortal Kombat: Legacy, might even enjoy this one.
Title: Re: Live-Action Dragonball Z Series
Post by: badATchaos on March 06, 2014, 12:30:19 am
Title: Re: Live-Action Dragonball Z Series
Post by: Veilor on March 06, 2014, 01:33:35 am
Even if indies are making this, it looked awful.
Title: Re: Live-Action Dragonball Z Series
Post by: vancha on March 06, 2014, 02:29:59 am
Still looks better then the official Dragonball Movie :p
Title: Re: Live-Action Dragonball Z Series
Post by: kamikazekeeg on March 06, 2014, 04:56:48 am
I'm all for indies trying to do their own thing, I just don't think DBZ can translate to live action lol  I mean we sorta saw what it might look like in the new Superman movie and it was iffy at best and that had a giant ass budget.

There's plenty of stuff that can translate from anime to live action, I just don't think Dragonball is one.
Title: Re: Live-Action Dragonball Z Series
Post by: badATchaos on March 06, 2014, 10:58:36 am
let use not forget all the Journey to the West live action films
Title: Re: Live-Action Dragonball Z Series
Post by: jellysauce on March 06, 2014, 04:03:34 pm
i never really understood the point of making live action versions of things. i mean the the tv special anime still exists, why not just watch that? its not like a live action version could ever add to or top its own inspiration.
Title: Re: Live-Action Dragonball Z Series
Post by: MJMaranan on March 07, 2014, 03:01:34 am
If only that's the real and main intent that live-action adaptations are really going for...   ::)
Title: Re: Live-Action Dragonball Z Series
Post by: ffxik on March 07, 2014, 03:13:21 am
It's rough, but still leaps and bounds ahead of Dragon Ball Evolution. 
Title: Re: Live-Action Dragonball Z Series
Post by: MJMaranan on March 08, 2014, 01:33:23 am
I still couldn't believe Chow Yun-Fat played Master Roshi in Dragon Ball Evolution.
Title: Re: Live-Action Dragonball Z Series
Post by: sin2beta on March 08, 2014, 01:10:47 pm
Hey, they got Twilight in my Dragon Ball Z!!!

Is that supposed to be the Android Saga? Sorry, I watched the show back when they kept cutting off before Goku would go super saiyan.
Title: Re: Live-Action Dragonball Z Series
Post by: burningdoom on March 08, 2014, 01:18:38 pm
^ History of Trunks, not Android Saga.

What's Twilight about it? I didn't see any romance or sparkling men.
Title: Re: Live-Action Dragonball Z Series
Post by: sin2beta on March 08, 2014, 01:47:22 pm
^ History of Trunks, not Android Saga.

What's Twilight about it? I didn't see any romance or sparkling men.

So... is the girl supposed to be Trunks? She looked like that android chick. Eh, Maybe I should just watch Dragon Ball Z more.

The Twilight is more just how the actors look and the lighting. Angsty teens in a world where it is always on the verge of raining. The teens just looked like the had a lot of stuff going on in their lives while standing on a rock. More of the Twilight vibe than plot points or ideas. Keep in mind, I've only seen 10 seconds that was in the trailer for the DBZ live action thing. Just my first impression.
Title: Re: Live-Action Dragonball Z Series
Post by: MJMaranan on March 08, 2014, 04:55:35 pm
That's Android 18 and her brother, Android 17, watching Goku arrive.
Title: Re: Live-Action Dragonball Z Series
Post by: burningdoom on March 08, 2014, 08:33:38 pm
That's Android 18 and her brother, Android 17, watching Goku arrive.

Watching adult-Gohan arrive (or possibly Future-Trunks). Goku was dead in History of Trunks.
Title: Re: Live-Action Dragonball Z Series
Post by: MJMaranan on March 09, 2014, 04:02:47 am
Maybe you're right...  I do remember that Future Trunks mention that Goku will have a heart attack, whether that was before or after the activation of Android 17 and Android 18, I don't remember.  I doubt it's Trunks...  I'm convinced it's Gohan carrying the Z Sword on his back before he gave it to Trunks.  Is it just me or am I the only one seeing orange?
Title: Re: Live-Action Dragonball Z Series
Post by: jellysauce on March 14, 2014, 03:03:35 pm
^ History of Trunks, not Android Saga.

What's Twilight about it? I didn't see any romance or sparkling men.

So... is the girl supposed to be Trunks? She looked like that android chick. Eh, Maybe I should just watch Dragon Ball Z more.

nah, that's android 18. her and andriod 17 are the main antagonists created by doctor gero after being pissed that goku demolished the red ribbon army back when he was a kid. the androids were created to kill goku and all of his friends. the dude flying towards the androids is an adult gohan. trunks was just a kid in the beginning of the tv special and it shows trunks up to when he leaves his time line for the cannon time line of the manga/tv series.