VGCollect Forum
VGCollect Site Stuff => Site Feedback => Topic started by: dashv on April 20, 2014, 05:42:15 am
Topic says it all.
It would be cool if my collection could indicate which games I have completed. Just a checkbox would suffice.
Then from time to time I'd go through the list and take care of unfinished business.
I second.
I think it's a good idea as well; however, I actually suggested this I believe a few months ago and it was declined. The notes field are what this would be for. You can enter that you have beaten a game in the notes field.
I think it's a good idea as well; however, I actually suggested this I believe a few months ago and it was declined. The notes field are what this would be for. You can enter that you have beaten a game in the notes field.
But I can't filter, sort, or view pretty pie chart stats based on the notes field. ;)
I 2nd this, would also be a really great way of getting statistics - even on greater scale regarding which genre is currently played the most and so on, and maybe show some extra news regarding that particular genre or why not add reviews to the site and show reviews on similar games in that genre?
Also if going waaay too far with this (like I haven't already) it could get a "users also have this in their collection"-thing, to see which ones currently playing/have beaten it.
I'd be all for this, it sounds awesome. It would also be nice to be able to mark your favorite games in your collection.
I think it's a good idea as well; however, I actually suggested this I believe a few months ago and it was declined. The notes field are what this would be for. You can enter that you have beaten a game in the notes field.
But I can't filter, sort, or view pretty pie chart stats based on the notes field. ;)
I know. I'm with you on that one. I thought It would be cool to have another box next to our collection box just for "beaten" games. But its all good :)
I'd really like to see this one, if only so I can keep track of my backlog a bit better. There's always Backloggery, but I'd rather keep everything on one site.
I'd really like to see this one, if only so I can keep track of my backlog a bit better. There's always Backloggery, but I'd rather keep everything on one site.
Agreed. I started a Backloggery account, but I kept forgetting to update it and ended up not using it after a while.
This should be a fairly simple feature to implement that would not make a significant change in any negative way for existing users who don't care.... I'm on board....
Yeah, I really want it to keep track of beat games so it gives me an indication of what I need to go through in my "need to play game list" especially if I can't remember off the top of my head every single game I beat in the past.